Writers Back!!

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Fizzy: Yuna...pass me the tooth paste please ...

Yuna: *toothbrush in her mouth* hewer...(here...)...*gives fizzy the tooth paste*...

Fizzy: thanks!...

Lili: *scream from the bathroom* I FORGOT MY TOWEL!!! CAN SOMEONE GET IT?!?!...

Lisa: WHERE IS IT?!?!...

Lili: BED!!!!!!....

Lisa: WHAT?!?!...

Lili: ON MY BED!!!!!!...

Lisa: *gets the towel*.....THE PINK ONE WITH A HELLO KITTY?!??...

Angel: splurk!!!...*spit her water and laugh*...


Lisa: hahahahahaha.....*goes to the bathroom and gives lili the towel*

Angel: can someone tie my hair into a pony tail?!?...

Yuna: ...What pony do you want?...The white one or the brown one?!?...*snap her fingers and two ponies appear*...

Angel: YUNA!!!!!!!!!!!......

Lili: *comes out of the bathroom*...Can someone dry my hair?...*holds a hair dryer..*

Lisa: *makes a strong wind to dry lilis hair*....

Lili: Lisa!!!!!......*looks in the mirror and saw that her hair was mess up*.....Grr..!!

Lisa: uh-oh....Heyahhhhh!!!!...*runs away*

Lili: come here!!!...*chase Lisa*


Thunder: arghh!!!! They're so loud!!!!!!!....

Ice: I can't sleep anymore...*rub his eyes*........

Cyclone: my ears hurt.....huk....

Lisa and Lili: *comes downstairs*.....

Angel and Yuna: *giggling while running downstairs*....

Fizzy: ANGEL!!! YUNA!!..GET BACK HERE!!!!!!......*chase Angel and Yuna*.....

Blaze: their they go again...*rolls eyes*...Haih...

Yuna: *trips and fall down*...Off!!!!....

???: *catch yuna*.......Better be careful.... And dont run on the stairs....it's dangerous....

Yuna: *looks at the person* WRITER?!?!....

Angel: oh...your finally here!!!!... Welcome nii-san!!...

Writer: *puts yuna Down* sup guys....*waves*..Im back with another dare.....*smirk*....

BBB siblings: *gulp*......

The Girls: *eyes sparkles*....

Yuna: what is it?!?!?..*getting excited*....

Thunder: oi oi...its for us...not for you....

Yuna: hump!!...

Lisa: so what's the dare?!..

Writer: okay so my first dare is for Pikachu...

Thunder: *glare*

Writer: you have to be like Angel for All the chapter...

Thunder: *summons thunder blade*...

Writer: *summon his own sword*........DO. IT.

Thunder: tch...*looks at Angel*...

Angel: blehhh....*tongue out*....

Thunder: *scream* I WANT ICE CREAM!!!!!!!!!!!!......

Quake: quite!!!!!!!!....and no you can't have ice cream...

Thunder: *cries* huk!!.. Mean...!! Huk huk....UWAHHHHHHH!!!! HAHHHHHHHHH!!!!!!!!! WAHHHHHHHHHHHHHH!!!!!...

Angel: (0_0)..... Am I really like that?...

All except thunder: *nods*...

Cyclone: *gives thunder a chocolate Ice cream*......

Thunder: *smiles..*.. *eats the ice cream happily*.......^_^...

Writer: my next dare is....yaya has to scale from one to ten how sexy would everyone....(including me of course...) Their rate...

Lili: I'll call her...*opens her cell phone and call yaya*.....

Yaya: *sudden appearance* are you looking for me to buy my biscuits?!...*appear behind lili*...

Lili: oh my hello kitty!!!...*falls back in anime style and drop her phone*....

Yaya: err...I'm sorry...are you okay?!?.....*helps Lili get up*...

Lili: yes I'm fine..but don't scare me like that again!!...

Yaya: I'm sorry...anyway why did you called me again?...

Writer: *explain the dare to yaya*...

Yaya: ohhh....I see...hmm.....*looks at The BBB siblings then looks at writer*...hmm.....*write something on her paper then show it to writer*......

