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English is not my mother language!

Any grammar mistakes, bad English, typos & so on!

Warning! Contains Offensive Language!

Hope you enjoy reading it anyway! Thank you!


"Oh! The youth!" Midnight squealed in joy. After a moment, she suddenly turned serious. "If that's what you think then..."

"You're wrong!" she announced making all of them shocked.

"WHAT?! (APAKAH?!)" Boboiboy gasped in horror.

"I hate to say this to you, but fight orders have already been shuffled! Therefore, you don't know when you'll be battling or who your opponent is until your name appears on the screen!" Midnight smirked.

"Talk about plus ultra, right?"




"The names have been shuffled? That's new." Midoriya mumbled.

"What do you mean?" asked Boboiboy.

"If I'm not mistaken, this is the first time UA made some drastic changes to the Sports Festival. Usually, students will know who their opponents are before the match begins." The green-head explained.

"Perhaps these changes were made in order to create a stronger hero in the future. A hero must keep an eye on the villains. We don't know one's quirk in a battle. That's why we must learn how to calculate the chances of victory in a battle." Iida added.

"Woah! I think that makes sense!" Boboiboy agreed.

"That's what my older brother always tells me, Boboiboy." Iida smiled proudly while thinking of his older brother. "My brother is a hero, so he'll always give me helpful advices about how to become a good hero!"

"I'm kinda of jealous. I mean, I'm an only child. It's nice to have an older sibling to talk too." Boboiboy smiled.

"I know right? My brother is the best! He's a responsible adult but sometimes—"

"Shut up damn extras! The quarter-final is about to begin!" Bakugou growled from his seat and he didn't forget to give Iida and Boboiboy a death glare.

"Alahai, kena marah lagi dengan si bom hidup ni. (Great, we're getting scolded by the living bomb again.)" Boboiboy mumbled but was heard by exploding bomb.

"What did you say?!" Bakugou yelled. He couldn't understand what the elemental user was saying, but he knows it's not something good.

"Takde apa-apa. (Nothing.)" Boboiboy gave him a fake warm smile and quickly turned away, deliberately ignoring the explosion user.

"Hello everybody! The quarter-final will now begin! Are you ready?!" Present Mic announced, followed by the audiences' loud cheer.

"Alright! Everybody is excited! Behold the screen in front of you! That's right folks!" Everyone was nervous right now. Who would do the honors to fight in the first match?

"For the first battle—"

A Few Hours Ago

As we all know, the UA Sports Festival was being broadcast live throughout the country. So basically, everyone can watch it on their TV screens.

That's right, everyone is watching the UA Sports Festival....

Including villains.




A slim man with deathly pale skin with messy greyish-blue hair growled in frustration. Anger was building inside of him as he watched the UA Sports Festival that currently displayed on his TV screen.

"Tell me... Why do we have to watch this again?!" Shigaraki Tomura growled again as he scratched his neck in a harsh motion, a sign that he was angry and frustrated. "This is stupid and irritates the hell out of me!"

"Master, we're watching the UA Sports Festival because 'he' asked us to." Kurogiri calmly replied.

"What?! Sensei asked us?" Shigaraki went quiet for a moment. "Fine. I'll only watch this because sensei asked us too. Watching wannabe heroes makes me sick though." He took his seat and proceeded to watch the UA Sports Festival.

"I see." Kurogiri replied. "However, this might be our chance to learn their quirks and use their weaknesses in battle. Maybe the reason why we failed attacking them back then was because we weren't prepared enough in battle."

"Tch! Shut up. Prepared or not prepared, I could've killed them with one touch if we hadn't retreat back then." Shigaraki clicked his tongue. "My plans were running smoothly until All Might showed up with those disgusting UA teachers." He couldn't help himself, but to complain that his previous plan went wrong.

"My apologies. I was just following 'his' orders back then. 'He' wanted to make sure you his future successor was not harm." Kurogiri apologized to him.

"Whatever." Shigaraki answered back. "Whose match is this?" he asked Kurogiri as the next match was about to begin.

"If I'm not mistaken a student named Boboiboy. If I may add, his quirk is really interesting. He can manipulate elements." Kurogiri explained.

"Manipulate elements? How come I never heard of him?" Shigaraki focused on the screen that was currently displaying Boboiboy's match between Shiozaki.

"Yes, from the data we gained before, he's data wasn't listed in there." The black-purple mist continued explaining.

The atmosphere turned quiet after that.

"So, you're saying he's a new student?" All of a sudden, the decay quirk owner laughed maniacally. "Wow, I can't believe this! UA accepting a new student after that accident?! They must have been really desperate to create a bunch of future heroes!"

