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Heeeeeeey~ I'm Picky Gumball-

I've been dead online because it's fasting month for me

(Online school and I got distracted with other stuff)

And oh- especially TikTok-

I don't do much TikTok- I went through it as a teenage phase and now I'm checking back on it and really want to cosplay!

Ya know, cosplay is fun! It's like live fanfic!

But yeah- I'm broke and currently having one more year and the half before the big exam starts so that wish of mine have to wait

Btw, if I don't comment on any of y'all comments- I'm sorry for that! I switch off my notifications in wattpad and I'll reply to some comments only-

Also, don't be surprised if I commented late- like really late-

Anywho- I got no dares or truths so Imma just do stuff that the not canon BBBs does-



Seeker: *floating again* you would only put me down if I said yes to your silly TikTok shenanigans?

Telepathy: ^^ yes!

Emit: fufu! Seeker can cosplay as Bakugou!

Seeker: but that guy swears 24/7 and I don't *fold his arms*

Emit: awww! Come on! I'm already Deku and Pathy is already Shoto! We need a Kacchan!

Seeker: *sighs* the things I do for you two.. fineee! But this is just one time and the last time I'm doing this- cosplay stuff of yours

Emit: awesome!


Dia: why must I realize it's fasting month?

Silver: *checks time* it's currently 9:40am, do not think of any food, Dia. We've done with fasting months for more then 12 years already

Dia: easy for you to say Silver! You are used to not eating anything!

Gold: enough chatting you two, enjoy to do something you always do and never have any thoughts about foods *dismissing the two by pushing the two out of his office*

Dia: aye aye *sighs* I guess, I can walk around in the Wizard World *walks off*

Silver: hm~ maybe replacing some old furniture could get my mind off from food! *does a gesture and he disappears*

Meanwhile at Japan

Sand: I need fooOooood!! *whining*

Eclipse; oh shut up will you? It's currently 10:40am, it's not like you are going to die-

Sand: IM GOING TO DIEEEE!! *rolls around the floor*

Cloud: *sitting on the couch, burying his face into his pillow*

Emerald: *walks to Cloud when he walk into the living room* do you want to sleep more? ^^?

Cloud: *nods his head*

Emerald: now come *holds Cloud's delicate hand and walk with him to Emerald's room*

Magnet: *taking off his shoe* I'm back *yawns slightly*

Eclipse: welcome back Magnitude *currently buried in a sand castle* mind helping? 💢

Sand: T-T foooooood

Magnet: you know *walks to the living room* you could just knock him out *sits on his personal chair then takes out his phone to text Solar*

Eclipse: ah, right *glaring at Sand who knew he was in deep trouble*

Sand: ;-; eep


Darkness: originally, she planned out that I should kill myself for the sake of others! That sneaky princess wants me dead!

Emerald: that does sound concerning.. |||| *patting Cloud's head, making him fall asleep* fortunately for you, she changed it up, did she not?

Darkness: Yeah~ the princess did change up the scene! She got a wild imagination with her, not to mentioned that she thought too much of a story that in the end, it was never used!

Emerald: *sweat-drops* that is 100% Luna..


Luna: *sneeze*

Rune: *snickers at Luna* someone talked about you

Luna: °^° mean!


Emerald; quick question, how is Lunar, Bubbles and Steel is doing?

Darkness: no clue! I should check on them *close his eyes*

At the Disney Park

Lunar: *wipes his sweat away* maybe I shouldn't have pick up the offer to take care of kids..

Bubbles; *giggles* I warn you earlier and you didn't listen! Taking care of children is not easy as you had expected

Lunar: *groans* those demonic souls are slowly tearing my mental state apart-

Bubbles; Uhmm, I think that's not nice to say about kids *saw Steel coming their way* Steel!

Steel: hey! Bubbles! Lunar! Glad to see you two still vibing around Disney Land! *take off his sunglasses then takes out his phone to text someone* how are you two? *switch off his phone*

Bubble: ^-^ I'm good! Thank you for asking!

Lunar; exhausted -~-

Steel: |||| Okay.. you two are not fasting?

Bubble: we are! It took a toll on us but the manager was kind enough to let us have more breaks!

Steel: Oooh~

Lunar: *eyes twitch then close his eyes and open them back up* oh my god, why do I feel like I'm about to faint- *saw Bubble and Steel* hey there you two lovely younger siblings~

Steel: Dark?

