Chapter 4

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So all of the members were separated into two different cars, Kris with Leon, Xiumin, Sehun, Chen and D.O. in one van. While Tao, Chanyeol, Kai, Lay, Suho, Luhan and Baekhyun in other van. " Alright let's go!" Tao shouted as they enter the car as Leon sigh and smirked at them.

" Well this is going to be a long ride." She muttered then she notice someone or something was looking at them.

Leon give a quick glance before entering the van, "Ready?" Xiumin asked on the driver sit.

"Oh boy, Xiumin is driving." Kai joked as Leon have an uneasy feeling in her so she saw a helmet at the back and put it on.

"Good choice!" Sehun said while putting on his, all of them laugh at their action while Xiumin just pounded, Leon couldn't help but to smile a little.

50 Minutes Later

Leon Pov :

Kris, Sehun, Chen, D.O. and Kai were sound asleep while I stayed up to listening to songs. I was tapping to the rhythm when I felt something heavy on my shoulder, I turn to my right to see it was Kris. "No. Don't hurt them." Looks like Kris was having a nightmare, he was sweating. This feeling somehow I felt it before, that's when I notice D.O. was sweating too same goes with the rest of them.

Looks like they are having the same dream, "Don't hurt them please." They said at the same time. Something is not right then I saw a sudden images of someone killing someone.

I quickly shook it off. "What was that?" I asked curiously, Kris started panting for breathe.

"Please....I'm begging you. Spare them." He cried, I grab his hand and rub his hand with my thumb.

"Everything is not real , it's just a dream." I said which cause him to calm down.

Then I saw an image of Sen crying and reaching out to me . I quickly shake it off, I gulped in fear. Then I noticed my amulet around neck start blinking softly, he was asking if I am alright. I smile slightly, "It's alright. Caliban. I'm okay." I whisper.

That's when the car start to slow down. I look out the window to see we have arrive, " Yo! Sleepyheads. We have arrive." Xiumin said as the boys blink their eyes a couple of times.

Then Kris stare at my eyes and I stare at his , he start blushing before siting upright. "Sorry." He apologised all I could do is smile at him.

"It's alright, you're just tired that's all." I said as he give me a cold but yet a friendly smile.

I notice Sehun is still asleep, I raise my eyebrows at him. Then I remember how Xander would sleep before the mission then Chen gave me an evil smirked. At first I was confused then he bend down and tie both of his shoes laces together, he smirked with satisfaction before looking at Kai who is currently holding his laughter. He was giving me the signal to keep quiet, he tap on Sehun shoulder. " Sehun ah! We're here." Chen said as Sehun mumble somethings before nodding.

As all of us step out of the van, I heard a loud thud . I turn around to see Sehun was on the ground, Chen and Kai start bursting out with laughing.This is such a lame prank no seriously it's pretty lame.

Sehun groan in pain, I clear my throat to get their attention to stop laughing. After being heard, I could felt Chen and Kai feeling a mixture of sad and regret. I walk to Sehun and sit him upright, I bend down and untie the shoelaces that Chen made. I helped him tie his shoelaces, "You alright?" I asked Sehun as his face turn red and nodded.

I stood up before making my way over to Chen and Kai and start pulling their ears, "Ah uncle uncle!" They shouted, I let out another sigh before letting go of their ears.

Then I heard fans screaming their names and all, I raise my eyebrows at them. "And this is why I stayed at home." I muttered to myself then I heard some gossiping.

" Who's she ? "
" She look like a model ! "
" She's pretty ! "
" What is she doing with my oppa ? "
" She's a slut bitch ! "

Rude much? Then I saw Luhan not far from here. I quickly make my way towards him when all of a sudden, I tripped over someone's foot which cause me to fall on my face. I look up to see a group of girls smirking at me, "That's what you get bitch. Let me warn you, stay away from our OPPA!!" One of them shouted before scratching my right cheek. I could feel blood dripping down from my cheek, I give her a cold death glance.

