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Dare: xKittaMew

This is.. the 100 page
I haven't realize that I have done this much-
Omg, I am so rajin *wipes fake tears*

Are y'all proud of me yet? *me talking to no one*

I haven't actually finish the other book that I need to finish- because of losing motivation and I only can do this because it's simple and not that hard to even.. type?

So um, what should I do to celebrate? Especially when I got tons of people reading this crappy BBB TOD-

Idk how the new readers survive reading this 100 page filled with randomness-

What should I do???


Luna: ..this won't end good but meh *pours a potion to make the trio troublemakers to be drunk* I hope Quake don't go coo coo by the time they do those stuff!


Earthquake: *got distracted by Diana* um, Diana.. we can just teleport there-

Diana: hush, hush *place her finger on Earthquake's lips* let's be, traditional!

Earthquake: ||||| Okay..?

Diana: *her and Luna planned for Earthquake to stay at London for a week so he won't die*


Luna: *heard the troublemakers, immediately teleports away*

Thorn: ÒwÓ Imma catch chu! *they are playing 'tag'*

Blaze; you won't~ *stick out his tongue at Thorn as he run down the stairs, following after Cyclone*

Cyclone: >^O let's see about that!! *abruptly stops, now standing still as his eyes fixed on the drinks*

Blaze: Cyclone? *look at where he is looking at*

Thorn: *tap Blaze's shoulder* got ya! *but got no respond, confused then follow where the both of them staring at* •w•?

The note: "don't drink this"

The trio: *mischievous smirks appear on their faces*


Thunderstorm: *got back after doing some groceries with Solar and yes, they were being competitive* this was your fault

Solar: *rolls his eyes at Thunderstorm* my fault? Ruining the electricity of the grocery store was my fault?

Thunderstorm: ugh, whatever *place the recycling bags on the counter*

Solar: *walks into the kitchen then stops when he smells something-* alcohol?

Thunderstorm: *was about to put the groceries into its respective places* Huh?

Solar: it smells like it *sniffs the air before pinching his nose because of the awful smell*

Thunderstorm: *is confuse, smells the air then have that disgusted face on* It reeks in here! *but is used to it* what the fck happened.. *opening one of the cupboard*

Ice: *hiding inside there* ... |||| *is now staring at Thunderstorm*

Thunderstorm: why.. -_-|||

Solar: ? *walks to them then saw Ice in shock* darling, why are you hiding inside there? Aren't you suffocating in there?

Ice: ..no and it's the troublemakers..

Thunderstorm: what now? *is already done with the trio*

Ice: ..you two won't like this

Solar: I'm curious now, what's the matter?


Thunderstorm: *facepalm while letting Cyclone hugging him tightly*

Cyclone: Thundy-chu~ *hiccs*

Solar; *sweat-dropping when Thorn casually sitting on top of him*

Thorn; Sun- *hiccs* -ny! I wuv chu! *hiccs*

Ice: *trapping Blaze inside.. an ice cage* no.

Blaze: awww~ *hiccups* come on Icy! Just a little bit~

Thunderstorm: who gave them alcohols.. *shoving Cyclone away but Cyclone's grip is that strong*

Cyclone: no no~ *keeps hugging Thunderstorm*

Solar: my guess is that, this is a dare that we need to take care of these three

Ice: please don't *hates seeing Blaze being like another person*

Luna; =^= sorry, it's a dare

BBBs: *sh00kth*

Luna: oof, Sorry =^=|||

Ice: who's dare is this?

Luna: owo.. Kat- well more likely Kat's author

Thunderstorm; for the sake of innocence bean in this community-

Solar; Dear, I don't think there is any innocent being anymore

Thunderstorm: 💢 *takes a deep breath* for the love of god, are we even allowed to drink that and even do those stuff?

Luna: owo||| that's not alcohol, it's just a potion! And well.. no.. just no ^w^|||

Thunderstorm: *thinks about it then sigh in defeat* good then

Ice: can we just Time skip? *got back hugged by Blaze, is now a blushing mess*

Luna: owo no

Ice: *mumbles* /////

Thunderstorm's situation

Cyclone: aw~ Thundy~ you look hawt~ *tracing his fingers on Thunderstorm's chest*

Thunderstorm: *covering his mouth while shutting his eyes as if he is so done*

Cyclone: ?? *look up and saw* poor Thundy! Are you flustered by my words??

