otp tag, semieen ♥

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ahhh i found something really interesting on tumblr where there is this bunch of questions and you answer them based on you and your otp.

seeing as how i am head over heels in love with semi eita, i thought i'll do it again, featuring #SemiEen ♥

01 • What's your name?

my name is really lame and uncommon, so I go ahead to shorten it and call it a simple Een. c: een is actually the first three letters of my name lol.

02 What's the name of your boyfriend?

*blushes* Uhm~ Semi Eita. ♥ [gtg wipe drool woops]

03 • What's the name of your ship?

#SemiEen 💕 gwAAAAH


04 Who in the ship uses crappy pickup lines?

*raises hand* LMAO  Semi is way too tsun to do this lol he would be the one that raises his eyebrows in utter shock and wonder why the fuckurodani he is dating me in the first place oops. i'm pretty childish when it comes to learning new things pfft. but he's gonna love me anyway >3< time for some SemiEenInAction!

Een: Hayyy Semisemi? You look cold. Want to use me as a blanket?





Semi: *wraps arms around Een* You idiot.

Een: B-Baka, get your hands off me! *tsun tsun mode on*

Semi: Why? And you call me a tsundere? I'm just making full use of my blanket, that's all.

-een.exe error code 707 has occurred. Please visit this site later when Een's face turns from red to normal-

05 • If you had kids, who would be the stricter parent?

Semi, because he's such a mom lmao. i'm probably the last person you would use the word 'strict' on welps. we are soooo made for each other (͡° ͜ʖ ͡°)

06 • In the morning, who's the early riser and and who pulls back the other back in bed for cuddles and kisses?

as much as i would like Semi to be the latter, i think he'd be the early riser instead. i am never able to wake up by myself in the mornings, and i get super cranky when it's time to get up. and being the hopeless romantic that i am, i'd probably beg him for sloppy morning kisses- and maybe some other events too ok bYE-

07 • Who in the ship watched horror movies and acted tough, only to be freaked out later at night?

ME. this is ME. i love horror movies, but they freak the shit out of me. but of course, Semi would know this of course, considering me getting stiff every time he mentions that one horror movie we watched two months ago -woops-

and so, during the spooky scenes, he'd lean in and place a kiss on my cheek and say it'll be okay, and also call me an idiot, because we're chill like that. and he would accompany me to the toilet after the lights are turned off, because i am a frigging loser and he frigging knows it.

08 • Who yells at the TV when things look bad, or when the protagonist does something stupid?

*raising hand*

well, i sincerely hope Semi is the same, because ugh just imagine his pretty pout I'm NOT OK-

*rare scene of Een watching Beyond the Boundary*

Mirai: I'm really glad I met you, senpai!


Akihito: Stop it!

Mirai: I'm really glad I fell in love with you, Senpai!

Een: *sobs*

Akihito: Don't say that!

Een: *cries on the floor*

Semi: *walks in*



Semi: Een, what the fuck.

09 • What would you do if the other was hurt physically or mentally?


no lie here, i am not one who enjoys making a fuss and drawing attention but when it comes to husbando, that is where i would draw the line. even if I have to walk all day to find out who hurts him, i would effin ruin them, for sure. ;^)))) because i know Semi would do the same for me. 💜

as for a mental hurt, i would try my best to give my utmost support to him to move further on, and constantly remind him how much he is loved. he seems like the person who'd want time to think things through himself, and if that's so, bae gets the call. because when he needs me, i'd be there for him. ('∀`)♡

10 • Who's more prone to jealousy?


goddamit, i'm such a yandere, i would be stalking him talking to his classmates and all em hoes who obsess over his pretty face- well excuse YOU, he's miNE OK ONLY I BECOME A HOE FOR SEMI-//slapped.

and Semi would be totally aware of this and he'd laugh it off because he understands it's my nature and he loves me for it *sobs in a corner*

i'd also like to picture a jelly Semi trying to sneak looks at me texting my best friends (both of them are guys gdi) and he'd pout and snatch away my phone and start a make-out session;  completely shutting me from touching my phone for the next 3859759366464 hours as long as he's around (●__●)

11 • Who'd pin the other down and tickle them after a fight?

i am so un-prone to tickle fests buT ohmYFYCK IMAGINE A TICKLISH SEMI I AM SCREAMING-

12 • Who kissed who first? What was going through your/their mind?

