Writer's Dare

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*ding dong!..*

Quake: Thunder get the door!!!.

Thunder: I'm on it!...*Gets up from the sofa and open the door to see someone with dark brown eyes...Short spiky dark brown hair* ...huh?...

???: hi...

Thunder: hel-----

Angel: that's my guest!!!!..*push thunder away making him fall to the floor with his face first*....Hey Writer!!! Come in!!   ...

Writer: *looks at thunder with no expression*

Angel: don't worry!! His gonna be okay!!...

Writer: alright then...*goes inside and sit on the sofa*  ....

Angel: NEW OC!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!...

Writer: *puts headphone on immediately*..

Solar: Huh??....oh heyo new OC!!...

Writer: yeah hi...*small smile*...

Thorn: wow!! Cool I like your hair!!!!...*plays with writers hair*...hehehe...

Writer: ngh...*closes one eye*....

Solar: neh neh... What is your gender again?...

Writer: nope not telling....

Solar: *pout* aww...

Thunder: *regain from his fall and was now summoning his thunder blade*....YOU SHIT!! GET BACK HERE!!!!...*chase angel*...

Quake and Writer: LANGUAGE!!!..

Angel: *hides on Writers back*...

Thunder: Get out of my way and lemme kill that bitch...

Writer: *father/mother mode* now listen here...I do not like it if people disrespect!!... Also keep your mouth shut or some innocent brother of yours will lose his innocent because of you!.. *looks at cyclone*...now...drop that thunder blade ...

Thunder: *follow the instructions*.....

All except writer: *jaw drop*  ...

Quake: wow..even I can't do that...

Angel: hehehe bleh!!..*stick out her tongue to thunder*

Writer: *turns to Angel* and you young miss... Don't push someone like that!! You know that's impolite of you!!..

Angel: *hugs writer* wahh!!!I'm sorry!!!

Writer: Haih.....

Thunder: *smirk*.........

Writer: anyway....can I give my dares?...

Angel: *pulls out from the hug..* yeah sure..*snap her fingers then ice and blaze appeared from the living room*...

Blaze: I...I just teleported!!!!!!...

Angel: no you didn't...

Ice: *sees writer* hm?...may I ask who are you?..

Writer: hey ice...I'm writer but you can call me writ...and I'm here to give you my dares....

Ice: *no expression*...

Blaze: ahh!!!are you a boy or girl?!?...

Writer: I'm not telling my gender...

Angel: I have a question!!!...

Quake: go on then...

Angel: if you were hit by a rock from someone...would you rather hit them with a bread or with a rock?...

Writer: I'd rather hit them with a rock....

Blaze: I want to hit them with a bread!!...

Angel: why?..*looks at writer and blaze*  ...

Blaze: did our school teach us to hurt someone?! Its a no right?!?..*smirk at writer*....

Writer: then...did our school teach us to waste some foods?...

Angel: pfft...*cover her mouth to stop the laughing* writer got you blaze...

Blaze: what?!! That's not fair!!..its a bread!!...

Writer: so when somebody hit you with a rock you just hit them back with a bread?..

Blaze: uh-huh....

Writer: you will still need to go to the bakery to buy bread with a taxi but then there's an awful traffic and when you got back home....hah...they are already gone...that's why I choose rock because its easy to find it....like for example....its either near your foot....

Blaze: *silent*...

Ice: *laugh*...

Blaze: stop laughing!!

Ice: okay...

Writer: okay so my first dare is...I dare Boboiboy To fight me..

Quake: so..we have to merge into one?...

Angel: yup...

Quake: *merge with the others then turns to Boboiboy*

Boboiboy: ready!!...lighting sword!!!...*summons lighting sword and point it to Writer..*

Writer: Demon's Sword!!..*summons a sword with black handle*...I summon the previous owner of this sword.. Altirus!!....*a shadow appeared with red eyes..*

Boboiboy: *gulp*...hyahh!!!!..*launch forward*..

Writer: haahhhh!!!!!!!!....*swings the sword swifty with Altirus following behind them*....

Boboiboy: the weak point must be that shadow!..*went pass writer and throws the lightning sword at Altirus*....

