Different BBBs? (+rip fingers)

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Get out! You lazy bozo!

Sigh, I am lazy Qwq

Dares: ChristianneFaeRemias and BlazEllIce

Yeet yeet- Imma break my fingers cause these upcoming dare(which is this and the next one) will be longggggggg!! And hard to dooooooo

Skdbdjjd also, I'm only doing this two dares with the Ori7 as it was a great dare

Thorn: o3o aw! No breakie?

=^=|| Idk Thorn, it seems like some people skip one of the chappy that I'm saying I'm gonna use different BBBs but it's okie tho-

Thorn: ;3; but you gonna break your fingers againnnn

Ye ye I know~ and I don't mindddd at least it's not writing on a paper- cause yiSh-

Thorn: >w< onto the dare!!!

P.s: characters that doesn't belong to me may not be correct in personalities and so I'm sorry in advance!


Seeker: so, you are telling me that I have to bring in different BBBs from different creators?

Luna; yep!!

Seeker: won't that break your fingers?

Luna: Nope :D

Seeker: -_-||| if you say so, and I suggest if you use in order first

Luna: I know :)

Seeker: (jeez, she's trying to kill herself? |||) *walks into a portal*

Few minutes later

BBB: are you sure about that? We just got back from mission and some of them are still injured..

Luna: ye ye~ they'll be fine~ now go go!! Split up! And drag Darkie with you!!

BBB: which..?

Luna: •3• Darkness and Lucien too

BBB: uhm, sure!!

Preparation of different BBBs in their categories

Here are the characters that belongs to someone else-



Let's start off, with the mommies!!

Earthquake: uhhh.. *confused as he sees his different self in front of his very eyes*

Equi: this is quite, interesting ^^

Vale: *look up at Equi* tall-

Mayumi: soooo, two girls and one boy and one men?

Earthquake: Yeah.. *still feels awkward* uhhh, let's introduce ourselves! Even though we are the same person ^~^||

Equi: I'll go first! *smiles at the three* I'm Equi, Luna's version of Earthquake BBB and we don't exactly have an official age, so we sometimes just choose any age we want!

Vale: does that mean you are in your late 20s?

Equi; Mhm! 27 to be exact

Mayumi: isn't that too old tho?

Equi: Nope ^^ so~ next?

Vale: me! *happily wraps her fingers together* I'm Vale! 14!

Mayumi; I'm next~ my name is Mayumi and I'm the goddess of earth!

Earthquake: goddess? As in real goddess?

Mayumi: Yep!

Earthquake: you all know me so introduction isn't needed ^-^

Equi: an Original *looks at Earthquake* a goddess *looks at Mayumi* and a gender-bend BBB *look at Vale*

Vale: that sums it up! But what about you?

Equi: oh me? ^^|| I'm just like any other mother BBB but I am also apart of Lun's personality!

Earthquake: and he is married by the way *momma spill the tea-*

Mayumi: *gasps* really??

Vale: married?? To who??

Equi: ahhh yes, a certain someone *his dog tail wags as he thinks about that certain someone*

Vale: is it Fang?

Equi: ^^|| I can't say..

Mayumi: awww..

Earthquake: ladies, let's not pressure him to talk about it! Let's chat!

Vale and Mayumi; oh sure ^^

And so the mommies spilled hot tea on their brothers and sisters and how stress they are

Anyways, it's kitty Hali next!!!

Thunderstorm: *avoids looking at his counterpart(the girls)*

Tegami: the more I think about it, the more weird this feels -~-

Akane: back at you

Stratus: well, let's introduce ourselves then! *snaps her fingers at Thunder* And pay attention!

Thunderstorm: *rolls his eyes* fine fine, all of you should already know who I am, so skip me *staring at Akane* and start with her

Akane: Huh? Me? And rude, at least talk nicely like a gentlemen *glares at Thunder*

Thunderstorm: you talk high for someone who originally came and inspired from me *glares back*

Akane: why you-

Stratus: 💢💢 can you two shut up and not fight!?

Tegami: woah woah, calm down there |||| let's just introduce ourselves and talk about anything that interest us, okay? *He is more of a calmer type yet he still can be like any other Thunder but it's tone down*

Thunderstorm: *sighs* alright.

Akane: *fold her arms and roll her eyes* Akane, goddess of lighting and no. I am not Thor's daughter or anything.

Stratus: I'm Stratus, nothing more to say *looks somewhere else*

Tegami: *sweat-drops even more* (TsunTsun..) *gave a small smile* Tegami, currently 34 but I can switch my age if I want too

Thunderstorm: old =~=

Tegami: *sighs* Yes I know but Equi told me I have to be in my 30s

Thunderstorm: you should've just went with 30

Tegami; too late for that -3-

Akane: *noticed* for a Thunderstorm, you are.. calm

Tegami: it's because of my age, I'm already an adult and my Tsundere is tone down as Blazé possessed that traits stronger then I do

Stratus: Blaze?

