Special Part: Vacation

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Quake: awesome news everyone!!

Cyclone: What is it mommy quake?

Quake: okay so...remember when I'm out to buy groceries??


Quake: there's an old Lady that I met when I'm on my way home..she was attack by some thieves and I help her out..

Solar: and?

Quake: as her thanks..she offers us a free flight to......

*drum roll*

Quake LONDON!!!!!

Cyclone: *eyes sparkles* wow!! That's awesome!!!!

Quake: she also already booked us a hotel....

Thunder: huh...nice old lady...

Ice: so when can we leave?

Thunder: wow..so your awake..

Ice: *rolls eyes* yeah..well..your too noisy..

Quake: tomorrow at 9:30am..

Thorn: can we pack our things and get ready?

Quake: yeah sure...oh...what do you guys want for dinner?

Ice: Pasta...

Blaze: I'm okay with that..

Solar: yep..

Thorn: if solar agree then so will I..

Thunder: whatever you guys want..

Cyclone: yay pasta!!

Quake: okay then...go to your room and pack your things..

All: *nods* Kay...

Dinner Time~

Quake: so...are you guys already pack?

Cyclone: yep...

Ice: huh...tonight is sooo silent...

Blaze: which reminds me...where's our author?

Quake: on a vacation..

Thorn: where to?

Thunder: hell..

Thorn: *gulp*...

Solar: thunder.....

Time skip..tomorrow

Quake: Kay guys!! Are you all ready?!?!

All: as ready as will ever be...

Quake: let's go!!..*hop inside the taxi while the others follow*

*ring ring*

Quake: hello Angel?...

Angel: HEY!!!!!! HOW ARE YOU GUYS DOING?!?!?

Thunder: good if you didn't have to scream...

Angel: I HEARD THAT!!!!

Blaze: yeah...we heard you too...

Quake: anyway...why did you call?

Angel: your going to London right? Apparently I heard some rumors that a murderer escape from jail and was about to kill the entire people...he give children some paper with codes in it...I dunno if its true...but I would like you guys to investigate it...Look...I have a best friend at London...

Quake: so do you want us to keep an eye of her?..

Angel: its a 'he' quake...*hang up*

Cyclone: now that story was unbelievable..

Thorn: but what if its true?..

Quake: I dunno about it...but we better don't let our guards down..and also..we can't use our powers.... Only Paula Rintis knows that we were super heroes...we don't Want to cause trouble..

Thunder: I guess that makes sense..

Solar: ah?...were here...

Quake: okay guys...let's go...

They all get their bags and luggage and hop out and said thanks to the driver...

Once they arrive at the airport...there was a man standing with a paper that says

"Boboiboy siblings"

Quake: huh...I guess that's the guy...*went to the guy who was wearing some shade and tuxedo*...excuse me...um..were the Boboiboy siblings...

???: oh..nice to meet you I'm Michael.... Lilia's Personal body guard...she told me to accompany you...*snap his fingers and two more body guards walk towards his direction*....this is josh and Kim...you can hand them your bag and luggage...

Quake: oh that's okay...we can handle it.....right guys?...

Ice: here..*hands his bag to josh* Thank you..*bow*

Quake: seriously ice?...

Ice: what?....I'm too lazy to carry it...

Quake: ugh...*face palm*..

Kim: allow me sir...*grabs quakes luggage*....*looks at thunder*...

Thunder: huh? Oh...its okay...I can carry it. .

Kim: *nods*....

Cyclone: thundy!! Heavy!!

Thunder: ey...I'm not your Butler or something....

Josh: ...do you want me to carry it for you sir?...

Cyclone: *smiles* if its okay...I don't want to be a burden...

Josh: oh no sir...you will never be a burden...you are Milady's special guests!!...here let me..

Cyclone: oh..um...okay...and no need to call me sir...just cyclone or cycy...

Josh: yes si---- I mean cyclone...

Kim: how about you two?..*looks at thorn and solar*...

Solar: um...can you carry my lil bro's bag?..

Kim: *smiles* no problemo..*Carry thorns bag*..

