Prank the Siblings

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Hey guys!! I'm back!!! So...this dare is still from

yolandanur!!!!!! she dared Blaze to prank his siblings!!!!

I'm really sorry if it sucks!!


Angel: *listening to Her favorite songs while checking her notifications on wattpad*...Wow!!! Another dare!! *reads the dare and run to blaze room*

Angel: *Kicks the Door and went in..screaming* HEY FLAME HEAD!!!!!! YOU HAVE A DARE!!!!

Blaze: *also screaming* WHAT?!??? A DARE?!?!?

Angel: YES!!!



Blaze: I DONT KNOW!!!!

Angel: ME TOO!!!!!

Quake: *Screaming downstairs* QUIET YOU TWO!!

Blaze: so...what's the dare??

Angel: to prank your siblings!! *jumping excitedly*

Blaze: *eyes spark* really?!? Oh man!! That is THING!!

Angel: so...who would you prank first???

Blaze: You'll see *smiles evilly*

Quake: breakfast is ready!!

All except Quake: coming!!!

While they were eating...

Blaze: *thinking while smiling* oh...this is gonna be fun...

Ice: what are you smiling for blaze???

Blaze: huh?? Oh...Nothing much..

Ice: if you say so..

Angel: *filming* hehe...

Solar: Angel... What are you doing??

Angel: um..filming??

Solar: *rolls eyes* yeah... Sure..

After they were finish eating..

Quake: Okay guys... I'm just gonna wash the me if there's something wrong..

Cyclone: yes mommy quake...

Angel: I'll help!

Quake: since when did you start acting like a good girl?..*smiles playfully*

Angel: *laughs* since the day that you dared to be childish...*burst out laughing*

Quake: Yeah yeah...but you never learn to not kick the door...

Angel: And I'm proud of it..

Time skip- Lunch time...

Angel: guys!! Lunch is ready let's eat!!!

Quake:*looks at the table* woah!! You cooked all of this??

Angel: yup!! I'm starting to like cooking!!

Blaze: yay food!!


Angel: *flinch* what was that??

Solar: Quake!!!! Cyclone and thunder are fighting!!!

Quake: *runs to the living room* STOP THE FIGHT!!!! NOW!!

Angel: Guess I'll go get the first aid kit...hey the food.AND...don't you dare start eating without us *runs upstairs and grab the kit then runs to quake*

Blaze: *Grabs a bottle inside his pocket and slowly poured them on HIS Drink* fun has began...


Thunder and cyclone: I DIDNT DO IT!!!

Thunder:*points at cyclone* HE DOES!!

Cyclone: *points at thunder* NO HE DOES!!!

Thunder and cyclone: I DIDNT DO IT!! I DID NOT BROKE THE WINDOW!!!

Quake: Okay..okay...calm one is at fault in here...what did you find Angel??

Angel: well..someone accidentally throws a rock...

Quake: *looks from the broken window and saw kids playing* it must be those kids...*sigh* anyway..I'll call someone to repair the window...start lunch without me..and Angel...I'll leave you in charge...

Angel: *nods* Kay..

Once Quake went out the others were eating their could accident happened...

Thorn: Solar~!! Its cold! I wanna hug!!

Solar: what's wrong thorn?? Are you sick??

Thorn: no am not!! But I wanna hug!! Its cold!!

Solar: you are sick!! Its summer and yet you get cold!

Thorn: *hugs solar* Solar...why are you so cute??

Solar: *blush* w-what??? angel!! Something's wrong with thorn!!

Angel: *puts her hand on thorns for head* wow..he's burning up..hey..thorn?? How many is this??? *shows two fingers*

Thorn: *still hugging solar* Four~!!

Solar: *face palm and look at angel* so...what's wrong with him??

Angel: he's drunk as hell...where is the cup that he's been using?

Solar: *points at the green cup that was still on the table*

Angel:*runs towards the table and grab the cup and started to smell it* woah!! Its an freaking alcohol not a juice!!! But..I'm pretty sure that I poured juice into Thorns Cup..

