Random and daressssssss owo

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This is really.. REALLY random... well not really it's just what I think.. and Thorn is the main character in this


Blaze and Cyclone: *running away from Ari* HUWAAAAAAAAAAA!!!!!!

Ari: You two get your butts here now!! *chasing Both of them*

Thorn: owo what's happening to them?

Solar: oh~ must be pranking Ari again *texting someone in IG*

Thorn: •w• mkay *walk to the kitchen* mommy Quake?

Earthquake: *sitting on the chair while reading a paper with an 'ikr' face, heard Thorn* yes? *looks up to face Thorn*

Thorn: *sits beside Earthquake then looks at the paper* what's that?

Earthquake: ^^|| it's just a letter from a fangirl.. looks like she is stalking us..

Thorn: Oh! *looks at Earthquake with a cat face* OwO ya know.. fangirls are everywhere~! *points all around the place*

Fangirls: (which is you guys) *in their hiding place, stalking the BBBs* !? *hides away when Thorn points at them*

Earthquake: ^^||| *cringe a bit* okay Thorn.. why not you check on Thunder?

Thorn: OwO sure! *walks up the stairs into Thunderstorm's room* Thunder! *opens the door and saw Thunderstorm typing quickly in his computer* OwO?

Thunderstorm: I'm almost there.. I'm almost there— *computer crashes on him* OH COME ON!! *in rage mood now*

Thorn: OwO|||| *quickly backs away and shuts the door*

Ice: *passing by, saw Thorn* Thorn..? *blinks his eyes lazily* what's... wrong?

Thorn: owo Thunder is in rage

Ice: ... *slowly walks away*

Thorn: owo? *shrugs then went downstairs and went to his garden and saw* Emmy!!!

Emerald: *walking around the garden, heard Thorn's voice and turns to look at him* ^^ hello there Thorn

Thorn: *walks to Emerald and ask* Why is Emmy doing here??

Emerald: ^^ well, I was planning to head back to the crystal cave to check if there is anything new, what about you Thorn?

Thorn: owo walking

Emerald: ^^|| well then.. I should get going.. goodbye Thorn! *heads to the cave*

Thorn: owo bye bye~ *looks up at the Author* you should do the dare now

Hey what the.. =3= Foine.. I'll do it here.. since the ones I did keep disappearing...

Thorn: •w• yay!


Okay into the dare!

Dare from.. JAYALISYA

;w; it's to many but who cares! Imma do it anyways!!

Watch conjuring two
Dare Cyclone to play skateboard and she will teach him.. I guess
Dare Cyclone to prank Thunder with balloons
Dare Cyclone to face his fears again
Dare.. Luna to face her fear

;-;|||| *looks at them*

Cyclone: ;w; why do I have lots of dares?

Thunderstorm: why am I involved... ==

Luna; dammit


Quake: ??? (I still don't get why they are scared of it..)

•~•||| lets just start this!


Luna: which dare first?

You and Cyclone face each other fears

Luna: =-=....

Cyclone: *appears from nowhere* NUUUUUUUUUUU!!!!

Few minutes later

Cyclone: *trap inside a dark room with Luna* T^T I don't wannnnnnnaaaaaaaaa

Luna: we have to! Or you might face the consequences which is way more worst then this!

Cyclone: T~T fine... *walks in the place with Luna, looks around* u-uh.. so.. no flashlight?

Luna: apparently no but.. I'm glad I'm a wolf *have night vision, eyeing around the place*

Cyclone: TwT and I'm just an ordinary human

Luna: *facepalm*

Creaking sound

Luna: !! what was that?

Cyclone: *hugging Luna's leg* QwQ I dunno... *saw something up ahead* ><! *hides behind Luna*

Luna: ||||| *looks at it then froze in spot* M... M... M...

Cyclone: M.. what?

Luna: MONSTER!!!!

Monster(Fang): *wearing a scary monster costume from anime, jumps in front of them and ROARS*

Both: *hugs each other deadly* KYAAAAAAAAAAAA—


Cyclone: *on the couch, pass out* @-@

Luna: *in the corner of the room, shaking in fear*

Fang: I went overboard didn't I?

I think you did now onto the next dare!

Stand by~

Cyclone: do I have to prank Thunder? What if I got kill by him?!

Just do it~ he won't kill you~ cause he love you very much~

Cyclone: /////.. Okay I'll do it!


Cyclone: *creeping inside Thunderstorm's room, saw him on the bed sleeping, gulps* (||||| I'm dead..) *quietly walks near the bed, takes out a balloon and a needle, takes a deep breath* (Okay..) *puts it near Thunderstorm's ear* (3... 2.... 1...) *pops the balloon*

Thunderstorm: *jolts up* WHAT THE—


Thunderstorm: *death glares at Cyclone* ...

Cyclone: *gulps* u-um... LARI!! *dash out from the room*

Thunderstorm: *saw Cyclone dashing out from room* ... *grins for a bit* heh.. *lays back down and close eyes*

•_•||| um.. next!


Kath: *has straight orange flame with pink, yellow, blue and golden streaks, blue eyes and pale white skin* ~~ *walks outside and saw Cyclone* Aha! *runs to him*

Cyclone: *sitting on his hover board, bored* o3o nothing to do...

Kath: *behind Cyclone* Cy!

Cyclone: *flinch* HUWAA— *fell off his hover board*

Kath: Oops.. *helps Cyclone up* Sorry there

Cyclone: *got help up* nah it's okay.. by the way.. why are you here.. um..

Kath: it's Kath! And I have a dare for you

Cyclone: dare? What dare?

Kath: I'm going to teach you how to play skateboard!

Cyclone: but.. I already know

Kath: eh!?

Cyclone: OwO I'm playing my hoverboard is the same as skateboard so.. =w= I don't need to do the dare

Kath: aw.. then.. I dare all of us to watch conjuring 2!

Cyclone: WHAT!?

Kath: *flinch, rubs ears* ow..

Cyclone: sorry!!!

Kath: it's okay, now lets just get into the dare!

Few hours later

Luna: NO NOT AGAIN I HAVE ENOUGH NIGHTMARES *got dragged in by Kath*

Kath: == I'm also watching.. and the others.. so bare with it


Thunderstorm; *just sits there, silent*

Thorn: QwQ not another one.. *sits on the chair with Solar*

Solar: *hugs Thorn* ^^ it's okay Thorn I'm here

Thorn: *hugged* QwQ sunny...

Ice: Zzzzzzzzz *sleeping on Earthquake's lap*

Earthquake: *sitting on the floor while waiting for the movie to start*

Cyclone and Blaze: *behind Earthquake, hugging while shaking in fear* ><||| not again!

Kath: lets start watching it!!

BBB6 and Luna; NOOOOOOO!!!

Earthquake: *sweatdrops*

After the movie ended

Luna: *dead on the floor with Blaze and Cyclone*

Blaze: never.. I'm going to watch... horror.... movie..

Cyclone: s.. same..

Ice: *still sleeping* Zzzzzz

Kath: *leans back against the couch while hiding under the blanket*

Thorn: *hugging Solar tight, shaking and crying* uuu...

Solar: *hugs Thorn, tries to comfort him* there.. there.. *is still scared*

Thunderstorm: • • •

Earthquake: (still don't get it)


Okay! That is all! For the other dares! Wait up alright? I'll do it when I feel like it and.. Kath >< sorry if your character... isn't acting like your character!

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