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Dare: _Amethyx_ and Kim_Queen_Jennie

This.. this will be very weird in a way

Equi: *shrugs, drinking his tea* Quake, dating with a female Thunder? That's not weird

-3- I meant the dancing one..

Equi: oh *thinks* no, that's still not weird enough for me

O3O that means you are living a weird life

Equi: I must be am *smiles*


Runa: YOU STUPIDDDDD- NYAAAAA- *chasing after the identical person in front of her*

Ōkami: *laughing* still mad about I mess up your fluffy hair? Be over it! At least you'll have time for yourself more!!

Runa: You think it's easy to brush fur by fur!? It's so difficult and I have to take care of it delicately! Also, It takes up my chocolate time! Now thanks to you! I have to redo it again!!

Earthquake: *walking down the streets, with Thunderstorm beside him* it's funny that.. it's peaceful today *look at Thunderstorm*

Thunderstorm: *listening to music he was recommended by Ayane* hm *nods, agreeing with what Earthquake has said but felt like he got bump into* !?

Ōkami: OOF- *accidentally letting a potion spill on Thunderstorm* sorry! *runs off again*

Runa: *almost caught Ōkami by the fur* YOU FUDGING ANGEL- *running after more*

Earthquake: ^^||| ahh.. maybe I shouldn't have said it to early *saw little particles* eh? *turns around to look at where Thunderstorm is then gasp*

Thunderstorm: *now a female, her hat his covering her eyes* ugh.. I feel like I change my body.. *have a slight different voice but more a girl like and soft* what the.. *heard the gasp* what?

Earthquake: *turn one of his hand into crystal which is like a mirror then shows it to Thunderstorm*

Thunderstorm: • • • WHAT THE FUCK-


Earthquake: *sweat-drops as Thunderstorm is complaining about what happened to him, but in Earthquake's eyes, it is cute to see Thunderstorm like that*

Thunderstorm: a girl's voice, a girl's body, big butt, big.. *looks down* whatever this thing is called and I AM A FRICKING VIRGIN!

Earthquake: on the bright side *walks to Thunderstorm, sitting next to her* Telepathy have the reverse potion for this, but we have to wait until his finish making it

Thunderstorm: *roll her eyes, fold her arms as he pouts which made his cheeks puffy* I hate this

Earthquake: *chuckling over how cute Thunderstorm is but Thorn is much more cuter* while waiting, why not we hangout? Or maybe consider this as a brotherly date- I mean.. brotherly sisterly date! *smiling sheepishly*

Thunderstorm: =3= mmmph, whatever..

Earthquake: then let's go~ *grabs Thunderstorm's hand to walk hand in hand*


Ōkami: *bumps to every single elemental brothers, Idk how, but yeah* huff.. huff.. phew.. *drops on the ground, fanning himself* how long are they going to stay as a reverse?

Runa: *drinking the milk chocolate she got when Ōkami bump into Solar* until Telepathy shows up with a reverse potion for Thunder, that is when they turn back

Ōkami: won't it be bad if they turn to reverse like this? Being force to be in one?

Runa: it's bad, but it's part of the dare so.. let it happen

Back to Quake and Thunder

Thunderstorm: *sitting on the bench, waiting for Earthquake to grab some ice cream, swinging her legs* ~

Earthquake: *comes back with the ice cream* ice creams~

R.Cycy: *hiding up at the clouds, looking at them blankly* ... *closing his eyes as the wind pick up*

Earthquake: *felt the wind* Woah- *manage to stay put seeing as he trained each of the elemental then casually walks to Thunderstorm*

R.Cycy: ... [you're up] *flies away*

Earthquake: here! *gives it to Thunderstorm*

Thunderstorm: *slightly smiles* thanks.. *about to eat it when suddenly Earthquake covers them with his earth shield* ?

R.Ice: *almost had his chance to splash the water at them by using the nearest water fountain* ..Tch

Earthquake: Okay.. weird *pulls Thunderstorm away from there now walking with her* first it was a strong wind.. now it's water.. what's next?

Thunderstorm: *is trying to think of why is this happening to them, felt like she is about to fall but got caught by Earthquake* ?!

Earthquake: be careful! You almost step onto those vines! *points, now carrying Thunderstorm in his arms then walks* it's deadly too.. *getting concern now*

R.Thorn: fck.. *glaring before running away from the scene*

Thunderstorm: what's happening? Am I bringing bad luck today? Because I'm a girl? *questioning*

Earthquake: I don't think so- *quickly dodged as fires came from nowhere* what the hell is going on!? And where did THAT came from! *running now, shielding Thunderstorm in the process*

Thunderstorm: *scanning around the place, trying to see who is behind all of this but can't find anyone*

Earthquake: *stops near the Kokotiam shop, gently putting Thunderstorm down* oh god..

Thunderstorm: *lands on her feet, still scanning around*

R.Blaze: *growls as he disappears into the flames behind him*

Thunderstorm: I'm so.. confused.. so so confused..

Earthquake: don't worry, we'll get the bottom of all of this..

