A truth and a cruel dare

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Luna: you sure about this Dare?

???: yup let them suffer only one will succeed

Luna: erm ok


Luna: hey guys we got another dare and a truth

Blaze: finally someone ask Truth for once and who ask?

Luna: er.. Shiro! (FsGokuInuyasha )    

Thorn: Shiro~chan?

Luna: yup! And the Truth is who is your favorite siblings and who is your least favorite siblings? Thundy you go first

Thunderstorm: why me?

Luna: cause your the oldest among them

Thunderstorm: whatever my favorite sibling is Cycy

Cyclone: really?

Thunderstorm: hm... *lower his cap*

Luna: what about the least favorite?

Thunderstorm: Cycy

Cyclone: eh?

Luna: wut, why?

Thunderstorm: ......

Luna: um.. let's just skip so Cyclone..

Cyclone: My favorite siblings are Blaze and Thunderstorm! And my least favorite is... non!

Luna: hm ok next is Blaze

Blaze: it is easy my favorite siblings is Ice and Cyclone! My least favorite is Ice..

Luna: huh? Nevermind next is-- *looks at Ice who is sleeping* Oi wake up

Ice: hm *rubs eyes* favorite and least is Blaze *went back to sleep*

Luna: ... Thorn you next

Thorn: I love Solar! And I hate Thunderstorm

Luna: uh Solar--

Solar: love Thorn, hate Thunderstorm *went back texting someone*

Luna: ah.. Earthquake your last

Earthquake: I love all of my siblings of course, I can't really hate them

Luna: aw Quake! That is so nice

Earthquake: ☺️

Luna: and now the dare *type something*


Earthquake: where are we?

Blaze: how did we get here?

Cyclone: why is it dark?

Solar: eep! *hugs Thorn*

Thorn: *hugs back*

Thunderstorm: Luna teleport us somewhere

Ice: Zzz

??: Lights switch on

Cyclone: huh?

The room lit up and they were in a room full of mirrors.

Blaze: wow!

Solar: *lets go of the hug* phew.. and ooo~

Luna: hey look up

7BBB: huh? *looks up and saw Luna in a room with--* SHIRO~CHAN?!

Shiro: *flinch*

Luna: *wearing headphones* shut up now Shiro explain your dare

Shiro: *nods* my dare to you guys is to.. kill each other


Shiro: *flinch*

Luna: *sigh* you guys start to kill each other in three two one.. *snaps finger*

With Blaze and Ice

Being teleport to a fire, water and ice room.

Blaze: Ice would you kill me? *looks around* Ice? W-where are you? *feels something cold behind* huh *turns around and eyes widen* I-Ice?

Ice: heh meriam bembeku

Blaze: *smirks* cakra api haiya!

Solar and Thorn situation

Thorn: S-solar do w-we r-really have to do this?

Solar: *puts phone away* it's a dare so yes darling, light sword! *a sword appear in Solar's hand*

Thorn: *looks down* hm *looks up with a psycho face* akar berduri *grins* fight me

Solar: as you wish hiya!

Earthquake, Cyclone and Thunderstorm

Earthquake: so.. fight?

Cyclone: hm it's a dare..

Thunderstorm: ...... *wents behind Quake and Cy* *mumbles* lightning swords

Earthquake: ?! *faints*

Cyclone: *dodge* heh a fight you want a fight I'll give hoverboard! *hops on it* wind sphere! Haiya!!

Thunderstorm: *smirks* lightning movement!

Back to Luna and Shiro

Luna: who do you think will win?

Shiro: {insert your answer}

Luna: eh why him?

Shiro: {insert your answer}

Luna: okay... I'm going to bet Quake!

Shiro: *looks at Luna puzzled*

Luna: reasons

Shiro: ok and wake me up when someone wins *went to sleep* Zzzzz

Luna: aik? Tidur pulak, nevermind *watch the screen* hm...

(Let's just skip since Author here is really bad at discribing a fighting scene)

Luna: haish.... this is what happens when you guys kill each other...

???: ouch...

??: s-sorry! Blaze

Blaze: I-it's ok Shiro...

Luna: haih... *looks at Thunderstorm who has a broken arm, Cyclone a broken leg, Blaze a gash on his head, Ice not that much of injury, Thorn who have a scar on his back, Solar have a bandage covering his eyes and lastly Earthquake who have no injuries at all* and my wish came true Quake wins...

All minus Quake: *glares at Luna*

Luna: wut? You guys under estimate Quake that's all *mumbles* idiots

Earthquake: hehehe... let's end here

Luna: *head shot up* See ya in the next dare and don't forgot to comment

Earthquake: vote

Luna and Quake: and give us truth or dare!

All except Luna, Quake and Shiro: GIVE THEM CRUEL DARES!!! *points at Quake and Luna*

Luna: er yea

Earthquake: .....

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