Thunderstorm x Cyclone: Valentine's Day and Soul

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This is the video that is called 'Just a dream' I hoped that you will enjoy it. Now let's begin the story ^^)
Thunder, thunder where are you?!?! Please don't leave me alone... Thunder, please don't die in front of me!

Cyclone, take care of yourself , I will always love.......

Thunder, No!!!!!!!!!!!!

Cyclone wakes up, he sweats around and says:
" Phew, it was just a dream "

Cyclone go downstairs to have breakfast , Quake sees Cyclone and pretty worried about him.

Quake : " Cyclone, are you okay? "

Cyclone : " I am fine, just only have a nightmare, where is Thunder ? " *ask in a sad voice*

Quake: Well he's gone to buy something......

Cyclone : okay anyway pancakes are good ^^. Your cooking are the best!

Quake: thanks Cyclone! *smiles*

Cyclone: by the way , I gotta go now, bye! *goes out of the house*

Quake: bye

(At the park)
Cyclone: *look at the couple* I wish I can be happy like them. *sighs and go buy an ice cream*

The ice cream seller: why are you so sad?

Cyclone: nothing... Nothing at all....

The ice cream seller: *smiles* okay, have a good day, child!

Cyclone: thanks uncle ^^

(At the gift shop)
Thunderstorm (in his mind) : I must be quick, Cy is waiting for me

The seller: here, it's done.

Thunderstorm: thank you *leaves*

The seller: such a nice guy

(At BBB's house)
Quake: guys, guys come here

Blaze, Ice, Thorn and Solar: what is that?

Quake: it's February 14. Do you remember what day is it?

Blaze, Ice, Solar and Thorn: ooooh!!!! Is that Valentine's Day?!?!

Quake: yes, we must organize everything before in the evening. Here is the things that you will do to help....

Blaze, Ice, Thorn and Solar: Thunderstorm and Cyclone!!! Hehe!!!!

Flashback on:

Thunder: could you help me to do this? I want this to be a surprise, please? *puppy eyes*

The others (except Cyclone and Thunder) : fine but one condition
Thunder: what is it?

Quake: you must be

Blaze , Ice, Thorn, Solar: not angry at us for a week. That's our dare!

Thunder: fine.......

Flashback off

The Boboiboys are doing their works:

+ Quake is buying the tickets to watch the film

+ Blaze and Ice are buying the tickets to play at Funland

+ Thorn is finding a secret garden that is very beautiful. At night the couples are always here.

+ Solar is paying for a restaurant to treat those two couple (Solar: why do I have to do this?)

(At BBB's house)
Thunder: is everything ready?

The others (except Thun and Cy): *give a sign and go away* okay now go

Thunder: thanks guys

(At Cyclone)
Cyclone is tired when he plays at the park. He goes home and look at the letter that is in front of the door
Cyclone: *picks the letter up and read*

The letter:
' Meet me at the restaurant that we have met at the first time. I am waiting for you, my Cyclone . '

Cyclone: wow, he is good at writing letter. Better get ready! *go upstairs and change his clothes*

(When Cyclone is running to Solaria Restaurant)
Cyclone: have you waited me for so long? * breathes *

Thunder: it's okay. Come on Cy * takes Cyclone*

Cyclone: okay *smiles and follow him*

The waiter: Dinner deserves! Have a nice night! *walks away*

Thunder: well how is it? Is it good?

Cyclone: it's delicious! Thanks bro!

Thunder: you're welcome, Cy. Hey I have bought two tickets to see a movie. Would you like to come?

Cyclone: Sure! *cheerful cute face*

Thunder: *blushes* you are so cute...

Cyclone: *blushes* aw... Thanks Thunder!

Thunder: What are we waiting for, let's go! Lightning Movement!!! *takes Cyclone to the cinema*

Cyclone: woah!! *feels the wind and lightning *

(At the cinema)
Thunder: let's go inside, quick

Cyclone: woah okay! ^^

(After watch the movie)
Cyclone: phew, that's so scary 😨 but it's okay I am fine.... Ey, where is Thunder?

Thunder: *comes out with scared face* I am back Cy ^^'

Cyclone: okay let's go and play at the Funland

Thunder: okay.

(I will gonna skip this quickly)
Third Person's P.O.V
Cyclone takes Thunder go to Funland to play. Some of them are funny, some of them are horrified, some of them are exciting. They play until they are tired

(When they are outside, at Funland)
Cyclone: that's so fun

Thunder: yeah hey I wanna show you this.

Cyclone: what is it? * excited *

Thunder: closes your eyes

Cyclone: okay! * close his eyes *

Thunder: *takes him go to a secret garden* Here we are Cy. Now open your eyes

Cyclone: *opens his eyes and suprised* it is so awesome!!!!

Thunder: Isn't that so wonderful?

Cyclone: yeah it's wonderful!