I stood up and make my way towards her, I stood in front of her and stare at her in the eyes. I let out slight smirked before walking my way back to the guys. Ignoring the fact that she is screaming a lot of swearing here and there, I smirked to myself. I put on my headphones before pointing the middle finger and walking into the building.

"You got some guts kid to do that." I turn around to see a man in front on me, I put away my headphones.

"What that's it matter." I said coldly before walking away from him. That's when I heard a girl screaming, I turn around to see the man grabbing another girl's arm.

"Oh come on pretty lady. Stay a little longer." He said as she struggled to set free.

"GET YOUR DIRTY HANDS OFF ME!!! YOU DIRTY OLD BUSTED!!! HELP!!!!" She screamed, I drop my bag and walk towards them. I grab his hand and squeeze it tightly before grabbing the girl away from him.

"Are you alright?" I asked as she nodded, I could tell she's afraid.

"Go get Manager Lee." I whisper to her ear before releasing the man's hand.

"What are you going to do? You're just a girl." I raise my eyebrows at him.


The man punch Leon right in the jaws but little did he knew her bonds were as strong as metal. Let's just say he broke his knuckles and cause him to scream in pain, Leon stare at him. Leon stare at him with cold eyes, then a bright blue warrior appeared behind her, she turn her head to the mirror only to realize that her eyes where glowing the same colour as the warrior.

Leon shook head before kicking him away and sent him flying to the wall.  She turn towards the warrior behind him and stare at it. 'It's okay Caliban I'll take it from here.' As the warrior nodded before vanishing back to the amulet around Leon's neck.

Then Leon saw Manager Lee and the boys coming this way, 'Let's see if my acting skills actually paid off.' She thought, she hold onto her jaws and groan in pain. Then that man grab her by the neck, causing her to chock.

" What's going on?" Manger Lee shouted as the man to release her.

Leon start coughing and gasping for air, "LEON!!" All 12 of them rush to her aid.

"Are you alright?" Lay asked her.

"Ow my jaw." She fake cried holding her jaw as all the boys stare at that man even Manger Lee.

"Mr Anderson see me in my office. While the rest of you go take Leona to your Dorm." Manger Lee ordered as Tao and Chanyeol help her up on her feet and lead her to the lift to their dorm. Once they are in the lift, Suho and Lay went over to Leon who's still holding her jaw.

"Let me look at your jaw." Suho said while removing Leon's hand away from her jaw. Leon stare at Suho who is continually scanning at her wound, she look away quickly and her face started to heat up . He notice how close he was, he pull away and cough slightly.

"Well there's no sight of injuries just a slight bruise that's all." He smiled as Leon nodded slightly still blushing.

Once the door of the elevator open, all of the boys walk out while Leon walk behind them. She look around before sticking three tiny microchip camera everywhere so that she knows who will look for them. "Leon! You coming?" Baekhyun asked as she notice that everyone have enter their dorm.

"Yeah, I'm coming." She said while walking in as she's about to step in.

"Ah ah! Take off your shoes." He pointed as Leon look down to see all the boys shoes laying on the floor.

'Right, I forgot.' She took off her shoes before stepping in .

"Welcome Leon to our Dorm." Sehun said as Leon smile slightly.

"It's a nice place you got here guys." Leon said as Chanyeol can out of the kitchen with a bottle of water.

"Thanks. It's not much but it's home." He said while taking a sip of water then all the members came out from their room.

"So this are like our dorm mating." Leon look at them confusingly.

"We are paired up with our roommate." D.O. explained as Leon give a slight nod.

"Well Kris, Lay and Manger Lee shares a room. I share with Sehun and Luhan. Baekhyun share rooms with Tao, Xiumin, Chanyeol. Then lastly Suho share with Kai and Chen." He said.

"For now you'll be sharing with Kris and Lay since Manager Lee will be staying in another place. Until our house have finished renovating." Luhan sigh while Leon give another question look.

"So this is like your temporarily house." Leon asked as they nodded.

"Ah I see." She said then Sehun and Kai grab her hand and lead her to her room. They reach the far end of the room, Kai open the door for her.

