Memory about you

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They could see how Taufan's pain is getting more intense and frequent.

And whenever he looks pale, they could feel that the reverse is genuinely cares about him.

It's that time where Taufan's pain attacked his body again. They could see clearly that Taufan is struggling to not letting out a sound.

But they could hear the Reverse's worried voice who constantly tried to ease Taufan's pain.

They watched it, the memories of that person.

"They are the most important things to me, yet i can't even keep their trust." , they could hear Taufan's sneer. Somehow it sounds helpless and painful.

They all feel hurt when they heard it.

"But it's not their fault. I brought this by myself.", that voice said.

They are silent. Only a sobbing sound from each other that echoed inside that cave.

That day where Taufan got Mr.Shark from his brothers. His happy expression, they never tried to read too much about it.

But when they saw this memory, they could see that somehow, that happiness is mixed with hopelessness and sadness.

They could see how much Taufan treasure that shark plushie, he hugged it almost whenever he was idle.

And whenever he suffered because of his condition. The way he silently hugged it as he tried to bear the pain, the way he chuckled as he mocked himself.

The side that they never saw.

It hurts. To see him like this. To know about his pain, but can't do anything about it.

It hurts them so bad.

That day where Taufan asked the Reverse to let him use his limited power if something happened.

And the way the reverse scolded him,

Solar saw it, how bad was Taufan's condition.

But that day, when they faced Vargoba, Taufan forced himself to use his power.

To protect them all from the tragedy that only he knew, the tragedy that was caused by Solar's cockiness and baseless confidence.

He felt so guilty, his heart hurted.

Maybe, maybe if he do what he said..

Maybe, if he killed Vargoba before Taufan used his power.

Maybe things will be different?

If only- if only he listen to him..

"Once again, i made a mistake..", Solar said, his voice sounds hoarse.

"If only i listened to you back then..",he didn't care about how pitiful his expression right now.

Because the grief and the guilt inside him is filling him up.

He thought he is a rational person.

But then, why did he cried this much?

Why does it hurts so much?

"Taufan.., please, i'll listen to you from now on.", he said as his trembling hands tried to touch the crystal.

"So please, return. I know i'm wrong! You can scold me, but...come back.. please.." , his voice cracked, his vision is blurred by his tears and also his stained visor.

Thorn tugged his clothes, he has the same painful expression. His tears still streaming down.

Whenever the new memories showed up, he lowered his head even more, he can't bear it.

Behind those cheerful smile, behind those bright grin.

That person who used to call his name cheerfully, who used to cheer him up, who used to pull a mischievous prank together with him and Blaze..

Why did you never let us to see your scar?

Why did you never let us to know your pain?

You always told me, that i should talk about whatever that is bothering me.

And i did, and you always gave me a gentle pat on the head.

As you cheerfully grinned, and you always supported me.

So why? Why did you never told us about your struggle too?

"Why..? Until the end, you never let us see your vulnerable side?", he cried.

He never pay too much attention on anything.

And he regret that.

If only, if only he paid more attention on Taufan back then.

Maybe he'll realize something too,right?

Maybe he could help him too,right?

The memories switched to that time where Ochobot demanded Taufan to talk about his condition to Solar.

And he could know about it now, Taufan's reason.

The reason of Taufan who deceiving him until the end of his life.

How Taufan twist everything, so that things will go his way.

Once again, that was the first time they saw Taufan who did something that's so different from what they knew about him.

Solar's eyes got wider when he saw these memories.

His tears still fell, but he sneered.

He feel..weird. he is the smartest one here, but even him got deceived by that brother who always smiled.

Should he be mad on Taufan For deceiving him? Or should he be mad at himself who is not quick enough to catch on these things?

The memories got dimmer after that.

It's like the owner of the memories is no longer able to watch Taufan's life as frequent as before.

The scene changed. Now it's their birthday.

Their 16th birthday.

The last birthday that they spent with Taufan.

They could see the memories that feels so warm.

That day, they celebrated their birthday.

They were so happy, they thought they could be like that forever.

They wished for it.

They remember Taufan's lines.

How he called his brother's name, one by one.

How he expressed his happiness, and how grateful he was to be able to be their brothers.

Back then, they thought it's only a moment of gratitide, nothing more than that.

But now, they realize that..

That day, Taufan was already saying goodbye to them.

He was bidding his farewell.

He already knew that it was his last birthday.

He already prepared himself.

That day, he said that he wish them a better birthday next year..

But once again, it's his habit to say "you guys" and not "us".

The crystal cracked.

They all got surprised by it. The deep blue crystal that once shining so brightly,

It's slowly lose it's light.

As the memories slowed down,

As if it's reaching for the end.

Their crying sound is getting louder.

To watch his brother who is dying once again.

With a lot of injuries on his body.

Ah, they didn't realize it before.

But Taufan's face when he was leaving.

It looks peaceful.

Yet it looks sad.

//author's note//

i got something to do today, so i updated a lil bit late.

It's still a flashback arc, but I hope you guys enjoyed it.

Anyway see you on the next chapter!

Author's corner :

Author : so, today i invited Air from bring him back book and Ice from this book again.

Ice : brother..he died.

Air : you mean Taufan?

Ice : *nod*

Air : *pat ice's shoulder* , i know it, back then it feels weird that you said he is such a troublemaker but he is alive..

Ice : .......

Air : you'll get used with this, dont worry.

Ice : i dont want to get used to it tho-

Prince Ice, looking from a far : ....somehow i feel scared..

(This is amusing inside my head but oh wow, im sorry my sense of humor is questionable-)

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