Thunder: it's so beautiful just like your face and your cuteness

Cyclone: I am? *blushes*

Thunder: Yeah. *blushes as well* I wanna give you this. *gives him a blue sapphire necklace*

Cyclone: I....I.... I can't believe it... Is this for me, Thunderstorm?

Thunder: yeah, it's all for you. *pulls him into a deep kiss*

Cyclone: mnh..... * blushes, closes his eyes and kisses back *

Thunder: is that enough for you?

Cyclone: maybe, hey this is the best Valentine's Day I have ever seen. Thanks Thundy ^^

Thunder: please don't call me Thundy, anyway everyone is waiting for us. We should go home now.

Cyclone: okay!

(When they come home)
Cyclone: eh, no one is here.

Thunder: ready for do that again?

Cyclone: sure maybe *blushes*

Thunder: *takes Cy go to their room*

(Both of them have change clothes)

Thunder: *turns off the lights and hugs Cy* good night Cyclone my baby, I love you ~ *fall asleep*

Cyclone: good night Thunder, I love you too.... *blushes and falls asleep*

Third Person P.O.V
On the next day, the element brothers are having a battle with Adudu and Probe at the battlefield. Adudu becomes stronger with his economical, new weapons.

Adudu: Probe! Attack them!

Probe shots a lot of grenades, it flies until it sweeps the group out.

Cyclone is trying to get out of these but he has exposed loopholes.

Thunder: Cyclone watch out! *pushes Cyclone away and stands all Probe's grenades *

Cyclone: ahh!.... *falls*

After Cyclone falls down, he stands up. In the mist, he sees someone who's laying motionless.

Cyclone: Thunder.......THUNDERSTORM!!!!

He runs to Thunderstorm, Thunderstorm loses a lot of blood.

Cyclone: Thunderstorm... Come on.... You can't die like this.....Thunder..... Please......*says in sob voice *

Thunder: *spills out blood*

Cyclone: please don't say anything Thunder.... I don't want you to die.... *says in the sorrow while hugging thunder *

Thunder: *wipes out his tears and hug him*

In Cyclone's life, he's never been hurt so much like that.

He's never been cried a lot like that.

He never loved anyone than Thunderstorm.

He never wants to lose Thunder

He just want to stay with Thunder forever.

Quake: Ochobot! Call the doctor, quick!

Ochobot: okay! *calls the hospital*

The element brothers (except Thunder and Cyclone): *defeat Adudu and Probe*

Adudu: I will be back, Boboiboy! *take Probe and leaves*

The ambulance comes to the battlefield , sees the patient and takes him to the hospital, with the horn of the ambulance mixes with the screams and cries of Cyclone and the others.

(At the hospital)
Cyclone: Doctor, is he okay?

Doctor: He is okay but just only his kidney is seriously injured. He need to be entry surgery.

The Nurses and the other doctors: *takes Thunder into the surgery room*

(After the surgery)
Doctor : he is okay but he fall into a coma. After 24 hours later if he doesn't awake, we will very sorry about the patient.

The element brothers (except Thunder and Cy): What?!?!

Cyclone: No.... It can't be possible.... *runs to Thunder's Room*

(In Thunder's dream)
Where are you Cyclone? I don't wanna lose you too....

I am here Thunder! I am here!
Cyclone! Cyclone! *hugs him*
Thunder please don't leave me again....

Cyclone, I will never leave you....

(In reality)
Thunder: *wakes up slowly and sees Cyclone* Cyclone......

Cyclone: Thunder! You are alive!!! THUNDER IS ALIVE GUYS!!!

Quake: really?! *goes to beside him* Are you okay?

Thunder: I am fine.....

Blaze and Ice: thank goodness that you are okay

Thorn and Solar: we are so worried about you.

Thunder: what happened to me?.....

Quake: Probe has shot the grenades at Cyclone but you have pushed him and stand them for Cy......

Thunder: oh I did?.......

The element brothers (except Thunder and Cyclone): we will give you some alone time..... * goes out of the room*

(Only Cyclone and Thunderstorm)
Thunder: um.... Cyclone are you okay?..... I am so sorry

Cyclone: *sits beside and buried his face to Thunder's chest* Don't you dare to apologize it.... You promise to never leave me..... *cries*

Thunder: there....there I am here now..... I will never disappear in front of you again. It's late now you should go home.....

Cyclone: no.... I wanna sleep with you....... *hugs Thunder*

Thunder: Cy..... *blushes and kisses him*

Cyclone: Thunder..... *blushes and kisses back *

Thunder: good night Cy, I don't wanna leave you..... *hugs him and fall asleep*
Cyclone: *falls asleep already*

The windy and storm are always perfect together. They are belong to each other....... Always and forever....

     ~ The end of the story ~
This story I will give to:
And many more ~
Sayonara everyone ~

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