The Prank Part 2

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Chiều cao dòng let's continue the prank shall we???...


Angel: *barge in ice's room and sees blaze hugging ice tightly while ice returned the hug* AHHHHH!!!!!!! NOT AGAIN!!!!!!! MY EYES!!!!!! IT BURNED!!!!!!!*covers eyes*

Ice: *yawn* Oh? Good morning Angel...


Blaze: *whine* will start soon....just let me sleep for 15 minutes...*still hugging ice*

Ice: have to get up..

Blaze: hmm....Icy...just a little bit more...

Ice: *blush* w-what did you just call me???

Blaze:*got up* ICY.....

Ice: *pinch blaze cheek* have to get up....and continue the dare...

Blaze: then kiss me......

Ice: *blush really hard* W-what?!?!

Blaze: Kiss me....

Ice:*Blush*.......F-Fine...*caress blaze cheek and lean in closer*

Blaze: I-Ice...*blush*

Ice: *kiss blaze cheek then his for head*....i-is t-that enough.?? *blush*

Angel: *filming everything* CAN YOU TWO JUST SAVE YOUR COUPLE ACT LATER?!?!?!! WE HAVE A DARE TO FINISH!!!!!!!!!

Blaze: *rolls eyes* Aish!!!! A very perfect timing to ruined the mood...

Ice: uh...*blush*

Blaze: *calls fang* Hey Fang!!!!!! There's a New Store that Sales the best RED CARROT DONUT ever!!!!! You should try it!!!!!

Fang: Really?!?!?!?! where is it?!?!?!!

Blaze: up in a cliff!!!!!!

Angel: *laughing quietly*

Fang: Ok!!!!! I'll be right There!!!! *hang up*

Ice: so....what now????

Blaze: we have to wait for him and when he is there...we will push him!!!!! Muahhahahahaha!!!

Ice: isn't that dangerous?????

Angel: Nah....because you will be waiting to catch him...right blaze???

Blaze: *mumbles* but that means that he will hold fang that tight....

Angel: *rolls eyes* Anyway....let's go!!!!

Up The Cliff

Ice: Is he there yet???? I'm kinda sleepy......*yawn*

Blaze: *puts a finger on ice's mouth to shush him* shh....he's here...

Angel: will wait for us to push Fang...OK??? Then catch him!!! I don't want Mommy Quake to punish us!!! *whisper*

Fang: huh???? I'm sure blaze said that this was the Place....

Blaze: *whisper* come on!!! *walks quietly towards fang while Angel was Behind him*....

Angel: 1....2......3!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!*pushes fang*

Fang: *screams* uwahhhhhh!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! I don't want to die yet!!!!!!!!! I still need to confess to Quake!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

Angel: *burst out laughing while filming everything*

Ice: *Catches Fang* Gotcha!!!!!!!

Fang: *hugs Ice* shit... Thanks ice...

Ice: umm*blush* yeah....sure no problem ...*cute smile*

Angel: uh-oh..*looks at blaze then Gulp*

Blaze: *black Aura*.......

Ice: *brings Fang up the Cliff* can let go now....

Fang: hmm..*snores*

Ice: oh...well....better send him home...*puts fang behind his back*...let's go ....

At Fangs House...

Ice: *lays fang on the sofa* let's go home shall we??

Angel: OK!!!!

Blaze: .......

Ice: what's wrong with you blaze???

Blaze: Nothing...*walks away and ignore ice*

Ice: huh?????

At home.....

Angel: *kicks the door* Home at last!!!!!!!!!!

Quake: Angel!!!! Can you please learn to stop kicking the door??!?! And where were you three?????

Thunder: what the hell did you guys do?????

Cyclone: Blaze!!!! Let's play!!!!!

Blaze: *ignores cyclone and went upstairs to his room*

Solar:what's up with him???? you know something???

Ice: *scratch his cheeks* I don't know...I think he's avoiding me...

Thorn: why? Did you guys fought again???

Ice:No...we didn't.....

Angel: anyway.......Ask him what's wrong.

All except ice: *nods*

Ice: *sigh* fine....*walks to blaze room and open the door and went in*........Blaze???

Blaze: why are you here????

Ice: *sat on the bed next to blaze* What's wrong????

Blaze: Nothing.....

Ice: *lifts Blaze chin so that he can look at him*.... Tell me.......did I do something?????*sad eyes*

Blaze: ice....*cup ice cheek and move closer towards his face*

Ice: *blush then leans in closer* hm? Blaze?

Blaze: *kisses ice on the lips*

Ice: mph!!!! Blaze!!! *wide eyes*

Blaze: *broke the kiss then whisper to ice's ear*...say that your Mine.....

Ice: *gulp* i-im Yours Blaze...


Yay!! Finish!!!! I hope you enjoy this!!! Also thanks for the Dare Danie!!!!!

Next dare is coming soon!!!! Please Vote And comment!!!!!

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