Forgiving is key

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Dare: xKittaMew and siti_leyazulaikah
Truth: xKittaMew and siti_leyazulaikah

UwU keep on coming those dares And truth ofc-


Luna: Kat~ you'll be the one who is in charge today, me and Diana will be somewhere else

Diana: *packing her stuff* don't do anything bad! The last three days was already chaos and I don't want to see another one today

Kat: *salutes* OwO I will do my very best!

Luna: that's good to hear! Now get on your duties!!

Kat: Okie! *teleports*

At the BBB's home

Earthquake: *his back is against Thunderstorm's door, sighing* don't forget to eat your food.. *walks to his own room*

Kat: *pass by Earthquake who didn't even greet Kat* ?? *saw like five trays of food is left in front of the door* puuuu ;3; *shakes head then continue to find the two victims today*

Ice: *rolling out from his room and Cyclone following him* == can you stop copying me?

Cyclone: ;-; I'm sorry *stops rolling and now laying on the floor* Thunderstorm haven't talk to me in days and I can't even persuade him..

Ice: *sighs* give him time.. he needs it

Kat: *pouts* guys?

Ice and Cyclone: ? *look up*

Cyclone: ^3^ Kat! What are you doing here?

Kat: giving you two your dare!

Ice: us, both? *sits up* that is something entirely new

Cyclone: *also sits up* yeah! Yeah! Usually it's me with either Blaze, Thorn or Thunderstorm!

Kat: owo it's a simple dare! You two hangout at the funfair for just today!

Ice; funfair?

Cyclone: YAY!!! *grabs Ice's hand* Blaze won't mind and even Thunderstorm won't mind! *smiles* do it for me??

Ice: *thinks about it then sigh* fine..

Cyclone: Yay~! *his hoverboard appears and hops on it* come on! We can't miss all the rides!! *had his hand out*

Ice: *grabs Cyclone's hand then got pull up* .... -_-

Kat: bye bye you two~! >w<

Cyclone: see ya!! *zooms off*

Kat: owo now that's done.. next up the truth! *walks downstairs*

Here in the garden~

Thorn: Let's play a little game uwu *happily twirls around*

Kat: *walking into the definition of scenery, Thorn's garden* uwU Thorn!

Thorn: yesh?? *turn around to face at Kat, his face is a mess, full of dirts and sweats*

Kat: I got a truth for you owo

Thorn: owo what is it?

Kat: why do you always love to do gardening??

Thorn: easy! *giggles* I am, nature itself =w=

Kat; meaning??

Thorn; owo out of all my brothers, I take care more about the environment and study them when I have time! I can talk to them and learn a lot of new things!

Kat: owo Ooo! Thankie for answering the truth!

Thorn; ^w^ hehe, welcome!

Later that night

Kat; o3o.. would Solar be okay now? I don't want to risk my life getting attack by him.. buttttt I need to know the truth!! *in front of the door* ><||| here goes nothing.. *knocks*

Solar; *who is staring at his phone, curling up like a ball* ..

Kat; ;3;.. *sighs, close her eyes and teleports in* Solar..

Solar; ... *focusing on his phone*

Kat; *does not walk to where Solar is but walk to where the picture of his brother hang on the wall* I'm here to know the truth, behind all of this.. *saw the one where Solar and Thunderstorm had the perfect picture together*

Solar: *facing his body back on Kat, ignoring her*

Kat; *grab it then caresses the picture* why did you kill him? Just.. why?

Solar: *shutting his phone and throw it to the ground before covering himself with the blanket*

Kat: everyone wants to know the truth.. *puts the picture back where it was* everyone is confused at this point

Solar: was his fault *still stayed in the same position*

Kat; whose fault? *walk closer to Solar now* was is Thunder? *sits down on the edge of the bed*

Solar: ..yes *saying few words because just like Thunderstorm, he had not eaten or drank in days*

Kat: how so? *saying it softly and gently*

Solar: *tears did formed but he quickly wiped it away using his sleeve* he.. he tried to kill, Light *finally turn around to face Kat but his gaze fix on his hands*

Kat: that's it?

Solar; *shakes head* ..n-no.. he made.. Light *shakily sighs* traumatizes.. scared to be touch, scared to voice out, scared to make theories, scared.. to approach Thunderstorm

Kat: Mhm..?

Solar; ..right af-after I took over.. *a tear escape from his right eye* he.. he insisted to stay inside.. I.. I tried.. *paused as he had to cough*

Kat: *panics a little* y-you need water.. *snaps her finger as a water bottle appears* here.. drink

Solar: *adjusted his position to make it easier for him to drink in which, it finished fast* ..thanks

Kat; *smiles in small* no problem.. continue..?