Solar: what now??

Thorn: Solar~!! I want you to be my boyfriend!! ~

Angel: *filming and burst out laughing*

Solar: *face palm again then blush and carry thorns towards his room*....

Angel: *still laughing while walking outside with her camera and climb on a tree that has the perfect view of thorns window..she sat and continue to film while giggling*

Inside the room:

Solar: *puts thorn on his bed and was ready to leave when thorns grab his wrist and pull him into the bed and hug him*...thorn...I can't breathe...

Thorn: *lets go of solar and slowly felt himself sleepy*...don't leave me solar...stay...*yawn*...sleep beside me...*snores*.....

Solar: *sigh and removes thorns cap and gently stroke his hair and then fall asleep*

Angel: *smirks* hehe...this is going to be fun...*stands up but forgot that she was sitting on a tree...* uh-oh...*slips and fall hard into the ground*..ow..

Time skip(cuz I'm lazy) -Dinner time..

Quake: I'm back!!

Angel: Quake!!! You Will never believe what just happened when your gone!!!

Quake: OK?? Tell me...

Angel: *shows quake the video of Thorn getting drunk*...

Quake: why is thorn drunk???

Angel: I don't know...but...he is drunk because someone poured alcohol in his cup....

Quake: but..aren't you the one who prepared lunch?

Angel: *nods* but it's not me..

Quake: strange...

Angel: *runs to the kitchen and cooks dinner*..quake!!! I need help!!

Quake: coming!!!

Blaze: *looks all around and check if someone is there*..the cost is clear..*runs towards HIS room and put something inside the room*

Quake and Angel: Dinner is ready!!!!

While they were eating

Thorn: wow!!! This lemon pie is delicious!!!!

Ice: mm....the pudding is also nice..

Blaze: I like The spicy chicken!!! *chomp*

Thunder: Such a great cook!

Angel: Thanks!!

Thunder: I mean Quake not you..

Angel: *pouts* hmp..ah..that reminds thorn still in his room??

Solar: yeah...sleeping...

Angel: 'bout his dinner?

Solar: its okay... I'll feed him..

Cyclone: what are you guys talking about?

Angel: huh? Oh...someone poured alcohol into thorns cup instead of juice...but I swear that it's not me...

Thunder: *smirks* Pictures?

Angel: *smirks* only videos wanna watch??

Solar: *glares* DONT YOU DARE..

Angel: too late! *plays the video*...

Cyclone: *burst out laughing*

Ice: *giggles*

Blaze: *laughing with cyclone*

Thunder: *trying hard not to laugh*

Solar: *blush*

After they finish eating...

Angel: Quake!! I'll wash the dishes!! Can you please take this foods to thorn? *hands quake a tray with foods*..oh..and also help solar..

Quake: *smiles* what happened to Angel?

Angel: oh..shut up..*rolls eyes*

Meanwhile.... Everyone was getting ready for bed...

Thunder: *open his doors and step inside*


Thunder: FUCK!!!!!!!!!! AHHHH!!!!

Quake: *runs fast to thunders room while panicking* THUNDER?!?! WHAT WAS THAT?!?! *Looks at the unconscious thunder on the ground then to his room...there were balloons under thunders bed and below the door...that's why when thunder stepped in he stepped on the balloon and it exploded...*

Everyone was asleep at that time except Quake.. So he carried thunder while he hear some steps behind him...

Angel: WHAT HAPPE---------*looks at the room that's full of balloons and then looks back to thunder* Oh...another incident...*goes inside the room and quickly pull out the balloons while Quake put thunder on his bed*

Quake: something is definitely going on..I mean...first its its thunder..

Angel: agree..well I better go to bed..

Quake: me too...

At Angel's room...

