talk to Solar

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"Taufan..", a robotic voice called him, it's Ochobot.

Taufan smiled, "yeah,Ochobot?", he answered Ochobot gently.

"your condition dropped so much..", Ochobot said to him with a sad voice.

Taufan is silent, he smiled, "yes.."

"When will you talk with Solar about this? You promised me don't you? You will talk about this matter with him and try to search for a solution.", Ochobot said to Taufan.

Taufan just about to open his mouth, but Ochobot talk again, "if you refuse, i will do what i think is right.", Ochobot said to him with a voice filled with determination.

"I know that you want the best for them, but i also know that they want the best for you. It hurts me how your will is contradicting with your situation. So i..", Ochobot's voice began to tremble.

Taufan feels guilty, he pity Ochobot.

For having a friend like me.

For staying silent to protect the promise he made.

And he.. he will..

"Okay..", Taufan answered.

"I will talk to him, as soon as possible.", Taufan assured him with a smile.

Ochobot's digital eyes lighten, "really?", he feels happy but for some reason it feels off.

Taufan is never this obedient when it comes to telling people about his condition.

"I will go with you." , Ochobot said to Taufan.

Taufan is silent, "no. At least let me talk about this alone.", Taufan answered him.

"But..", Ochobot hestitated.

"Don't worry, you can ask Solar about our conversation after we talked later.", Taufan laughed helplessly as he pat Ochobot's head.

As what Taufan thought, Ochobot nodded his head.

I'm the worst. Taufan criticize himself.


Taufan woke up the next day, he feel that at least his body can work normally, and it's good enough.

He stretched his hand, "good morning.", he said.

Now saying good morning everyday to himself is his new routine, it's because someone will respond to his greeting.

"How are you feeling?" , Taufan asked the person inside him.

A cold voice answered him lazily, "mornin' , and i feel better."

"Good then!", Taufan answered cheerfully.

"But you are not.", the Reverse said to him, now his voice sounds a little bit worried.

Taufan smiled, "well, at least i look good enough,right?"

"You lost your brothers's trust, don't you?" , the Reverse asked Taufan, he thought that Taufan will be sad.

"Isn't it's ironic?", Taufan answered him with a laugh.

"They are the most important things to me, yet i can't even keep their trust.", Taufan said as he unconciously sneer at himself.

"But it's not their fault. I brought this by myself.", Taufan said.

"I can't complain..", he said, now his blue eyes reflecting his sadness that he always tried to keep alone.

"What a gloomy way of starting the day right? Haha. I'm sorry.", Taufan suddenly said with an overly cheerful tone.

"Indeed, you always lie to them.", The Reverse suddenly said.

"You are a liar, and it's bad.", the Reverse said to Taufan.

Taufan bite his lips, he already know about this himself, but having another person to say it to him, it's somehow hurt.

"I'm sor-", his words got cutted.

"But the purpose of you who constantly lying to them..., is to protect them.", The Reverse said.

"So i don't think that you are that bad.", The Reverse said to him.

Taufan's eyes got wider when he heard this.

"I only know more about human when i'm already with you after all, so my judgement may be wrong, but in my eyes.. you are not a bad person. Stop treating yourself like one.", The Reverse said, his voice sounds somewhat gentle but also serious.

Taufan can feel it, the tears that he tried to keep by himself. It's flowing down.

He chuckled, "hearing something like this make me feel even sadder." He said as he wipes his tears.

He is fine with people mocking him and hating him.

He is already used to that.

But when someone said that he is not a bad person, why does it mean so much?

"You are a bad person Reverse, you made me start my day with tears.", Taufan said, he wipes his cheek.

"But Thank you..., it means a lot to me.", he said as he smiled.

There's no turning back, Taufan.

Your goal is still the same, and it will always be the same.

No matter how much your brothers will lose their trust, no matter how much they will hate you.

As long as you can protect them, it's enough.

He nodded his head, ignoring the pain that came more frequently.


"Solar!", Taufan called his youngest brother who is currently sitting on the sofa while reading his book.

"It's you..", Solar answered him awkwardly.

"Hey buddy, why are you so stiff around me?", Taufan laughed as he smacked Solar's shoulder.

"You dislike me afterall.", Solar answered coldly.

Taufan seems like he realize something, " that what you think?", he asked Solar.

Solar nodded as he frowned.

"Sometimes, you are so cute.", Taufan said as he lightly smack Solar's shoulder.

"Wanna talk about something?", Taufan asked him, he still show him his smile, but now it looks serious.

"", Solar answered.

Taufan chuckled, "oh no, my youngest brother is so mean to me."


"If somehow your life is withering away," , Taufan suddenly said to Solar with an unreadable emotion.

Solar's eyes got a little wider, he is now paying his attention on Taufan's words.


"If somehow it's hard for you to breath." ,Taufan continues.

"If somehow you can't bear to stay awake.."

"If somehow your life is dissipating.. what will you do..?" Taufan asked him with his usual smile.

"Why did you ask this kind of question?", Solar asked Taufan, he didn't understand why Taufan asked that.

"Ah, forget it. It's only a hypothetical question anyway.", Taufan grinned at him, his expression looks as cheerful as usual.

"You are so weird..", Solar said to him.

Taufan smiled at him, "well, i'm well known for being weird.", he said with a laugh.

The atmosphere between them is not as awkward as before.

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