"Tada, it quite small but once our house is ready. You'll get your own room." Sehun said as Leon look at round and smile.

"Thanks guys." Both of them smile at her.

"Now you see your room. Time for a little gathering." Kai said as Leon put down her bag and walk with them then all of a sudden her head started spinning which make her every dizzy then flashes of images appear in her head.

"Leo are you alright?" Leon turn around to see Chen, Lay and Xiumin look at her with worried eyes.

"Yeah I'm alright." She said then hold onto her head and was about to collapse but luckily Chen caught her.

"Sorry, I don't get enough sleeps these days." She said then someone pat her head.

"Don't stress yourself too much alright?" Lay smiled as Leon nodded before getting up on her feet again.

All four of them walk towards the living room where all the boys are in their clean clothes. Suho, Xiumin, Baekhyun, Chanyeol, Kai and Luhan were on the sofa while the rest were siting on the floor. "There you are, come on sit next to me, Leo." Sehun said as Leon raise her eyebrows at him before struggling and sat in between Sehun and Tao.

"Alright so Manger told us that we can move back to our mansion in 4 weeks time." Suho said as everyone cheered while Leon just clap her hands awkwardly.

"Ok so what now?" Chanyeol questioned as Leon sense something was there. She turn around to see who was it but saw no one.

"Odd." She muttered as Tao heard what she said.

"I'm sorry what's odd?" He questioned as Leon struggled.

"I thought I saw someone." She said as Xiumin look at where Leon was looking.

"There's no one there maybe it's just your imagination." He said as Leon sigh before laughing nervously.

"Yeah just my imagination." She said while taking a sip of water.

"So who's up for a game of truth or dare?" Chanyeol asked.

"I don't think that's a good idea." Suho said as everyone ignores him and agree to it while Leon just look at them clueless.

"Okay, Kai truth or dare?" Chanyeol asked then they saw Kai had fall asleep on Lay's shoulder as everyone let out aloud sigh. Leon giggle slightly as Baekhyun was about to wake him up but Leon signal him not to. She stood up and went over to Kai while taking her jacket off and place it over him.

Leon sit back down and and smile, "Kai will escape this one Chanyeol pick another person." Suho said as Chanyeol let out another sigh before choosing his next target.

"I choose.....Leon." He smirked as Leon widen her eyes full with shock and surprise.

" 왜 ? ( wae? means why?)" She start whining which cause the rest to laugh.

"Cause I say so now truth or dare?" He asked as Leon sigh and glance at him with a ' I'll get you for this ' face.

"I don't care anymore, dare." She said as Chanyeol start grinning.

"Okay, I dare you to sing one of our song and make Suho and Kris blush." He said then both leader start arguing about the fact about Leon doing this.

She raise her eyebrows and struggled, "Erm I don't know any...Yixing-ge ge help me." She start to show an aegyo face which cause him to blush and cover his face.

"Ok ok I'll help." She start to smile as Lay took out his phone and search for their song lyrics.

"How about this one?" Lay show her this one as she took a look at it and nodded slowly.

"I'll try....but I'm not really good at pronunciation so please correct me." Leon said as they nodded.

"Go Leon!" Luhan, Chanyeol and Baekhyun cheered for her which cause her to chuckled slightly.

"Erm is it ok if I sing English song?" She regretting to do thing as everyone nodded before passing back to Lay. Leon took a deep breath in :

"Can we fall, one more time?
Stop the tape and rewind
Oh and if you walk away I know I'll fade
Cause there is nobody else

It's gotta be you
Only you
It's gotta be you
Only you "

She end off with an aegyo face which cause both Kris and Suho to blush. " Yehet!!"She said before hiding her face on Tao's shoulder and cause everyone to laugh.

"Ok ok, Leon. You pick a person now." Luhan said as Leon try to stop her laughter.

"Erm...Kris hyung! Truth or Dare?" She question.

"Mmmm....dare." Leon smirked evilly before walking up to him and whisper something in Kris's ears which cause him to shook his head.

