A dateeee with, eviiiil-

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Dare: kyunahidari

This is like any typical dare but let's do it.. since.. someone miss me that much |||
And I'm sorry if it feels like a rush or something or I can't finish your dare, I really don't have any mood to.. well.. do the dares.. I'm sorry and.. sorry for doing this late!! Be grateful that I update today!
And I change Luna's appearance.. eheh.. hope it's okay for you guys, I love the design for her but that Luna is my real one not the one in here~ comparison!!



Man they look different from each other but that's good, at least you know now


Luna: *arms got wrapped with bandages* =3= I thought the glass won't hit me

Kyuna: *sitting next to Luna, looking at Earthquake and Luna*

Earthquake: ^^||| Luna, this is why you should listen to the older one *the one who wrapped Luna's arm with bandages* and *look at Kyuna* who you might be?

Luna: (o3o But I'm older then you)

Kyuna: Kyuna! I have given you a dare-

Luna: OH! Now I just remembered why I jump through the window from Thundy's room!

Thunderstorm: *walking down the stairs, glaring* it must be a good reason.. *walk into a room*

Luna: owo ya, it is

Thorn: *pops up* OwO what is it??

Kyuna: a date~ it's just a simple dare!

Thunderstorm: *groans could be heard from him inside a room*

Earthquake: a date?

Thorn: owo.. what kind of date?

Kyuna: well- *mouth got covered then arms got grab* •x•?

Luna: something! THUNDY BLAZE FANG AND~ Thorn~ MEET ME OUTSIDEEEEEEE *runs out of the house while dragging Kyuna*

Kyuna: *got dragged* -x-||||

Thorn: owo *follows*

Earthquake: *sweatdrops*

Thunderstorm: *walking out of the room, facepalming* I'm not going to love this..

Blaze: *runs down the stairs.. more like using Ice's powers* Yeeeeehaaaawwwaw!!!

Fang: *walks out from the kitchen with a carrot donut in his mouth* =-=


The boys: WHAT-

Luna: Yea! Yea! Do it~ just for today! I know you guys aren't in the mood to even do any dares but only for today~

Kyuna: it won't be long! Promise!

Thunderstorm: fine

Thorn: owo it's ok

Fang: I don't care

Blaze: but but.. Ice would find out like he always does!

Luna: nah he won't, he won't~

Dare starts now!

Solar: *cleaning his and Thorn's room, now making the bed* ~

Thorn: *saw Solar* (OwO I dunno what's a date but I know it means that I have to hangout with Solar! So this consider as one!) *change his personality when Solar look at his way* ..

Solar: Thornie *smiles* come and help me here!

Thorn: *almost move but remembers* no *walks over to the bathroom but got stop* what?

Solar: what's the matter Thornie? You never say no unless something is up..

Thorn: ugh *push Solar away to continue walking towards the bathroom*

Solar: *easily felt hurt by it* (must be nothing.. just him being in the bad mood..)

Thorn; *inside the bathroom* qwq I feel bad for Sunny


Cyclone: So~ why did you take me out for a date?? You rarely ask me out!

Thunderstorm: (this is going to be a total cringe worthy) *smiles happily* I'm in the mood to have a date with my one and only~ *laughs at how red Cyclone becomes*

Cyclone: /////// s-shut up Thunder.. *he haven't find it weird yet* let's go! *runs off*

Thunderstorm: Wait up~ *chase him to tackle him into a hug* don't just leave me be Cy~

Cyclone: *surprise, hugs back, looking at the sky and now realizing it* (is he ok?)

Thunderstorm: *zaps them to the beach* here we are! The beach!

Cyclone: I thought you hate the beach-

Thunderstorm: who says?

Cyclone: you .-.

Thunderstorm: nah nah! *walking* come! Enjoy the time with me! *chuckles*

Cyclone: ._. Wut


Earthquake: er.. is Fang ok?

Kaizo: *folding his arms, beside Earthquake, cringing* hell no

Fang: *being all cutie towards them*

Kaizo: *is actually squealing like a girl inside but you all know how Kaizo is* ...

Earthquake: (should I be concern?) *hand got grab* ?

Fang: Quakie~ can we go on a date? A trip to the moon!! *drags Earthquake anyways*

Earthquake: ||||| *mouth a 'help me' at Kaizo before disappearing into the lift*

Kaizo: . . . *look around and saw no one in sight* ... *jumps up and down in excitement, squealing at how cute Fang was*


Ice: *following Blaze from behind because he was concern about how Blaze was acting* ..Blaze?

Blaze: *folding his arms, just walks* what? *does not face Ice*

Ice: are you..