Thorn: *whisper* ey...solar...you do know I can do it right?...

Solar: hm?...I don't want you to be tired...

Thorn: *pouts*

Michael: okay..now can we go young sirs?..

Quake: *nods* led the way guys..

Inside the plane...

Ice: blaze..can I lean on your shoulder?...*yawn*

Blaze: sleepy?..

Ice: obviously...

Blaze: okay then...

Ice: *leans on blaze shoulder and sleep*

Cyclone: thundy!!! It's so cold!!*shivers*

Thunder: here...*wrap his jacket on cyclone*

Cyclone: *smiles*...

Thorn: Sol...

Solar: hm?..

Thorn: I'm hungry...*stomach grumbles*

Solar: *chuckle* I notice...

Thorn: *puff his cheeks*

Solar: excuse me miss? *raise hand*...um..miss..*sees a cheese cake*..can I buy this?

Maya: sure...that would be----

Michael: oh Maya...this are lady Lilia's Special guest...

Maya: oh my....I forgot about it...she said that all the foods are free just for this family...

Solar: free?

Maya: here dear...*hands solar the cheese cake.* call me when your other brothers are hungry...and its okay... Don't pay...its our pleasure to serve you..*bow* well then...I better get going....

Solar: you heard that right.?*hands thorn the cheese cake*

Thorn: yummy!! ...

Quake: ah!.hey Michael? Is it true that a murderer escape from jail?..

Michael: yes..but its just a rumor that he will kill the entire citizen.
.so don't worry about it...

Quake: hm....*mumble* suspicious...

After days (?) of traveling...

Michael: were already here...Josh, Kim..get their bags and put it inside the limo..

Josh and Kim: yes sir...*gets the boys bag and luggage one by one*..

Michael: *looks at his watch* come now young sirs..let's go to the hotel..

Quake: *looks around then notice a guy with black jacket staring at them*...huh?....


Quake: *points at the guy* that...who is he?..

Cyclone: huh? Where?

Quake: ey?..*looks around and notice that the guy was not there anymore* no..nothing..let's go..

At The Hotel..

Ice: finally!! I can sleep!! *jump on one of the beds*

Blaze: oi!! You slept all days of traveling!!!

Solar: I'm kinda hungry though..

Quake: then let's go outside and eat dinner...

Thorn: uh...quake...its still a day...

Cyclone: did you forget that the time in here is different?..

Quake: *sees a clock hanging on the wall* well...its still 2 in the afternoon..what to grab some snacks?..

Thunder: its a yes from me..

Cyclone: yeah...I'm kinda hungry...

Thorn: same...

Blaze: how about ice?..

Ice: *snores*

Solar: Nah...leave him be...let's go?..

Quake: come on..

Outside the hotel...

Blaze: woah!! Look at the big bang!!! Its the biggest clock that
that ive ever seen!! *points at the clock*

Cyclone: wow!! Look at the park!! Its big!!!!!*points at the park*

Blaze: look cyclone!!! Sherlock Holmes House! A.K.A. Museum!!!!!

Cyclone: I want to go!!!!

Thunder: *grabs cyclones wrist* sorry..no can do lil brother...

Cyclone: b-but thundy!!! Its Sherlock Holmes!!!!

Thunder: Haih...*rolls eyes*..

Blaze: cyclone!!!! Cyclone!!! Sherlocks statue!!!!!*points at the statue*..

Solar: *takes his phone out* selfie!.*peace sign*...

Quake: haish!! Can you at least behave just like thorn?!?

Thorn: wow!!! Look at all the flowers!!..*goes to a flower shop*

Quake: ey? Gah never mind...

Solar: wow...this lake is fabulous!!! Like me!! Gotta take a selfie!!

Cyclone: *gasp* amusement park!!!!

Blaze: oh wow!!!...arcades!!!

Thorn: ehh!!!!!! This is pretty what flower is this?...

Thunder: BEHAVE!!!!!

Cy, blaze, Solar: sorry..

Solar: thorn!!..*grabs thorns hand* don't get carried away or you will be lost!..

Thorn: sorry...

Quake: so where do you guys want to go?..

