Uhhh.. dares~ and oh! A truth!

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Dare: Ayumi_Cycy028 and RicaSheenSitoy
Truth: RicaSheenSitoy

So... *looks*

Lunar: Hi?

-3- You are very different from my Lunar, you know?

Lunar: I know, can we get onto it?

Fine~ fine~ don't die on me anyways

Lunar: Wait- what do you mean by that-


Luna: GEROMINOOOOOO- *splash into the water pool, splashing at where Water yes Water is sitting*

Water: *stops the water from splashing onto him, shakes head then gives the water to Blaze*

Blaze: *who was eating burgers which is cooked by Earthquake is now drench in water* T-T my food..

Earthquake: don't worry Blaze! I got another one! *the one who is always prepare cause he know that will happen*

Thunderstorm: Zzzz *laying on the chair comfortably, fell asleep because it was a nice weather and the book he was reading was calming*

Cyclone: *is surfing in the air, having fun on his own because he needs it to ignore how hot Thunderstorm is-* shut up -///-

Solar: *sitting by the edge of the pool, playing with the water a bit, his not good a swimming as much Thorn*

Thorn: *swimming casually with Luna* -w- hehe *doing butterfly now*

Luna: =w= ahhh no dares~ no truths~ *is relax that she doesn't have to order the boys around*

Lunar(don't get confused-): *teleports near Earthquake, looking down and just shrugs at what he is wearing* (beach clothes) *look up then saw the horrific face on Earthquake* hm?

Earthquake: O-oh god.. *place his hand on his chest* you scared me for a second.. *looking at Lunar* Wait, you aren't my Lunar-

Lunar: I'm Ayane's *points*

Ayane: *have surprise Luna and Thorn who is now chase by the two* have mercy!!


Thorn: owo *innocently chase because he was told to*

Earthquake: um er.. *sweat-dropping at the three, looking at Lunar* why are you guys here?

Lunar: oh, you and Blaze got a dare

Earthquake: *sighs softly* I thought I got a vacation *looking at Blaze*

Blaze: *still crying over his food* ;^;

Lunar: ah, sorry about that.. and about your dare, you have to fight me.. and Blaze.. he have to do dirty stuff to Ayane *shakes head*

Earthquake: maybe I should get the other dimension of Blaze or not Ice.. I mean Water, would be jealous *sweat-drops*

Lunar: does he get jealous that easily?

Earthquake: *nods* he may look like he doesn't care but actually, his holding his feelings in *sadly smiles at Water*

Lunar: (...hm)


Earthquake: *sitting on the chair, drinking his tea, looking at Lunar who is getting ready* do I have to show all my powers to you?

Lunar: Mhm *fixing his hat, in a fighting stance* I'm ready

Earthquake: *stands up, putting his tea on the chair* whatever you say Lunar, you are the same as the other Lunar *crack his neck and knuckles* don't ended up killing yourself *walking towards Lunar casually*

Lunar: (?) *shrugs his shoulders then just dash at Earthquake, summons his scythe to slash at Earthquake but eyes widen before jumping back, away from Earthquake*

Earthquake: *blocks the attack with his earth shield but it was a mix of Telepathy's, looking at Lunar with brown with mix of fading purple eyes* you ask for it *close his eyes as darkness consumes them*

Lunar: well, fuck-


Blaze: *is walking with Ayane, humming, checking out her body because this dimension of Blaze is.. is a pervert ||* O~ la~ la~

Ayane: *in front of Blaze, heard him* ?? *turns around to face Blaze, having that innocent look* yes?

Blaze: nothing dear! Nothing! Why not~ *snake his arm around Ayane's waist to pull her close to him* lets go to somewhere fun~?

Ayane: *innocently nods, oh god girl- you are going into his trap-* what fun is it?? Water slides?

Blaze: *chuckles deeply, looking at Ayane with a lust* more fun then that~

Coughs, let's just do the other dare- shall we?

Solar: borrow my clothes? Darling, you can borrow my clothes any time!

Arieneriz: ..ok *thanks Solar before going inside to Solar's room* ~ *checking Solar's walk in closet then found some girl clothes* hmm..


Thorn: *waking up in his garden, yawns like a bunny* ? *blinking his eyes to adjust to the light* did I slept here? *sits up but felt like he is wearing a different clothes* huh?


Ice: *waking up in middle of the pool with ice underneath him* ...? Why did I wake up here? *sitting up, looking around but he felt like as if he is wearing a different clothes*


Cyclone: *yawning, waking up on the ceiling fan that is somehow not breaking* eh? *checks around* I thought I was in my bed..?*shivers because he felt cold*


Earthquake(the real one, the one fighting with Lunar is the other one-): *stretching his arms, covering his mouth as a yawn comes* what a lovely morning *opening his eyes but realize that he doesn't need his glasses* ..uh? *blinks his eyes* why..?


All four of them: *checks at the mirror* .  .  .WHAT ARE WE WEARING!?

All four of them: *is gather up by Arieneriz by teleportation* ????

