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Dare: xXLexi_W18Xx

Me is baaaaacccccccccc for good and I am up for truth or dares so give it to me with your worst!

Luna; owo hi peeps

I have some dares to be done first, you can still ask me for dares or truth but you must wait!

Now~ let the dare start!!

Luna; let's get this bread! >w<


Luna: oAO babies

Diana: I got them!! *dragging the three kids out from the portal* that wasn't too hard as I had imagine!

FrostFire: whaaaaaa! Where are we? *looking around, is familiar yet it isn't*

Glacier; must be another dimension.. *kind of worry but he is to lazy to think about it*

Supra; *groans* are we going to be drag into dares??

Luna: QAQ babies

Diana: yup! You are, it won't be long! Your future brothers won't notice!

Supra: oh they will notice..

FrostFire: •w• Fireheart would notice

Glacier: Frost, quiet! ||||| We aren't suppose to expose them!

FrostFire; oops

Supra: *facepalm* can we get on with this?

Diana; Wait, there is another one coming-

Kat; I'm back!!! *is on Equi's shoulder*

Equi; *as a teacher, smiling when he saw the fusion* lookie here

Glacier: uhm? *felt very connected to Equi*

Kori: *walking out with Blazé and made eye contact with Glacier and FrostFire, smiles slightly* (them huh) *puts his bow behind his back*

Blazé: *happily grins when he saw FrostFire, his hands are covered with paints*

FrostFire: u-uh-

Tristan: *appears beside Supra with Tegami beside him* wouldn't expect to see you *wearing his scientist lab coat on*

Supra: ..who -_-

Tristan; *chuckles* he got your attitude *nudge Tegami*

Tegami; == Yea Yea *fixing his police cap*

Cyntia; *on his hover board, eating his sweets* Ooo~ the fusions!

Flow: owo you better have a good reason on why we are here while we are on your daily job! *his face is smeared with dirts but he doesn't care*

Luna: you guys are going to meet the original BBBs!! Because this is your dares!

Fusion Trio: ORIGINAL BBBS!? WHA!!

My BBBs: them again?

Kat: qwq Luna, are you sure you won't break your fingers?

Luna: naaaaaah

Diana: she's going to break her fingers

Luna: anyways!! Let's get this dare done so I can start with the other dare!!

Later at the original BBBs house

Earthquake: *having his cup of tea, letting Thunderstorm clean the house*

Thunderstorm: *ain't complaining because he know if he complains he wouldn't see the daylight again*

Blaze: *aimlessly walk around the house, have nothing better to do*

Thorn: *sitting on the stairs while thinking on what he should do to his garden because it is making him bored*

Cyclone: *watching random stuff on YT to get rid of his boredom but he is still bored* there isn't anything new happening??

Solar: I'm not quite sure dear *arranging the plates into its places*

Ice: *keep staring out the window because he have a feeling that something will happen*

FrostFire and Blazé: *crash down from the rooftop* I AM HERE!!

Cyntia: *smash trough the window, laughing*

Supra, Tegami and Tristan; *appears in the room while looking like cool family-*

Glacier and Equi: *walking in through the front their casually*

Flow and Kori: *walking down the stairs*

Earthquake: *jaw-drop not because of the sudden appearance but because of.. them breaking the house* a-a..

Blaze: *eyes sparkles while looking at their older self in their occupation clothes*

Cyclone: AYE! *is hype up now*

Thorn: OwO wew

Solar: *fixing his hair a bit after being blown by Cyntia*

Thunderstorm: *looking at the cool parents, kind of cringe*

Ice: -_- hm *was expecting them* so why are you.. all here?

Equi: *smiles kindly* we got a dare to meet up with you original BBBs

Glacier: shouldn't we make it easier for the author?

Equi: ah, right *look up, smiles*

=~=.. fine fine, I'll do you guys first then the fusions!

FrostFire, Supra and Glacier: *got teleported away*

Blaze: so.. *look at Blazé* you are an artist?

Blazé: right on! But I am part time artist my real job is firefighter!

Blaze: ✨O✨ WOAH!!

Ice: an archer.. not bad

Kori: *shrugs lazily*

Solar; a scientist?

Tristan; *chuckles* sometimes, but sometimes I can be a therapist, interesting enough?

Solar: *nods* interesting indeed

Flow: I'm a Doctor! UwU

Thorn: ÔwÔ who knew!

Flow: owo everyone

Thorn: ōwō oh

Earthquake: I am a teacher and a chef?