"You may be correct, however for UA to accept a new student after we attacked them must mean that this boy's quirk is strong enough to catch their attention." Kurogiri replied while Shigaraki stopped laughing. "I have been watching his abilities since the start of the festival and I have to admit his quirk is really interesting."

"Well, we'll see about that." Shigaraki seriously commented. "Now, show us your quirk's abilities, hat boy."


"Everybody, it's time for the third match! Are you ready?!"

"His name starts with a B! And a boy that can control 7 elements in one quirk! From hero course, Boboiboy!"

The sound from a small TV accompanied by silence in that small room filled with breathing machines.

A man with various tubes sticking out of his neck and jaw smiled amusedly as he carefully listened to scene unfold before him. His face was covered entirely of scar tissue, extending from above his upper lip. However, this obstacle didn't stop him from enjoying something that he likes.

Quirks. Yes, the one thing that he likes in the entire world. Well, except hunting his little brother's quirk of course. Who could blame him? He loves stealing quirks, especially a strong one. His greed tends to build up when he sees a quirk that fascinates him.

The expedient psychopath licked his lip. He was extremely delighted right now because 'something' attracted his attention. Finally, a strong quirk appeared before him. Then again, he had to thank UA for broadcasting the UA Sports Festival live on TV. Or else, he never would find this fascinating quirk.

"A quirk that can manipulate elements, huh?" The man smirked as he rested his chin on his palm. "How did UA end up with such a quirk?" He wondered. The current holder of the infamous All for One quirk continued listening to the match.



An explosion has occurred, causing some of the space in the room destroyed as a result. However, All for One didn't flinched from his seat. The benefactor of the League of Villains knew 'he' was coming today. However, 'he' had come in the wrong time as the villain was enjoying the match before him.

"You really have to work on your timing. You're disturbing me right now." The man with scars growled.

"Really? Well, that explains why you didn't prepare me green tea for me this time." The man with a hook smirked at him. "Humans and their primitive technology. No wonder you humans can never evolve. Just stuck being stupid all the time." Then the man took a seat near him. "Don't mind me, I'm just tired being evil."

"What brings you here? It's me, or today is my lucky day because I'm being grace by your pitiful present, Vicious." All for One asked. "Just because we agreed on making a short alliance, doesn't mean you can easily come here, alien."

"Gee for a human you sure don't know how to show your gratitude, huh?" Vicious smirked. "Relax, okay. Trust me as much as you hate me, I also hate you too. We're just 'helping' each other to get what we want. Besides, your hiding place disgust me. Cowardly hiding while waiting for a good opportunity to come out. Not my style, human." The alien replied.

It was true, though. Two weeks ago, these two villains agreed on forming a short alliance which only benefit both parties. For example, Vicious will provide All for One with alien technologies that will help him to create stronger version of his nomus. In contrast, All for One will provide Vicious with crucial information especially information regarding the government, heroes, as well as the villains.

If it weren't for these purposes, then they would already kill each other by now. However, they were smart enough not to do that.

"This human / alien irritates me, but he still has a use for me." Both of villains whispered. Unknown to both of them, they were planning to stab each other's back after they achieved what they wanted.

"I came here to tell you about the alien tech we discussed a few days before. Trust me, with that you can easily create those mindless super-soldiers of yours." Vicious was the first to talk after minutes of silence. "But here you are, lazily sitting on that cheap chair of yours while watching Tom and Jerry or something." Vicious finally turned to the screen in front of him. However, he was shocked to see a figure he hates so much.

"Boboiboy!" The mean alien growled in anger.

"Funny an alien like you actually knows someone here." All for One replied. "Tell me does this boy interest you so much?"

"Let me tell you something human. This boy here is dangerous and if you're not careful enough then maybe he can put an end to your villain career." Vicious warned as he watched Boboiboy's match. "That power of his is strong enough to defeat my pathetic brother. Even Retak'ka was defeated by Boboiboy."

"What nonsense are you blabbering about. He's just a child, there's no way he could defeat a villain." All for One growled. He felt like Vicious was lying to him. How could a UA student defeat two villains by now? And besides according to the law that action is illegal and the government should arrest him. There's no possible way for him to escape from that.

Vicious shifted his gaze to All for One. "Oh, I see this idiot villain doesn't know that Boboiboy is from another world. Pathetic human, if only you know how strong the elemental user is." Vicious whispered to himself.

"You'll regret saying that. I can assure you." Vicious stood up as he was about to walk away. "Just watch him carefully and I'm sure this boy already caught your attention by now. Oh, and let me know if you want more information about him. I would love to provide you that, but it's not free though." Vicious gave him a smirk and walked away.

"For a villain to know you is quite impressive, Boboiboy. Tell me, what kind of power do you have?" All for One switched his frown to an eerie smile as he continued enjoying the match before him.

