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Another dare.. another dare... and... *looks beside* I have Nix today with meh

Nix: *smiles and waves at the reader* HIII!! I'M SO HONOURED TO BE HERE!!

*facepalm* anyways.. this dare is from the one and only ImLonely11307 she dare that one annoying person have to annoy the seven BBBs till they had enough and jump off from the cliff.. anddddd that is why I have Nix

Nix: *grins* I'm proud to be here! Thank you for the dare! I hope I succeed!

*nods* let's get into it!

Help (is the title)


Earthquake: *cooking the usual food, saw Nix came in* ^^|| eh? Nix? Good morning and it's weird to see you here today

Nix : *smiles and skips to him* hi! What's cooking? *moves over to look into his pan*

Earthquake: just some of the Trios favorite dishes, they seem hungry *sweatdrops a bit* plus they haven't ate any dinner last night

Nix : *raises eyebrows* alone?? Aww, can I help?? Pretty pleeeeaasee?

Earthquake: umm.. if you don't mess it up the sure ^^ *moves a side* just simply cook this sausages and don't turn on the heat *walks* I'm getting the eggs

Nix : *smirks at the readers* who needs eggs when you can Crack here? *oustreches arms and pushes the glasses of salt and sugar on the floor* eggcelent!! *looks at the sausages* Gross *picks them up and places them in the pan* you don't have to chop them, you know? *tastes the food a bit* *hisses* yeah, I don't think it's hot enough *turns the heat on* Okay! That would speed up the process! I'm eggcited now!

Earthquake: *heard* huh? What do you mean by that- *saw the salt and sugar on the floor* Nix- *heard and saw* Wait don't- *left eye twitch* Nix, get out I don't think you can help ^^|| *gently carries Nix, walks to the living room and puts her on the couch before rushing back to the kitchen*

Nix : oh don't worry, I'm not done yet! *takes out the gas knob from her pocket* I took the gas knob off! it should explode in three, two~-

Earthquake: *teleports self and Nix outside the house, a huge explosion occurs* Nix..... *trying not to get annoy* be careful next time..

Nix : *smiles* be careful? What do you mean? I was only helping! *grins up to him and hugs him* oh and... by the way *pulls back and shows him his favourite apron that was torn and burned to ashes* I think this is your? Óui?

Earthquake: *saw his favorite apron, eyes widen* what the..... *let out a frustrated sigh* that's it, I can't take this any longer *teleports self to the highest cliff, hit self with his frying pan then faints only making him fell off the cliff*


*the next day*

Thunderstorm: ==||| Quake didn't look good.. *walking down the streets then saw Nix up ahead* what is she doing here... *having a bad feeling*

Nix : *smiles at her next ~target~ visitor* howdy! *jumps to his shoulders and takes his hat off to ruffles his hair* where you going?

Thunderstorm: =~=..... to the book store.. and what are you even doing here huh? *glance up at Nix while walking*

Nix : having fun of course! I got bored and I saw you... so, why don't we do something more fun?

Thunderstorm: (this doesn't sound good) fun like what? *puts Nix down*

Nix : *thinks* hmmm.. you tell me, big guy where do you go for fun? I'm down to whatever!

Thunderstorm: =~= why not we just go to the park? *points*

Nix : *looks at the park* fine~ let's go! *grabs his hand to walk there*

Thunderstorm: *hand got grabbed and walked to the park with Nix* ... *being all quiet*

Nix : why are you so silent? How am I going to- I mean, how will I bond with you now?

Thunderstorm: .... *keep walking*

Nix : are you seriously ignoring me? That's a bit shocking *slaps knee* GET IT??

Thunderstorm: ... *getting annoy but shrug it off*

Nix : *sees his face twitch* ohhhhh, *snickers* you hate that? I thought it was pretty striking

Thunderstorm: .... *walks faster from Nix*

Nix : *starts laughing and catching up to him* wait! Wait! Let me brainstorm first- wait, BRAINSTORM, AHAHAHAHAH!! *laughing and pointing at random people* HE'S THE LIGHT OF MY LIFE EVERYONE!!

Thunderstorm: 💢 *grabs Nix's wrist and glares at her* I had enough of this... *let go of Nix then teleports away and did what Quake did*


*next next day*

Cyclone: *playing with his hoverboard* Weee~!!!!

Blaze: *juggling with his fire balls* >^< hah!!

Nix : *jumps up behind them* SUPRISE!!

Cyclone: WAHHHH!!! *drops down from his hoverboard and hits the ground with a loud thud* owie!!

Blaze: *accidentally let go of his fire balls that then lands on the ground and starts a fire* FIREE!!!!!

Cyclone: AHHH!!!!

Nix : *quirks eyebrows* yall are loud *laughs* anyways, wanna die?

Blaze and Cyclone: No!

Blaze: why would we die?

Cyclone: that was a weird question, Nix *look at her*

Nix : well, maybe it'll be fun? I mean, your fire, and your wind, so why don't we live a little? Take this, do you trust me? *grins at them*

Blaze: of course we trust you! Why wouldn't we? *shrugs*

Cyclone: we trust you *chuckles*

Nix : okay! *snaps fingers*

*teleports to a stage, where everyone was watching*

Nix : hello Gello and welcome back to LET'S READ YOUR DIARY! today we have two lovely guests with me!

