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Dare: Zacky_aqilah and Kpopisinmylife

Watch me struggle with their personalities because, I'm not that familiar with their personalities or behaviors

OwO enjoy

Note: there will be Malay speaking in there and don't worry- I'll translate for the none Malay speakers out there

Also, I might be a bit lazy here, don't mind that but do check again back cause I might change some scenes


Diana: Katie? Have you seen Luna? *carrying the box*

Kat: *rummaging into Solar's stuff because they were helping Solar with cleaning up*  no..? 030 I haven't heard her screaming in the morning soo..

Diana: *place the box down* really? That's weird..

Solar: *walks in, is on the call* oh yeah, I can do that, no- yes- but don't- ah no no.. *talking with someone*

Diana: Solar!

Solar: ? *look at Diana* give me one or two minutes *mute his call then walk to Diana* yes dear?

Diana: have you seen Luna anywhere?? She was supposed to be helping us here

Solar; *thinks* now that you bring this up.. I haven't seen her in sight! *goes back to his call* she's maybe doing something unbelievable *walks back out* yes yes, I'm back- wait no, don't-

Kat: °^° useless

Diana: Yeah *was about to lift another box but was surprised to see a cat* !?

Cat: mew?

Diana: oh god that scared the hell out of me.. *lift up the box with one hand and the other to pat the cat* aww how cute~

Cat: ^w^ mew~

?: *without warning throw the yo-yo at Diana's hand* lepaskan Comot! (Let go of Comot!)

Diana: *startled by it and backs away* (another Malay!?)

Kat: ? *stands up, blinks her eyes to see three different silhouettes* show yourself, I can see you

Diana: who? *now standing beside Kat*

Comot(cat): *runs to where the yo-yo was*

Ali, Alicia and Bakar: *walking out from the shadows*

Bakar: eh? Siapa dorang Ni? Ejen baru ke? (Eh? Who are they? New ejens/recruits?)

Alicia: *observing both Diana and Kat and shakes head* tidak, saya tidak pernah melihat muka mereka.. (no.. I've never seen their faces before)

Ali: *seeing the warning 'unknown place'* siapa kamu dua..? (Who are you two..?) *grips on his yoyo*

Kat: I don't understand what they are saying •3•|||

Diana: me neither *had her hands up* we mean no harm, we don't even understand what you three are even saying

Ali: Ish- *was about to stormed at Diana but was stopped*

Alicia: *was the one who stopped Ali, look at them* you two don't speak in Malay, do you?

Diana: ..wOw *shakes head* no we don't

Kat: owo though~ who are you three.. why do you guys seem.. familiar

Alicia: (familiar?) we aren't giving out our names-

Bakar: Hi! I'm Bakar, Ejen Bakar!

Ali: errr.. Sa- I'm Ali, Ejen Ali and~ *points at Alicia* dia- she is Alicia

Bakar and Ali aren't good at english

Alicia: *facepalm*

Kat: oh! Oh! I'm Kat~ and this here is Diana! OwO

Diana: nice to meet you three.. hm.. *look at Alicia* may I ask

Alicia: ..go on

Diana: how did you three ended up here?

Alicia: well.. we were assigned on a mission to safe our friend. When suddenly, this round egg like shape thing appeared in front of us. Stupid enough he *glaring at Ali* thought that it was a gateway to our friend

Diana: in conclusion, he ran in with you and Bakar

Alicia: *nods*

Diana: *look at Kat* they must have ran into an open portal..

Kat: whose portal?

Diana: it can't be us not even the BBBs

Kat: Luna?

Diana: that's a possibility but we don't know where she is

Kat: hmm I think it's a dare..

Diana: them, meeting with the BBBs..

Kat: m! M!

Diana: let's get this dare started then


The elements and Ejen are having a fight for a lot of misunderstanding

Diana: *sighs* when will they stop

Kat; *shrugs*

Luna: What stop?

Diana and Kat: EKKKK! *glares at Luna*

Luna: whaaaat? *saw Diana pointing, look* . . .

Few minutes later

Ali: adoiiii *rubbing his sore head after getting hit by a frying pan*

Bakar: nasib apa kah ini? (What luck is this?) *in a sarcastic way*

Alicia: *didn't get hit because she was trying to calm them down*

BBBs: *all of them got hit and is now K.O on the ground*

Luna: now, all of us in this room are going to watch 'A Quiet Place' later tonight, get ready and you three may speak in English, I've put the data in *walks off*

Diana: *follows after Luna because she is lazy to deal with them*

Kat: owo *innocently just follows*

Earthquake: *look at his brothers* you guys go get everything ready

Blaze, Cyclone and Thorn: HAI!! *runs*

Thunderstorm: fine.. *walks away*

Solar: alright~ *tailing from behind*

Ice: *was about to go*

Earthquake: and Ice

Ice: ?