Altirus: *dodge it quickly and disappear * ...

Boboiboy: huh!?! Where did it go?!?...

Writer: *smirk* ...DarkStaff!..*summons a staff*..I command to come thy thee..brother of Altirus..Schuyler!!!...

Boboiboy: hahh!!! Another demon!!!.. Boboiboy Cyclone!!..*turns into cyclone then fly up with his hover board*....

Writer: hahhhhh!!!!!!!!!!!!...*attacks Boboiboy*......

Angel: okay wait wait stop!!!!...

Writer and BBB: huh?...*turns to Angel*....

Angel: I ran out of popcorns...*show them an empty box*...

Writer: uh....😶

Boboiboy: Haih.. *fall back in anime style*....awesome..

Angel: wait here....*goes to the kitchen then puts some Popcorn's in the empty box*...*goes to the living room*...okay ready!!!.

Writer: *attacks boboiboy* Take this!!!....

Angel: And the fight goes on for 3 hours..And finally after how many Years the war has ended!!..muahahahahah!! Uhuk uhuk!..*choke because of the popcorn*.....and the winner is..
...WRITER!!!!!!!.....*choke again*..

Writer: don't talk when your mouth is full...

Angel: *mouth full of popcorns* shoreh...(sorry)

Writer: what did I just say?...

Angel: ....

Boboiboy: wow!! That was an awesome fight!!!!!!!!!....*grin*...

Writer: *smile* I agree....anyway..split back into seven...I have another dare...

Boboiboy: *split into seven*...

Cyclone: okay what's next?!

Writer: I dare all of you to fight your worst nightmare...

Thunder: how am I suppose to fight a balloon?...

Angel: pop all of them!!..

Thunder: hell no!!

Writer: Angel....

Angel: hehehe *snap her fingers* ..

Thunder: hah!! Nothing happened!!!!....*smiles evilly*...

Writer and Angel: *grin then lock thunder inside a room which was full of balloons*....


Thunder: *scream from inside* WHAT AM I GONNA DO SO THAT I CAN GO OUT?!?...

Angel: pop all of the balloons!!. There are CCTV's inside so that we can see if you really did pop them!.. .

Thunder: and what If I'll break this door open huh?!?...*bangs the door loudly*

Writer: I will be here to kill you...

Thunder: WHAT?!?

Angel: and mommy quake will scold you too...

Thunder: argh!!!!!.....

10 minutes of silence...

Angel: should we check him?..

Writer: *nods* yeah we should..

Angel: *opens her laptop*

Inside the room..

Thunder: *sweating hard*...uh..w-what am I gonna use to p-pop all of this??... *summons thunder blade*...okay here it goes....*deep breathe*.....

*pop!! Pop!! Pop!!*

Angel: *hugs writer* wahh!!!!..thunders so scary!!.*shivers when thunder glance at the CCTV with a death glare*.....

Writer: err...can you please let go?..

Angel: ah!! Sorry!!..*pulls away*...

Writer: *saws thunder fainted when he pops all of the balloons* Your brother fainted..

Cyclone: Thundy!!..*went inside the room and carries thunder*..

Angel: *snap his finger then a bucket full of water appeared*..put thunder on the sofa

Cyclone: *follows the order*

Angel: *pours the water on thunders face*...

Thunder: *woke up* AHHH!!!!!...*looks at Angel with a death glare* ...COME HERE YOU!!!!!!!.....

Angel: uh-oh.....wahhh!!!!!!!!!!!! *runs fast*......

Writer: stop!...we still need to continue my dares....

Thunder: grr!..*sits on the sofa*...

Writer: *throws a towel to thunder*...

Thunder: ....*wipe his face*...

Writer: okay then.....Blaze your next.....

Blaze: h-how am I suppose to fight a g-ghost?....*gulp*....

Writer: hm....Angel?...

Angel: *hide her face with her hand*....

Writer: uh.....what's wrong with her?.

Quake: she's afraid of ghosts....

Writer: ouh.......okay then...*taps angels shoulder*....

