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((Sorry, I just had too add the song))

This time this dare is something—

All of them minus Quake: WE HATE!!

=^= but meh, let's see who is the bravest enough.

Earthquake: ^^||| isn't it obvious?

I know but not including you Quaky.

Thunderstorm: .....

Ice: *wide awake because he is scared*

Thorn: QwQ again?

Yes, sorry Thorn

Solar: oh I'm going to record this live! Is that alright with you darling?


Cyclone: *le diez*

Blaze: *also diez*

Luna: I'm okay with it.. I think

Ari: I have a bad feeling...

*shrugs* this dare is from Cio_Bronx_12 and the dare is them all going to an abandoned quarantine.. which I was confused at first but I search it up.

If any of you bringing me there, I'm not following.


Luna; should we split? *looking at the building*

Earthquake: ^^|| We should really split up, seeing as the Author might.. break her fingers again

Luna: hmm... *looks* Okay, so Quake, Thunder and Cycy

Earthquake: ^^ hehe

Thunderstorm: (.....glad)

Cyclone: Q^Q yay!

Luna: Blaze and Ice.. hmm.. with..

Blaze and Ice: Ari! *shouts in the same time*

Luna: Okay then Ari? *look at Ari who is observing the building*

Ari: *nods..*

Luna: so that means.. *got hugged* •~•

Thorn: QwQ Luna.. *the one hugging Luna*

Solar: I notice that each of us are equal

Earthquake: what do you mean by that Solar?

Solar: Well, you, Cyclone and Thunderstorm are a match. Blaze, Ice and Ari are also a match. Even me, Thorn and Luna is a match.

What Solar meant by..

The scaredy cat: Blaze, Cyclone and Thorn

The average: Thunderstorm, Ice and Luna

The brave one: Solar, Earthquake and Ari

All minus Solar: ohhh...

Luna: Okay! Let's go in!

Bottom floor: Earthquake, Cyclone and Thunderstorm

Earthquake: *walking in normally with Cyclone and Thunderstorm behind him*

Cyclone: *clinging onto Thunderstorm, heard something* EKK!! *turns into a small cat and jumps into Thunderstorm's arms*

Thunderstorm: *shakes head, trying to calm down himself, glancing around then also hear what Cyclone heard* what the..

Earthquake: what is it Thunder? *side look at Thunderstorm*

Thunderstorm: I heard something..

Cyclone: M-me too!

Earthquake: it might be just your imagination running wild. *sweatdrops a bit but felt something touching his head* huh? *look up with his eyes widen in shock*

Thunderstorm and Cyclone: !?!?

Second floor: Solar, Luna and Thorn

Solar; *flicks his fingers then three light balls appears on his, Luna and Thorn's hand* there *takes out his phone and starts to record everything*

Thorn: owo Light~ *plays with it*

Luna; Thanks I guess *puts it as her own little necklace*

Solar: what's the point of us being here Luna?

Luna: *shrugs* Author just randomly pick this place.. but.. I sense something strange in here..

Thorn: *eyes wandering around, spot something, curious by how it's glowing* mew?? *walks to it*

Luna: *heard, look at Thorn* Thorn?

Solar: *also notice the thing glowing* weird...

Thorn: *about to touch it but stop by Solar* ?

Solar; no, don't. *shakes head* We don't know what it is.

Luna: uhhhh... guys?

Solar and Thorn: Yeah?

Luna: *points* is that meant to be there in the first place?

Solar; *look at where Luna is pointing and saw* is that the part where we run in terror?

Thorn: QwQ mhm mhm

Three of them: RUN!!!!!!

Third floor: Blaze, Ice and Ari

Blaze: what is this place? *looking at the laboratory* at the outside it's like.. a normal building but in the inside..

Ice: a laboratory.. an abandoned one.. *crouching down to look under the table and saw some of the items and stuff that have been use for a long time*

Ari: *stumble upon a cage full of bones and rotten corpse* no.. hell no.. *grits teeth, runs back to where Blaze and Ice only to see them got capture by..* ..you..

Tera: hello there Arien.. looks like we meet again~

=~= am I bad luck? Man I should've check...

Back to Earthquake, Thunderstorm and Cyclone

Earthquake: what.. how can you be alive.. you were dead thousands of years ago! *trap in the cage, slightly glares at*

Aly: I am dead, Quake.. *walks to the cage while folding his arms* this place is where us restless spirit gather up.

Thunderstorm: *unconscious, not moving* ..