Angel: *lay down on the bed while thinking* today is very strange... First someone poured alcohol into thorns cup and now someone puts balloons inside thunders this a prank??..wait a sec...PRANK?? That's it!!! Blaze was the one who did all of this!! I left him behind when I said that I will grab the kit when cyclone and thunder are fighting!! He took that opportunity to poured the alcohol!!! Not to mention that he was late at dinner!!

Angel: *face palm* of course he would do this! It's a dare!! Oh..but I will better shut up and not let his plan fail...*snores*

At Blaze's room:

Blaze: *smirks* next is HIM...

Next Morning..

Quake: *yawn then walk downstairs to make breakfast* Good morning ..*sees Angel*

Angel: good morning Quaky!!

Quake: *smiles* woah... I smell Breakfast..

Angel: that's because I cooked some..

Quake: go and woke up the others...and I'll set the table..

Angel: Kay...*goes to cyclone's room*....Ay? *opens the door and did not see cyclone* where's cycy?*runs to thunders room and open the door* WHAT THE NAME OF GOD ARE YOU TWO DOING?!?!?!*sees Cyclone hugging thunderstorm while thunders hand was on cyclones waist*

Cyclone: *wakes up* uhh...Angel your so noisy...I'm only here because I'm worried about thundy...

Thunder: ngh...cyclone..don't move...*yawn*

Angel: BREAKFAST IS READY!!*runs away towards blaze's room* FLAME HEAD!!! BREAKFAST IS READY!!!! *kicks the door...* Ay? Where's blaze?...*goes to ice's room*...


Ice: WHAT?!?!?!

Angel: I SAID HAVE YOU SEEN YOUR BOY------------

Ice: SHUDDAP!!! *kicks Angel out*

Angel: *sees Solar and scream from upstairs* SOLAR HAVE YOU SEEN AN CHILDISH IDIOT THAT IS ICE'S BOYFRIEND?!?!? AND HE'S NICKNAME IS FLAME HEAD?!?? *sees blaze glaring at her* NEVER MIND!!! I FOUND HIM!!!!

Solar: *covers ears*

Angel: *runs to blaze and drag him to her room and locks the door* flame head! What did you do?!?

Blaze: I didn't do anything!!!

Angel: oh yeah? What about the prank?!?

Blaze: *smirks*oh ..this dinner ..he is next...

Angel: who?

Blaze: don't'll find out soon...*runs away*

Angel: that little creep...

After Breakfast..

Quake: I'll go wash the dishes....

Angel: I'll help...

Quake: No...look after the others..

Angel: *pouts* Kay...*goes to the living room and sees thorn*...thorn? Are you okay?

Thorn: yeah..I'm fine...just a little headache...

Angel: *nods*

Time skip- Lunch time...

Quake: guys!!! I'm going out to buy ingredients for dinner!!

Angel: that means that I'm in charge!!!!

Quake: indeed you are...*goes out*

Time skip- dinner..

Quake: I'm back!!!

Angel: *runs to Quake* what's for dinner.?

Quake: Beef Steak..

Angel: but I don't know how to cook beef steak!!

Quake: I'll do it...and you go set the table...

Angel: Kay...


Angel: what the hell?!?! Who turned off the light?!?

Quake: is everyone okay?!? Answer me!!

Cyclone: i-im f-fine b-but I can't see anything!!!

Thunder: relax cy..did you forget that I'm sitting beside you?

Ice: *yawn* am I still asleep or I'm just dreaming?? Why is the room so dark??

Angel: thorn?

Thorn: I'm okay..but where's blaze?

Thunder: I'm sure he's fine..and the big question is..WHERE'S SOLAR??..


At Solars Room..

Solar: *cover himself with a blanket* I am going to die...I am so going to die!!

????: Solar~ ...

Solar: *Flinch* w-who are you??

???: me? Oh..I'm just a ghost in this house...*chuckles*

Solar: b-but.. Y-your voice sounds like a boy..

???: that's because I Am a boy..*sits near solar and take off of the blanket that was covering him* BOOO!!!!!!!!!!