Lunar(Dark): pretty much me! Anyways, how are you guys? Emerald was just worry about you three

Bubble: we are fine~ nothing bad happens.. maybe to Lunar but he'll get through it!

Steel: don't worry about us, you should worry about yourself!

Lunar(Dark): eh, alright then but if you three need any help, don't hesitate to call out your big bro! Bye! And tell Lunar to fudging rest *close his eyes then open it back up* @-@ I can feel my body aching

Bubbles: *giggles* let's rest for now!

Meanwhile, with the original BBBs (Warning, some these are my thoughts alone and the BBBs are the other thoughts that helped me think-)

Earthquake: isn't it nice for once that we don't have to do any dares or truths? *laying on the couch, his feeling lazy today which is rare*

Thunderstorm: it's.. weird. Not that I don't like it but it feels out of place.. -_-

Cyclone: *rolls down the stairs* you aren't the only ones! And their dares aren't even that bad as us! ;-; *lands on the floor, his used to the pain now*

Thorn: *walks back into the house from his garden* ;w; Mew don't have anything to do left..

Solar: *appears sitting on the couch, having panda eyes* I couldn't sleep, I used to sleep well and now that I'm free to do my experiments..

Thunderstorm: *eyes twitch because he sees Solar as a zombie*

Blaze: *hops over Cyclone who is still on the ground* yeesssh- I played Animal Crossing for over 600 hours *dragging himself to the kitchen* need more coffee-

Ice: *groans his camouflage to the sofa, had been sleeping 24/7* I can't drag my sorry carcass out of bed..

Luna: damn y'all are looking like a sh*tty depressed kid who had his game taken away by an Asian mom *walks out of the portal* or is it because my mood isn't.. enlightening

Ice: yes

Luna: -3- well, s o r r y! It's been quiet because I don't get dares or truths- at this point, Idk wether to stop and let this be the end of my TOD book


Blaze: *spits his coffee* wait, WHAT!?

Luna: wut?

Solar: darling *rubs his sore eyes* are you sure about what you just said?

Luna: duh! I love y'all and the community but Idk..

Earthquake: whatever your decision is, we support you ^^

Thunderstorm: *scoffs, folding his arms* we are just part of you, a fictional and fantasy. Not a big of deal

Ice: you can- *yawns* -recreate us again and do another book, we aren't mad at you

Cyclone: But But.. you love to do rp with us! And you even express your emotions through us!

Blaze: Tsk yeah, by letting her stress onto us and we killed ourselves multiple times to make her feel better

Thorn: Blaze! That's mean! *turns to look at Luna* QwQ onii-chan.. it is your decision! We don't want to force you!

Luna: *sighs* I still don't know, I'm on the edge right now- I'm going to continue anyways, but not as often- I'll go, enjoy y'all lifeu~ *walks into the portal and comes out to be hugged by-*

F.Heart: *hugging Luna* o3o the only reason you think like this is because you have no motivation andddd you don't have any dares or truths to do!

Luna: hush hush *pats F.Heart's head* yeah yeah, maybe because of that but I'll let my mind think about it even I ever thought about it again

F.Heart: p3p But promise you won't take your book or your account down!

Luna: Naaaah! This is for memories for my older self, maybe she'd be cringing right now when reading back this TOD book and ask, "what the hell did I wrote?" *laughs*

F.Heart: •3• you sound like a grandma

Luna: 💢 kid, I was having my emotional moment and you had to say I'm OLD!?

F.Heart: ;^; eep *RUNS*


F.Heart: I'm sorry!! ><||| *but was secretly smiling as he doesn't want Luna to be all sad*

Yes, those are actual thoughts of mine- I don't have any desire to quit or anything.. yet

I love doing TOD and interact with all of you! And enjoying torturing the BBBs- and loving them UwU

But ehhh, Idk at this moment

Ya know, I had this one thought in my mind-

I don't ever got any hates- maybe the community isn't as toxic as.. uh.. the others.. that I join..

Anyways, enjoy with your quarantine life!

If ya need to talk with- just go to my IG @/arieneriz

Or Idk, send me a random message-

And if I only give hearts-

Please know that I have no idea on how to react with text- I'm bad at that

This is taking my way too long- I'll go off now, bye bye!!

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