Telepathy: *a portal opens up then walks out, holding a potion* I came as early as I can! *saw that Thunderstorm and Earthquake looking puzzled as ever* eh? What happen?

Earthquake: *shakes head* things were just.. out of hand ||||

Telepathy: ah~ Okay! *gives the potion to Thunderstorm* here! This will help you to turn back into your normal body!

Thunderstorm: thanks I guess *opens the cap then pours it on self before turning back into himself* FINALLY! I don't have to feel those bouncy things!

Telepathy: ehhh?

Earthquake: ^^||||


Ashlyn: *walking towards the door with Runa* this, will be hilarious!

Runa: Pfft.. Yeah, I am 100% sure that half of them will have a nightmare about this *opens the door to see the elementals doing chores* ._.

Ashlyn: since when they- *mouth got covered* -x-

Earthquake: shh, I am really proud of them, just don't ask about it *the one who covered Ashlyn's mouth*

Ashlyn: *thumbs up*

Runa: But~ Let's stop them! *claps hands then teleports all of them to a room* welcome! Welcome!

Earthquake: *carrying Ashlyn on his back then puts her down*

Ashlyn; (how did I..)

Thunderstorm: *on the floor, getting squish by Cyclone* ==💢

Cyclone: @^@ I feel dizzy as ever

Solar: *sitting on the chair like a mafia boss, chuckling as he watches Thorn untangling himself from the wires*

Thorn: QwQ help me

Blaze: *is stuck by Ice hugging him tightly* ;-; I need more help

Ice: *no, he didn't do the chores and yes, he was drag by Blaze while Blaze was doing chores*

Luna: =_=... you know what? I'll just.. *puts on a TV, search something then teleports away*

[There should be a GIF or video here. Update the app now to see it.]

Everyone minus Ashlyn: .....

Ashlyn: O(≧▽≦)O I'm a banana!! *dancing happily*

Earthquake: *is so done with lifeu*

Thunderstorm: *Thunder.exe.broken*

Cyclone: *shrugs then just follows Ashlyn* >^< Bananas!!!

Blaze: *also join in the fun, dancing here and there* LOL!

Thorn: *innocently joins, somehow, he is wearing yellow clothes* òwó

Solar: *CRINGE*


Luna: *drinking coconut, looking at Rune who is setting up the place* =w=

Rune: *have lost a bet with Luna, so she is now alone, setting up the thing for volleyball, grumbles*

Ashlyn: *skips to the place, happy* hehe~

Earthquake: .... *just follow*

Thunderstorm: *getting drag by Earthquake* ....

Cyclone and Blaze: *still singing and dancing*

Solar: *covering his ears as Thorn kept singing the song near his ears* 💢

Thorn: *innocently singing* owo

Luna: *saw, throws the coconut away then smiles at them* I knew you would have fun! *ignoring the ones who is clearly hating their life now* next dare is to play volleyball! Team! Quake, Thunder and Ashlyn! Cyclone, Blaze and Rune-

Rune: WHAT!? WHY AM I INVOLVE- *got shoved with chocolates* =x=...

Luna: hush, now where was I.. *looks*

Earthquake: *is slowly gaining back his senses*

Thunderstorm: *processing*

Ashlyn: *looking at them, confused* errr..

Cyclone and Blaze: *clearly having fun on their own*

Rune: *groans*

Luna: 030 looks like they are ready

Thorn: ._. Eh? What about us?

Luna: =w= sit here with meh *gesturing*

Solar: RELAXATION! *in a speed of light, now laying down on of the chairs, shades covering his eyes, sleeping*

Ice: *slowly walking to the ocean*

Thorn: -wo Okay!

Luna: now.. GET TO YOUR TEAMS!!

First round

Rune: *smacking the ball towards Cyclone's direction, is in sync with Blaze and Cyclone*

Cyclone: *jumping up to smash the ball to the opposite team*

Earthquake: *who haven't fully recover, instead of smacking it, instead he dodges it*

Ashlyn: *jaw drops*

Luna: owo oof

Thunderstorm: *sitting on the ground, holding his head, is now dizzy*

Blaze: *only allow to smack it if the ball was that hot*

Skiiiip, cause it's getting to long

Runa: >wO surprisingly, you guys are tied *checks the score board*

Ashlyn: wut

Runa: owo Yeah, I know right? =w= so none of you guys got the punishment

Earthquake: *is now recovered, feeling weird* I am never going to listen to that song.. again..

Thunderstorm: *nods* agree..

Blaze: it wasn't that bad~

Cyclone: *laughs* if you think as a positive way, it won't be that bad!

Thorn: what was the punishment OwO?

Runa: eating-

Yaya: *flies by them* I bought the cookies!!

Everyone in the entire world: RUUUUN!!!! *dashes off*

Yaya: aw..

Runa: Pfft.. *grabs one of the cookies and eats it, chuckling* they really thought your cookies is still the same *enjoying the cookies* ~~

Yaya: ^-^ at least one of you enjoy my cookies


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