Blaze and Cyclone: *got teleported and heard* SAY WHAT!?

Nix : okay, so, Blaze dear, your diary said that last time, you dropped Cycy's toothbrush, but didn't tell him?? *gasped*

Blaze: what I didn't—

Cyclone: *gasp* you were the one who drop my toothbrush!?

Blaze: No—

Nix : well, that's just disgusting! *looks at them* seriously... oh well, let's keep going! Cyclone's diary said that he peed in the shower? Okay you both are gross. *starts laughing*

Crowd : *laughing their ass off*

Cyclone: oh come on! I was scared when the fake snake show up beside me! *feeling embarrassed*

Blaze: *got hit* TwT

Nix : well, you got more secrets here! Should we read them all? *grins at them*

Cyclone and Blaze: Hell nah!!!! *teleports away*


*the very next day*

Ice: *sleeping on the couch* Zzzzz......

Solar: *writing in his book while watching TV* ~

Nix : *pours water onto ice* MORNING SUNSHINNNNEEEE

Ice: *felt then drinks it, groans a bit* morning.. Nix.. Zzz..

Solar: *continue watching the TV while writing*

Nix : *grabs a pillow and smashes it on his face* SUFFOCATE AND DIE *puts on head phone on full speaker in his ears*

Ice: *doesnt really affect him* Zzzzzz.....

Solar: *startled, look at them* ||||||

Nix : what the..?? Hmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmm... what am I going to do with you... oh hey Solar

Ice: *continue his sleeping* Zzz..

Solar: heya Nix. Good luck on waking him up. His a heavy sleeper and he doesn't care what happen to him.

Nix : what about his bear?

Solar: since when does he have a bear? His a bear himself *chuckles*

Ice: ZzZzz..

Nix : what if I kill him?

Solar: ehh.. dear, he would stop you from doing it ||

Ice: Zzz

Nix : what if I tape both of his eyes open and thumb tack his eyeballs to the wall? *innocently tilts head*

Solar: ||||| I-ikr....

Ice: *still sleeping*

Nix : whaaatttt?? How the furry kittens?? *slaps ice* HEY

Ice: *got slapped, grunts a bit* what is it.. Nix.. Zz..

Solar: || *just continue what he left off*

Nix : hey, your brother died

Ice: why would I believe you.. if they die, I can feel them dead.. Zzz..

Nix : i feel like I'm the annoyed one here. *eyes twitch* But IT'S OKAY BECAUSE DAWNLIGHT DONT GIVE UP AHAHAHAHAHAHAAA- YOU! *points at solar* do you like snakes?

Solar: |||| I'm okay with snakes *about to run away*

Solar: *hand got grabbed* |||| n-nothing! Nothing at all!

Nix : oh suuuuurreee, now c'mon! How else am I going to finish the dare??

Solar: what dare?

Nix : dare? What dare? I didn't say that, anyways, spill the tea or I will *glares into his soul*

Solar: |||||| uhhhh..... you? *dash off immediately*

Nix : HEY COME BACK HERE YOU-! ugh whatever. Hey Ice? *turns to him and pushes him off the couch* you annoyed by anything?

Ice: *got pushed off, lands on a pillow made from snow* ..no *open his eyes while yawning* good luck with your dare~ *went back to sleep*

((Nix: Aidhshshauhshsh I shall not give up!!))

Nix : fine~ I guess I'll just leave you aloonnee *pretends to walk away*

Ice: I know you are pretending, Nix *chuckles while rolling away*

Nix : your pissing me off ice ass. *walks to him* *folds arms and puts on a thinking face* what should I do..

Thorn: *came in, carrying his flowers in hand* owo *walks*

Nix : *whips head towards him* Hey Thorn! *skips to him* what's up?

Thorn: owo the ceiling! *keeps walking*

Nix : *deep inHALE* ok listen here bitch- *clears throat* Okay, okay *presses hands together* I am one with nature... anyways, what are you doing buddy chum pal buddy?

Thorn: owo... Idk *walking around the living room*

Nix : need some help? I'm pretty bored!

Thorn: owo no, cause I know you would mess it up. That's what mama Quaky told me *giggles*

Nix : no no i promise... don't you trust me? *pouts*

Thorn: owo I trust you but no *gives the flower too Nix and teleports away*


=^= when you know, Nix had enough of this

Nix : *snaps fingers and burns he flowers to ashes* that little mother-

((Nix: Why u do dis to me i thought this dare was to annoy them T~T))

OwO it was... something And that is the end of the dare~

Ice and Thorn: *teleports in* we were told too annoy you.

Thorn: OwO mhm! Mhm!

Ice: *yawns* sorry about that.

Nix : *eyes twitch* I was not paid to do this! *glares at Luna* and yOU

Luna: Meep!! What did I do??? *backing away*

Thorn: owo?

Ice: ...?

Nix : don't look at me like that!! *points at readers* you better be happy! *crosses arms and pouts* well, at least I get to meet you guys

Thorn: owo Yea

Ice; I guess you have to pay this.. *gives Nix a hospital pay bill*

Luna: *running away*

Nix : WHAT?? WHY!? LUNA!!!! COME BACK HERE! *chase Luna*

Somewhere else

??: *enjoying the BBBs jump off the cliff, eating popcorn, laughs* ~

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