Equi: ^^ Yep! They recommended me to be it!

Tegami: surprise?

Thunderstorm: == not so much..

Cyclone: I knew I would be a pastry chef!!

Cyntia: >^< hehe!

They soon gather around and talk about their jobs—

I don't want to make this long boys.. you have a lot to worry about back at your dimension!

Equi: ah, right! The kids might cry!! See you soon! *hugs Earthquake before disappearing*

Earthquake: ^^ *nods his head*

Tegami: Let's talk again *smirks at Thunderstorm then zaps or teleports away*

Thunderstorm: =~=.. (I wish I can just wipe that smirk off your face) *#Thundyhatehisotherself*

Cyntia:I'll teach you some new recipes when we meet again! *winks at Cyclone as he jumps into the open portal beneath him*

Cyclone: I'll wait!

Blazé: you'll see me in action if you go to my dimension! *also follows Cyntia*

Blaze: oh I will! *getting hype up*

Kori: I wouldn't want my little pups waiting for me *ruffles Ice's head and walk straight into the portal*

Ice: mmph..

Flow: >w< bye bye me!! *walks backwards into the portal*

Thorn: >wO bye!!

Tristan: wish that I could stay longer here *pats Solar's head* I know, both of us are different in talents, but I wish you good luck on your career! *teleports away*

Solar: very different.. *this Solar love to design clothes*

Now.. where are they-

Glacier: *pops up with Supra and FrostFire* hey

Supra: sup *no pun intended*

FrostFire: YESH!

Thorn and Cyclone, you two can go ahead with your lifeu

Thorn: -w- okie *walks to his precious garden*

Cyclone: um, sure! *he doesn't want to leave but he has too, hop on his hoverboard and flies away*


Ice: *looking into Glacier's eyes, staring* ..

Glacier: *is staring back*

Earthquake: *sweat-drops* uhm, you two?

Glacier and Ice: hm? *turn to look at Earthquake*

Earthquake: *find it weird* okaaaay.. *look at Glacier* what kind of power you have?

Glacier: *shrugs then shows his hands that are now covered with Earth gloves with the mix of ice*

Earthquake: that's..

Ice: awesome, what else can you do? *he is getting interactive when seeing this power*

Glacier: ... *look up at Ice with a smol Bear smile*


Solar: he literally acts like us *pokes Supra's cheek again and again and again and again-*

Supra: 💢 *grabs Solar's hand then pulls it down*

Solar: ouch?!

Thunderstorm: heh *looking down at Supra's hand and saw the marks* ..you overuse you power?

Supra: *flinches, pulls back his hand* no *roll his eyes* only some stupid idiot would do that

Solar: *heard what Thunderstorm said then teleport behind Supra and grab his hand, observing it* you did-

Supra: *teleports behind them, holding his wrist as if it were in pain* ..tsk

Thunderstorm and Solar: ..


Blaze: so, you are a ripe off of Shoto- *almost got punch by FrostFire, laughing* I'm kidding! I'm kidding!!

FrostFire: I'm not, Shoto!

Ice: *facepalm because Blaze have been teasing FrostFire with anime peeps* can you two settle down?

FrostFire: how can I?! Dad here keeps teasing me-! *cover his mouth when he realize he said dad*

Ice: huh

Blaze: did I hear that correctly or was my ears are hearing things?

FrostFire; it was nothing!

Ice: dad, you said dad, didn't you?

FrostFire: I-I..

Ice: You stuttered.

Blaze: which is what Ice would do if he was caught hiding something!

FrostFire: s.. stop!! Its nothing, okay!? *having Blaze's anger issue*

Ice and Blaze: (he really got his/my temper)


Glacier: *walking down the streets with FrostFire and Supra* did they found out? *looking at the two who is visibly tired*

Supra: ..yes

FrostFire: ugh, yeah

Glacier: they were bound to find out *hearing a voice* ?

Fireheart: Glacy!! Supie!! Frosty!! *running towards them and hugging them* QwQ were where you guys??

Glacier: I'm sorry Heart ^^|| we were dragged by our author

Fireheart: oh! That's fine~ *looking at Supra and FrostFire happily* come on! Let's head back! Shizen cooked us some delicious food!

FrostFire and Supra: Shizen cook some food? *dashes back home*

Glacier: *chuckles while carrying Fireheart on his back* did Aoi teach you to lie like that?

Fireheart: •w• maybe~

Glacier: *shakes head as he walks to their house* troublemaker~

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