Cyclone: *looks all around then points at one shop* How about there?!?

Thunder: *reads the shops name* Sweet Serving...

Quake:hmm..let's go then?...

All: *nods there heads and went inside the shop*...


Ice: *wakes up* huwah? Where are they??.....ey...they all left me..even blaze.....oh well...better find them I guess...*gets up then grab his phone and wallet*

Outside the hotel..

Ice: where could they be...

???: hey...what do this writings mean..?

???: hmm...I dunno... I can't understand why that guy give us this paper...

???: could he be that murderer?!?!

Ice: *stops walking* huh?...murderer?..*looks at his right side then notice two girls are talking to each other*...eh..*walks over to them*um...excuse me...can I ask what were you talking about?...

???: huh.. Why?..

Ice: I'm just curious.... My names ice by the way...

???:I'm veronica..this is my sister Minerva...and about earlier.. Well some guy give us a weird letter..*hands ice the letter*...

Vz Gur bar jub jnwrf gur crbcxr...

V nz ovttre guna h guvax..

Gjryri ahzoref ner cneg bs zr...

(Step back if your smart)

Ice: eh?....step back if your smart?...what does this mean?..

Minerva: we don't know...but that guy...no matter how much we ask what's in this paper he just smile and said.. "Step back"...

Veronica: well...we better get going...our parents were probably gonna be mad...

Ice: can I have this?..

Veronica: sure we don't need it anyways....let's go Minerva...

Minerva: coming....bye Ice!!

Ice: *wave while still looking at the paper*.....huh.....step back.....I better discuss this with the others...*puts the paper on his wallet and starts looking at his brothers*.....

Back to the 'sweet serving shop'

Cyclone: *touch his stomach* wooh!! I'm full!!!

Blaze: *burp out loud*....

Quake: blaze....

Blaze: hehe...excuse me...

Solar: now that was delicious!!..


Ice: Hah!! Found you!! *choke blaze*

Blaze: *cough* Why..*cough* me?!?

Ice: why did you left me alone huh?!?!...*let go of blaze*

Blaze: *inhale...exhale* well we were hungry...

Ice: and you didn't wake me up?..

Blaze: cause we know that you will not....

Ice: *deep breath* anyway...about that murder thing...I found our first clue when I was looking for you all...*puts the paper on the table*

Quake: a code?...

Ice: probably...I get it from the two girls whom I overheard their conversation about a guy who gave them this paper...

Thunder: how can we decode this then?...

Solar: the clue said 'step back if your smart'...so who's the smartest person here?...

All except ice: *turns head to quake*

Quake: *sigh* should I step back?..

Ice:oh gosh..you guys are so dump..

Thunder: WHAT?!?,

Customer: shhhh!

Thunder: sorry....

Blaze: how can you say that were dump huh?! Aren't you the dump one sleepy head?!?

Ice: *cross his arms* well..I already figure out the code..it was super easy actually...

Thunder: are you stupid?..

Ice: I'm not stupid... I'm just too lazy to show you how smart I really am...

Thunder: *silent* ......

Quake: okay...so what's the code?...

(Author- BTW guys you can solve the code and feel free to comment your answers!!)

Ice: *grabs a notebook and a paper then write something*...here...first arrange the letters...there are 26 letters in the alphabet...when you divide them by two...you get thirteen..so write the first thirteen letters above then the second thirteen letters under the first which looks like this...*shows them how its done*


Ice: then you can easily crack the code by using this method...its super easy...for example.. The word 'SUN' ....S will become F...U Will be H..then N will become A..The code name for the word 'SUN' is 'FHA'...So when you decode this code it becomes..*write the answer* This...*shoes them*

I'm the one who wakes the people...

I am bigger than you think..

Twelve numbers are part of me

Thunder: *jaw drop* and how did you found out..Mr. Smarty pants?...

Ice: Because of the clue...it says 'step back if your smart' step back doesn't really mean that you will step backwards...it means step back the alphabet....and then when you get what it means..then your already smart...

Quake: makes sense....but what is this? Another clue?...

Thorn: I think its a riddle...

