17 | psychotic sides

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as requested by UserGalaxy
for being one of the #ANGSTHO participants! :D ❤ i hope you'll enjoy this one~
[ everyone has a psycho in them. ]

He was charmingly sweet. He had dimples in his cheeks. An overwhelming amount of aura that yells the word, "KIND" in capitals. He was everyone's favourite little subject to praise.

But he always had one little secret. He liked girls. He'd bring them home, lure them, seduce him with a smile that can melt a heart. And then he mutilates them, limb by limb, and hangs them onto his wall, licking.

Oh, the life of a seemingly-like psychopath. Who wouldn't be entranced by the beauty of his stoic, cold eyes. And that black jet hair that accompanied with him, making his persona seem so strikingly addicting.

Too bad. He had a thing for killing, for ending people's lives. He watched as a soul flew up to heaven, and wipes the blood on his jacket.

He exited the shop of candies, skipping with glee. Everyone watched as the happy-go-lucky boy made his way home, popping the candy out of his mouth as he shut the door behind him with a big grin.

"I'm back!" He sing-sang, dumping the candy on the table as he approached the girl, stretched on the wall. Her mouth has been shut. She was crying, her eyes had rolled to the back of her head as Cyclone stuffed her mouth with the sickly little sweets.

He huffed, landing on his legs and then handing the terrified kitten over to its master. "You're welcome!" He flashed a dazzling smile, before trotting back to the warehouse to finish his job.

"Are you ready?" He licks his lips, filled without any remorse or guilt as he sets the stick on fire, along with the person tied on it. His fiery eyes laughed, cackling, smoke rising into the air and disappeared into the night.

People said he was similar to Elsa. Except that he wasn't a girl, and he didn't exert as much power as she did in the movie. However, he was always one step ahead of the woman-

His hands barely flinched as he freezed the person on the spot. The city was covered in snow. People were running for their lives, ending up getting frozen as well. Ice looked at his creation. He has a kingdom now.

Who doesn't love this innocent bean? Surely, everyone does! He's sweet, big-eyed, kind and may be a little trickster- but he has an important role in the Go Green Club!

He buries the stump of the arm in the soil, patting it down so it stays in place. Bone marrows provides nutrients for the plants. His eyes turns into small crescent moons as he planted another one of the freshly-killed human hand.

Charismatic. Amazing. Blindfully charming. That was what everyone said about him, not to mention that he was academically a genius in comparison to everyone else. He was tall, handsome- what else does he lack?

"Test 607-B.. failed." He sighs in frustration, kicking the trash can and putting his head into his hands. Another one of his experiments had failed. The human girl's body was too weak, too fragile. Solar pinched his nose. He was going to have to find 20 more tomorrow.

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