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Namjoon knew the moment he stepped out of the office that the man standing in the front wasn't a customer. The tattoo on his neck indicated that he was one of Park Soongho's most trusted men.

"What are you doing here? Mr. Park just left." The man gave him a smirk. "I know that but I just can't believe that the famous Kim Namjoon didn't check for hidden cameras in the office before making out with the boss's wife."

Realisation dawned on Namjoon. The other man had a point. He had forgotten about that, completely controlled by his emotions at that moment. He felt so stupid right now but he also knew that this man wasn't alone and he could not use a gun right now at all in broad daylight. His only options were go with the man silently which wasn't going to happen and the second was...

He knew the exact moment when the man realized they were going to fight. The man came at him, his fist swinging towards his face but he had anticipated that. Namjoon ducked under and slid the garrote along his stomach which had him grunting. Before he knew what happened, Namjoon slit the man's neck with the thin, sharp wire. The man fell with a thud, the garrote that had been hidden in his watch hanging as he watched blood pooling beneath him.

Soomin gasped seeing the man fallen, blood gushing out of his neck and stomach. She had come out of the office at the sound of something falling, turned out it was a man.

She looked up to see Namjoon gathering cash from the cash drawer. "We need to run, Soomin." He said without looking at her, putting all the cash and other items in a bag pack. She understood what he meant right away. With the initial shock fading away she too collected the cash stashed away in office along with a few clothes she had left for this moment only.

They left all the electronic devices along with any jewelry item in the shop that could have a tracker hidden. They had to move fast knowing people were after them.

Namjoon pulled her through busy streets to hide themselves better. Soomin looked back once to see if anyone was following them and sure as hell two men were cutting through the crowd, growing closer by the minute.

"They are close, Namjoon-ah." He didn't have to turn back to know that. He quickly pulled her in another street and into a building. They were soon in the parking of the building. She wondered if he meant to hotwire a car but he pulled out a key instead. 

They both held breath as they exited in the building in a black hyundai, common enough on the roads to avoid being followed.

"Should we contact my uncle?" Soomin asked once they hit the highway. Sweat dripped down the side of Namjoon's face as he checked the rearview mirror for the umpteenth time. "Not yet." He said in a tight voice. "It's best if no one knows where we are. They aren't following us but we can never be sure enough."

Soomin nodded and kept her eyes on the road. The adrenaline from the run had started to fade away now and in the last two years she was finally feeling as if the shackles around her legs were breaking away. They weren't completely broken yet but she wanted to savor this feeling of freedom for now.

Namjoon laughed all of a sudden bringing her out of her thoughts. She looked at him with a confused smile. "What?" He shook his head. "I was just thinking how lucky we got. It might have taken us days until we ran away but one kiss and we are out of Seoul." She laughed along with him feeling the tears running down her cheeks as well.

They were the kind of tears that couldn't be stopped. They were tears of sadness, happiness, relief all mixed together. She was sad about everything that had happened in the last two years, sad for the people who had died because of her. She was happy because she could finally see the light in the long, dark tunnel she had been traveling through and relieved that she wasn't alone. She was walking on the path of freedom with someone she had fallen in love unknowingly and this time she knew his past. There were no secrets between them and she saw the desire to have a different life in his eyes and that put her heart at ease.

Namjoon rubbed her knee, soothing her. It was no use to tell her to stop crying. The shock and the adrenaline was receding from her body and that was what had her body shaking. She thought it was over but he knew it was far from over. This was just the starting.

She had no idea where they were but it was quite late when they reached a remote cabin in deep forest. They had to change three cars for safety before they reached here. Namjoon was still in high alert mode as he checked all the rooms before letting her in.

"I'm going to call Soekjin hyung arranging for transport out of the country. You get freshened up and get some sleep. We might have to stay on the move for a few days." She smiled, nodding. She was more worried about him though. He hadn't even eaten dinner but for now she left him alone.

When she returned to the living room she saw him cleaning a thin wire coming out of his wrist watch. She realised with a jolt that it was the same thing he had used to kill the man.

Padding quitely to him, she put her hands on his shoulders. He flinched but soon relaxed as she started massaging his shoulders. "There is so much tension in your muscles, Joonie." He sighed. "I can't help it. I need to be prepared." "And healthy too. You must eat something. I'll warm up those burgers." She left him with a kiss on his head.

"You do know that we might have to go separate ways for some time, right?" Soomin stopped hearing his words. She didn't like the idea but it was a necessary measure. She smiled at him. "I know and that's why I want to remember every moment we spend like this, alone and away from prying eyes." He caressed her face, closing the gap between them. "I don't know when I'll get to say this later so I'm going to say it now. I-" she cut him off with a finger on his lips. "Don't. If you say it now you might never come back. Say it when it's all finished and then I'll stay with you forever."

Their foreheads connected as they took this brief moment of rest to be together without worries. No words were needed because their connection went deeper than words.

The moment was broken by the ding of microwave oven. Soomin made sure he ate his burger and was full before Namjoon forced her to go to sleep.

After tossing and turning for the better part of the night she still couldn't sleep. She was surprised to see Namjoon sitting in the living area, his eyes intent on the window which showed the front of the cabin.

"You should get some sleep, Namjoon-ah." He looked back smiling slightly. "You should sleep too." On a whim she sat down on his lap, surprised when his arms came around her without hesitation. "I can't sleep. It's weird sleeping somewhere else after so long." His hands moved soothingly on her back, making her eyes feel heavy.

"I know but you still need sleep. I'll sleep with you." She hummed feeling sleep overtaking her, the beating of his heart her lullaby. She felt him pick her up and moving towards the bed.

The last thing she remembered was his warm body as he cuddled her to sleep.


Slight smut warning in the next chapter.

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