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Tau is in jail

Accused for the murder of Thorn

He didn't do it, however

But he was at the scene of the crime so he was arrested

Tau knew the killer but he wouldn't speak up

Blaze was the one who killed Thorn

Blaze and Tau are brothers

Thorn is Tau's girlfriend

Blaze was in love with Thorn

He was supposed to kill Tau out of jealousy, but Thorn saved him and died instead

Blaze ran away long before the police came

And it was only Tau left on the scene

He took the knife out of her chest and was holding it when the police came

And he was arrested, convicted of murder

Hali was brokenhearted

Hali and Tau are best friends

Hali started living with Tai and Blaze because Gem is busy with her work

Actually, it was Gem who suggested it

Gem and Hali are siblings

But after Tau's arrest, he (Hali) went back to their home

Hali was autophobic, meaning that he's afraid of being alone

Since Gem is always out because of her work, his fear is always triggered

And he was devastated at the death of one of his best friends and the conviction of another

And his anger at Blaze because he didn't seem to be affected by any of it

So Hali was always out of the house, only coming back late at night when Gem comes home

Hali was losing sleep

The fear, the guilt, the pain, they were all keeping him awake

Thorn was killed just outside of Blaze and Tau's house

And he could hear her screams whenever he closes his eyes

He could hear Tau begging whenever he's alone in a room

Gem notices, of course

And she tried to help him

She even offered to quit her job just to be with him

But Hali refused

Gem's job was the only thing that kept them both alive

It pained her to admit it but Hali was right

She tried to send him back with Blaze but it was too painful for Hali to do so

So Hali remained at home, alone for most of the day

Gem and Sol were dating

And in one of their dates, Gem asked Sol on how Tau was doing

Because Sol is a high-ranking officer in the jail

Sol didn't say anything other than asking her to come with him to the jail to see for herself

So the next day, Gem visited Tau

She asked Hali to come, but he was still sleeping by the time she went out

While Gem was waiting in the visitors' area, Sol asked Ice (who's one of the jail guards) to fetch Tau

Ice went back with someone that Gem barely recognized

Tau was bruised in several places, and cuts littered his body

His left eye was also swelling and it was obvious that he lacked sleep

Still, he smiled upon seeing them

During their conversation, Gem didn't fail to notice that Tau kept glancing at the door as if he was expecting someone

And it made her heart break

"He isn't coming."

Gem kept visiting Tau even after that

Sol always brought her

But Hali isn't with her

Either he was still "sleeping" or was refusing to go with her

But one day, Gem begged him to go with her

Tau was always asking for him and she was tired of making excuses

When Gem mentioned that, Hali became silent

Gem was about to give up and leave when Hali told her that he's coming

And so they visited Tau together

Once again, it was Ice who scored Tau

But this time, Ice whispered something in his ear before he let him go

Nevertheless, Hali and Gem were confused but Sol had a knowing smile on his face

Tau sat down in front of them and his eyes met Hali's

Tears spring in his eyes as he reached out to touch his hands


"Tau... I'm sorry..."

Tau's fearful eyes darted around the room anxiously and he leaned in to whisper

"Hali, help me. Please. I didn't... I didn't do it. Please believe me."

At that very moment, Solar cleared his throat and mentioned for Ice to come over

Apparently, the two of them were quietly investigating the case and had already proved that Tau was innocent

All they need to do now was to find evidence that Blaze was the one who did it

No one saw the painful look in Ice's eyes

Except for Tau, but he didn't say anything

The two officers can't do the research by themselves because they were busy with work

Hali volunteered to help, his eyes never leaving Tau's

Day and night, Hali searched for evidence

He had found so much that Sol was half-tempted to force him to join the police force

BUt all Hali could think about was his best friend

They were about to take the case to the court when Sol got an emergency call

A fight broke out in the cell where Tau was in

And Tau was severely injured

He was sent to the hospital for treatment, but there's a big chance that he will never wake up

Hali begged for Sol to push through with the trial despite everything

"I want Tau to wake up knowing he's free."

No one had the heart to tell him otherwise

Ad so Sol and Ice pushed through with the trial

And Blaze was found guilty

Hali went to Tau's bedside to tell him the news

But a few minutes after he went out of the room, the heart rate monitor let out a straight beeping sound

Despite the doctors' efforts to save him, Tau died

On the other side of the town, another murder happened

Ice was escorting Blaze to his cell when Blaze snatched Ice's gun and shot him in the head

"That's for betraying me."

Ice was Blaze's lover

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