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Dare: BPZhiXin

030.... let's continue on with the dare, shall we?


Luna: o3o I have no idea what to do, honestly

Diana: as much as it's being too- uhhhh, powerful, you know how to do something about it, right?

Luna: OwO of course! You'll see it soon!!


Kat; *sitting on Earthquake's head* yeah! Yeah! You need to fight him!

Earthquake: that's alright, it's not like we never fought our reverse before.. *thinking* about Nova.. she's a girl version of ourselves..?

Thunderstorm: seems like it *folds his arm*

Solar: ahhhh, isn't she.. *he can't say it*

Blaze: whatever fight this is, let's fight!!

Cyclone: >^>|| I'm more afraid of this not being hype right now

Thorn: owo weird

Ice: the only OP is Superman.. *his complaining that The Justice League was rushed and Superman was too OP*

Kat: -w-||| maybe you guys should fight him now and oh! Even Luna is gonna fight you guys!

Thunderstorm: *facepalm* Luna will have fun with this.. the last time we fought, I won and she said that will get her revenge ==

Kat: owo oof! Good luck on that! *claps her hands*

Somewhere else

Kaizo: *tilts his head to crack it as he lands on the ground, as his sword was thrown behind him* hm, look like you don't play easy on me

Nova: *grins* of course! I beat my Kaizo back in my dimension! I can beat you in Luna's dimension!

Kaizo: *stands up, resting his hands behind his head* oh really now? *look up at Nova with a small smirk* let's test that theory.. shall we?

Nova: oh, you are on! *creates an ice sword then zaps in front of Kaizo and slashed at him But was block with Kaizo's sword*

Kaizo: don't, underestimate me *his sword magnetically was pulled back to him in time* everyone have their weakness and I will find yours~ HIYAA!

Back to BBBs

Reverse: time to get down to business.. *grins down at the BBBs who seemed chill at this fight*

Earthquake: remember what we had trained for this *look up at Luna with a smile which Luna smiles back*

Solar: we shall enjoy this fight for glory~ *push up his vision, grinning*

Thunderstorm: *shakes his head* this will just be wasting our time, I have a club to tend too! But whatever *twirls his hat around before putting it back on*

Cyclone: Ooo~ this will be fun! Fun! It's been a long time since we fought anyone who is equal in power!

Blaze: yeah!! Especially when it's Reverse! Let's see how powerful he is!

Thorn: owo hehe *pulling his thorny vines with a sadistic smile*

Ice: ...I hate this *wears his hoodie with a sigh* lets get this over with

Reverse: this will be easy~!

Luna: *fold her arms* do not see them as weaklings, Reverse. They are strong both physically and mentally. They aren't my BBBs, these are the Originals but! They have experienced with my BBBs..

Reverse: *rolls his eyes* I'll see it for myself but for sure, I will win this!

Luna: mkay then, I've warn ya~ *claps her hands twice* let's get this bread!


Kat: soooooo.. you are lazy to do the fight scene?

Luna: Eee-Yep! I'm not a fan of doing fight scene as I'm not experienced in it, so usually I time skip the scene or just add some scenes that are necessary

Kat: make sense why you skip some of fight scenes o3o

Luna: eh, yeah *dodge an ice arrow* you still need to work on your aiming Ice!! *dodges another arrow* told you so!

Kat: *she's in a ghost like form, brought to you by Luna* 030 wow

Luna: don't worry about me- you should worry more on Reverse *points at Reverse who is struggling to handle the fight between him and Earthquake*

Kat: Uhmm.. are you going to let it go in?

Luna: owo Yep~ *sips tea while simply dodging every attack*

Blaze: Luna! Fight back! You can't just keep dodging us!

Ice: Tch *just keeps on shooting*

Luna: aww~ fineee! I was going relax but you insisted.. SURE ILL BRING THE FIGHT!

Blaze and Ice: (ah shiet-) [this is your fault you blockhead-]

With Reverse

Reverse: *spits out the blood from his mouth, grins at Earthquake* I see.. you aren't weak as everyone else think you are

Earthquake: there is no "weakling" in any of us *letting his earth shield crumbled back into the ground* you are the weak one here, Reverse *walks up to Reverse*

Reverse: me? *laughs nervously when Earthquake comes closer to him* how am I weak? I am your Reverse self, more stronger then your raw power!

Earthquake: and that is where you are wrong.. *grabs Reverse up by his neck, staring dead into Reverse's eyes* you are our weakness, the weakness that we let ourselves be consumed by..

Reverse: *grits his teeth, saw an opening and tried to attack Earthquake But was strained by the thorns around his wrist that appeared out of nowhere* the fu-

Thorn: *laughs* forgot about us?

Reverse: shi- *felt the electricity in his veins now then immediately gave a dirty look at Thunderstorm who is smirking at him*

Thunderstorm: thank you for focusing on Solar *rolls his eyes with a sly smirk*

Reverse: what!? *look back and saw Solar's eye color* you..

Earthquake(Solar): strength don't always comes from raw power *let go of Reverse* but from strategy and teamwork *push his vision up as it forms back*

(Real)Earthquake: *traps Reverse in his earth cage* that is what we were taught from our older self


Luna: *was flying off and now hits her back on the wall, smiling through the pain* man! I haven't felt that since decades ago! *chuckles*

Cyclone: *brush the dust off from his shirt and cap* Luna, when can you actually show your painnnnnn!

Frostfire: *they fused the last second Luna was about to blow the hit on Cyclone* yeah~! You'd always laugh or smile at it- it's creepy! Would you rather see her ugly crying?

Luna: *nods at Ice* Yeah, ya ain't rather seeing me ugly crying in pain *saw Reverse looking at her way* what? They won! *stands up as her wounds and injuries are all heal up*

Diana: *came out of the portal with Nova and Kaizo* those two ended up in a tie *saw how crazy the fight had been* woah

Nova: *saw Reverse stuck in the earth cage* didn't expect you too lose

Reverse: same here *now got let go by Earthquake and Thorn*

Kaizo: *glare at Reverse as that is his instinct* it was a tie, no one lost or won

Kat: *floats down and transform back into her normal state* that was inSANE! ;w; I couldn't catch up with any fights..

Luna: *cracks her head and knuckles* anyways, I think this getting way too longggg- Diana!!

Diana: ah! Oh right! *claps her hands*


Luna: y'all can rest now, Imma use the others so enjoy the relaxation from getting dares and truths!

Earthquake: ^^ it's alright for me, I needed a break from getting dares..

Thunderstorm: finally, I can focus on my other life *zaps away to his Karate club*

Cyclone: awww! I feel sad but relief! >^< let's play animal crossing!! Blaze!

Blaze: oh yeah! A time to waste for animal crossing!!

Ice: ..sleep *dragging his pillow to go upstairs*

Thorn: OwO Zen garden~ *walks to his garden*

Solar: such a shame but the others needed some attention too! Toodles readers~!


Hope y'all enjoy this- especially to Nova and like I said just now, doing a fighting scene is not my thing

Anddddd I need more daresss or truth but do read the

"Sh*tty extras"

Chapter thing, cause I won't be using the Ori.BBBs for a bit, maybe cameos but not fully using them-

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