Writer: *read the paper*...hm..*smirk*....

Writer: 10/10

Thunder: 10/10

Ice: 10/10

Quake: 10/10

Blaze: 9/10

Solar: 7/10

Thorn: 10/10

Cyclone: 10/10

Solar: why??...*sulk at the corner*..

Yaya: sorry solar....your cute and handsome and cool....but not sexy for me....

Solar: huk.....

Blaze: why did I lost to ice??...

Yaya: yes your hot but......Not sexy enough for me...

Blaze: ugh....

Ice: hahahaha...loser..

Blaze: grr....

Writer: next dare is for happy-go-lucky...

Cyclone: can you please stop calling me that?....and what's the dare??...

Writer: I dare you to run around the house and yell 'good night moon I love you'....without using your powers...

Cyclone: *cries* no!!!!! I don't wanna!!!!!! No no no!!!!!!!!!!!!!....huk....(Author: its night time okay?)

Angel: *secretly takes cyclones power watch*.....almost.....aha!..*takes the power watch*.....

Cyclone: hey!!! Give it back!!!!!.....

Angel: do the dare first!!!!!!... *waves cyclones power watch*...Or else I'll destroy this!!...

Cyclone: *gulp*...okay okay!! I'll o it!!...huk.....*went outside*  

Fizzy: poor cycy.....

Yuna: so...what's next writ?...

Writer: Nah...we have to wait for cyclone to get back....*puts headset and close his eyes*....

Cyclones Situation..

Cyclone: *yells* GOOD NIGHT MOON I LOVE YOU!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!....

Guy: oi!!! Shut up would you!!!!!....

Cyclone: *gulp*....GOOD NIGHT MOON I LOVE YOU!!!!!!!!!!....

Cyclone keeps yelling that while running making the whole town woke up and chase the life out of him....luckily... Cyclone manage to get home alive....

Cyclone: *falls on the floor* worse...*pant* dare.....*huff*...everrr...

Writer: *woke up* since your now here...I will continue....I dare blaze to jump off the roof of the house....

Blaze: *stayed silent and went outside*.....

All: *silence*..........


Blaze: *went back with a bleeding head* done....

Quake: oh my baby is injured!!!!... Thunder!!! Go get the first aid!! Hurry!!!   .

Thunder: *gets the first aid upstairs and hand it to quake*...

Quake: *treat blazes Wound*...

Blaze: *hiss in pain* ow...ow...

Writer: next dare...I dare all of the BBB siblings... Including me and angel to have a couple dance fight....also...we can choose whatever song that we want...

Fizzy: that means that we cannot join then??...

Writer: *nods*.....

All girls except Angel: *pout*....hmm....

Writer: I'll pair up with quake...

Quake: *smiles* okay then....

Blaze: me and my peppermint!!

Ice: shut up...

Solar: I'm with my flower!!!!!!...*grabs thorns wrist*..

Cyclone: Thundy!!...

Thunder: I'll pair up with cycy then!!! *smiles*..

Angel: *pout* I have no partner!!...💡...*idea pops in her head*... Hehehehe...

Writer: got an idea then....?..

Angel: if I don't have any partner...I'll just make one!!!...hehuhehu...

All: what????!!..

Lili: can you seriously do that?...

Lisa: Yeah can you?..

Angel: of course I can!!...I'm the author and therefore I can make what ever character that I have in my mind...like for example...Mico...

All: ohhh.....

Angel: hurm.....*tries to think of what kind of guy she should make* hah!!...I should make a new Boboiboy!!!...

BBB siblings: what?!?!?...

Angel: be sure to be nice okay?!?...*snap her fingers and a boy that looks like Boboiboy appeared....he's cap was just like ice and he also had a hoddie.....right eyes was color silver and the other one was sapphire blue....his jacket was color silver and his pants was color black....he was sitting on a floating Crystal?!?...*

All: *stunned*....

Angel: everyone!!! Meet Boboiboy diamond!!!!!!!.....*claps hand cheerfully*....

Diamond: *tilt his head cutely*...

Name: Boboiboy diamond

Age: 13 (the youngest of them)

Personality: calm..smart..cool..observant.....caring..thoughtful...