Angel: DONT EAT ME!!!!!! WAHH!!!!!!! I DIDNT DO ANYTHING WRONG!!!!!!! *cries*

Thunder: *laughing quietly* tch..wimp...

Writer: uhh....its me...

Angel: *looks at writer* huk huk...I don't wanna gooo!!!!!!!!!!!

Blaze: me too!!!!!...

Writer: no! You'll go...and....*looks at Angel* you stay..

Angel: B-but...I wanna record blaze's fear....*shows her camera to Writer*....

Writer: do you want to be eaten by a ghost?  ..

Angel: *shakes head* but....

Writer: no bu-

Angel: but I have you!!!!!!....*clap her hands cheerfully* yay!!!...

Writer: *sigh* fine...

Angel: let's go!!!.....

Blaze: where to?...

'Krik... Krik...krik... '

Angel: I dunno.....

Blaze: WHAT?!?!?....

Writer: there's a haunted house that I know....

Blaze: *gulp*......

Time skip..at the haunted house..

Blaze: *cries like a baby* UWAHH!!!! I don't wanna!!!! Mommy quake!!!!!

Writer: Haih...*rolls eyes*

Angel: *filming*

???: heya Angel!!!!!!!!!

Angel: WARGHHHHH!!!!!!!!!!!!...*hugs writer*

???: Geez....its just me...

Angel: *looks at the person* FIZZY?!!?!...

Fizzy: hehe...heyy...

Writer: oi brat...let me go will you?....

Angel: I'm not a brat...*let go of writer*....

???: I'm here too!!!!!!.....

Angel: UWAHHHHH!!!!!!!!!....*hugs fizzy this time*

Blaze: AHHHHHH!!!!!!!!...*hugs a near by tree because the person was behind him*

Fizzy: hey..its just Yuna....

Angel: Yuna-chan!!! Don't scare me like that again!!! Huk..huk

Yuna: sorry...but what's with the 'chan' ?

Angel: what?...I like it.......its cute.. Right Izzy?...

Fizzy: its fizzy....

Angel: Izzy Izzy Izzy izzy~

Fizzy: its fizzy!!!...F-I-Z-Z-Y!

Angel: IZZY!!!

Fizzy: argh!!!...

Writer: can we continue the dare now? ...

Yuna: blaze!! Get down!!!

Blaze: no!!!!..

Yuna: *drags blaze*

Blaze: huhuhu..I don't wanna fight a ghost....

Cyclone: come on blaze!! You can do it!!!..

Quake: were supporting you!!  

Thorn: yup!.

Solar: come on brother..

Thunder: just say some last words to us before you die...

Quake: thunder!!!!!

Blaze: huk..

Quake: it's okay blaze....were here for you!...

Ice: *snore*

Blaze: really?....

Yuna: don't mind him!! Now let's go!!! I wanna see a ghost!!!!!

Quake: why are you not afraid?...

Yuna: hehe.. I like horror things..

Quake: ouh.....

Fizzy: let's go!!...

Angel: huk huk huk... I don't want to experience another paranormal activity..

Writer: what? So...you've ready seen a ghost before?...

Fizzy: she didn't saw her...Angel only heard her voice...

Writer: her?....

Yuna: yay!!!! Horror!!!...


Blaze: huhuhuhu......

Angel: *hugs fizzy*.....

Fizzy: ...too...........tight.......

Angel: sorry!...*let's go*

Yuna: *eyes sparkles* woah....

???: uuuuuuuuu.......~

Blaze: *shivers* w-who's there?!..

Angel: *gulp*......

???: uuuuuuu~.....

Yuna: I sure hope that its a ghost..*jumping up and down*

Quake: hahahahahaha......

Writer: come on blaze...*push blaze forward*

Blaze: come out!!!...

???: booo!!!!~

Angel: *faints*

Fizzy: I'm not gonna carry her....*grabs angels camera and film blaze*....

Yuna: woah!! A real ghost!!!!!....

Writer: okay blaze.... Fight it.....

Blaze: *gulp*.......

After minutes of fighting...

Blaze: fuah! *faints*......

Writer: okay let's go...ice carry him.. 

