chapter one

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late night escapade

Izzy sat at the kitchen diner, a plate of dinner in front of her, and her family gathered around the table. The air was filled with the clinking of utensils against plates and the soft hum of conversation, but Izzy's attention was firmly fixed on her phone screen. She'd propped it against the edge of the table, hoping to catch a glimpse of Ziggy's messages without drawing too much attention.

Ziggy: Hey, Izzzzzz. Hope dinner isn't as bland as your love life.

Izzy's laughter bubbled up, and she tried to muffle it with a cough. Her mother shot her a look, but Izzy simply shrugged and took another bite of her dinner before quickly typing her response.

Izzy: Ouch, Zig. Savage as ever. But hey, my food might be bland, but at least it's getting eaten.

Ziggy: Unlike other things in your life, huh?

Izzy snorted, almost choking on her food as she tried to hold back her laughter.

Izzy: You're incorrigible.

As the conversation with Ziggy continued, the messages became even more outrageous and hilarious. Ziggy's emojis and GIFs were a riot, and Izzy struggled to contain her laughter as she read them. She bit her lip, silently chuckling to herself and failing to suppress the occasional snort, drawing the attention of her parents. Her mother's stern gaze bore her.

Her mother's eyebrow arched inquisitively, and she leaned closer. "Is everything alright, Isabella?

Izzy nodded, her eyes gleaming with mischief. "Yeah, Mom. Just remembering something funny that happened at school today."

Her mother seemed satisfied and returned to her meal. Beside her, her little brother flashed a grin, clearly intrigued by the exchange.

Izzy's phone buzzed again, and she nearly choked on her food as she stifled a laugh. Ziggy's message was accompanied by a string of hilariously inappropriate emojis that had Izzy struggling to keep her composure. She knew she was pushing her luck, but she couldn't help herself.

However, her mother's patience was wearing thin. "Isabella," she said, her tone more stern this time, "put your phone away. This is family time."

Izzy's cheeks reddened, and she quickly placed her phone face down on the table. "Sorry, Mom. Got carried away."

Her father's voice was gentle but firm. "We agreed, Izzy. No phones during dinner."

Izzy nodded, suppressing her urge to grin, and focused on her dinner once more. The conversation at the table continued, but in her mind, she was still reliving Ziggy's messages and the uproarious laughter they had elicited.

The tension in the room grew palpable, and Izzy's phone buzzed again, distracting her from the awkward silence around her.

Ziggy: I bet you 20 dollars Mr.Ward and the Spanish teacher are beating each other's meat as we speak. Did you feel that tension in class today?

Suppressing a snicker, Izzy fought to contain her amusement.

"Izabelle," her mother's voice carried a warning edge, "I said no phones."

Quickly flipping her phone over, Izzy masked her grin and nodded in agreement, trying to divert the focus from her phone.

"Yeah, sorry, Mom. Just got a bit distracted," she replied, trying to sound sincere.

But her father's stern tone cut through her response.

"Distractions won't help you achieve your goals, Isabelle," he asserted firmly.

As the weight of their expectations settled heavily upon her, Izzy's irritation bubbled to the surface, her patience wearing thin. Just then, another message from Ziggy popped up on her phone.

Ziggy: I finished that math homework you needed. It was literally so easy.
You say math is hard, but I can be harder 😉

Izzy's attempt to suppress her laughter ended in an uncontainable snort.

"Isabelle!" her mother's voice was tinged with frustration, "Your attitude needs to change. You've been ignoring us and your grades have been slipping."

A surge of frustration coursed through her veins, her pent-up feelings threatening to explode. Pushing her chair back abruptly, Izzy rose to her feet.

"Can we not do this right now?" she blurted out, her voice a mix of annoyance and desperation. "I'm trying, okay?"

Her father's face hardened, his tone unwavering.

"Trying isn't enough, Isabelle."

Fighting to keep her emotions in check, Izzy turned and headed for her room, the door slamming shut behind her. Her parents' voices echoed in her mind, their words leaving a bitter taste in her mouth.

Izzy flopped onto her bed, her frustration slowly fading away as she looked at her phone. With a mischievous grin, she began typing a message to the Midnight Club.

Izzy: Yo, Midnight Clubbers!!!! Who's up for a late-night escapade? I've got a plan brewing... 🌙💥

As she hit send, her screen lit up with a series of message notifications, the club's playful banter immediately flooding in.

Theo sat on the windowsill, the warm glow of fairy lights giving his room a cozy ambiance. The sound of his guitar softly strumming filled the air, his fingers moving effortlessly over the strings as he typed out his responses to Izzy. The laughter from the living room signaled his parents' relaxed gathering, a stark contrast to his own solitude.

Theo: You know I'm always up for some fun! Let's do it!

