sleep peacefully

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Solar slowly opened his eyes, his hand is moving aimlessly on the desk as he tried to reach for his visor.

"'s five A.M...", he said as he checked his watch.

He grabbed his cap, stretching his body and finally leave his room.

"Gempa..", he called the name of his brother.

Gempa turn his head, his hazel eyes is staring at his youngest brother. "You are awake..", Gempa said as he gave him a little smile.

"You still looks so tired, you slept late again,don't you?", Gempa asked as he sighed.

"I...did some research last night.", Solar answered as he weakly rubbed his own nape.

"..don't force yourself too much.", Gempa said. He stare at the tired eyes of his youngest brother.

Solar smiled, "you too.", he said to Gempa.

He sounds gentle, it's really different from him when he just appeared back then.

So many things happened in a year, everything feels so fast, but at the same time, it feels so slow for them.

"You are going there again?", Gempa asked Solar who is currently entering the passcode to open the spaceship door.

Solar nodded, "i'm going to greet him."

Gempa stare at him, somehow he feel sad. "Please tell him that i will visit him too after i finished preparing for our breakfast."

Solar smiled, "i will."

The door closed, leaving Gempa alone.

"...i hope today, he will answer your greetings.", he said as he smiled sadly.

He then rushed to his brothers' room to wake them up.


Solar step his feet on that dark planet again.

It's been like this for a year, the same routine, the same action.

But the planet still haven't regain it's life.

He shoot his light to the debris that falling down from the floating ground.

"..don't ruin my mood so early in the morning.", he said as he clicked his tongue.

He creates a floating light to shine his path.

Solar entered the cave, the light he created got reflected by the clear crystals, creating such a pretty but also blinding illumination.

As he walked further, the wind is getting stronger.

But it's not as difficult as back then, now he know how to walk throught that wind barrier easily.

Of course, it's been a year since he did this routine after all.

Entering this cave to visit his brother.

The brother Who is still deeply asleep, without showing any care to this world.

The scenery changed, the blue crystals is shining brightly inside the cave.

And there he is.

In front of him is a big crystal, inside that crystal is the sleeping figure of Taufan, his brother.

They always convince theirself that he is just sleeping.

He is sleeping, so deeply, it's so difficult to wake him up.

But one day, he will wake up.

He will, he have to.

Solar touched the big crystal, "good morning..", he said as his fingers traced over the cold crystal.

"It's morning you dummy, stop being a lazy bum like Ice and wake up already.", he sneered, but just like everyday, the figure in front of him is not answering.

"Gempa said he will visit you after he finished preparing for our breakfast..", Solar said, he checked on the crystal.

There's one crystal that still intact perfectly, it's the crystal that filled with Taufan's soul.

Solar sighed, he can't even tell if he is disappointed or not, because everyday, he is forced to feel the same.

"You missed his cooking don't you?", Solar asked.

His hand is holding the research paper. He traced his finger on his own handwritting, checking the details that written on it.

"Why can't i succeed?", he asked Taufan, maybe because he haven't sleep properly today, his mood is worse than usual.

"I tried so many things, you know? I was really proud of my own knowledge and skill, but i can't even retrieve my own brother.", he said, his voice is filled with frustration.

"Answer me.. at least take a pity on me..,", he said with a low desperate voice.

But again, no one answered.

It's funny how he is so frustrated, yet the figure in front of him is still unbothered and Sleeping so peacefully.

"It's okay if you didn't want to answer me yet..but when Gempa visits you, can you greet him?", Solar asked with a helpless voice.

He smiled, "no, i didn't give up.", he said as he continuing his monologue.

"I consider about it so much, but i can't do it.."

"So please, don't let us waste our effort."

"You haven't apologize to us yet, you haven't apologize to Ochobot either..", Solar said with a desperate voice.

"And we haven't apologize to you too."

He tidy up his research papers, fixing things inside the cave as he checked on something.

"So you too, please Don't give up on yourself.", he said as he stepped outside that place.

"Let us see your stupid grin again..", he muttered.

As he thought, his mood is worse than usual.

"I should try to take a nap after this." , he said as his tears fell.


"..this is..crystal cave?", Boboiboy muttered to himself.

He walks on his own, this is such a familiar place after all.

Everyday, he visited this place everyday.

"...i visited this place ten times today..", he said as he chuckled.

"As Solar, as Gempa and Hali, as Ice, as Thorn and Blaze, and then as Hali and Gempa again and then--", his words got cutted because of the shining floating blue crystal.

"Are you here to guide me?", he asked the crystal.

No one answered , Of course, the crystal can't talk after all.

But somehow, Boboiboy feels the urge to talk today. He is more talkactive than usual.

" are the crystal that filled with the 'soul' right?", he asked as he smiled.

"To be honest, i miss Taufan so much you know..", he said again.

The crystals around him is crumbling,

It's only an empty space, surrounded by a gentle wind.

A ahining glittering blue light is surrounding Boboiboy.

In front of him is a figure who is staring at him with a deep blue eyes.

"Did i miss you so much to the point where i meet you in my dream instead?" , Boboiboy asked that figure.

He know that this is only a dream.

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