"So, the meeting went well, I perhaps? Or did you two fight again like there's no tomorrow?" one of Vicious's crewmate asked his captain. That man was known as the second in command among the pirates' crew. He was also someone who expertise in power sphere as well as the 'brain' of the crew.

"I always felt like throwing up after I see that prideful villain." Vicious scowled at him. "Why do I have to deal with such a human who only set to steal powers from others!" the mean alien then vented his anger by kicking the chair next to him.

"Says the person who wished that he had all of TAPOPS' power spheres abilities. Well, except for Ochobot that is." The man known as Vengeance (Yes, he's an OC) smirked. Unlike his crew, he was the only one who was a humanoid alien just like Captain Kaizo and Fang.

Vengeance had red hair with a little bit of turquoise streak at the end. He also has lazy turquoise eyes with dark circle under it, probably lacking of sleep or too much caffeine. He also has fangs that showed when he smirks or gave his captain an eerie smile. At first glance, he appears like a teenager, but don't be fooled by this appearance because he's a lot older than he looks, probably the same age as Captain Kaizo.

"Shut up!" Vicious gave Vengeance an angry look.

"Woah! There, there. No need to be to angry captain." Vengeance sighed a bit. "Well, I have good news for you."

"What?!" Vicious growled finally taking a seat on his captain chair.

"One of our crew members managed to infiltrate UA. I think 'he' managed to fool the security by disguised himself as an ordinary audience. Oh, and to make it interesting..." Vengeance gave him a smirk. "He met one of Boboiboy's elemental splits on his way to the first-year stage. I think it was the brown one. Umm... Oh! He was Tanah / Earth!"

Vicious was taken back for a while. "Well, finally! Someone in the crew who proved himself useful!" Vicious then let a loud laugh. "Oh, I can't wait to see the look on that brat's face when he sees 'him'!" The alien then smiled evilly.

"That's sounds tempting." The red-headed humanoid alien replied. "I wonder what will Boboiboy do now?"

After a while, Vicious replied to him. "But whatever it is, we'll destroy him once and for all!"

Back To The Main Story

"The quarter-finals is about to begin! I think everyone is hyped up to see the first match!" An announcement had been made. "The names have already appeared on the screen! And I think this will be a tough competition!" Present Mic announced it out loud.

"For sure this will be a battle between two powerful quirks." Aizawa's comments followed the announcement. "I wish the two of you the best of luck."

"Alright then! First off, we have a student that has shown us his quirk's powerful abilities since the beginning of the obstacle race! A gentleman with seven elements on his hand! From hero course, Boboiboy!"


"He's has been described as the dark horse throughout the sport festival! He's cool and mysterious at the same time! Also, from hero course, Tokoyami Fumikage!"

The audience, as well as the student went wild. A battle between the elemental user and the dark shadow owner is an exciting first match for the quarter-final. The audience had favorited these two students since the start. For them to choose who will win in this match is a difficult thing.

"Well, this seems interesting." The blonde wing hero smiled as he watched from the shadows. "I wonder who will win this?"

"Boboiboy! Tokoyami-kun! All the best to the both of you!" their classmates cheered.

"Man, a battle between Tokoyami and Boboiboy! I don't know which one to cheer on!" Kirishima sighed. "Both of them are my buds. I can't possibly choose one!"

"How about we cheer the both of them? It will be fairer, right?" Kaminari, who sat beside Kirishima replied.

"Personally, I don't care which one of them win this. I mean, both of them are amazing!" Sero added as they continued giving their support from the student stand.

"This a nerve wrecking match!" Midoriya smiled. "Both of their quirks are considered one of the strongest in the class. Tokoyami with his incredible proficiency with Dark Shadow and Boboiboy with his outstanding elemental quirk. Plus, both of them can cover their own blind spot and physical deficiency with their quirk." The green head began mumbling.

"Anyone who loses in this match will probably be satisfied with the effort they put in. Both of them certainly know that they have done their best." Iida commented. "Boboiboy! Tokoyami-kun! Do your best! Both of you are the stars in class 1-A!"

"Grrr!!! Shut up you damn extras!" Bakugou growled making Midoriya flinched a little bit.

"Kacchan." The green-head mumbled.

"Their match is about to start." Todoroki said in his cool demeanor as he quietly sat at the corner.




"Talk about the loud cheer they are giving us right now. Isn't it awesome?" Boboiboy nervously smiled. "It seems like I'm still not used of gaining this much attention." The orange hat boy took a deep breath as he tried to calm himself.

To be honest, Boboiboy was a little bit intimidated and anxious when he knew that he would be facing Tokoyami. The person in front of him is a strong shadow manipulator. True, his quirk is different from Fang's shadow manipulation power, but with his Dark Shadow quirk, Tokoyami seems to be invincible.