Dora leaned against her desk, a mess of art supplies and half-finished drawings spread before her. The dim light of her room cast an almost ethereal glow on their surroundings. She responded to Izzy's texts with a mixture of snark and amusement, their thoughts drifting away from the monotonous family dinner taking place in the kitchen.

Dora: Count me in. As long as it's not another one of your crazy schemes.

Victoria sat at her desk, her room filled with an array of books and meticulously organized stationery. The soft glow of her reading lamp cast a warm light as she carefully crafted her replies to Izzy's messages. The rustling of paper and the quiet tapping of keys was the backdrop to her solitude, a haven away from the chaos of her family's constant social gatherings downstairs.

Victoria: I'm down. Need a break from studying anyway.

Silas lounged on her bed, a book in hand but their attention far away. The low hum of music from their headphones drowned out the distant sounds of their family in the other rooms. She typed out her messages with a level of detachment, her thoughts flowing effortlessly despite the dissonance around them.

Silas: Ugh, fine. But only because I have nothing better to do.

Spencer lounged on his bed, his room a mix of organized chaos and cool detachment. The low hum of his stereo played in the background, drowning out the muffled arguments of his parents. He responded to Izzy's messages with a combination of cocky charm and a touch of humor, his thoughts far more focused on the upcoming adventure.

Spencer: You had me at "escapade." I'm game.

Drew sat cross-legged on the floor of her room, surrounded by a mountain of clothes and makeup products. The soft glow of string lights cast a warm glow as she typed out her responses, her thoughts intermingling with the pop music playing in the background. The muffled sounds of her family's dinner conversations were distant as she focused on her banter with Spencer.

Drew: You know I'm down, captain. Just don't get us arrested this time.

Ziggy reclined on her bed, surrounded by an array of miscellaneous snacks and half-finished sketches. The dim light of her room cast an eerie glow on the walls, enhancing the atmosphere of creativity. A faint smirk tugged at her lips as she typed out her messages to Izzy, her thoughts blending seamlessly with her nimble fingers. The sounds of her parents' raised voices from the living room were met with a roll of her eyes – a familiar symphony to her everyday life.

Ziggy: Oh, my dearest Izzy, my heart races at the thought of your twisted plans. I'm all in. 🖤

Everette sprawled on his bed, an assortment of gadgets and trinkets scattered around him. The bluish glow of his gaming setup illuminated his room, the clatter of keys and the hum of the computer fan a soothing symphony to his ears. The animated conversations with his online friends provided a much-needed escape from the reality of his family's expectations.

Everette: Midnight rendezvous, huh? Don't let me down, Izzy.

Adelio leaned against the wall in his room, the glow of his computer screen casting an eerie blue light on his face. The arguments from his parents downstairs barely registered as he typed out his reply with a practiced nonchalance.

Adelio: I could use a distraction. Let's see if you can top your last plan. BRING SNACKS.

As the responses continued pouring in, Izzy chuckled to herself. The Midnight Club was always up for an adventure, no matter how wild or unpredictable. Her fingers danced over the keyboard.

Izzy: Get ready for some chaos, my friends! We're meeting at our usual spot in 30.

Setting her phone aside, Izzy's gaze shifted to her closet, her mind racing as she remembered the stash of goodies she had hidden away. Pushing herself off the bed, she opened the closet door, revealing the bag filled with a mix of snacks, drinks, and even a couple of joints. With deft movements, she began stuffing the items into the bag, anticipation building with every item she added. Tonight definitely qualified.

She threw on a pair of worn-out sneakers and a jacket to ward off the chill of the night. Her heart raced with a mix of excitement and apprehension.

With swift and practiced movements, she gathered everything into a bag, each item carefully placed to avoid clinking or rustling. As Izzy stealthily prepared to sneak out, a thought struck her: Everette had probably been appointed as the designated driver. He always did have a flair for the dramatic, and what better way to make a grand entrance than through the window?

She approached the window cautiously, her heart pounding in both anticipation and unease. Suddenly, a dark figure loomed on the other side of the glass. She stifled a scream as a familiar face emerged, grinning mischievously.

Startled, she let out a surprised yelp as her gaze landed on Everette, his familiar face grinning at her mischievously.

"Hey, Izzy," he said in a voice tinged with amusement. "Planning a little adventure, are we?"

Her heart still racing, Izzy rolled her eyes, a mix of annoyance and fondness bubbling within her.

"Everette, you scared the crap out of me!" she exclaimed, her hand pressed against her chest.

Everette chuckled, his gaze dancing with amusement. "Sorry about that. Couldn't resist."

Izzy huffed, her lips curling into a half-smile despite herself. "Well, since you're here, you might as well help me carry this bag," she retorted, gesturing toward the stash at her feet.

"Of course," Everette replied, his eyes glinting with mischief. "But only if you promise to keep things interesting tonight."

Izzy raised an eyebrow, a challenge gleaming in her eyes. "Oh, you can count on it."