Cyclone: *the same as Thunderstorm*

Earthquake: *mumbles* so that's the weird feeling I felt when entering.. *glance at Aly* what do you want now Aly?

Aly: good question.. *look at Earthquake with sad eyes* We just want to be free.. free from.. this place..

With Luna, Thorn and Solar

Luna: WHY AM I SO UNLUCKY!!! *got chase by a figure with cloak and hoodie on*

??: .. *chasing Luna*

Thorn: *is now unconscious on Solar's arms* ...

Solar: don't do that again.. *worriedly look at Thorn then look at Luna* how am I.. *Ting* aha! *turn Thorn into a little chibi and put Thorn inside his pocket(don't worry, his pocket is big enough for Thorn)* .. *disappears*

Now with Ari, Blaze and Ice

Ari: Tsk! *dodge the attack by jumping back and lands on the floor perfectly* ...

Tera: Why can't you just stay still!! *shouts out in anger, points her sword at Ari* All I want is to kill you here and now!

Ari: .... *sighs* why is that huh?

Tera: I have my reasons! *dash at Ari*

Blaze: *who is now unconscious on the floor*

Ice: *barely conscious* ...

Earthquake and Aly

Earthquake: there are other ways to free yourself.. this doesn't solve anything, by killing me, you won't be free *the sword under his neck deepen, close eyes*

Aly: *hesitate a bit* no, there isn't any other way! By killing you is the only way I can finally be free!

Earthquake: *chuckles* ...all you need is to let go of the past, Aly *his voice is now hoarse, grabs Aly from his waist and pulls him into a hug* let it go..

Aly: !? *sword got let go, hugged, heard* ... *started to tears up, hugs Earthquake back* I'm sorry, I'm sorry, I'm so sorry..

Earthquake: *smiles weakly* that's alright.. Cy.. Thunder..

Aly: *went silent, close eyes then smiles* thank you.. *vanish into little sparkles*

Earthquake: ^^ welcome *sits up, touch his neck then it heals instantly*

Cyclone: *jolts up awake* umm.. what did I miss? *looking around*

Thunderstorm: *waking up slowly, glance at Earthquake* ...

Earthquake: *waves hand in the air, smiling as his head shakes* nothing, now let's go out *stands up, grabs both Cyclone and Thunderstorm's hand*

Cyclone: Okay! I have been waiting to go out from here— *heard another sound* Meep! *turns into a little cat and hides inside Thunderstorm's jacket*

Thunderstorm: *nods* ...

With Luna, ?? And Solar

Luna: *got pinned down to the floor, a dagger under her neck* ..

??: *feeling the tip of the sword behind his back* Tch..

Solar: let her go.. Seeker..

Luna: *heard* w-what..?

Seeker: *glares* how did you..

Solar: it has to be you, out of all people you are the only one brave enough to chase Luna. Now let her go.. she didn't do anything that made you like this. *sighs* let that rage of yours go.. it's useless already..

Seeker: I... *face got cupped* !?

Luna: *look into Seeker's eyes* I didn't mean too.. I'm sorry.. *heard a sound of metal hitting the ground, got hugged* eh?

Seeker: no.. I'm the one who is sorry.. *tears drops onto Luna's face* ..

Luna: hehe, that's okay, I would always forgive you..

Solar: *grins a bit then saw Seeker slowly turn into little sparkles*

Seeker: thanks.. Lulu.. *had a smile on then vanish*

Solar: that's the last time.. we are going to see him.. right? *look at Luna*

Luna: *sits up, taking the dagger and look at it* ..yea

Thorn: *already awake* mew? What happen? OwO??

Solar: *chuckles* nothing much flower.. now let's go out.. it's getting dark

Luna: Yep!

Last Ari and Tera

Ari: Tera.. that's enough.. you already know that you can't beat me.. *hugging Tera tight* stop it.. you ended up hurting yourself now.. hurting the twins.. *glance*

Blaze: *still unconscious*

Ice: *can barely be conscious* ...

Tera: ...

Ari: *takes a deep breath and let her emotions out* I'm.. sorry.. I shouldn't have leave you alone in there.. and.. die.. I was scared to death.. seeing it.. I just can't.. *look at Tera with teary eyes*

Tera: ..F-Fine.. *wipes Ari's tears away* ....until we meet again *vanish*

Ari: yes.. until we meet again.. *heard groaning, wipes her tears away more then put on her usual straight face* come on, let's get out from here *walks*

Blaze: *blinks because he is confused* okay?

Ice: ... *shrugs shoulders, but secretly smiling, grabs Blaze hand and walks out*

The end I guess?

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