"How come Tokoyami looked so calm hearing this loud cheer from the audience? If it was Fang in his position, he'll be proud of himself right know. Ah, he'll probably say, "Hah! Finally, I'm more popular than you, Boboiboy!" to my face right now." Boboiboy sweat-drop as he remembered his friend.

"Indeed. Their passion is something to be praised." Tokoyami replied. "To be honest, I didn't expect that both of us will engage in a battle this soon, Boboiboy." Tokoyami calm persona suddenly turned serious. "I'm going to warn you though. I will be victorious today."

"To... Tokoyami." The nervous feeling inside our elemental user suddenly died and was replaced by a determine feeling of wanting to win this battle. "I'm sorry, but I have more reasons to win this battle." Boboiboy replied.

"I like your confidence, Boboiboy. If that's so then don't forget to fight me with all of the power you got there. Prove me that you're more than worthy of winning this match." Tokoyami replied in his albeit noble-like words. "I have to say this, but I hate losing if you're half-heartedly battling me."

Boboiboy gave him a warm smile. "Don't worry, I'll give you the best I got!"

"Students are you ready?!" Present Mic loud voice was heard.

"YES!" Boboiboy and Tokoyami replied simultaneously.


"I'm going to win this!" With that, Boboiboy and Tokoyami quickly engaged in a battle.

"Dark Shadow!" Tokoyami summoned Dark Shadow, earning an "Okay!" from his shadow quirk.

"As expected from you, Tokoyami. With Dark Shadow you can either attack and defend at the same time. But—" Boboiboy muttered while his fire emblem sparked with fire. "Like I said, I'm going to win this! Elemental Power! Boboiboy Blaze!"

In order to respect Tokoyami's wish and to win this fight, Boboiboy decided to use one of his second-tiers elements. Blaze would fit perfectly in this picture, since a bright source of light limited Tokoyami's quirk.

Upon using his Blaze, Boboiboy's blue gym uniform has now become red and orange with fire-like design. Boboiboy now wears a sleeveless red shirt underneath a red and yellow sleeveless jacket that was adorned with neon red fire patterns with the jacket collars up. He also wears black shorts that reached slightly past his knees with the same neon fiery patterns on the bottom half. He now wears his hat with the bill facing forward, slightly titled upward as it reveals the white strand of his hair. Plus, his warm chocolate eyes turned fiery orange in that form.

Yes, our destructive and hot-headed Blaze had finally made his debut. And yes, he was ready to burn the whole first-year stage.

"Time for me to show what I'm capable of!" Blaze gave them an evil smirk as he summoned his fireballs.

The whole crowd gasped in amazement. Even Endeavour and Hawk were amazed by Blaze's appearance. "I know he can manipulate fire, but this version of him is totally different. A stronger version, perhaps." They mumbled.

"How does he do that?!" Kaminari yelled. He was both amazed and surprised at the same time. "First there's the red lightning version of him, then this one! He's totally a fashion God!"

"I have to admit this is impressive." The girls commented after seeing the new version of Fire, plus Mineta shrieking in anger.

"Woah! Boboiboy, my man! How come you have another version of your fire element?" Kirishima gasped.

"This... This feeling. It's the same shiver I felt when he used his red lightning back at the cavalry battle." Iida whispered. "It's like he's on a totally different level."

"First there's the Thunderstorm element and now this? I think he said Blaze just now. Is this a new element or an upgraded level of his fire element?" Midoriya mumbled as he continued writing his notes.

"I knew it! He is hiding his quirk's true abilities!" Bakugou growled silently.

Meanwhile, Todoroki sat silently. His eyes never left Blaze. To be honest, when Boboiboy first used his fire element had made him trembled a bit, but this one had sent him shivers to his spine. "His fire element just got stronger, huh?" Todoroki mumbled.

Sometimes when Boboiboy used his fire element, it kind of reminded him of his damn old man's quirk and his quirk to be exact. Yes, the fire quirk in him that he hated so much. However, Boboiboy's fire quirk was different from them. He felt like it was warm but destructive at the same time.

"What kind of capabilities can you do with Blaze, Boboiboy?" The half-cold half-hot user whispered.

"Of course, he's using my quirk's weakness at his own advantage." Tokoyami calmly commented upon seeing the different version of Boboiboy Fire in front of him. "However, I can't give without a good fight! Dark Shadow!"

"Right!" Dark Shadow quickly went ahead and attacked Blaze. However, Blaze swiftly dodged Dark Shadow.

"I know your strategy Tokoyami. You're planning to use Dark Shadow and eliminate me the same way as you did to Yaoyorozu." Blaze gave him a murderous smile. "But don't worry I won't fall for that! Because I'm an attacker not a defender." Blaze quickly ran towards Tokoyami.