"I dare you to scream EXO-L I love you in a cute way." She said as everyone was holding their laughter.

"No absolutely not!" He said as Leon make an aegyo sad face.

"好吧, 我会做它只是为了莱昂. (Hǎo ba, wǒ huì zuò tā zhǐshì wèile lái áng means alright I'll do it only for Leon's sake )" Kris sigh as everyone cheered, Leon look at him trying to hide her emotions.

'He just call my real name.' She look a bit uneasy and Lay seems to notice it. Kris stood up and walk over to the window. He open it to hear screaming fans as all of them give him a signal to start.

"EXO-L I LOVE YOU!!" He shouted in a cute way. The fans started screaming like mad which make Leon cover her laughter with her hand while the rest burst into laughter.

Kris's face turn bright red as Chanyeol give Leon a high five. "Ok Baekhyun, truth or dare?" Kris asked as Baekhyun thought for a moment.

"Truth!" He screamed at the top of his lungs.

"What's your darkest secret?" He asked as Baekhyun was getting uneasy.

" Erm....." He start to laugh awkwardly.

"Ok never mind pass!" Tao shouted which cause Leon and Suho to laugh.

"Ok ok how about we switch a game?" Sehun asked as they agreed.

"How about a.... " Then all of a sudden they heard someone's stomach started growling. They turn their heads to Tao who was blushing like mad which cause Leon laugh out loud.

Then her stomach start to growl too, slowly the rest of too. "I guess all of us are hungry." Xiumin said awkwardly, Leon blushed while holding her stomach.

"How about I'll try cook something up since we won't be able to get any grocery until later at night." D.O. said before getting up and walk towards the kitchen. Leon stood up as well.

"Hey I'll be in our room for a moment I to check on something." She said to Lay and Kris who nodded before watching her walking towards their room.

Kai PoV :

I was sleeping peacefully when suddenly a loud scream woke me up. I open my eyes to see Baekhyun screaming while being chase by an angry Xiumin. I yawned as I was about to sit upright when I realised that there's a jacket on me. ' Who put this on me?' I looked at the jacket to find out that this jacket belongs to Leon's. She was wearing this jacket before she met us. "Lay Hyung, where's Leon?" I asked.

"Oh she's in our room." Kris reply while getting up to stretch himself.

I folded Leon's jacket neatly, "hey guys, anyone want to throw a party as a celebration for our new addition to the family?" Chen asked as Chanyeol, Sehun, Tao and Baekhyun was the first one to agree to it.

"I don't think that's a bad idea." Suho agree to it for the first time.

"But who's going to make the food, decorate and occupy Leonardo?" I asked as D.O. came out with a knife which alert us.

"Lay, Chanyeol and I will make the food." He said before walking back into the kitchen, all of us stare at him blankly.

"ALSO WE ARE RUNNING OF FOOD!!!" He shouted from the kitchen.

"Okay!! Sehun , Xiumin , Kai and Lay, you'll stay with D.O. to clean up . Kris , Chen , Baekhyun and Tao , you'll occupy Leon to the mall while Chanyeol, Luhan and I will head to the market to get food and surplice we will take a different car from there." Suho said as everyone agreed to it.

"Kyungsoo-yah! DID YOU HEAR WHAT I JUST SAID!? " Suho shouted.

" YES!" He reply back then D.O. walk back with plates of food.

"Food is ready." D.O. shouted over the loud noise. All us stopped whatever we were doing then in 5 seconds all of us were sitting at the table licking our lips ready for food.

"I'll go get Leon." I said as I was about to head for Kris, Lay and Leon's room. D.O hyung stopped me.

"Kai, It's okay. You eat! I'll get her." D.O. insisted.

"Uh, okay." I says before sitting back down to eat. We were all occupied with our food.

D.O. PoV :

I walk toward Kris , Lay and Leon's room . " Leon, food is ready." I said while knocking a few times on the door but there was no response. I turn the door handle and peek out before quietly slipped into their room to see Leon was on the floor, sleeping?