Likes: read some books...Likes to sleep in quite places...

Dislikes: his friends getting hurt... Feeling weak and useless...

Powers: Crystals (for example. When he will summon emerald he will get the plants power...sapphire is water..Aquarius is air...ruby is fire...garnet is storm...Topaz is light...and opal is land...)..

Diamond: ehh...*looks at the BBB siblings* ....O-onii-chan?..

Angel: although... I'll make him disappear when the dare is done...and I can make him appear anytime!!...

Quake: ehm ..hi diamond...

Diamond: nii-chan...?..

Quake: *pats diamonds head*...

Writer: can we start now?...

Diamond: *looks at angel*...

Angel: hm?...

Diamond: ...........*grabs angels hand*....*pull her close*...

Angel: oof!!...

Diamond: *smiles cutely*

Angel: aww......  So cute!!!!!!!!!!....*pinch diamonds cheek* ....you'll be my partner Kay?!??...

Diamond: kayy....

Fizzy: LET THE DANCE BEGIN!!!!!!!!!..........*films them with angels camera*

Angel: *gasp* my camera!!!!!!....*pout* ..

Lili: you two should go first!!!

Angel and diamond: *Stare at each other*.....

Yuna: this will be fun....

Diamond: so...what song do you want to dance?....

Angel: can we play the song 'Beauty and the beast' ?...

Diamond: *nods*......*snap his fingers and suddenly the music plays*...

Angel: *starts to dance with diamond while humming the song*.......

Yuna: can I ship them?....

Lisa: Maybe........

Diamond: *twirls angel around*....*press his fore head into her*.......*smile*

Angel:*blush* errm...

Lili: awwwww.......

Diamond: neh, when you made me ...did you also made my feelings for you?..

Angel: *tilt her head* no....why?..

Diamond: *smiles* great...maybe that's why I'm falling for you...

Angel: *blush* ....

Diamond: hehehe....cute...*kiss angels fore head*.....

Yuna: okay...I'll ship them..*writes their name on a note pad*........

..'Song end'..

Diamond: we're done...*smiles then let's go of angel and sat on his crystal*.....

Angel: *silent* ..........

Lili: next pair!!!! Writer and Quake!!!!!....

Writer: what song?....

Quake: how about... 'Idois?..' *smile*

Writer: your on...*dance with quake*

All: *stunned*

Cyclone: woah!!! I didn't know quake could dance like that!!!!....

Blaze: *eyes sparkle* Terbaik....

Fizzy: *filming*

Angel: ahem!!....

Fizzy: huh?...oh..hehehehe ooopss....*gives angel the camera*...

Thunder: GO MOMMY QUAKE!!!!!!!! *screams loudly making the ground shake*

Quake: *stop dancing and glare at thunder*....

Thunder: hehehehe...run!!!!!! *runs away*

Quake: *chase thunder*

Writer: well...I guess were done....

Blaze: we're next!!!!!!!!!!!!!!...

Ice: *sigh*....... *looks at angel*

Angel: *got the signal and smack ice with quakes frying pan*

( Author: wahahahaha!! Quakes frying pan is so famous for this occasion!!!

Blaze: you know...his right behind you...

Quake: *glare*

Author: oh hush!! Now on with the story!!!...)

Ice: *fainted*

All: *stare at angel*...(=_=)

Angel: *whistle* I'm innocent....

Blaze: aww....*pout*...

Yuna: thundclone is next!!!!!...

Times skip...after the dance...(sorry lazy author here -.-)

BBB siblings except for diamond: FREE!!!!!!!!!!!..

Diamond: *silent*

Yuna: *whisper to fizzy* what's wrong with diamond?...

Fizzy: *shrug* dunno...

Angel: *snap her fingers and then poof!! Diamond disappear*

All: *gasp*...

Angel: huh? What?...


All: (0_0)..


Hi nii-san!!! Very sorry!! I'm I'm a rush when I wrote this chapter because maybe those 'two' will be shaking you again..😂😂😂😂 hope you'll like it!!! And don't forget to vote!!!....


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