"Dark Shadow!" Tokoyami sensed trouble, so he quickly used Dark Shadow and shielded himself with his quirk.

"No use! Blazing Fire Punch!" Blaze concentrated fire at his fist and engaged in a combat battle with Tokoyami. He kept attacking and driving Tokoyami into a corner as Tokoyami slowly backed away from Blaze's fire attacks. Tokoyami could only focus on defense while he's nearing the white line.

"If this continue then I'll be out of bound! As expected of Boboiboy! He's strong!" Tokoyami whispered inwardly.

"Bo... Boboiboy is unstoppable! He fiercely keeps attacking Tokoyami with his fiery fist!" Present Mic commented. "He's attacking swiftly and doesn't give a chance to Tokoyami!"

"The Dark Shadow user has advanced this far with his almost invincible quirk. However, this time he's completely focused on defense." Hawk commented as he analysed the match from afar. "I have to say that elemental user really did showed a different side of him in this match."

"It's so hot! And he's getting faster and faster by second!" Tokoyami was beginning to sweat a lot since he's exposed to Blaze's fire. Meanwhile, Dark Shadow tried it's best to protect his user, taking Blaze's punch another after another.

"That hurts." The talking quirk whined. Due to Blaze's fire, Dark Shadow became weaker and weaker by second due to being exposed to a bright light source.

"There's more to where that came from! Blazing Fire Punch and Kick!" Blaze continued attacking them, this time with his fiery punches and kicks.

"Dude! Where did Boboiboy learn martial arts?" Kaminari (again) gasped in astonishment. "He keeps attacking with those punches and kicks! Like a Kung-Fu master or something!"

"He keeps attacking randomly. That's why Tokoyami could only focused on protecting himself from the attacks!" Midoriya commented.

"Dark Shadow!" Tokoyami couldn't take any more of Blaze's attacks. At this rate, his quirk will get too weak that he couldn't use it in a long period of time. Plus, he was also nearing the boundary line if he didn't make his move right now. So, he decided to use Dark Shadow and jumped to the other side of the arena, away from Blaze's clutches at the moment.

"That was close!" Tokoyami took a deep breath, but it didn't entirely save him from Blaze.

"Oh! A good move from Tokoyami! He managed to save himself from Boboiboy's fire attacks!" Present Mic commented.

"Dark Shadow! Grab him!" Tokoyami quickly ordered Dark Shadow to seize Boboiboy. However, due to the harsh yet weird training Blaze received from Tok Kasa, he was able to predict Dark Shadow movements.

"Catch me if you can!" Blaze smiled proudly as he was able to dodge all of Dark Shadow's attack.

"He's so swift!" Tokoyami commented, he tried his best to capture Blaze while the other kept dodging.

"Did you think I didn't freeze my butt just for nothing at Planet Quabaq? FYI, I was frozen every morning because of the cold wind that blows in the blink of an eye there! I almost died because of it while that lazy ass Ice just kept enjoying the cold!" Blaze gave Tokoyami a comically frustrated and sad look. "Luckily, I survived! But, every time I remember that, pains me!" Blaze let a frustrated tear roll down his cheeks.

It took Tokoyami a while to process what Blaze said to him. "Ice? So, does this means your water element has a stronger version too?" He couldn't help but ask about that matter.

"..." An awkward atmosphere arise after that as both of them became silent all of a sudden.

"OH NO! QUAKE IS GOING TO KILL ME!" Blaze screamed in fear while Tokoyami and Dark Shadow just sweat-drop. "Please, at least let me eat a whole chocolate cake before I'll get executed by Quake. Then, I'll die peacefully." Blaze cried comically while Tokoyami could only watch him crying at his fate.

"Umm... Did you mean Quake as in Earthquake? Let me guess, that one is a stronger version of your earth element?" Tokoyami randomly guessed.

"..." The situation between them became more awkward after that.

"Eh? Suddenly, our two competitors stop fighting? And what's with this awkward atmosphere?" Present Mic loudly commented.

"Now is my chance! Dark Shadow attack him!" Tokoyami took advantage of the now quiet Blaze. He quickly marched forward as he shortens the distance between them. That way it will be easier for him to push Blaze out of bound.

"This is not good at all. I accidentally slipped my tongue. The... Therefore..." Blaze fiery aura suddenly turned darker. "I... I must eliminate all the proof!" He said as he summoned all the firepower he has.

"What is that idiot thinking of right now—" Bakugou's words immediately stopped when he saw a giant fireball in front of them.

"Maximum Fireball!" on top of Blaze's hand was an enormous, ahem... a very enormous ball of fire.