Thunderstorm: *startled, did not expect that* no..

Cyclone: then~ why closing your eyes and mouth?

Thunderstorm: because I'm tired- *got pushed down to the couch they were sitting on* Cy..

Cyclone: *Giggles mixing with hiccups* what~? We do this everyday~ its not wrong~ at all~

Thunderstorm: it is wrong now *covering Cyclone's mouth* you reek

Cyclone; *pouts then suddenly changes to a grin and lick Thunderstorm's palm*

Thunderstorm: *flinches and quickly remove his hands away* what the fck-

Ice's Situation

Ice: *hugging his huge plushie whale while glaring right at Blaze*

Blaze: fufu~ Icy! Let me out~ *is still stuck in the cage that he can't melt down* It's bowinggggggg *pouts as he slides down against the cold ice bars*

Ice: *shivers a bit* ..no

Blaze: Whyyyy?? Does Icy hate me..? *now having that pouty face on*

Ice: *looking away, resisting it* not that I hate you, Blaze

Blaze: then~??

Ice: I'm restraining myself from devouring you for the sake of innocent bean in this community *slaps himself for saying that out loud*

Blaze: ahw~! Icy wants to devour me~?

Ice: That's not what I wanted to say-

Blaze: but you said it anyways~

Ice: ... *raise his hand up that made the cage that is trapping Blaze inside melts*

Blaze: *grins softly* what a good good polar bear~

Solar's situation-

Solar: EEEEEEKKK- *running away from Thorn*

Thorn: Sunny!!! *hiccs* lets play a little game! Just you and me~! *holding his poison ivy, yes, poison ivy dagger to stab at Solar*

This.. this is not what I am expecting from those two but okay-

Solar: Thornie! No! *avoids the lasso vine of Thorn's* that is poisonous and it'll kill me!

Thorn: *stops at his tracks* I thought we are already dead~?

Solar; *also stops* ...

Thorn: owo~


Thorn; OwO~?

Solar: now that you said that.. yeah, we are technically dead- WHAT THE HELL- *got stab by Thorn's dagger*

Thorn: owO Sunny disobey me~ Sunny pays with body~ *now drags Solar to their secret place*

Solar: (T-T god have mercy on me)


Kat: *sits on Luna's shoulder* owo

Luna; =^=|| I hope they are okay with those drunk-heads

Kat: owo why?

Glacier: *from a far, glaring right into Luna's soul*

Luna: *flinches* ^^||| you don't need to know

Kat: owo ok

Luna: *teleports inside the house with Kat as she snap her fingers*

BBB6: *appears in the living room*

Thunderstorm: *carrying a sleepy Cyclone* Tsk..

Cyclone: Zzzz..

Blaze: *energetic boy* I have no idea what happen yesterday but I feel great!

Ice: *opposite of Blaze, all tired and wants to sleep 356/7*

Thorn: owo *innocent*

Solar: *dead*

Luna: =^=|| oof- by the looks of you all, yesterday wasn't good

Kat: OwO poor them

Thunderstorm: why are you here?

Luna; O3O well~ you guys have truth to answer!

Ice: *yawns* UGH! Laju tah! Ngalih ku niiiii *groans*

Luna: •^•|| *looks at Kat* will you do the honors~?

Kat: okie! *clears throat* "How do you feel taking care of your drunk bro- lovers?" *does not know what it means* owo

Thunderstorm: ..nothing much happened, it was just a tired day. *his visible red face shows otherwise*

Ice: ...

Luna: So~ did that hap-

Ice: diam.

Luna: ||||||||

Solar; *still dead*

Kat: QwQ Solar..

Luna: *facepalm, flicks Solar's nose*

Solar: !? *WIDE AWAKE* T~T you don't have to know my dear

Kat: OwO???

Glacier: *crack his knuckles*


What happen to Quake and Diana??

Earthquake: *jaw drop to the ground* A-a.. aaaaaaaaaaAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAA-

Diana: ><|||| c-calm down!! It's not that bad!! *accidentally showed Quake on what happened back home*

Seeker: *hitting himself with books*

Golden; O~ la~ la~

Silver; what a splendid discovery~!

Dia: a sight that shall not be forgotten.. *facepalm*

Telepathy: *cleansing his mind with magic spells*

Emit: |||||| *looking away, embarrassed* I don't know them, I don't know them


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