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┌────── ⋆⋅☆⋅⋆ ──────┐

❝ i walked past you today,
and i couldn't keep the butterflies
in my stomach. 

└────── ⋆⋅☆⋅⋆ ──────┘

Boboiboy Earthquake !

Oh." He says with a small smile.

Then he leans forward and kisses
your cheek. The smile lits up his
eyes. "I like you too, (Y/N). Wanna
go on a date sometime?"

Boboiboy Thunderstorm !
He adverts his gaze away with

a small blush on his cheeks.
"L-Love you too, dorkhead."
He tries his best to control his
reddening face in denial to it.

Boboiboy Cyclone !

ill honestly laugh alot.

"I love you too, [Y/N]!" He
says enthusiastically, and
hugs you, grinning widely.

Boboiboy Blaze !
"I-I.." He stutters at first, his eyes

widening. Then he shouts with
a blush, "I-I LOVE YOU TOO!" He
then whispers loudly, "I'm sorry! I
wasn't prepared for that."

Boboiboy Ice !

cratches the back of his

head with a small blush on
his cheeks, then pulls you
to his chest. And kisses your
head. "Mutual feelings, then."

Boboiboy Thorn !
"Y-You love me?" He smiles

ever-so-sweetly as he looks
at you. "Me too!" Hugs you
suddenly, without a warning.

Boboiboy Solar !

his fellow idol in particular

stares at you in disbelief.
A smile that creeps onto his
face, eventually crashing you
in a hug. "Finally! Official!"

Original Boboiboy !
Gulps nervously, fiddling with

his fingers, but on the inside,
he's burning with a desire to
tell you the same way he felt
about you. "I-I," he stutters,
unsure of the words to say to
you. "I like you too." He says,
a fist in front of his lips so you
wouldn't see his wide grin.

Fang !

he shadow powered teen

fixes his glasses, staring at
you up and down. "You were
saying?" And asks you to
repeat. As you were in the
middle of repeating, he kisses
you and walks away with his
obnoxious laughter.

Gopal !
No kisses, no touchy-touchy.

Only smiles, invites you to his
house and teaches you how
to play video games all day
long with snacks around you.

Boboiboy Sand !

creeches an inhuman sound,

his face turning tomato red in
an instant. He doesn't say
anything, but expresses his love
through kissing you anyway.

Boboiboy Magnet !
He blushes slowly, tries to look

away but fails as he sees your
captivating eyes. He sighs,
connects his fingers and makes
a love sign with his fingers to
you while looking away.

Boboiboy Metal !

onestly does not know how

to express his love due through
his quiet nature. But he takes
your hand, stares into your eyes
lovingly, and kisses it.

Boboiboy Dark !
"Oh? Darling loves me back?"

He claps twice, a dark smile
tugging on his lips, alongside
a dark glint in his eyes. "That's
a surprise. Want a kiss, darling?
I'll give you one for free."

Boboiboy Emerald !

e looks up from his phone,

squints, but then smiles softly.
"Okay, [Y/N]." He flashes a
lopsided grin. "I like you too."

Boboiboy Eclipse !
He was a fast reactor, pinning you

against the wall and starts showering
you with kisses to express his feelings
back. "You taste like honey." He snorts.

Boboiboy Reverse !

arrows his eyes down, as if

he rejects your offer. But deep
inside, he was thrilled that he
shares the same feelings as
you do to him. "Shut up." He
says, ruffling your hair as he
tries to cover his red face.


 — [ edited ]
19 / 10 / 19
requested by
Serena_Scorcher !

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