Even Tokoyami stopped his track as he was shocked by the massive power that Blaze had summoned. "That fireball—"

"IS TOO BIG!!!" The audience continued and shouted in fear.

"IS HE TRYING TO KILL US OR SOMETHING?!" Kirishima, Kaminari, and Sero hugged each other, bracing for the impact of Blaze's giant fireball. "Why their match isn't stopped by Midnight-sensei—"

"Oh! The youth! Kyaa!" Midnight squealed in joy from her stand.

"Ah, I see." The three boys sweat-drop. "We're going to die."

"Boboiboy! / Boboiboy-kun!" Midoriya, Iida, and Uraraka yelled. Hoping that maybe they could stop him, but failed.

"This... This fire power is incredible." Todoroki let a nervous sweat as his gaze was fixed at the fireball in front.

Blaze smiled triumphally. "Now! Take this—" He was about to launch his maximum fireball attack when he heard someone whimpering sadly.

It was Dark Shadow.

"So scary!" Dark Shadow cried, probably the quirk got so weak and shy due to being exposed by a strong light source. "I don't like violence." Dark Shadow continued whimpering in fear.

Instead of attacking, Blaze took down his fire. He felt guilty that he made someone cried, not once but twice by now! Even if Dark Shadow was just a quirk, but it was also considered a part of Tokoyami.

Everyone took a deep breath when they massive fireball immediately disappeared. It seemed like they still got a chance to live their life peacefully right now. "That... That was close." They mumbled as they cheeked their selves quickly, afraid that Blaze already burned them.

"I'm sorry!" Blaze reverted back to his original form and quickly apologized to Dark Shadow. "I maybe a little bit out of hand when I'm in my Blaze form." The elemental user tried to explain himself. "Can you please forgive me, Dark Shadow?"

"Okay! You're kind!" Dark Shadow accepted his apology, feeling less afraid by now.

"That was close." Tokoyami sighed in relief that Boboiboy managed to stop himself from realizing that amount of fire. He really could've burned the whole first-year stage with that malicious attack. "Now, let us continue the match!"

"Cool! Because I won't stop here!" Boboiboy took his stance, ready to use another elemental power of his. "Let's give the audience a wonderful match shall we Tokayami!"

"That's just what I wanted, Boboiboy." Tokoyami smiled, ready to beat Boboiboy with Dark Shadow beside him.

"I'll promise I won't hurt you again, Dark Shadow! That's why I'll be ending this match really quick now!" Boboiboy smiled at them. "Elemental Power! Boboiboy Cyclone!"

Boboiboy reveals yet again another form of the elemental power. His attire now consists of dark blue color with the with white sleeves. Cyclone's dark blue theme color was also adorned with neon blue hurricane patterns and his yellow Cyclone insignia rest on top of his jacket. His cap was worn with the brim at his right while his eyes turned blue in color. Oh! We also can't forget his blue hoverboard equipped with him in this form.

Different from Blaze, Cyclone's debut was quite a warm-welcoming one. Probably because of the cheerful atmosphere he gave with the big smile that rests on top of his face. Also, if Blaze was ready to burn the first-year stage, then Cyclone would probably blow away everything with his strong winds.

"Boboiboy Cyclone is here!" Cyclone cheered loudly as he happily waved at everybody.

The audience went wild. I mean, really wild!

"What?! Boboiboy changed into his wind element! But this time he looks like a playful cat rather than a ferocious lion!" Present Mic commented while the audience gave a loud cheer, enjoying the unexpected scene folding in front of them.

"Interesting." Both Endeavour and Hawk muttered as they became more interested in the elemental user.

"EH? No way! Another new version of him?!" Kaminari and Sero yelled while the other gasped in surprise.

"It looks like his wind form has another version too! And what's with the wicked hoverboard?!" Kirishima commented suddenly became more excited when Boboiboy showed more of what he's capable of with his elemental power.

"He... He changed yet again. This time it's his wind element." Midoriya muttered.

"That elemental bastard is slowly revealing his true power! Damn it!" Bakugou gritted his teeth.

"Boboiboy showed us another side of him again." Todoroki sighed.

Then, the three of them finally realised something. "Don't tell me that all of his elements have an evolve version?!" They whispered.

"If that's true, then just how strong is he?"




"You... you changed yet again Boboiboy." This was the first time Tokoyami stuttered. He was amazed yet surprised at the same time. How can he not be surprised? Boboiboy revealed three different versions of his elements on the same day, in front of him to be precise.

"Yeah! That's my specialty!" Cyclone grinned. "Now to end this match!" He gave Tokoyami playful look as he dashed forward with his hoverboard.

Tokoyami wasn't ready for Cyclone's attack. His body suddenly froze as the blue-eyed boy was now in front of him, inches from his face.

