the planet is dark, like your soul

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"Taufan! Are you going or no? We are arrived!", Fang said annoyed ly as he shake Taufan's shoulder.

Taufan slowly opened his eyes, he still have his headache, and getting forced to wake up is making it worse.

"Didn't he know that you are not feeling good right now?!", the Reverse said to him with an annoyed voice.

Taufan didn't know whether to laugh or cry when he heard the Reverse's words.

"Why are you the one who got angry?", he asked him with a chuckle.

"We are arrived.", Taufan said as he checked the window of the spaceship.

"Fang, you should eat your carrot donuts here, it won't take too long anyway, no need to go with me.", Taufan said as he slowly stand up from the shadow bed.

".....", Fang furrowed his eyebrows.

He feels like these days, something doesn't feels like the usual them. All the elementals seems like they have a gap with each other.

Or is it just his imagination?

"No, commander asked me to go with you, means i'll go with you even thought it will troublesome.", Fang answered him.

"No you shouldn't! You didn't know how dangerous is this planet.", Taufan answered him.

Fang raised one of his eyebrow, "and? How did you know this planet is dangerous? Have you ever set your feet here?"

He found it suspicious how Taufan want to go alone in the first place, and now he didn't let him accompany him.

"What are you trying to do? Why did you want to take this mission alone in the first place?", Fang asked Taufan.

Taufan is silent, rather than answering Fang's question he laughed, "you think about it too much, as your friend i'm just worried because your power will be hard to control here."

"You see how dark is the planet is right? it's darker than your soul", Taufan said as he pat Fang's shoulder.

"Hey!" ,Fang wanted to complain.

"Anyway don't worry, today's mission is only rescuing one power sphere right? And the location is already known, it won't take long, you should eat your carrot donuts here, and i also brought how to be popular books for you to kill the time.", Taufan said as he walk out casually.

Fang didn't know what to do, should he follow him instead? Or should he listen and wait here? Indeed, the planet is too dark, his power will be hard to control.

The spaceship door got closed, Fang decided to wait inside.

"Is this why you pick him?" , the Reverse asked Taufan.

Taufan hummed, "he got brain, but he doesn't really like to meddle with someone else's business, Gopal's mouth is loose and he is also clumsy, Ying and Yaya will get suspicious easily, not to mention Captain Kaizo is too sharp, Fang is the safest choice."

The Reverse is silent, "you are scary, you calculate things like this with that childish facade of yours."

"I will take it as a compliment,thank you.", Taufan answered as he laughed helplessly.

He checked the Tablet that filled with the mission details, just as the description said, he found the power sphere easily.

He quickly return to the space ship, "i found it." He hand over the sphere to Fang.

"So fast?", Fang asked as he got a little surprised.

"Now then, i'm gonna clean the mess there first, you take care of the power sphere okay, Fang", Taufan said to Fang.

Fang nodded as he munched his donut, "what's going on with him today?" He asked the sphere.

"Reverse.., tell me where did he got sealed.", Taufan said to Reverse, there's no cheerful expression on his face, his expression looks cold and serious.

The Reverse hestitated, "you really want to do this?"

Taufan nodded, "yes."

I have to do whatever i can to stop that tragedy.

"No..", the Reverse said.

"What?", Taufan asked him.

"What if i said that i won't allow you?", the Reverse asked Taufan.

"Then i'm going to search it by myself.", Taufan answered him, he is a bit confused with the Reverse's answer.

The Reverse is silent, "to the left, you will find a cave with a high pressure of wind"

"But you have to know about this first, it will use a plenty amount of power, and it will also..... decrease your soul again. That crystal is a special crystal that will eat energy as their power." , The Reverse explained to him.

Taufan is silent after hearing the explaination, he walked to the place that the Reverse said, "...i, i already reach this far, i can't step back. I hope you can understand my egoistic choice, Reverse.", Taufan sadly smiled.

The Reverse is silent, i know.

I already know that you will still do it.

I already understand your way of thinking.

The funny one is me,

But still, i can't step back too.

I care about you,

That's why.. i will do it, the way you do your things.

The Reverse opened his mouth, " can't complain to me later. "

Taufan chuckled, "i won't"

I will be selfish like you too, the Reverse thought.

"Is this the place?", Taufan asked him as he enter the cave mouth.

Just as the Reverse said, the cave has a strong wind that can always destroy him.

"Thanks god, we are a wind element so this kind of thing wont hurt us.", Taufan chuckles.

"There..", The Reverse said with an indifferent tone.

Taufan's eyes got wider when he saw this, "he still looks scary, don't you think?", Taufan smiled, but his body is being honest, his hand can't stop trembling.

He could remember how the figure in front of him killed his brothers one by one with a cruel laughter.

Taufan laughed, "he won't wake up yet right?"

He walked closer to the figure who didn't move an inch, the villain's eyes is still closed.

"If only you could sleep like this forever, mr.villain.", Taufan said as he touch the crystal that sealed the body of the villain.

"I'm gonna start to infusing my power to the crystal, it will react as a slow poison for that body, right?", Taufan asked the reverse as he started to focus his energy to the crystal.

"Yeah, it will slowly affect the body.", the Reverse said.

"I hope you won't wake up, Mr.Villain.", Taufan said.

"But if unfortunately you still wake up , i hope you will die disgracefully.", Taufan said, blood streamed down from his palm that got stabbed by the crystal as he infuses his power.

The Reverse sighed, he secretly infused his power too. Because, if Taufan infused all of his power here, Taufan will be in danger.

Just like you, i will do what i think is right too.

Taufan's body got weaker, "it's enough." The Reverse said.

"The crystal is already full." ,he said to Taufan.

Taufan nodded, "good."

"Anyway Reverse, i want to try another thing.", Taufan said as he smirked.

"What?", The Reverse answered, he feel that Taufan will do something that he won't approve.

But Taufan already picked one little crystal from the seal, "what if we made a hole in his heart and put this crystal inside it?", Taufan asked as he smiled cheerfully.

"What? That's insane!", The Reverse scolded Taufan.

But Taufan already created a wind blade and started to stab the unconcious body of the villain, "you looks so helpless when you sleep like this, mr.villain.", Taufan smiled coldly.

"You should stop wasting your power!", The Reverse scolded Taufan.

Taufan laughed, "just a little bit, please?"

The Reverse sighed, but he found Taufan's idea is interesting too.

Just like that, Taufan filled the little crystal with his power, and put it inside the heart of the villain.

"His injuries will get closed right?", Taufan asked him cheerfully.

The Reverse sighed, "i guess."

He feel so tired because he use his power to fill the crystal too.

"Anyway..your soul..", The Reverse said with a calm voice.

"...i bet you already know, right?", The Reverse asked Taufan helplessly.

Taufan laughed,he could already feel a burning sensation that tortured his body, "let's get out."

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