Arieneriz: Sorry. Didn't told you four earlier. And your dare is to act like girls for a whole month towards your mates

Ice: ... *look down at what he is dress in* ... *looks up* it's not the winter holidays yet

Arieneriz: I couldn't find any better clothes for you, so I gave up and chose this

Earthquake: ^^||| Umm.. am I the only one wearing short pants?

Arieneriz: I prefer you wearing that then a skirt

Cyclone: *feels air beneath him, shivers* I've been through this a lot yet I can't stand the feeling of air inside my legs and what are these?? *touching his chest area*

Thorn: Yeah! Yeah! What are those!! *curiously touches it*

Arieneriz: .... (did Solar's clothes make them a girl?-) *shakes head* don't touch those.. it's just what we girls call, boobs

Cyclone: .-.

Thorn: ōwō..?

Arieneriz: never mind, just.. ignore about them and go on to your mates!!

A whole one ass month later cause I'm lazy

Arieneriz: *walking into each of their room, first up, it was Ice and Blaze* hm~ *saw that Ice is wearing his normal clothes* (good) *clears throat*

Ice: *is about to doze off but snaps back to reality due to Ari clearing her throat* ?

Blaze: *is on his phone, switch it off to look at Ari* yes?

Arieneriz: it's truth now.. who much do you love your lover?

Blaze: *heard the question, grins before hugging Ice close to him, nuzzling his nose into Ice's neck* as much as he hates me, that is how much I love him

Ice: == (/////) *letting Blaze hug him, rolling his eyes but turns his body around to kiss Blaze on the lips*

Arieneriz: mkay *waves* bye~ *walks to the other room which is Thorn and Solar's room* ~hello?

Thorn: *watering the balcony plants, heard Ari then stops what he was doing before coming inside* OwO??

Solar: *putting pictures into an album, stops it then look up at Ari* yes dear?

Arieneriz: question.. how much.. do you love your partner?

Solar: *smiles happily, grabs Thorn who is standing right next to Solar to carry him in his arms* there is no, numbers could define on how much I love Thorn! I could ramble on how and why I love him but that's for another time~

Thorn: *closing his eyes as he smiles* mhm! Mhm! *pecks a kiss on Solar's lips, giggling*

Arieneriz: *nods her head* ciao~ *walking to the other room but knocking first, heard a come in then walks in* hi

Thunderstorm: *reading a book like usual, on his bed, nods his head* hello

Cyclone: *next to Thunderstorm, leaning his body against Thunderstorm* Hey~ *waves* what are you doing here, Ari??

Arieneriz: got a truth for Thunder *look at Thunder* how much do you love, Cyclone?

Thunderstorm: *closes the book, intertwined his fingers with Cyclone underneath the blanket with a small smile on his face* I would rather fall in love with an idiot brother who have the power of wind then a girl who only wants my body

Cyclone: *he took it as an offensive yet impressive thing Thunderstorm would say something about him* (//////) *but blushes anyways so in return he kiss Thunderstorm's lips as a thank you*

Arieneriz: heh, good answer *walks off* buh bye *now walking to the last room, walks in to see Fang talking with Earthquake which is currently blushing too much* ...cute

Earthquake: *heard, turns to look* A-Ari? What are you doing here?

Fang: *turns around to face Ari, confused on why she is here but having a feeling it was a question for either him or Earthquake*

Arieneriz: Yeah, Fang. I do have a question for you

Fang: what is it?

Arieneriz: do you love Quake? How much?

Earthquake: *faces his body to face Fang, smiling*

Fang: hm.. *took of Earthquake's cap to raked his hair* of course I love Quake, the love I have for him won't fit this whole chapter.. but in short, I love you 3000 *pulls Earthquake into a soft kiss*

Arieneriz: *smiles at the two then slowly backs away from the room, closing it* I'm done *walks off to the distance then teleports away*

Meanwhile for the first dares

Earthquake: *carrying Lunar on his back, chuckling gently* be glad I didn't use all of my powers on you, or not, you'll be dead

Lunar: *resting his head on Earthquake's shoulder, tired as ever* but you borrow's someone's power..

Earthquake: *shakes head* yes and no, first of all it can be call fusing.. he is mine after all.. a part of me, so I can use that power any time I want but we don't actually fuse, that would take up his energy but the other thing is his power channel to me

Lunar; *puzzled* isn't that the same as borrowing?

Earthquake: *sighs gently* you'll understand soon enough.. borrowing have consequences that is only for the rest but not for me

Lunar: ok..

Blaze: *walking with Ayane, saw the two* Quake! Lunar! *runs up to them* did you two have a great time?

Lunar: no, not really, almost died

Earthquake: eh.. could've been worse, what about you?

Blaze: *grins~* hehe, I had fun!

Ayane: *walking to them lazily, yawning, stretch her arms and neck as red and purple marks are visible on her neck, doesn't remember what happen to her*

Lunar: *saw then sighs* (another day)


Yaaaaaaaay~ I have done the dareeee now I'm freeee..


Someone did ask me a dare and I forgot to screenshot it..

Oh well

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