"Thank you for the good match, Tokoyami! However, it's me who's going to win this!" Cyclone gave him a warm smile as strong wind gathered around him. 

"Whirling Cyclone!" the blue-eyed boy used his wind force and released a strong wind attack. The attack was strong enough to blow everything on his path, including his competitor of course.

What Cyclone didn't realize, was the fact that he just unleashed a deadly wind, destroying everything on his way, including the first-year stage. The staffs, students, and audience were forced to grab on something so that they wouldn't be blown away by the wind.

"What?!" they all yelled in fear.

"You are going to kill us, Boboiboy!" his classmates braced the impact the strong wind gave them.

After a while, things have finally calmed down as the wind force slowly started to disappear. However, they were shocked yet again when Cyclone's wind attack managed to destroy a huge wall located precisely at the student stand.

Even Midnight and Cementos trembled from the wind attack just now. However, they quickly got up on their feet as their job as chief empires weren't done yet.

"I... I... am defeated." Tokoyami sighed in defeat as he was now out of bound thanks to the wind attack from Cyclone. He was lucky that the strong wind didn't hit him entirely just now. However, it was more than enough to blow him out of bound.

"Tokoyami is out of bound! Boboiboy wins the first match!" Midnight quickly announced, earning a loud cheer from the audience.

"That's right folks! Boboiboy is the first one to qualify in the semi-finals!" Present Mic continued.

"That was an awesome match!" their classmates cheered, finally recovered from the fear of being blown away by Cyclone.

"I have to admit, it was a worth match Boboiboy. You gave us some surprises there." Tokoyami walked towards Cyclone. "I hope someday we'll engage into another battle." he held out his right hand ready to shake hands with Cyclone.

"Awesome! (Terbaik!) Indeed, it was a fun match, Tokoyami!" Cyclone returned the gesture while he gave Tokoyami a bright smile.

"The youth!" Midnight screamed like a fan-girl, enjoying the sight before her.

"And that's what I call a beautiful friendship!" Present Mic commented while they prepare for the next battle.

"Good job you two! And congratulations that you made into the semi-final, Boboiboy!" Both Tokoyami and Cyclone (Yes, he didn't revert back) were welcomed by their friends, well except for Bakugou and Todoroki of course.

"Boboiboy, my man! Who knew you had another version of your fire and wind element!" Kaminari pinched Cyclone's cheeks. "You'll be popular in no time if you keep coming with those surprises!" The 2.0 Pikachu huffed, while Cyclone grinned.

"Boboiboy!" Midoriya called his friend. "Congrats on winning the first match!" He gave the elemental user a thumbs up.

"Thank you! It was hard to win though. I mean, Tokoyami is a tough opponent." Cyclone smiled at him. "Oh, and by the way—" then the blue-eyed boy proceeds walking towards Bakugou, making the explosion user surprised a bit.

"I can be serious if I wanted to, you know." Cyclone's cheerful personality suddenly turned into a serious one (Ahem... He's mimicking Thunderstorm's cool and serious façade). "Buckle your seatbelts because this calm wind can also turn into a furious storm. And I will do whatever it takes to win this!" He slightly warned Bakugou, finally turning around a reverted back to his original self.

The elemental user then took his seat as his friends surrounded him, probably asking more about Blaze and Cyclone after what just happened.

"Boboiboy... He's a mysterious one. It might be dangerous to get involved with him." Todoroki commented from afar.

"That damn bastard! We'll see who gets the last laugh!" Bakugou inwardly growled. "I will the one winning the UA Sports Festival!"

"I see." All for One smiled as if he found another target. "No wonder that stupid alien warned me about you. Your have a powerful quirk there, Boboiboy." He licked his tongue. "How did UA end up with a valuable gem like you. Your quirk is totally wasted by becoming a lousy hero."

All for One stood up from his chair. Then, the mad man touched the TV screen in front of him where it currently displayed an image of Boboiboy. "Really? My greed seems to take over me whenever I see that magnificent quirk of yours." All for One gave an eerie smile.

"Shall I force you to become my ally?"


"Shall I rip your quirk from you and keep it as my own?"

Then the man with scars laughed maniacally, like the lead villain he is.

"Only time can tell, Boboiboy!"


"I can't wait to finally meet you in person!"




"No wonder you said that hat-boy's quirk is interesting." Shigaraki Tomura commented. "I hate to admit this, but his quirk is different from the usual quirk we see."

"Thank you for understanding my comment." Kurogiri bowed at him. "Don't you think he'll be a good and strong ally if we managed to drag him into dark side?" He continued.

"Listen." Shigaraki let a harsh voice. "I did say that his quirk is different from the others, but that doesn't mean I'm interested in him!"