Semi. He would actually ask me for permission first cuz *cough* mom *cough* and I'd lowkey say itadakimasu let's gO-

but rly tho, i'd be staring with wide eyes and he would squint his eyes and say bruh will u pls close ur eyes dammit lMAO

and we'd both worry so much about fucking things up oh shit lol. i would then close my eyes and kiss him back and aeopjgsrndgndiruf and then he would accidentally bite my tongue and we'd move away before we burst out laughing and give each other a shy hug. :3 *dying from cheesy fluff oh my lord save me*

13 • How was your first meeting? What did you think of your boyfriend?

i'd like to think that we pretty much had a normal first meeting like maybe we became neighbors? or maybe we're classmates and everything starts out so normal and yet it's so special now ;A;

14 •Who made the first move?

what move (͡° ͜ʖ ͡°)
jk tho, this would prolly be on both of us lol. i think our random coffee meetups would be the reason lol. maybe we meet up at the library to study together, and when Semi and I discuss when when we should show up, i would be like, is it "a coffee date?" just to tease him- but then Semi would look me dead in the eyes and say "Yes."

after which he would run all the way to his dorm because he would be so embarrassed GWAH SEMI YOU CUTIE

15 • Who confessed first? How did it go? Did the other accept or reject right away? How many times did it take until you two started going out?

Semiiiii. After an awkward three or so dates, he would walk me to my dorm and we would say goodnight-

and then he would scratch the nape of his neck and then admit that he actually wants me to be his girlfriend //scrEAM

and this time, i would be the embarrassed one and i would run inside my room and hyperventilate and take out my smartphone. meanwhile, Semi would be so confused bc both Reon and Satori would have given him a guarantee that I'd say yes lol.

and i would quickly send him a text which reads 'yes'. and then, semieen would squeal, in unison and stare at the phone screens, smiling like a huge ass idiots and look forward to seeing each other the next day at school 😭

16 • What's the relationship like?

i'd imagine we would shy away when we're next to each other for the first few months, but after he initiates the first kiss, he would become more open and comfortable around me and we'd have arm-wrestling competitions //lol Een do you think you can win against his sport-puwah arms?// + Who-can-reach-the-cafeteria-first races and all LOL. But yeah. Satori would trail after us like a third wheel, but he would be the best friend to both of us, occasionally irking Semi by sending me flirts and making Semisemi wrap his arms around my shoulders for good measures. // good lORD I LOVE TENDOU SM//

And when Semi and I are alone- oh boy, there's no stopping us, because we're both going to be touchy and feelsy people and we'd always like to be in contact with each other, be it both of us studying while i'm sitting cradled in his lap and we'd go over the anatomy of the eye and laugh at the jerk names like aqueous humor--

uh yeah and other stuff too (͡° ͜ʖ ͡°)

17 • What do you think people/your friends say about you two? What do your friends think about your significant other?

people would definitely call us the 'it couple', because we're always so dork and holding hands in the hall - until someone points it out and we'd flush and move a little away //HOW CUTE EITA-KUN OMG//

my friends would absolutely love Semi because he's always taking care of me, and giving me the motivation to never give up. he would never ever let me go to sleep worrying about anything, he's a perfect boyfriend. and thanks to the occasional screenshots I'd send my friends about my bae, and after multiple squealings, my friends would understand how happy he makes me, and definitely be happy with semieen, no doubt. ♥

18 • What do you like most about your significant other?

*cough* his pretty face *cough*

JK-//slapped. i think what i love the most about him is that he would always motivate me to be a better person. and he's such a big moral support and his attractive face is just a bonus. there really isn't anything I hate about him 💕

19 • What are your dates like?

we're both probably the type to enjoy indoor dates~  so i'd like to imagine lazy Saturdays and the rain would make us so cold that we'd wrap multiple blankets over ourselves and snuggle while watching anime marathons all day. we'd order Chinese food and probably spill them all around when we're making a fuss over something a character said (LOL US, SO CUTE), and he would smirk when I clean up, and call me an old lady- and this would make me wrestle him on the couch, starting a heated make-out session and more of things you probably don't need details about BYE-

20 • Who loves cooking?

Semi omg. he'd be the househubby (probably a lousy one at that, ily sm tho ;w;) and after a hard day of teaching bratty high school students some English, i'd rush home to be welcomed with barely-decent food made by the one and only husbando *daydreams* and when he's busy practicing, we'd pretty much order food, because i'm a hopeless case when it comes to cooking ( LMAO KATIE IF YOU'RE READING THIS, TELL THEM XD). but i'd occasionally make something i'd looked up from the internet, and he would say it's good, even though it would make me puke as soon as I take a bite. aw Eita-kun, you qt. Date me pls. ;-;  💜

21 • Do you enjoy slowdancing?

i'm crying, i'm a fucktard when it comes to dancing, and he's probably no less xD we'd probably step on each other's feet all day, crying and whining, and mostly laughing because we have nothing better to do. and we'd probably judge everyone who dances well and call them aliens- Until Oikawa pops his head out of nowhere and slaps the two of us for insulting his family- WOOPS.