Solar; *place the water bottle, sighing* I tried to convince him that everything will turn out okay and Thunderstorm does not remember what happen..

Kat: (Huh? But I thought Thunderstorm remember and filled that day with full of hatred) *nods her head at Solar*

Solar: but it was no used.. so for all this time, I fake a bit when I'm around Thunderstorm and you know.. that fabulous, wise, smart-ass I am.. I'm.. tired of that

Kat; (this is getting deep by the second-)

Solar; I don't remember the last time my sanity existed *chuckles sadly*

Kat; ..and if you don't mind me asking, do you know why? Thunderstorm attack Light?

Solar: *nods slowly* why yes.. an unfortunate event happened and it was my fault.. though.. it's also particularly Thunderstorm's fault.. *sigh, clench his fist*

Kat: I'm still confused.. it's actually both of your fault that this happen?

Solar; *nods again* I killed Petir, Hali made Light traumatizes. I began to lose my sanity and Thunderstorm filled himself with hatred towards me.

Kat: it's a never ending cycle..

Solar: of death and fear *intertwine his hands together* hah.. even our life can be brutal and abusive.. Ice have it worse but let's not talk about that..

Kat; *bite her bottom lip* so you don't have a crush on Thunderstorm?

Solar: *heard it and chuckle* no no.. we don't have any crush on each other- well in this dimension I suppose *softly place his hand on Kat's* I know all of this sounded complicated and illogical but you should it by now

Kat: *holds back, sighing* yeah.. *look at the picture of Thunderstorm and Solar* ...Thunderstorm come out *eyes now glowing the color of Luna's*

Thunderstorm: *had been listening this whole damn time, startled when his name being called out* ||||

Solar: *sits up slowly then saw Thunderstorm's eyes glowing at the dark corner* ..oh

Kat: *stands up, looking at the two* if you two don't make up, right now. Earthquake would not hesitate to drag you two to space and leave you two there *her voice was Luna*

Thunderstorm: geez.. *walks out from the dark corner* do you have to control that girl..

Kat(Luna): for the time being, but what I said was serious and it is Kat's date for you two too hangout and it's better to just let the hangout be in here, adios *blinks as her eye colors change back to light faded blue* o-o wut just happen

Solar: ummm.. *saw Ice and Cyclone outside the window* Ice and Cyclone are back!

Kat; Yay!! *teleports away*


Thunderstorm and Solar: I'm sorry-

Solar: *hugs himself* I should be the one who is sorry.. if I didn't lose my sanity I would not have..!

Thunderstorm: *zap near Solar to hug him tight, pouting out the tears that he held back*

Solar: ... *pats Thunderstorm's back and smiles* I'm sorry.. so sorry..

Back to Kat

Kat: Soooo!!! How was your day???

Cyclone: @w@ haha- worth the trip- *faints on the floor next to the worn out Ice*

Ice: *maybe dead*

Kat: eh..? What happen??

Blaze: *appears beside Kat, giggling* Chaos happen~

Kat: *flinches then slaps Blaze* ><||| C-chaos!?

Blaze; ;w; I was kidding.. *fold his arms, pouting* Ice accidentally ate something that made him hyperactive that beat Cyclone's hyper activeness *shrugs*

Kat: oAo|| and then??

Blaze: Cyclone basically got dragged here and there by Ice and they played the rollercoaster none stop!

Kat: aw.. poor Cyclone- Wait.. *glare at Blaze* how did you know that?

Blaze: Uhm.. maaagic?

Kat: owo okay then

Blaze; *sighs in relief*

Earthquake: out of people, I had to do it *hesitant to do it*

Luna: eh~ you'll be fine! *whispers* maybe..

Diana: *pushing Earthquake in the machine* it's ok..

Earthquake: *sighs* alright alright *steps inside* I'm only doing this for the certain someone

Luna: uwu yay~ now.. LEGGO!

Just to clear up.. the first tier and the second tier are completely different people, they are still BBB but just different in a way
Hali was brought back to the past
Petir was brought to the future(present)
Solar HAVE no crush on Hali
Thunderstorm was there because- his first tier- Petir died and he had to take over the body
Hali and Thunderstorm are not the same person because Hali is from the future and Thunderstorm is from the past
Yes, Petir died
Light is in a traumatic state
Hali is out for revenge
Solar's sanity is broken

There ya go

If you have questions regarding about it, I can explain

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