The purple-mist went silent as his master was now mad.

"That boy! I have the feeling that he's just like All Might! That sense of justice and feeling to protect those who are valuable to you makes me sick!" Shigaraki growled.

"But Shigaraki—" Kurogiri calmly tried to reply to him but was cut off by Shigaraki.

"Can't you see?! That boy will become a strong hero in the future! Unless we don't do something, then maybe the elemental user will become one of our biggest obstacles in the future!" Shigaraki half-yelled.

"What are you trying to imply here?" Kurogiri asked him back.

Shigaraki then gave him a sinister laugh. "Well, for sure we'll prevent him on becoming a hero in the future." He replied with a smirk.

"If he's going to stop us on controlling the whole society then..."

Shigaraki let out a murderous aura as he shifted his gaze towards a potted flower not far from him. With a single touch, the alive living thing slowly turned into dust.

"We'll have to kill him first. Slowly and painfully, of course."

With that, the decay quirk user couldn't help, but wanting to meet with the owner of the elemental power.

"Everybody! Are you ready for the second match of the quarter-finals?" Present Mic asked the audience, earning a loud "Yes!" from them.

"Well, wait no more! Because the next match is about to begin!" He replied as a big screen appeared before them.

The remaining winners were anxious. Anytime their names could appear on the screen.

Midoriya and Iida sweated nervously as they waited for the announcement.

"Now, now guys! Don't be too nervous." Boboiboy tried to calm his friends.

"There you have it folks for the second match we have—"


The crowd went wild. Finally, another interesting match was served to them. Plus, it was a match that has the Number 2 Hero's son in it.

"I'm going against To... Todoroki-kun." Midoriya slowly turned to Todoroki, who was already sending the green-head a death glare.

"Finally, the time for us to face each other, huh?" Todoroki commented and stood up. "I'm going to beat you Midoriya and proved to my old man what I'm capable off." With that, he left them and proceeds walking to the arena.

"Todoroki-kun." Midoriya mumbled.

Boboiboy turned to his friend, he was a bit concern about Midoriya's safety. The elemental user whispered.




"I... I have a bad feeling about this.







StarTwinkle here!

I hope you enjoyed reading it! Sorry for the late update!!!

I just want to tell you that I've school right now. Yes, no more online classes, just school. Recently, I also haven't had the time to update my story. So, I'm trying my best to give you guys my update! 

I'm really sorry about that!

Also, some of you had message me recently. I'm sorry to say this but I'm busy at the moment and I haven't been doing well recently. 

Seriously guys, your beloved StarTwinkle is in a dangerous state right now. But, don't worry, I will do my best to take care of myself. Therefore, I hope all of you will always be happy!

Regarding to my new OC, Vengeance, this character will served as a villain in my book. And me tell you this...

He's a handsome villain!

I'm sorry guys, but I must have a handsome villain in my book! (* ̄3 ̄)╭

Btw, those of you who is a fan of Demon Slayer and Boboiboy crossover, I really recommend you to read aGlitchNamedDanie master piece! The story is in her Everything Art and Randomness Book (VOL.2) I enjoyed reading it! So, I'll hope you do too! (✿◡‿◡)

Welp, I think that's all everyone! I hope you have a fun time reading this chapter!




Calling out AhoRiyu fans! Here's an amazing art from her!

This is so precious! I want to protect the Trio Trouble Maker!!! 

(~ ̄▽ ̄)~


That's it! I'm going to call them Abang Halilintar and Adik Duri! (✿◡‿◡)

Sorry about that AhoRiyu (*/ω\*)

Guys, I think I need an eye surgery right now! This fanart had blinded my eyes!


Please, give a big applause to AhoRiyu 

She totally deserved this!

Here's a link to the book!

Last but not a least, a fanart from Btsxanime95

Thank you for giving me a comic one this time! \(@^0^@)/

Btw, I really love this idea and I literally laughed while reading this!

Boboiboy x Bnha crossover

Btsxanime95 : You'll be missed Cahaya *bow*

Air: it's good to knowing you.

Daun: eh what's going on?

Petir: *smirk* good luck.

Api and angin: *dramatically crying* goodbye Cahaya!! You'll be missed.

Cahaya: Not helping!

Tanah: Cahaya~

*unidentified scream*


Apparently Cahaya is doing some experiment in their world (which is the watch, they lived in there), unfortunately one of his potion went in the watch causing some damage and splitting them up.

Here's the link to the comic! 

Gosh, I really love these fanarts. Thank you so much for giving me this!

Again, if you have an art of Boboiboy or this crossover then, please do tell me or inform me about it! With your permission then I will post your art in my book! (❁'◡'❁)

See you in the next chapter!


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