22 • Do you ever trade/borrow clothes?

Ahh I'd keep his sweaty sweatshirts because they'd be over-sized and smell like him, the SemiSemi-ish smell that makes me smile so hard i'm--

and he'd probably keep a shawl of mine and smile whenever he sees it because he's reminded of his dork girlfriend that would just never let him go. 😭🙆

23 • Do you ever bake together?

As we're both pretty much hopeless at cooking, we'd look up recipes, only to make a bunch of goo that we discard at the end of the day. And by then, we'd be so frustrated that we skip our clean-up and rush to the nearest bakery to buy ten slices of cheesecake to make up for it.

24 • Does your boyfriend ever play volleyball with you or try to teach you any tricks?

lolol he would prolly get me back up from the lazyness that i am. i used to play setter a long time back and all the other positions are foreign af to me uwah. i prolly have forgotten all the rules by now tho lol and he'll teach me new stuff he picked from shiiiiiiiiiiiiiratorizawa ju jUN JU JU JUUUN

25 • The night before a match, what do you say to support your boyfriend?

i'd probably give him a soft kiss on the cheek and let him know that all the practice he'd done would pay off, and that either way, i'd love him because he'd always be the real setter that takes my breath away--- //WOW EEN LAME-O.//

26 • What would you do if they lost?

i'd probably give him space like he'd want to, but before he goes off, i'd let him know that it's not his fault and it's proven by the fact that he scored for his team and how hard they fought ;A;

27 • What would you say if they won?

i'd rush into his arms and we'd be so clingy until Goshiki starts staring at us in shock- or until Shirabu glares at us //pls you guys go fuck each other instead-//

and after that, we'd celebrate by ordering in his favorite foods, and we'd have some happy quality time together. :3

28 • What does his team think of you? What do you think of them?

i think i'd get along well with Satori and Tsutomu because they're such dorks and they'd help me make Semisemi flustered and we'd make an amazing combo lmAO

29 • Do you give each other nicknames?


i would have told him that there was this anime where the boy calls his girlfriend 'kanojo' and how i thought was cute- and like a few days later when i'ms crolling through his phone, i'd find that he has saved my number in his contacts with that name  ohmyfck 💜

30 • What movies do you enjoy watching most?

i think we would probably alternate between mystery movies/romance movies

31 • Have you dedicated songs to each other?

uhm, not really, like ?????

we'd go through collections, and collections of pop-rock music, eventually finding one that matches us perfectly and call it Our Song, and play it every anniversary or something. Awe~

32 • How would you comfort each other when the other is scared?

aagh, we'd hold each other tight and put a blanket over us and name it 'Our Little World' because i am cheesy like that and he enjoys how cute i am //NOT//

33 • What is your favorite non-sexual activity together?

why non-sexual --IMeanWut

LOL JK. this is so easy to answer, because it would be as simple as simply talking. hearing his voice would make me happy, and we would talk about everything and anything, even about that puffy dress that the weather woman was wearing when she talked about the rain showers next Monday.

34 • Do you enjoy camping together?

HELLA! we'd barge in snacks on the coffee table and have movie marathons, dozing off in each other's arms and missing half of the movies or anime because we are so dork like that. :#

35 • Thoughts on public displays of affection?

We'd be pretty stiff at the start, but after a while, he'd get used to it and the occasional hand holding and pecks on the cheeks are alright, but he would always leave the intense make-out sessions for when we're alone and well- preferrably on bed ( ͡° ͜ʖ ͡°)( ͡° ͜ʖ ͡°)( ͡° ͜ʖ ͡°)

36 • How often are your fights?

every single day. we'd argue about what to choose for lunch, rice or noodles, chicken or tuna, and those kind of stuff. we'd argue, and those are things that would lead us to have intense gazing at each other- this would make us lose our cool and lead us to start kissing like crazy. // omg Een NAIS playing//

other than that, I doubt we'd have problems that are hardcore. we're both very understanding people, and we always talk things out with the other and can trust each other easily. :'3

37 • Who apologizes first?