I raise my eyebrows, she muttered something under her breathe. I let out a slight chuckled, she looked so peaceful even though she slept on the floor. I notice she have a book on her hand, I pick up the book and put it on her bed. I gently shake her on the shoulder to wake her up. Leon groans and turns over to bury her face in her pillow that was on the floor.

I chuckled and shook my head, I shake her once more and she growls and jumps up with an anrgry face while grabbing my wrist. "Le-Leon. Food is ready..." I was scared shitless by her glare. 

Leon blink a couple of times before letting go of my wrist. " Oh , 미안하다 ( Mianhada . Means : I'm sorry ) . D.O.hyung." She said as she groan in pain.

"Leon are you alright?" I asked worriedly as she nodded.

"Yeah I'm alright, it's just a headache no big deal." She said. I place my hand on her forehead then her neck.

"No fever or whatsoever." I said as Leon nod slightly and she jumps up.

"Let's go." She said as I open the door for her to go out first. Both of us enter the living room/kitchen and ALL the food are gone.

Not even crumbs!!?

As all 11 of the boys groaning at how much they ate. " REALLY ?!?!" I shouted. All the boys turned to the upset maknae in shock.

" D.O.hyung, It's okay. You and I can go to the cafe downstairs and get something to eat." She told me.

"Aish!! Fine. I'll go get ready then Leon." I said while rubbing the back of my neck before heading off to my room.



"Sorry Leon." The boys said as Leon give them a warm smile.

"It's alright hyung. You were all hungry." She reassured the boys.

"Leo yah! We are going shopping today with Kris and Chen!!" Baekhyun and Tao reminded Leon before they went off to go get ready. Leon shook her head and chuckled at them, as she was about to head toward her room when Kai stop her.

"Hey, Leo." She turn around to see Kai with her jacket.

"Thanks for the jacket." He blushed as Leon took it and smile.

She pat his head and look at him and chuckled. "감사합니다 , Kai hyung. ( Kamsamnida means Thank you )" She smile as Kai blushed even deeper.

" Y-Y-Your welcome." He said before walking away blushing, Leon let out slight laughter before shaking her head.

Leon went to her room to see Kris putting on his shoes and Lay finding something, "Hey!" Leon greeted them, both of them look up and greeted her back.

Leon comb her hair backwards before putting on her snap hat and putting on her jacket. She grab her sling bag which contain a pistol and a throwing knifes before she grabbed her wallet, phone, earphones and sunglasses before walking out to meet D.O. in the living room. Then Leon saw a fully naked Tao walking through the dorm like it's totally normal. His hair was wet so he probably just got out of the shower. He wasn't wearing anything as it was pretty normal for Leon cause she got so used to see Alexander naked in her house but because the boys didn't know about it. Leon fake scream and turn around covering her eyes . Tao turns and to see her and his eyes grow big before screaming like a girl.

"Shit! I forgot we lived with a girl!!" Tao screamed before grabbing the nearest towel next to him and over himself then Baekhyun and Chanyeol threw a pillow at Tao who was still trying to cover himself.

Suho sighed while Kris pinched the bridge of his nose and shook his head. "These kids...aigoo." They muttered .

"AAHH!!" Chen look alarmed and covered Leon with a blanket blocking her from accidentaly seeing Tao naked again.

"Leo he's gone!" Chen lifted the blanket from Leon's head. Leon's face turn slightly pink and warm, she quickly turn away. Sehun , Luhan , Kris , Kai and Xiumin were on the floor laughing so hard they were crying.

Suho was in the kitchen glaring at them , as he turned to see Leon's shocked pink face . That's when he bursted out laughing.

"YAH! Stop laughing at my poor little wolf's misfortune!!" Chen yelled at them as Leon have never been so embarrassed in her life.

"Poor Leon." Baekhyun said while hugging her then Chanyeol and Chen join in. Leon look clueless when they hug her.