Blaze: I'm fine, thank you for asking *stops at his track*

Ice: *bumps into Blaze in which Blaze turns around to face him* ...?

Blaze: Look, let's go out on a date. Alright?

Ice: (he sounds.. different.. is he Blaze?) *just nods his head, looking away* I don't mind..

Blaze: *was actually feeling guilty by seeing Ice like this but he need to do it anyways* come on then *grabs Ice by the hand then walks out from the house with Ice*

Ice: ...


Solar: (now he wants to take me out for a date?) *walking beside Thorn, was confused on what's going on*

Thorn: *just walks, not even talking or even fascinated by small things*

Solar: *side glance* (his not even acting like himself.. did I do something wrong here?) *sighs*

Thorn: *heard, wraps one arm around Solar's waist to pull him close* don't think that I'm in a bad mood because of you

Solar: !? //// *hides his face a bit* y-yeah.. *but still having doubts*

Thorn: (QwQ usually Sunny would flirt or do something to make me happy but now his.. sad..) *looking at Solar who seems to be sad* (TwT I want to finish this dare uweee)


Thunderstorm: *sitting on the sand beach, looking over at Cyclone who is talking with random sea creatures* (does he notice yet?)

Cyclone: *talking then looks over at Thunderstorm and gestures to him*

Thunderstorm: ? *stands up then walks towards Cyclone and crouch down beside him* yes??

Cyclone: Hehe || they just want to know who is my mate! *looking at the crabs, smiling*

Thunderstorm; *also looks, having a genuine smile on* I'm his mate~ *side hugging Cyclone in which it made them fall, laughing*

Cyclone: *also laughs* Thundy! You're heavy!!

Thunderstorm: *shaking his head, laughing g a little more* sorry there Cycy *sits up then pulls Cyclone up to sit*

Cyclone: it's ok! *tracing his fingers on the sand, smiling but mutters* I wish you were this happy.. all the time..

Thunderstorm: *makes out what Cyclone just mutter then ruffles Cyclone's head* what do you mean? I'm always happy to be around with you, I act like I don't because it's really hard for me to show my emotions

Cyclone: I know.. but still- !? *got splashed by water*

Thunderstorm: *chuckling, was the one who did it then run into the ocean*

Cyclone: *slowly smiles by it and laughs then chase after Thunderstorm*


Earthquake: *sitting inside the spaceship with Fang, looking at the earth, sighing peacefully*

Fang; so~ what do you think?? *was hoping for a nice reaction* was my idea great or not?

Earthquake: *turn to look at Fang with a soft smile on* it's awesome! It's been so long that I haven't seen the earth like this.. I remember that it was.. *stops himself from talking, shaking his head*

Fang: (I can't force him now, forcing him.. that's part of my real personality) *nods his head* that's alright! I can wait until you are ready to talk! I'll be here for you like always have been!

Earthquake: ..Thanks *his soft smile never fades* (Fang is really different from yesterday.. someone must have given him alcohol or something ||| But, I'm glad he is like this..)

Fang: no problem! (Quake does hold many secrets.. and it's.. painful to see)


Blaze: *letting Ice leans against him who is clearly trying to hold in his tears, looking at Ice* .. (T-T Ice is about to crrrry)

Ice: *lowering his hat, looking away* ... *letting out a sniffle*

Blaze: (oh god-) *quickly wraps his arms around Ice, pulling his closet to his chest, patting Ice's back* Ice, you didn't do anything wrong towards me

Ice: *doesn't hugs Blaze, just gazing off the distance, closing his eyes as he let the tears fall down slowly* ....

Blaze: it's.. okay *hugging Ice tighter but gently* please stop crying.. it was never your fault in the first place..

Ice: ...

Blaze: (I shouldn't pressure Ice..)


Luna: o3o.. so how did it go?

Kyuna: Yeah, How was it?

Thunderstorm: it was alright then I expected

Luna: good good

Fang: *shrugs his shoulders* I did make Quake and Kaizo cringe, god. Don't ever make me like that again *glaring*

Kyuna: *hands up in defense* well sorry!

Thorn: qwq it's okay but sunny was hurt when I acted like that!

Luna: awww that's okay Thornie!

Blaze: *smiles forcefully* we were fine for the most part! But I don't like it *pouting while closing his eyes*

Kyuna: (is he lying?)

Luna: that's a wrap then!


I didn't do the other dare which is the pocky game cause we literally have that in others truth or dare book, sooo sorry and this was getting longer then I intended to

There are two more dares to do~ soooo~ Wait T-T

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