15 | what does 3R stand for?

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this is slowly turning into a meme book.
SCENE : if they were asked what 3R stood for, what would they reply? (insert tanah sobbing)
don't forget to vote, thanks :D 💝

- Reduce
- Reuse
- Recycle
" environmentalist power! on the side note, i'm worried that my brother's won't know it. (lol)"

- stRike
- electRify (to death)
- Recycle
"this is something i've thought of for a long time. and i'm pretty sure you aren't asking in an environmental context."

Cyclone (0.5/1 braincell)
- Ride
- Rock
- Road
"this one makes sense! rocks are uses to make roads, right? then we use cars or like, some sort of transportation to ride? on them?
wait, what did Blaze answer?"

Blaze (0.4/1 braincell)
- fRied chicken
- spRite
- polaR beaR
"wait a second.. wouldn't that be 4R? ah, whatever. i'm gonna go look for Thorn and Cyclone to play video games with them. hEY-"

- Reduce
- ice cReam
- Recycle
"i know its like, reuse but eh i want ice-cream. did that hothead get it right? wrong? i wouldn't be surprised, to be honest. bye."

- Reduce
- Reuse
- Recycle
"this one's easy! of course i know! i'm the head of green club at school! everyone should know what 3R is, *long lecture ahead*"

- Reduce
- Reuse
- Recycle
"and an extra R for solaR."

Dark (0.1/1 braincell)
- tRee
- thRee
- R
"what? you asked me what 3R stood for, right? if i were to pronounce it, then it would be either tree, three or R itself! smh."

- Reduced
- Reused
- Recycled
"*turns around to his friends* did i get that right? i did? oh- without the d? ah.. *scratches his cheek* oh well, just a minor mistake."

Yaya & Ying
- Reduce
- Reuse
- Recycle
"we learned this back in grade 2! it was such a good memory *claps their hands* awesome!"

-  caRRot donuts
- Recycle
"*laughs in pride* im no alien."

- fRench fRies
- hambuRgeR
- gRilled cheese
- baked mushRooms
- macaRoni and cheese
"*continues to list off food*"

- Reduce
- Reuse
- Recycle
"you have got to be kidding me."

"*sweating* i-i have work to do."

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