tImE tO pUsH mAhSeLf---

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Blaze, Cyclone, Thorn, Ashley: *came out of nowhere* AYE CAPTAIN!

Ck: where's ze other-

Quake: i'm here o >o)"

Ck: how about Thundy, Solar, Ice, and Cin-- nevermind she's sleeping

Ck: speaking of sleeping...


Ice: *sleeps*

Ck: ....

~ a moment later ~

Blaze, Cyclone, Thorn: yEeTtT-- *yeets Ice from the roof*

Ice: *fInAlLy wake up* wTf--

Ck: aight, now gET ZE OTHERS BOISSS

B.C.T: AYEEEE! *yEeTs themself*

Thunder, Solar: *get dragged* wth--

Ck: yOu GoT dArRrrEeeEesSSssSss

B.C.T: YyyYeEeEeaaaAAYYyYyyYy!-

T.S.I: NnnNnoOoOooo!!-

Netral squad(Quake, Ashley): o vo)b

Ck: aight first one-

Ck: all of you! *glance at them*

Ck: must wear high heels for a day *snaps finger*

All: *wear high heels* wha- *le fell*

Ck: oof-

Ck: aighttt next!-

Ze bois: *le fell again*

Ck: oofoofoof-


Ck: aight others except ze trouble maker and Solar can leave

All except B.C.T.S.A: okay- *le fell*

Ashley: *already gave up with the heels* wHy Am I iNvOlvEd?¿

Ck: cuz you can-

Ck: now, tRoUbLe MakErSsS

B.C.T: AaaAayYYyeEEE!

Ck: this one more like a game but- oh well-

Ck: you guys must be blindfolded and touch somebody and recognize dem

Ck: to make this to look like a game, you have to say their names and if they answer "right" you'll get a point! And the winner will get!-

Ck: -skittles..

B.C.T: :OoOoOOoOoooOOOoO

Cyclone: wait... with heels?

Ck: ....

Ck: ye


Ck: aight, hERE *give em cloth*

Ck: now Solar..

Solar: wut

Ck: do a prank call

Solar: welp- okay

Ck: okay then, now gO- *yEeTs Solar*

Solar: oOF-

~ in Solar's room ~

Solar: alright... who should i prank-

Solar: *has an idea* ohohoho-

Solar: *calls Thunder*

~ with Thundy ~

Thunder: *le fell* #$@#$$@$!-

Le Thundy's phone: *ringin*

Thunder: what

Le Thundy's phone: owo pick meh up plez

Thunder: *pick his phone**see that it's Solar**put his phone bac*

~ with Solar ~

Solar: *get declined* defak *keeps callin*

~ with Thudy ~

Thunder: *keeps declinin--*

~ with ze trouble makers ~

Blaze: *blindfolded* ooh~ i will get those skittles

Cyclone: *blindfolded* welp, in yo dreams cuz i will get em

Thorn: *blindfolded* aAaaYyyEe- i got a point!

Blaze and Cy: wat-

Ashley: he quessed meh- imma head out now- *le fell* #$##@$#

Blaze: oof-

Blaze: well, one point doesn't matter!--

Thorn and Cy: *already left*

Blaze: did you guys left meh behind i-

~ with Thundy ~

Thunder: *rages**pick the phone*

Solar: *in his room(i'm lazy-)* ohohoho am i with Thunderstorm now? *in weird deep voice*

Thunder: shut the f##k up. What do you want

Solar: *in weird deep voice* well i got your bro here

Thunder: who?

Solar: *in weird deep voice* your bro Solar

Thunder: well i don't care about him so goodby-

Solar: wait!-

Solar: 'i knew this isn't gonna work, good thing i have a backup idea'

Solar: i also have your sweety little pickachu doll here~

Thunder: ...

Thunder: ..listen here you little sh#t

~ with ze trouble makers ~

Thorn: *blindfolded**already got another point from Quaky* i'm going to get ze skittlessss >w<

Cyclone: *blindfolded* no! I am! Cuz i've already got a point!~ *got one from Ck*

Blaze: 'defak- with heels and you guys already got points?!?'

Cyclone: imma get ze skittless! Ò vÓ

Thorn: nu! mehhhhhh! Ò ^Ó

Blaze: 'they're arguing, this is mah chance!' *left without direction*

~ in Solar's room ~

Solar: *on phone* soooo~ is that a deal?~

Thunder: *on phone* where are you at

Solar: well i'm not telling you darling~ just give me 100 dollars and i'll give you your pikachu and your bro, Solar

Thunder: i just need my pikachu, so that will be 50 dollars

Solar: oh~ you don't want your Solar?~

Thunder: disgusting-

Blaze: *went to Solar's room while blindfolded*

Blaze: 'i hear sounds here so there must be someone...'

Solar: 'the hell- what are you doing?!'

Blaze: *touches Solar cap*

Solar: 'you little sh#t-- you're going to ruin my prank call!'

Thunder: *on call* who's there?

Blaze: 'ah!'

Blaze: Thundy right?

Thunder: *on call* who-

Blaze: i knew it's you! Just answer "right" now! *playing with Solar's cap*


Thunder: bruh- so it's you huh. Get ready cuz i will go to your room *end the call*

Blaze: wait- who's this- *still touching Solar's cap*

Solar: get off!

Blaze: wHo'S tHiS i NeEd A PoInT

Solar: yOu RuInIng My PrAnk CaLl BisH!

Thunder: *at Solar's door, with his thunderstorm swords**struggling to stand because he wears heels* well hello b#tches

Solar: oh sh#t-

~ a moment later ~

Ck: sooo~ how was it bois?

Thorn: 2 points!! :D

Cyclone: i got 2 too!! >:(

Blaze: none *le cri*

Ck: aww.. don't worry Blaze. Ya'll will get ze skittles so don't worry! :3

B.C.T: :OOOO yyyYeeEeAaAyYYy :DDD

Ck: so wait here okay- *leave*

B.C.T: huh--

~ with Ck ~

Ck: *teleport ze cool bois*

Ice: *sleeps*

Thunder: *with his pikachu doll*

Solar: *K.O. lol--*

Ck: aight then *heals Solar*

Ck: *at Ice's ear* wAKE UP SLEEPY BEAR

Ice's ear: *le broke*

Ice's eyes: *le open*

Ck: a dare for ya'll. Give ze trouble maker 5 bag of skittles and then don't do anything else

Dem: *sigh* fine *grabs ze skittles out of nowhere*

Ck: o >o

~ at ze living room where ze trouble makers at ~

Ze cool squad: *throws em 5 bags of skittles* there

Ze trouble maker: ...

Ze trouble maker: more...

Ze cool squad: ...

And at ze end, ze trouble maker ended up wanna blow up ze house cuz they didn't get more skittles but then Cindy wakes up so Ck punish dem and they cri at ze corner while eating their skittles-- and about Ash and Quake..

They've been giving up on their heels-

Well that's the end for the first dares after a long time :3

Most surprisingly is that this dare story has almost reach 1000 words |O wO)/

Thanks to ze awesome peps who give ze dares like right when i published the last chap :3

(I can't tag oof--)

See ya guysss!
Fell free to give some dares again ;>

(Which i hope i can make em again--)

9 June 2020

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