"Let's go, Leon!" D.O shouted coming out from his room with a hoodie over him, he walk over to Leon who is still trap in Chanyeol, Baekhyun and Chen's hug. Leon give a help look on her face to both Lay and Suho.

As Suho try to break up the hug but back fired. Lay let out a slight cough to get their attention. As the trio turn around to see Lay holding a slipper in his hand, smiling the next thing you know all three of them were on the floor rubbing the spot where Lay's hit.

"Well have a nice day." Lay smiled as Suho sigh and smile.

"Leo don't forget we are going to shopping later." Baekhyun said still rubbing the spot that Lay hit him. Leon nodded before she running out followed by D.O. As Leon look around before changing her emotions back to her serious self.

Then she felt something or someone was looking at her and the guys. She shook it and waited at the elevator for D.O to catch up. As both of them get in the elevator and wait . D.O looked at Leon and started to chuckle. "It's not funny D.O.hyung. " Leon whined.

"Yea. It kinda is...You almost saw Tao naked!!!" D.O. said and started laughing really hard. Leon glared at him, then the same feeling start to tick back and look at the other direction.

"What are you thinking so hard about?" D.O. asked her.

Leon turn to him and shook her head, " Huh ? Oh, uh it's nothing." She said as Leon and D.O. stepped out of the elevator and headed for the Cafe.

Both of them stayed quiet in line, D.O ordered 2 muffins and 2 coffees. He payed while Leon take the food and sit down.

"I'm paying next time." Leon said as D.O. look at her while taking a sip of coffee.

"Next time? So you want to eat breakfast with me again huh?" D.O. asked as Leon choked on her muffin as she quickly washed it down with coffee.

"Well, I just thought next time one of us has to buy something then it could be me." Leon said while taking another sip of her coffee.

"And thanks again for the food, hyung. So are they always like this?" Leon asked D.O. who look at her blankly before nodding.

"Pretty much. But they are really fun to be around." He said as Leon nodded, 'good to hear that.' She thought.

As both of them talk happily nonstop, once they finish their food . Leon looked at her watch and sat up. "I'm going shopping with Kris hyung, Chen hyung, Tao hyung and Barkhyun hyung, I'll see you later." Leon said.

"Hey I'll walk you back." D.O. said before getting up from his sit as both of them walked to the elevator and stepped in. Then she saw Mr Anderson being scolded by Manager Lee, Leon glance at him before smirking at him. Leon look out the elevator window to see a shadow figuring pass by the street. Leon was about to take a closer look when the elevator stopped.

Both of them stepped out and walked to the blue door and stepped in. Then Leon saw Kris, Chen, Tao and Baekhyun were lounging on the couch waiting for her.

"Ready?!" They asked Leon who let out a slight smile.

"Yeah! Let's go!" Leon say as they jump up and follow her out of the dorm.

"Hey wait for us!!" They turn around to see Chanyeol , Luhan and Suho jog toward them.

"We need to get something there." Chanyeol said while winking at the boys who smirked while Leon just stare at spot where she saw the figuring again as she was about to draw out her gun. Before Baekhyun called her.

"Leon are you alright?" Baekhyun asked as Leon quickly put back the gun and look at him, blankly.

"Huh? Oh yeah I'm alright." Leon smiled before entering the elevator.

The boys quickly enter the elevator with her, "So Leon..." Tao rub the back of his neck as Leon make eye contact with him.

"Sorry....about just now...." Tao's face turn really red and look down on his feet. Leon look at him an illusion of Sen was right in front of her. Leon remember there's one time Sen took off her shirt in front of Leon while she was studying. Sen apologized to her in the end with her head look down.

As a single tear roll down Leon's eyes, she quickly wipe it off and rub his hair. "It's okay...." Leon smiled as Tao look up before getting pinch on the cheeks.

"Smile okay." Leon said as Tao's face turn even redder. The rest of the members smirked at him before getting out of the elevator and head in the van.

"Are you guys ready?" Chanyeol asked while buckling his seatbelt on the driver seat. They nodded before Chanyeol drove to the mall.

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