Earthquake: ^^ you'll be in charge, I'll be talking to them

Ice: eh sure *walks*

Alicia: *looking at Luna* she do seem familiar

Ali; yeah! Macam si Godzilla atu! ADUH!? (Like that Godzilla!) *got hit at the head by Alicia*

Alicia: jeez *roll her eyes*

Bakar: *walks to the two* tapi banar jua apa Ali cakap.. macam Ejen Selene (though, it's true what Ali just said)

Earthquake: Ejen Selene? *is beside the three*

Bakar: iya! Ejen Selene-

Alicia; one of the secret Ejen in our world, she is currently kidnapped because someone didn't pay attention to my plan *fold her arms*

Ali: *triggered, use the English data he received* me? Are you blaming me?

Alicia: who else?

Ali; I didn't do anything! I tried my best there and blame me!?

Both: *argues*

Bakar: ^^|| haish..

Earthquake: calm down you two *steps in between them* time won't move in your dimension, without the main character *looking at Ali* the story won't go on

Ali; ..?

Alicia: (time won't move..)

Earthquake: *smiles* now come on, let's go watch the movie

That night

Ali: ohhh.. begitu rupanya (that's how it is..) *tapping Earthquake's watch* kamu ini.. adik-beradik ataupun.. (are you guys siblings or..)

Earthquake: *shakes head* we are from the same person, we only have different personalities and the mind of our own

Ali: orang yang sama? Apa maksud nya? (Same person? What does that mean?)

Earthquake: *smiles* you don't need to know, it's rather complicated to say. It is better to not be curious and asking the question


Earthquake: ah.. I think they are done watching it!

Ali: ? *peeks into the room*

Thunderstorm: . . .

Cyclone: T3T... I hate this

Blaze: ;-; I'm scared now to even sleep

Ice: .. *faints*

Thorn: owo *is ded*

Solar; *faints beside Ice*

Bakar: a-apa scary nya cerita ini? (What's even scary with this story?) *he may talk brave but his face says otherwise*

Alicia: -_- mm, is there another dare?

Earthquake: yeah, it's for those two *points at Thunderstorm and Solar*

Both; us?

Ali: Mhm! Kamu berdua kana dare untuk.. Arm wrestling! (You two got a dare to..)

Thunderstorm: *smirks when he heard that* time to beat you for the 2938736362 time

Solar; oh please, I've beaten you 29378337272 time too

Thunderstorm: heh, then let's see who win, if I win, you won't have to bother me with your science stuff

Solar: and if I win, you'll have to buy me those new products! And get me the ingredients for my next project!

Ali: erm.. those two love to fight each other?

Earthquake: *nods* ^^|| this is normal

Alicia: *having that so done face*

Bakar: *intrigued*


Solar: yas! I win~ *chuckles* oh I have so many things that I wanted you to get..

Blaze: *who was the one who always get the things for Solar* Q^Q am I free?

Solar: Mhm~

Blaze: YAY!

Thunderstorm: ==..

Earthquake: all of you *talking to his brothers* I want you all to clean up the mess you all did

Thunderstorm: really-

Earthquake: ^^

Thunderstorm: ..okay okay *hold all of his brothers except Earthquake and zaps away*

Earthquake: *look at the three* maybe you three should go back to your dimension *close his left eye and did a circle motion with index finger as a portal open up*

Alicia: *observing on how Earthquake does it*

Ali: WOAH~ *now in front of Earthquake* teach me that!

Earthquake: ^^||| haha.. it's not technology..

Bakar: *walks to the portal, putting his hand in, shivers* what is this stuff-

Earthquake: don't ask |||| Okay! You three can go back now!

Alicia: *nods, look at Earthquake* it was nice knowing you *walks into the portal first*

Ali: Comot!

Comot: mew! *appears then hops into Ali's arms*

Ali: *smiles at Earthquake* you really are a cool guy! *runs in*

Bakar: *was stop, look* ?

Luna: here *gives a head scarf or Hijab* you know who to give it too

Bakar: *take it, just nod, smiles* jumpa lahi nanti! (See you soon!) *runs into the portal*

Earthquake: *open his eyes and the portal closes* so.. you have another dimension self in there?

Luna; Ye OwO

Earthquake: ^^||

At the other side of the portal

Ali: *when he walk in, everything seems to stop* wow..

Alicia: *is confused yet curious*

Bakar: *when he walk in everything starts again* tidak ada lagi masa kita membazirkan! (There is no more time to waste) *hearing a beep sound* ? *look at the scarf and is how showing a map and there is a dot, smiles*

Ali: *look at it and the information stored in his iris* aku tau mana Selene! Ikut aku! (I know where Selene is! Follow me!) *runs*

Alicia: *just follows*

Bakar: (sangat mengkagumkan..) (very interesting..) *follows them*


Sorry if it wasn't what you expected, I got kind of bored and out of ideas and lazy- but yeah

I wanted to finish this because I have three more dares to do before the special- yep

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