Solar: *screams* Ahhhhhhhh!!!!!!!!! *faints*

Back to everyone....

Ice: is that solars scream?

Quake: *face palm* oh right...I completely forgot that solar is afraid of the dark....

Thunder: he might have freak out inside his room...


Angel: ah?

Cyclone: the lights are back!!!

Quake: well..I better cook dinner..

Angel: *looks at ice* ice...check solar upstairs Kay?

Ice: too lazy...

Angel: *glare*

Ice: *gulp* okay..*runs fast to solars room and saw him unconscious in the bed*...Guys! Solar just fainted!!

Thunder: leave him be! *sees blaze* hey blaze where have you been?

Blaze: the bathroom.

Angel: *gives him the "did-you-do-this look*

Blaze: *smiles innocently* what?

Angel: *glares*

Blaze: *walks to the table and sits down*...

After dinner:

Ice: I'm sleepy...

Angel: your always sleepy..

Quake: well...since its already time for bed you should just go..

Angel: how 'bout the dishes?

Quake: I'll go wash them..

Angel: hmm Kay...

Next morning...

Quake: *walk downstairs and did not see Angel* huh? That's strange...she was always early to help me cook breakfast..

After Quake was finish cooking..

Quake: Breakfast is ready!!,

Angel: *runs fast then scream* The Last one Who will Be late Will eat Yaya's cookies!!!

Thunder: *uses thunder speed*

Cyclone: *use his hover board*

Blaze and solar: *runs fast to the table*

Thorn: *follows Blaze and solar*

Ice: *lazily walk to the table*


7BBB: *cover their ears*

Blaze: welcome back Angel..

Quake: your back to normal..

Thunder: now she began acting like a bitch..

Quake: Thunderstorm!

Cyclone: what's a bitch?

Thorn: yeah what's that?

Solar And Angel: you don't need to know..

Thorn: but I wanna know *puff his cheeks while cutely pouting*

Solar: *blush* uhh...

Angel: Sorry thorn...your too innocent...

Thorn: *pout* hmp...

After Breakfast.

Angel: TV!!!! *runs fast to the living room*

Quake: *sigh* looks like she's back...

Time skip- lunch

Quake: for today's lunch is curry..*starts cooking*..Angel!! Go set the table please!

Angel: coming!!! *runs to the kitchen and grabs some plates..spoon..fork and their cups*...All done!!! *runs back to the living room*

Quake: *sigh*......*sees Blaze* oh..blaze perfect timing...I need you to stay here and watch the food..while I'll go call the others..


Quake: *goes upstairs*

Blaze: *grabs a red bottle and poured them on THEIR food*..

Soon all of them were at the table and began eating..until..

Cyclone: hot!!! Ahhh!!!! My mouth!! It burns!! Uwahhh!!!!! Its so spicy!!!!*runs around the House*

Ice: *spit his food* Ahhh!!!! Its so spicy!! I cant take it!! *runs to the kitchen and grab a bottle of water then drink it* still spicy!!! The water has no effect on it at all!!! Wahhhh!!!! *runs just like cyclone*

Quake: *cover his mouth then goes to the bathroom and puke*..

Angel: huh? Are you guys okay?

Blaze: *burst out laughing* hahahahahaha hahahahahaha!!!!

Thunder: it was you!!! Your the one who drunken thorn..puts balloons inside my room..and switched off the light and scared solar!!

Blaze: *smirks* so what?

Thunder: *summons thunder blade*Grrr....

Quake: STOP IT!!! *runs to the table then glares at blaze* EXPLAIN.

Blaze: *gulp* i-i didnt mean to!! I got dared!!

7BBB: *death glare at Angel*

Angel: uh-oh..RUN FOR YOUR LIVES!!!! *runs fast*

Thunder: CHASE HER!!!

All of them: *chase Angel*


First story with the longest words..! And I'm already tired!! Anyway..please vote and comment!!!

Tell me what you think or Message me about your questions and dares!!

Thank you!!


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