A new start?

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Taufan can't see anything, it's dark.

"Hey, am i finally dead?", he asked to himself.

His head is so dizzy, and his heart feels like it's burning.

"Is death tastes like this?", he asked again, breaking the silence.

"Shut up for a second will you?", a voice answered him.

"Huh? You are here?", Taufan asked that voice. He seems surprised.

"Can you please shut up? I'm trying to transmigate your soul.", The reverse answered him.

Taufan nodded, he stayed silent until the reverse said something.

"The configuration is done, now we should wait.",he said to Taufan.

"Wait? Why we?", He asked the reverse.

"Didn't i tell you? I'll lend you my power.", The reverse said with an annoyed voice, pissed because Taufan asked something so obvious.

"You will literally go with me?", Taufan asked with disbelief.

"I thought you will just put something-"

"I want the best seat to watch the show.", the reverse said to him.

Oh,yeah. Sure. , Taufan thought.

"......anyway, will i remember this conversation with you?-", Taufan asked him.

The Reverse didn't expect that question.

"Farewell" he said to Taufan, and suddenly a piercing pain eating Taufan's body mercilessly.

"Taufan,let's go..", he saw him. The figure he admires so much.

It's Hali, with his usual indifferent expression, but deep inside,Taufan feel his warmness. "Hali? Is this real?"

"Huh? What do you mean? Of course i'm re-", that figure slowly dissipated away in front of his eyes.

Taufan tried to grasp him, "no! No-"

"Taufan.., i'm sorry.", Hali re-appeared in front of him, but now he is injured.

"Please take care of our brothers.."
His body is severly damaged.

"H-hali?", Taufan asked, he is shivering.

"I'm sorry i can't be with you guys anymore...", Hali said as his breath getting weaker and weaker.

"Don't go! I can't protect them alone, i-i failed", Taufan said desperately as the pain growing stronger.

"Please..,stay." , he cried.

But Hali slowly fading away in front of him with his sad smile. The last smile he have before he died.

Taufan knew that this is only an illusion, but his body acted otherwise.

He tried to chase it, to chase him.

"Don't leave me", he sobbed.

But then he saw a cold back of his younger brother, "i'm sorry Taufan.." , Ice said as he left.

"Why didn't you listen to me?", Taufan asked him, his tears fell down.

"Why did you leave too?", he asked to Ice.

But Ice suddenly break into several pieces, his gaze looks so sad. "..I'm sorry."

Taufan is tired of chasing over nothing.

He can only let his tears fell down, this nightmare, when will it stop?

Then Gempa appeared in front of him, his eyes looks tired, but he still put his gentle smile as he gently touch Taufan's face.

"You are going to leave me too, right?" , Taufan asked him.

"I'm sorry, i've become an irresponsible brother..", Gempa said as his injuries slowly appeared all over his body.

"I'm sorry Taufan, for leaving you..", He said.

Ah you said this to me at that place.

Yet in the end you still left me.

"This may be selfish, but..", Gempa said with his weak voice.

"I want you to live happily..", He said as he slowly fading away.

Just as what he did that time, Taufan held Gempa's hand.

He smiled, as if there's nothing bad happened.

"I will..", he said as he close his eyes, assuring his brother that it's okay for him to leave.

So that he won't feel any pain anymore.

So that he can rest peacefully.

And just like that, Gempa slowly fades away with his smile.

Leaving Taufan behind, as tears fell down from Taufan's eyes. "..i will be fine...", he sobbed.

After being left alone, he screamed. A painful scream echoed all over the place.

He cried so much, his heart feels like it's broken.

And his tears didn't heal his pain,It's role is only as an evidence that he is hurting.


"don't leave me-", Taufan cried in his sleep.

"Taufan, what's wrong?", a gentle voice asked him.

That gentle voice that belongs to his brother.

Taufan didn't dare to wish that it's his brother's. He slowly opened his eyes, the second a light filled his eyes, his heart throbs so much.

It's burning and painful, he clenches his heart as he struggles.

"What's wrong?!", that voice asked him again.

Taufan force himself to see that person, "Gempa..?"

Am i dreaming?

"Is that you? It's really you?" ,Taufan asked him desperately.

But his pain grew stronger.

Gempa panicked and asked him questions, but Taufan repeatedly asked him if he is real.

"You are Gempa right?", Taufan repeatedly asked him.

"P-please hang on! I'll call for the others!", Gempa rushed outside his room.

"Is this real?", Taufan feels that his mind is such a mess.

"That disaster, is it only a dream?", he asked himself as he try to breath.

But Gempa looks much more younger than what he remembered,as he tried to think about what actually happened, the pain could only grow stronger and stronger.

"Taufan?! What's wrong?", Hali rushed into the room with a panicked face.

He saw Taufan's pale face, Taufan looks so tired.

But his eyes looks like he found his light, he looks shocked.

"Hali..?", He asked the figure in front of him with disbelief.

"Hali it's you right? You are real right?", he tried to reach Hali as Hali walks closer to him.

"..it's me..", Hali touched his hand to assure him. But Taufan's hand feels so cold.

"It's you...", Taufan's tears slowly falling down.

"It's really you..", his tears fell quicker, but he can feel that happiness burst inside him .

"..you won't leave , right?", Taufan asked him desperately, he gripped his brother's hand as strong as he can. Making sure that he won't go anywhere.

Making sure that he won't fades away like the Hali inside his nightmares.

Hali looks confused, but he stroke Taufan's head. "..i won't, why should i?"

You liar.

"Now the show has finally started huh?", a voice asked him inside his mind.

Taufan's heart is burning, it's suddenly hard for him to breath, "this is the side effect i told you, make sure you will get used to it.", that voice said to him with his cold michivious tone.

A fair price. Taufan sneered inwardly.

I will do anything to save my brothers.


hi guys~ i hope you enjoy this chapter too 💖

I found some of my readers are still confused with "Revan" 

I just want to clarify that this is a completely different book with the first one, thus all the scene is not related with 'bring him back'

Revan is still exclusive only for Angin in bring him back 💖

Hmm, i'd like to ask you guys questions tho,

What do you think about the reverse here? Please let me know your opinion 💖💖

This book's conflict will slightly heavier than bring him back, and maybe the pace will be slower too,

But i hope you guys could enjoy this story till the end 💖

Anyway thank you for reading! And stay tune for the next chapter !

Stay safe guys!

Note after republish : agh im tired of editing but i have to make sure to make it don't have any ship other than taufan x pain

Btw yes, revan, my dear.

(If new readers are confused, revan is a reverse oc i made since the bring him back book <currently unpublished> but then i like him too much that i made him a regular in my bbb fic)

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