college projects

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so you guys know that i'm writing an angst for jungkook in a wheelchair right--

and like, today, in written english class, we started descriptive writing

our lecturer asked us to choose a picture from the internet, be it anything, and just describe the picture--

and i started scrolling through google to find the perfect picture of jungkook and like my friend was like oHMYGOD HIGHLIGHT REEL---

and the two of us started squealing and going through the results in highlight reel and she chose the poster of yoongi sitting in the hospital (with jungkook in the lower half of the poster, but she cropped and kept yoongs only)

but she started changing it to tae's pictures because she is a tae stan lmaoo

but for me, the moment i saw this picture, i knew i didn't want to change it lol this one;

can you like, just imagine how innocent this gesture is? i want to hug this girl for this scene istg it's so pure. like, the look on jungkook's face just---- //shot to stratosphere

but like i'm actually really bad at descriptive writing

like, i'm better at describing feelings instead of describing scenery, do you get me?--

so i was lowkey sobbing but like, my friend is super extra af so she yells and asks our lecturer if it's okay to write descriptive writing with feelings and she was like bruh why tf not m8 why do u even ask

and then we exchanged high fives that echoed through the computer lab before we went back to our work lmaooo

and i managed to write only one sentence (because trust me, the starting is always the hardest) and my friend kept peering over my shoulder and reading every word i write because she's read all my oneshots on peppusae and she said she loves my yoongi angst the most---

so she was like super excited even with the first sentence like um no do i really have the motivation to write sad descriptions about jungkook---

can i do this or like----

here's a small preview of the angst i'm writing so far---

gtg kms

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