She zipped up her jacket and threw her backpack at Everette who caught it as usual. The soft glow of streetlights bathed her neighborhood as she slipped out of her room, careful not to disturb her family.

Everette's tall figure leaned casually against the side of his car, a playful grin on his face. He had an air of confidence about him as he adjusted his beanie, his eyes glinting mischievously.

Izzy grinned and hopped into the passenger seat.

The engine of Everette's car rumbled to life, and they cruised through the streets, the hum of the engine creating a backdrop to their laughter and banter. "You got that stash ready?" Everette quipped, shooting Izzy a knowing glance.

Izzy winked, reaching into her backpack to reveal a collection of drinks and a small bag of weed. "You know it," she said with a sly grin, the thrill of the secret making her heart race even faster.

As they navigated the streets, Everette's fingers tapped playfully on the steering wheel, and Izzy couldn't resist joining in, their shared excitement palpable. The winding roads and familiar landmarks blurred by until they arrived at their usual meeting spot – the old elementary playground they had gone to.

One by one, the members of the Midnight Club began to arrive, each bringing their own energy to the gathering. Adelio sauntered over with a confident grin, his eyes locking onto the stash Izzy had brought. "Izzy, you're the queen of preparation, aren't you? Making sure we're all well-armed for the night," he remarked, his voice dripping with playful sarcasm.

Izzy shot him a knowing look. "You know I've got to keep the troops happy and entertained," she replied, a mischievous glint in her eyes.

Dora and Theo approached with their usual dynamic – Dora's snarkiness contrasting Theo's optimism. "If this turns into a disaster, Theo, I'm holding you personally responsible," Dora quipped, her tone dry.

Theo chuckled, unfazed by Dora's remark. "No worries, Dora. Disaster is just another word for adventure waiting to happen," he replied with a wink.

"Oh great, the circus is in town," Dora quipped, her tone dripping with sarcasm when she looked towards Adelio who gave her the finger, a fake smile shining through.

Spencer and Drew made their entrance next, Spencer's flirtatious dynamic lighting up the clearing. Spencer's smirk was in full force as he addressed Drew. "You know you can't resist me," he teased, earning an eye roll from Drew.

Drew shot back, their voice tinged with mock exasperation. "Ugh, why do I even bother with you? What about hardcore boob lover do you not understand?" they retorted, a playful glint in their eyes.

Finally, Ziggy arrived with her usual irreverence, her interactions with Izzy a whirlwind of snark and affection. "About time you got here," Izzy remarked, a teasing smile on her lips.

Ziggy raised an eyebrow, a playful smirk forming. "Sorry, I was busy saving the world. You know how it is," she quipped, a twinkle of mischief in her eyes.

Spencer and Drew's presence was as electric as ever, their playful back-and-forth a testament to their strong connection. "You know, if you keep flirting like that, Spencer, Drew might actually believe you're serious," Ziggy chimed in, a smirk on her lips. Everyone knew it was all jokes considering Drew's love for women, but Spencer couldn't help with the teasing.

Spencer shot Ziggy a smirk of his own. "Hey, Drew can handle me just fine," he retorted, his tone confident.

Drew rolled their eyes, a smirk playing on their lips. "Oh, believe me, he's the one who can't handle me," she said, her voice dripping with playful innuendo.

As the group converged at the familiar playground, Victoria and Silas slipped in with an air of mystery, their quiet presence a stark contrast to the more boisterous members. Victoria's gaze swept over the surroundings, her demeanor alert and watchful. Silas appeared lost in thought, a quiet contemplation in their eyes.

"You really think this place is safe, Izzy?" Victoria's voice held a hint of skepticism as she surveyed the rusting swings and cracked pavement.

Izzy grinned, her confidence unwavering. "Trust me, Vicky. It might look a bit creepy, but it's our spot. Been meeting here for ages."

Silas' lips twitched, their expression a mixture of curiosity and amusement. "It does have a certain charm to it, I suppose."

Dora piped up, her sarcasm dripping with amusement. "Yeah, if charm means potentially contracting tetanus."

Theo chuckled, his usual positivity undeterred. "Oh, come on, Dora. A little rust never hurt anyone. And besides, the moonlight makes it all seem almost... magical."

Drew smirked, shooting a playful glance at Theo. "Yeah, the magic of tetanus."

Ziggy chimed in, her snarkiness as sharp as ever. "Well, if anyone needs a rusty nail removed, I'm sure Silas has some kind of mysterious remedy."

Silas rolled their eyes with a mock exasperation. "You've been watching too many witchy movies, Zig."

Everette chuckled, leaning against the jungle gym. "Hey, if anyone can come up with a potion for that, it's you, Silas."

The group erupted into laughter, the camaraderie and banter flowing effortlessly. Even though Victoria and Silas carried an air of mystery, their quiet presence seamlessly melded with the dynamics of the Midnight Club.

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