Tegami: Yep, he shows it a lot more

Akane: weird

Stratus; agree

Thunderstorm: have to agree with them

Tegami: *shrugs his shoulders*

And those TsunTsun just talks about their daily life and how different they are


Cyclone: Nu ._.

Cyntia: oh god Nu-

Breeze: Whaaaaa- don't ride on us!!

Sora: are we gonna introduce ourselves or??

Cyclone: ye!! You should!! I'm curious to know you two girls!

Cyntia: me too!!

Breeze: ah okay! I am Breeze! The happy girl that every town knows!! >^<

Sora: same!! I'm Sora by the way!

Cyntia: and~ Cyntia! Don't comment on my name! I love it!

Breeze: girly!

Cyntia: I knoooow

Sora: But Wait, are you old ಠ_ಠ

Cyntia: Hahaaaa- I'm 19! Just want to feel the young days again!!

Cyclone and Breeze: But you are still old •3•

Cyntia: ;-; ouch

Breeze and Sora: *giggles*

Cyclone: *realizing something* am I that cheery?

Cyntia: Ye, everyone Cycy I've met is all cheery.. and depressed so it's not surprise if any of us are using this fake happiness to hide our sadness

Cy, Zy and Sora: ...

Cyntia: What? Isn't that the truth? I am a Cyclone myself and all of us are like this •-•

Sora: eh, not gonna lie He is saying the truth

Breeze: -30 let's talk about it?

Cyclone: Mhm!

Let's just say they talked about their issues with themselves-

Moving on!! It's Blaze!!

Blaze: Pfft, really?? A goddess??

Kohaku: Oi! I am a goddess, stop saying I'm not!

Flare: she is beautiful and a goddess! Respect her!

Blazé: But isn't she just the same as us? *the two had been fighting over the goddesss thing* 

Flare: *tilts her head at Blazé* he got a point •~•

Blaze: oh whatever =3=

Kohaku: hmp

Blazé: damn, is this how I am..? *talking to himself*

Kohaku: you got a problem with it?

Blazé: no not really, I'm in my 40s right now and being old and seeing my younger self,,, being a destructive being is making me questioning how does Quake handles us?

Blaze: Quakie is the momma confirmed!!

Flare: in your 40s??? Does that mean.. we can break your back!? *immediately tries to break Blazé back but it was unsuccessful* oof- *got tied up by Blazé*

Blazé: I may be old but I can still fight!!

Kohaku: *silently laughs at Flare*

Blaze: and I Oop-

Blazé: now, let's just.. play games!! *opens up a portal and lots of game counsels drops from it*

Blaze: YESS!!!

Kohaku; do I really have too?

Blazé: cheer up bud, it's just us Blazes~ not your sisters ! Plus, it's a gameeee to play!!

Kohaku: ..Fine, a little game isn't that bad..

Blazé: *grins at Kohaku* let's go!!

Flare: Uhmmm, guys?? A little help here?? ;~;

And so the Blazes plays game all day and night-

Next~ is Ice!!

Kori; I prefer to let my injuries heals on its own

Ice: but doesn't that hurt?

Satomi: ..?

Kori: not at all, with every injuries I get, I let them heal naturally

Glaze: though another question, you can heal yourself?

Kori: no. I can only heal Blazé as he is my counterpart

Satomi: eh? In what ways?

Kori: ice or snow patches *creates one*

Ice: it's much more efficient if the wound is coming from his power..

Kori; yeah, he is reckless at times and can burn himself

Satomi: scary..

Kori: it is and stressful at times but besides me, Flow(Thorn) is capable of healing anyone

Satomi and Glaze: Ahhhhh

Glaze: one last question! How old are you?

Kori: currently the age of 16, letting myself back into those days

Satomi: back into those days..?

Kori: *nods his head* I'm not going to answer much but how are you three?

Ice: ok..

Glaze: nothing much happened

Satomi: pretty normal

Kori: really? Just that? *sighs* it's fine, let's have a moment to chat or sleep

Ice, Glaze and Satomi; sleep is better

Kori; true

And so Kori created a Bedford our of snow and ice and there the four slept inside it-

Nexxxttttt! UWUS babies!!!

Izumi: ahh!! What a beautiful garden!!

Dahlia: O-O Woah! How big is this garden??

Flow: *giggles* OwO it's the planet itself!!

Thorn: EH!? And you didn't invite me over?? ;A;

Flow; I'm sorry!  ><|| momma said to only show this to people when it's done!!