Ice: *sigh*.......*carry blaze* oof!!!!....*almost Trip*....heavy ...

Yuna: how about angel?....

Fizzy: not me...

Yuna: should we just wake her up?.... *shake angels*

Angel: UWAHHH!!!!! AM I DEAD?!?! WHERE AM I?! IN HEAVEN OR HELL?!?!? HUHUHUHU!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

Yuna: Angel.....

Angel: YUNA-CHAN!!!!!!! *hugs Yuna*....

Writer: okay....now let's go....

Time skip...at home..

Writer: quake your next....

Quake: *calls gaya* hello yaya?.. Can I have one pack of your cookies?.... Yes.....I'll pay...thank you.....

Fizzy: your afraid of yaya's cookies?....

Quake: who wouldn't be?.....

All except quake: *points at writer*.......

Writer: *raise an eye brow*

Yaya: *sudden appearance* IM HERE!!!!!

All except Writer: WARGHHHH!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

Writer: *cover ears*...........tch....

Yaya: here you go quake!!...*gives quake 5 packs of her cookies*

Quake: ey?...I said one...not five...

Yaya: well....since you have some visitors....might as well share them right right right?....

Fizzy, Yuna and Angel: ughhh....

Fizzy: no thanks I'm full! *smiles nervously*

Yuna: hehe...yah...me too...

Angel: me three.....

Yaya: aww.....*looks at writer* hah...how about you?...want to try one?...

Writer: uhh....*looks at everyone who was behind yaya shaking their heads...* okay I guess...*takes on cookie and eat it*.....

Yaya: how was it?...yummy right?!?!.....

Writer: ........terrible..........

Yaya: *rage mode active* what did you say about my cookies?!?!?.......

Writer: it's terrible....its very hard and it taste like sandpapers.....

Yaya: oh really?...I should change my recipes then...*fly's off *

All: *stare at writer*.......

Thunder: I can't believe that you didn't get punch....

Quake: agree...

Writer: anyway....Quake your up..

Quake: *eat the whole packs and faint*........

Yuna: is he gonna be okay?..

Fizzy: his fine...

Writer: next?..

Angel: Thorn?...

Thorn: Im afraid of losing solar...

Writer: then....hurt your brother...

Solar: what?!?!?!! But my beautiful face will be ruin!!!!!!


Angel: just a punch will do...

Thorn: Kay...*punch solar in the face*...

Solar: why thorn?...why?...*tearing up*

Thorn: shh...*kiss solars cheek, forehead and nose*......

Solar: *blush*

Angel: okay enough!...how about you solar?..

Solar: *still blushing* Darkness...

All: really?....😒😒😒

Fizzy and Angel: *grin..* *locks solar inside a dark room*

Solar: *scream*.....

All: *looks at fizzy and angel*

Fizzy: what?...*raise an eyebrow*

Thorn: *open the room and see solar dead*....Sunshine!!!!!!!

Cyclone: relax thorny...his not dead ..he just fainted...

Thorn: no!! You see his face?!..*looks at solars pale face and his soul was coming out from his mouth (Author: if you know this..then your my best friend😂😂😂)

Angel: polar bear?...

Ice: *looks at blaze*

Blaze: what?...

Ice: *punch blaze's face*.....done..*sleeps*....

Blaze: ow...what was that for?..*rub his nose*... ...

Angel: *smirk*....hehehehe... I see where this is going...

Fizzy: *grin* I do too....

Yuna: *smile* same here...

Cyclone: huh?....

Fizzy: your next cycy...

Cyclone: afraid of mommy quakes 'punishment'....


All: *sweat drop*

Cyclone: *shivers*.......what did I do?...

Thunder: why me huh?...

Writer: well..that's all for today...I better Go now...*open a portal then went in*....

All: (0_0)...


Hey peeps...your author is here and is really tired.......

Anyway I know this sucks and very sorry!!!!...please don't hate me!!!🙇🙇🙇🙇🙇🙇

And writer!! I'm very sorry if I didn't write your another dares!! I can't upload a video!!!

The signal here is weak..

Please forgive me!!🙇🙇🙇

This dare is from Live_WriterLife...

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