big crystal

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Solar has arranged the preparation as complete as he can.

"If we combine these three crystals inside this one big crystal, then if things went out just like what we've planned, we can create the 'vessel' from the wind that surrounds this place.", Solar said seriously.

They all nodded.

The big clear crystal's size is around two meters tall, they found this big crystal after they tried to explore more deeply to inside the cave.

"This is the only hope we have.", Gempa said, he made sure that the ground is sturdy and steady enough for that big crystals.

Taufan, i....

To be honest i'm still too scared to wish.

I hope that you will return,

That you will come to gather with us again.

We still has a lot of things to discuss, right?

He shook his head, he then slapped his own cheeks with his hands to chase away all the melancholy and grief that still building inside his heart.

"Ouch!",he whined. His cheeks is now looks red and swollen. He forgot that he still wear that golem hands.

"Gempa, are you okay?", Thorn asked him with a worried expression.

They all stare at Gempa, why did he smack himself with that sturdy golem hands?

"Do you need some rest? Like..mentally?", Hali asked him with a face filled with concern.

Gempa is dumbfounded.

He is silent as he stare at his other brothers and friends who still stare at them with such a confused and concerned expression.

"Pfft-", he tried to supress his laugh.

But he couldn't.

He laughed as he hugged his stomach, making his brothers feel even more confused.

" know, i know it's hard.. considering that you share such a close bond with Taufan.." , Solar's words stopped as he tried to find a correct way to show him his concern.

"But, hang in there, i guess.." , he said as he patted Gempa's shoulder.

"We will try our best, it's okay if you still feel-", his words got cutted by Gempa's sudden action.

Gempa hitted his head lightly with his golem hands, making the receiving party flinched because of the fear. "Oww.."

"Don't get me wrong, i'm strong too.", Gempa said as he grinned.

"Huh? Of cours-", Solar's words got cutted again.

Gempa hitted Hali's head lightly, making his older brother dumbfounded with the expression filled with fear. "Gem? W-what are-"

"You too, Ice!", Gempa said as he do the same thing to Ice. Ice flinched silently, but he can't help but let out a little whine because of that hit.

And then he stare at the double troublemakers who stare at him with both confusion and fear. "..Gem, we are sorry- ack!", Blaze squealed as he rub the pain.

Gempa didn't leave his friends too, he suddenly hitted Fang's head lightly and he also patted Ochobot with his golem hands too.

"Why me?!" , Fang asked as he stepped backward instinctively.

The Golem hands is now slowly turned into his original hands. He stare at his hands as he smiled.

A smile that filled with a mixture of sadness and hope.

He gently touched the big crystal and the three smaller crystals that filled with Taufan's soul,energy and blood.

"You too, Taufan.", he said as he smiled gently.

"Just wait, i'll hit your head with this golem hands after you returned.", Gempa said, his stare looks gentle.

"So you have to return okay?", he smiled, tears fell again from his eyes.

Is it because he is too weak? That he can't stop his tears?

No. It's because he is strong enough to bear this pain, right?

He lean his forehead on that crystal as he smiled.

Hali is the oldest, but he is still too stiff and awkward you see?

The one who used to be our mental support, the one who always cheer us and believe that we can do it, it's you.

I'm the reliable one, but i have to admit. Without you, it's hard for being the reliable one.

Because i'm used to rely on you too.

That's why...

His brothers patted his shoulder, "let's do our best." , Hali said as he smiled at him.

"We are here for each other.", Ice said, it's been a while to see him softly smiles like that.

Solar traced the three smaller crystals that filled with Taufan's soul, energy and blood. "..i still have a lot of things to say to him..", he said as he let out a little smile.

"That's why..", he put them all together, creating such a blinding light. A huge swirling wind surrounds that crystals, pushing them backward due to it's force.

"We won't give up on you..", Solar said as he smirked.

The crystals is vibrating so much, it's as if they reacted to each others' presence.


They can see it clearly, how the deep blue crystal that filled with Taufan's energy shattered, how the red crystal also shattered, it feels like they attract each others.

Slowly, it's combining itself. Creating the 'vessel' that Solar have mentioned before.

The light is fading as the big clear crystal filled with a glittering deep blue colours.

And in the middle of it, there's the appearance of someone with the same exact face with them.

The figure's eyes is closed, he looks so calm.

As if he is sleeping deeply.

Nothing, he is not moving.

"'s him?!" , Blaze asked excitedly. He can feel that his heart is filled with hope.

"Did we succeed?", Thorn asked them.

Solar frowned, "no...the soul not reacting.." ,he said as he examine it.

"What? then..", Blaze's voice sounds disappointed.

"It's only a body. With no soul.", he said as he dropped himself to the ground. He clenched his fist.

"Why can't it works?" , he asked, the voice that once filled with hope is now filled with frustration again.

" you mean, he can't return to us?", Thorn asked him, his eyes is tearing up.

Solar can't answer anything. He tried his best, but it's still failed.

Ochobot quickly scanned the big crystal, "indeed... there's no soul in it."

"but the energy that slowly circulating inside that body.. is wind.", Ochobot said.

"There's still a possibility that this plan will succeed." , he said to them.

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