Dahlia: so beautiful.. *gently touches the petals of a bizarre looking plants*

Flow: be careful on touching them! They are fragile!

Dahlia: hai, hai~

Thorn: *just awe-struck*

Izumi: I can sleep here all day long without being bored! >w<

Flow: hehe! You can come and visit this place and help me out! I need someone to help me around!

Thorn: waitttt, don't you have garden gnomes??

Flow; oh them? They are on their vacation!!


Gnome1: *drinking coconut juice while laying on the sand*

Gnome3: *plays in the water but near the sand* ~

Gnome2: *strolls around the beach area*


Izumi: you have gnomes!? •A•

Dahlia: that's awesome!! *gives thumbs up before getting drag in by the scenery*

Flow: mhmm!! Lemme show you guys around! Starting with.. there! *points at Dahlia's direction*

Thorn; leggo! >wO

Izumi: Yay!! >w<

I feel like they will be there for a long period of time,,,

Two more left!! Next issssss- the confident arrogant ass smarties!!

Solar: dear, really?

Tristan: she always refers to me like that, I am not surprised at this point

Miyako: I mean, she isn't wrong

Eclipse: heh, she is right~! *says it in such confidence* say it again!!

Solar: *look at Eclipse, shaking his head* oh dearie, I would say to tone done that attitude of yours..

Eclipse: why would I? Aren't we more popular then Thunder? We have more power and knowledge!

Miyako: Uh..

Tristan: honestly, popularity shouldn't exist as it creates unwanted competition and hates that isn't necessary in our lives

Eclipse: says who?

Solar: says someone who is older then you *fold his arms*

Miyako: erm..

Eclipse; older then me? Hah! We are the same person so why would I respect him?

Tristan: that concludes you don't respect yourself? Hm?

Eclipse: I- uh, well I do! But I just..

Miyako: *places her hand on Eclipse's shoulder* maybe it is best to listen to someone older..

Solar: *look at Eclipse in disappointment* I think you need a lesson or two, right Tris?

Tristan: heh, yep, and don't worry, it's not like Sol here wasn't that bratty ego kid!

Solar: Oi Oi! We agree not to bring that up again!

Tristan: *shrugs his shoulders as he grins playfully*

Miyako: their dynamics are shining..

Eclipse: ...

Miyako: let's listen to it together, okay?

Eclipse; fine

Wkdbjdbdbd, as you can see I mostly just type in whatever I feel like it's right to do!!

Lastly~ Dark squad!

Darkness: *he is hanging on Lucien's shoulder* T^T

Lucien: don't disrespect the girls, and don't even try to make them uncomfortable -_-

Yoru: t-thank you.. *weirded out by Darkness' moves and saying*

Airi: I'm probably having my bad lucks again *facepalm*

Lucien: Nope, it's just how Darkness is, he is a pervert yet a formal type of person

Darkness: *trying to free himself* let me gooooo

Lucien: anyways, Airi, I see you have different type of eyes ^^

Airi: *immediately looks away form Lucien's sight* what about it?

Lucien: it's uniquely beautiful!

Yoru: *slightly smiles*

Airi: r-really?

Lucien: I do not lie ^^

Darkness; he never lies!! *struggles* ><

Yoru: isn't that nice to hear? *nudges at Airi*

Airi: ..thanks?

Lucien: no problem~ and oh! I think we should end it here, LunLun already broke her fingers-

Luna: I did not! *randomly pops up*

Lucien: explain the fact that your arms are tired -_-

Luna: that was a random pain-

Darkness why hello princess~ *about to slap Luna's ass but got slapped first by Luna and was sent to the nearby tree* @^@ worth it

Yoru: Wha-

Luna: GRRR!! Just how many times I'm going to lecture you to not do that in front of anyone!! *walks over to Darkness and stars ranting at him*

Airi: *blinks* uhhh, he'll be fine, right?

Yoru: how..

Lucien: he'll be fine~ it's normal for him to act out like that towards Luna

Yoru: should we end it for her? *sweat-drops as Luna is still complaining at Darkness who seems to have interest but stares at Luna's chest which he got slapped again*

Lucien: Yep! You two should do it!

Airi: us? Uhmm.. okay!

Yoru: thank you for having us here, we appreciate it!

Airi: agree!

Both: see you next dare!!

Seeker; bloody hell Luna, all of this is hogwash!

Luna: it ain't!! >~< it's just one dare with everyone in there!! I won't break my fingers again!

Seeker: ugh, I swear to god, if your fingers aches the very next day I'm murdering you

Luna: T-T nuuuuuuuuuuuu



Seeker: *laughs evilly as he chase Luna with a frying pan*

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