Blaze: ice must already know it since he crack the first code right ice?....

Ice: yup...but....I'm too tired.. Figure it from yourself.I need to rest...I ran all the way here when I saw your reflections...*snores*

Solar: Haih...lazy as always...

Thunder: someday..I'm gonna punch this guy...

Quake: enough!? Okay...so who's good at riddles??

Cyclone: hehe...its me of course!!!...

Solar: hurry up and solve it...

Cyclone: eh?..but I already did...when I finnish reading the riddle...

Blaze: and why haven't you talk about it huh?!?! *choke cyclone*

Thunder: oi!!! Don't you dare.!!..thunder bla------

Quake: no using your powers!!! And blaze let go of cyclone so he can talk!!

Thorn: and breathe...

Blaze: *let go of cyclone*

Cyclone: *pant*.. *pant*

Thunder: okay...so tell me why haven't you talk about it?...

Cyclone: because you never ask...

Thunder: *choke cyclone*...

Blaze: *smiles proudly*...

Quake: *face palm* can we just get into business?!?

Thunder: fine...I'm letting him go this time..*let go of cyclone*

Solar: okay cy...now tell us what's the answer...

Cyclone: okay...so the first line says..' I'm the one who wakes the people'...now normally people use alarm clock to wake themselves up...the second line was..'I am bigger than you think' ..probably a big clock..but who fits a big clock inside their house?..and lastly..the easiest clue which I am sure that the answer was a clock..it says..'twelve numbers are part of me' the clock has twelve numbers which determine that the answer was really a clock..

Thorn: but who fits a big clock inside their house?..

Cyclone: what if its not in their house...what if its part of the city?...

Quake: *gasp* the big bang!!!

Cyclone: *smiles* bingo.

Ice:heh...well done cyclone you figure it out...

Blaze: hey..arent you asleep?

Ice: Nah..just pretending and listening to the whole conversation in case if there something's wrong..

Quake: well what are we waiting for let's go!!*stands up then go to the counter and pay the bill then rush outside..*

All: *exchange glances then follows Quake*..

While they were walking...

???: ah...it must be those guys huh...*follows them while eating some chocolate*...I better introduce then...*runs towards them* OI!!!!!!!!!

Quake: *stops walking making Blaze and solar bump into his back and fall from the ground*..ey?...

Blaze: ow...why'd you stop?

Solar: *sigh* at least my glasses did not break..

Quake: hm..I thought I heard someone called us...

???:oi!!!!...* runs to them while panting* your....the Boboiboy siblings right?....

Quake: uh...yes...can we help you?..

???: *pant* hah...hah...just...let..*pant* me...catch my breathe...

Thorn: *buys a water from somewhere and give it to the person* here...

???: thanks...*drinks the water in one gulp and put the bottle in the trashcan* anyway...my best friend called me and said that you were here to make sure that I'm okay....man...I already told her that I didn't need it but she keep insisting it knowing that she already knows about the rumor...*rolls eyes* anyway I'm Mico by the way....Angels best friend...

Thunder: ah....so your the guy....I'm thunder... And this is my lil brother cyclone....

Cyclone: hey..*smiles*...

Solar: and I'm solar and this is my lil brother thorn....

Thorn: *bow* nice to meet you...

Blaze: names blaze and this lazy sleepy head is my lil brother ice...

Ice: *smacks blaze head* at least I'm not stupid...

Blaze: *hiss* aww....

Quake: and you can call me Quake...do you mind? We're really in a rush...

Mico: can I come?...

Quake: yeah well let's go!!! *grabs micos wrist and starts running*

All: ey!! Wait for us!!! *runs behind Quake*...


He hehehe..

Please vote and comment what you think..

Oh and I just wanna ask you...do you want to be a part of this story?...if yes...give me your OC's details and you role in this story...

Pick a role:

1. Police investigator: boy or girl
2. Secret detectives: two pairs of boys or girls..
3. Witness: boy or girl.
4. Just some random person who will meet the Boboiboy siblings and help them solve the mystery: 5 persons only

Hit the.....🌟!!

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