me probably lol. because I'm probably the one to goof up. And if it's Semi, he'd take the initiative, because we can't bear without each other. ;-;

38 • Would you ever get married?

b-but we're already married and we even have 11 children---//slapped by yin

on a more serious note tho, we would have talked it out and he would have let me know that he will ask me to marry him, after he gets a stable job and we make enough money to have a wedding we both secretly dream of ♡'・ᴗ・'♡

39 •Thoughts on kids?


jk, we'd have agreed that we'd get two kids, preferably one boy and a girl a couple years afterward. ♥ The girls' name would start with his name's letter, and the boys' would start with mine, because i am so specific in things like that xD

40 •Thoughts on each other's families?

we'd take time to get along, but in the long run, our love would show and our families would soften up to us and we'd be perfectly okay around them. c: i wish i can take him as my date to family weddings and all... *day-dreaming*

41 • Does your family approve of your boyfriend?

my Papa would LOVE him because he's organized and knows what he's talking about + plus because he's always taking care of me and all. oh, Semi you're so dank. ;A; and my mama would know how happy he makes me, and they would never say no, i'm sure. :')

42 • How are your birthdays spent?

probably indoors again. maybe we'd go for an amusement park and take multiple pictures tho, posting on social media and him being embarrassed because of all the pictures I'd have hoarded of him AW QT SEMIIIIIISEMI OMG.

and goshiki and tendou and the others on the team would make teasing comments on the post and semi would punch everyone the netx day when he sees them lMAO

43 • What happens when the other is getting flirted with?


next day on the news: 3 murdered after being stabbed multiple times.

jk, i'd still be super pissed off with the hoez fawning over him, but well. he's attractive af. i can't really say I blame them. :c

i'd like to think that Semi is the same, and he would aggressively hold my hand and glare at them bois lmao //omg eita-kun!~//

44 • What are your kisses like?

for two people who enjoy contact very much, we'd have long kisses, occasionally coming up for air and going back on attack as soon as we catch our breaths. //Damn Semisemi , you always turn me on--- //slapped

45 •Who proposes?

Semii ♥♥♥

he's probably propose to me after one of our indoor make-out sessions, or maybe he would do it after he finishes grindi -WOOPS R-18 BOARD ON DISPLAY//

46 • What would you change your name to?

Semi Een? LMAo God that sounds so odd but I don't even care. ; A ;

47 • Who goes crazy over the wedding planning?

We both would, but Semi would have the 'chill bruh' look to him so he won't really show it, until i punch his ass and he would roll his eyes and admit his worry lmao.

48 • Who's the best man?

I'm guessing Reon because they're super close? i can imagine him teasing us and telling me 'Wow Een, you look so pretty, Eita here had a boner and i had to push him into the bathroom to jerk off before he embarrasses himself in front of the others', and Semi would probably crack a vein and cause a murder right there lol. :3

49 • Who are the bridesmaids?

probs katie and emi xD and they're gonna tell me to CALM THE FUCK DOWN because i would be like a human terror, worrying about what could go wrong lmao.

50 • Who in the ship says 'I'm too hot', and who says 'Hot damn'?

Semi would occasionally joke and say 'I'm too hot' when he wears a shirt at the mall and shows off in the changing room, and i'd wink and say 'Hot damn', making him pull me inside for a little kissy-wissy action- Until I break free and run out lmao. Urgh, get me Semi already, please.

52 • Who can't sleep when the other is away?

well, we both CAN sleep without the other, but it would definitely be hard on both of us, because we're so clingy and needy for each other. we'd probably talk on the phone till one of us falls asleep, the other grinning at the stuff we talked about till that person falls asleep too. awwwww semieen is so cute oMG

53 • Who insists on sleeping with the lights off?

*semieen raises hands together*

54 • Who insists on having them on?

*semieen lowers hands asap*

55 • Who squeezes the other lovingly as they fall asleep?

this is something Semi would do, and he'd probably squish the hell out me because that's how he shows his affection lmao. and i would probably laugh at his gesture, and fall asleep easily because he's the answer to my insomnia and his scent would be like a lullaby for me //WOW EEN WOW GO DIE OMG//

56 •Who falls of the bed?

me. me. millions of times me. this happens to me when I sleep alone, i move around so much omf. XD well, maybe I wouldn't fall off if he has his arms wrapped tight around me *daydreaming intensifies*


a/n; that was long af lmao i once did this with iwa-chan //shameless// but ugh semi why r u so perfect for me ;A;

why am i doing this 3.8k words instead of updating-- //slapped


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