Worried sick

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"We are arrived at the main station.", Fang said as he began to turning off the engine.

Taufan slowly opened his eyes, he furrowed his eyebrows. His body still feels painful.

"Oh..", Taufan realized something.

"The gauze is now soaked in blood..", he checked on his injuries, the white Gauze now is painted with his blood.

"You didn't clean you injuries?", Fang asked him annoyedly.

Taufan is silent, he didn't answer Fang's question, "whatever, thanks for accompanying me today." He waved his hand as he walk toward the door.

"Reverse.", Taufan tried to call the name of the person inside him. But no respond.

"Reverse?", once again he called, but there's still no respond.

Taufan feel a little bit anxious, "why didn't you answer me? Did i do something wrong? Are you mad at me?", Taufan asked him with a slight panicked tone.

"Reverse?! Answer me!", Taufan now lose his composure, he feel that something isn't right.

Why didn't he answer? What's wrong?

Did something happened?

A soft groaning sound can be heard, Taufan's eyes lit for a little bit.

"Reverse..?", he asked again.

The Reverse answered with a hum, "..we are arrived?"

"Yes, what happened to you?", Taufan asked him, he can't cover his worries.

"Well you should ask yourself, look at you.. your brothers will scold you.", the Reverse answered Taufan with another question as he look at Taufan's messy state.

The Reverse hides the fact that he overused his power for the crystal and to heal Taufan, now he got too tired and can't keep his conciousness for a few hours.

"..i'm tired.", the Reverse said to Taufan.

"I'm gonna sleep, don't bother me.", the Reverse said to Taufan.

Indeed his voice sounds so tired.

Taufan hummed, "please do so."


The door of the main spaceship opened automatically. Taufan sneaked in to meet the commander.

Please don't let my brothers see me like this. I hope they stay at their room or something, just don-

"Where the hell were you?!", Hali strode fastly toward him.

Taufan can feel the angry glare from his thunder brother.

Uh oh.

"Taufan, You should explain." Gempa said to him with a worried and serious voice.

Taufan is silent, he hides his injured palm inside his hoodie's pocket. "..okay,i'll explain."

"But let me report my return to the commander first.", Taufan said to them with a tired smile.

I need to prepare for an explaination.

"I'm going with you.", Ice said to Taufan.

Taufan saw his expression, he looks so tired.

He always looks so tired, but today it's the different kind of tired. His eyes is filled with worries.

"No need, it's just a simple report. Wait here.", Taufan answered as he try not to paying too much attention on his brother's expression.

The door opened, "commander, i'm Taufan."

"Come in.", the Commander answered.

Taufan gave him his tapops salute, in the corner of the room, Ochobot is staring at him with a worried face.

Taufan smiled at him as he nod.

"Commander, we succesfully returned.", Taufan said to him.

"How about your condition?", the Commander asked.

"Huh?", Taufan is fuddled by the sudden question.

"We are okay.", Taufan answered him with his cheerful laugh.

"Your hand is bleeding so much and you said you are okay?" , commander asked him with a scolding tone.

Taufan realized that he accidentally show his injured hand, "oh..this."

"It's only a scratch, it's normal to have this kind of injury, hehe.", Taufan answered as he laughed nerveously.

The commander stare at him, it made him feel nerveous.

"....fine.", the commander said to him.

"You can leave.", he said as he waved his hand to Taufan.

"Ochobot was so worried about you.", the Commander said as he gaze at Ochobot.

Taufan smiled, "hehe,i'm sorry. Ochobot, let's go.", Taufan said as he and Ochobot leave the room.

"Why did you went alone?", Ochobot asked Taufan with a sad voice.

Taufan feel guilty, but he tried to brush it off with his cheerful respond, "i'm not alone, i bring Fang too."

"Why didn't you bring me? What are you trying to do now?", Ochobot asked him, his voice now grow a little louder.

Taufan smiled, "preventing 'that' to happen.", he answered with a helpless smile.

"What is 'that' ?", Gempa suddenly asked Taufan.

"You owe us an explaination, Taufan.", Gempa said to Taufan.

"Uhh..i need to go on vacation. So i went to do this mission alone as a vacation.", Taufan answered with his overly cheerful tone.

"Is doing a mission can be considered as a vacation?!", Hali asked him, his eyes filled with fury.

"We are so worried about you! Why did you suddenly leave your room and go to a mission alone.", Blaze asked Taufan furiously.

"Uh, calm down guys.", Taufan said as he make a 'there there' gesture with his hand.

Once again he forgot that his hand is injured.

"Ah-", he realized his stupid action and put back his hand inside his pocket as fast as he can.

"You are injured!", Hali said as he pull Taufan's hand from his pocket.

"Oww!", Taufan whined because the sudden force that make his hand hurts more.

Gempa's eyes looks so worried, "why are you injured like this?" He asked Taufan, his tone got softer as he carefully held the injuries.

"It's normal, there's always a risk in mission.", Taufan answered lightly with his grin.

"But i heard today's mission is not dangerous, there's no potential enemy in that planet.", Gempa said to Taufan as he stare at Taufan's eyes.

Taufan averted his gaze,

well there are.

But he is still sealed.

"Aah, this.. i slipped.", Taufan answered with a calm voice.

"That planet has a lot of crystals, i slipped and got stabbed by a sharp crystal.", Taufan answered.

Gempa's eyes filled with hestitation.

Taufan chuckled, "why didn't you believe me?"

"Thorn, use your herb to treat his injuries. Blaze, go snatch an aid-kit.", Gempa said as he sighed.

Thorn silently hold Taufan's hands, "i wonder how you slipped.., your injuries is so deep. Rather than accidentally get scratched it looks more like you purposedly stab your hand, you see? The injuries is vertical.", Thorn said with his normal tone, he looks serious.

"How strange, isn't it?", Thorn asked Taufan with an innocent UwU face, but it feels scary for some reason.

Taufan chuckled, "wow, you know a lot about injuries, isn't it? I'm proud of you."

"Thank you!", Thorn answered cheerfully.

"Taufan.. i found a handkerchief that soaked with blood in your room.", Gempa said to Taufan, his gaze looks worried but also serious.

Oh crap.

Taufan put on his professional smile once again, "let me explain."

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