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gayhyungie otakuinglasses why

Here goes---

01. what is your middle name?

idk why this even matters lmao but my middle name is ali which means "high" and "elevated" in arabic which explains why i am high but not the kind of noble high that it actually means, but the fucked up high which no one likes lmao bye

02. how old are you?

i'm 19 yay i'm younger than jungkook so he really should let me call him oppa-- //shot

03. when is your birthday?

it's on 22nd of december y a y *exchanges high fives with birthday twin kageyama tobio*

04. what is your zodiac sign?

capricorn, which explains why sKatie is lit my soulsister ilysgdm lolol

05. what is your favourite colour?

grEEN-- //slapped by Jess

06. what's your lucky number?

i dunno wtf my lucky number is but i want it to be 13 bc i rly like 13 lmao

07. do you have any pets?

so i used to have this small midget turtle like 7 years ago but it started growing really huge-ass and it wouldn't stop shitting so me and my dad kinda donated it to the city's children's park and i'm very mad bc it still hides its stupid face each time i move near it, like fuck you too man if i could hide my face from you inside my non-existent shell, i will, too okay

and like my dad picked up this little brown-colored chick bby which had one leg broken and the entire process was so sad bc it was so scared whenever me and my dad would try to pet it and like i can always feel it lowkey crying ??? like??? and like one day it was trying to go away from me bc i was being all touchy but i freaking grabbed it and kept it on my lap and petted it for one whole hour and it started calming down and went to sleep on my palm after that and it was so cute but that sleep was the last sleep it ever had bc the next day, i woke up to find that bby had died and i was so sad and i never wanted a pet afterwards. :c

08. where are you from?


ok that's not funny

i'm from this smol country called maldives which everyone thinks is the paradise of beaches but like that's just the resorts lmao the actual city is garbage af trust me the traffic is high af and don't even get me started on the amount of p o l l u t i o n

09. how tall are you?

... i'm 163 cms (rounded off, okay you don't need to rub it on my face, kety--)

anyhow, even though this is considered smol for most countries, it's like very tall in here bc everyone is so small in here lmfao people will look at you like you're god, if you're like 173cm + lmfao

10. what shoe size are you?

i'm crying bc i have HUGE FEET and this is one thing i really hate about myself-

it's close to 11 inches which is literally 42 or so in europe size i kri

11. how many pairs of shoes do you own?

like 3 or sth? it's so hard to get shoes bc i'm bigfoot's wife

12. what was your last dream about?

i was working at an ice cream factory but i broke this one bolt and got fired

... yeah

13. what talents do you have?

i'm a professional fangirl 24/7

jk i have no talents kms

i used to play the violin before, but it's been like a decade already and idek what the fuck the strings are called anymore ehehehhehee bye

14. are you psychic in anyway?


15. favourite song?

it's a tie between 'boy in luv' and 'wings (interlude)' both by bts ugh idfgszr

16. favourite movie?

doukyuusei bc the development is so fufdsfojigfs *fangirls with Jaycee*

i also love 'this boy caught a merman' with a hugeass passion, is it considered as a movie or??? idk, it's really good, and like, even if one doesn't like bl i can assure you that the story is really, really genuine, pure, and just fuigdrjhbbh

17. who would be your ideal partner?

gayhyungie -- //slapped

idk but i feel like i'd be perfect with hoseok or taehyung (or both EHEHEHHE) because they're like really loud and outgoing and likes acting stupid (and even tho i'm stupid by nature, not acting) i think they're my spirit animals lmao

18. do you want children?

i already have 16, are you trying to break my-- //slapped//

on a serious note tho, i'm like too busy fangirling, i don't want to deal with a screaming baby bc i am a screaming baby when i see bts bye

19. do you want a church wedding?

no why

20. are you religious?

i'm not religious lmao but i still do all the stuff that i'm supposed to do bc i sin all the other times so i really do need to get out of hell bc i'm such an asshole

hmu with muslim memes pls Baelia 

21. have you ever been to the hospital

the last time was 6 hours ago wdym

22. have you ever got in trouble with the law?

... i almost got jailed once--

23. have you ever met any celebrities?

ha i wish

but i went to this live show by this one really good singer in my country but i was too shy to talk to him even though there were like 34568998765 chances, so instead i stayed like thirty feet away from him and took like seven million snaps of him instead and left without a word

24. baths or showers?

i can't choose bc i've never had the experience of being in a bath before but i feel like it'll be baths because i take forever when i'm showering too lmao

i once spent 5 hours, don't ask me what i did lmao i'm innocent okay i was getting ready for some... thing.... yeah--

25. what colour socks are you wearing?

i haven't worn a sock since i graduated last year what even-

oh yeah i do wear socks when i pray but what the fuck i hate socks

26. have you ever been famous?

i'm famous for being a dense fujoshi at work last year lmao i'm not even mad

they used to call me 'een on ice' bc they watched me freaking out while watching a yuri on ice episode when we were on break

and they thought it was funny, the way i was fangirling


but that aside no wtf why would i be famous i'm boring

27. would you like to be a big celebrity?

nah bc i don't want to show people my face ew lol

28. what type of music do you like?

i like all kinds of music except like very hard metal because i have this one experience where i went to this concert when i was really little and i choked on my chicken and chips bc i hated the music and i cried for like an hour straight (stop judging, i was only four okay) and since then idk i can't stand metal lmao

29. have you ever been skinny dipping?

no but i'd like to-- //slapped by semi eita//

30. how many pillows do you sleep with?

3, one under my head, one to keep my right hand on it, and another one to hug with my other hand

pls don't picture this it's awkward af lmao but it's so comfy you need to try it

31. what position do you sleep in?

i think it's called the fetus position lmao? i can't sleep without hugging this one pillow of mine (it's actually a bolster, not a pillow???) and like i ne e d it or i can't sleep, i'm a kid omg

32. how big is your house?

i live in an apartment, wdym

33. what do you typically have for breakfast?


just bread

plain bread

no, i'm not poor lmao, i just like bread with nothing on it lmao i'm literally tamura from yarichin bitch club ehehe

i have never related to a picture more

ps. yaribu is not discontinued!!!!!! i'M SO HAPPY BC YES FAV MANGA I STG

34. have you ever fired a gun?

yes omg waterguns are like so fun yay

35. have you ever tried archery?

no, do i look like someone who possesses the ability to focus???

36. favorite clean word?


37. favorite swear word?

(holy) fuckurodani

38. what's the longest you've ever gone without sleep?

idk like i think it was 4 days, bc i had gcse's and since i'm a procrastinating piece of shit, i cram instead of actual studying lmao

39. do you have any scars?

 a lot but let me tell you about one--

so there was this one time where i wanted to make pudding (bc pudding is life) and then some of the caramalised sugar got onto my wrist and it's been like 5 years and it's still there, reminding me to gtfo of the kitchen like katie always tells me to lolol

40. have you ever had a secret admirer?

nah i'm too much of a loser to have one lmao

41. are you a good liar?

nope omg i'm horrible at lying bc i'd either laugh or start stuttering like an idiot ew

42. are you a good judge of character?

what does this mean

43. can you do any other accents besides your own?

no? i can do a comedic indian accent if i try tho lmao

44. do you have a strong accent?

tbh idek if i HAVE an accent

45. what is your favorite accent?

 i'm trying to learn the canadian accent since like the past few months because holy dzgixfrh justin trudeau sounds so gorgeous

no but really, i love the way they pronounce the words and i'm totally planning on moving to canada after i finish my degree--

if i don't go to korea to stan 7 boys in tight jeans---

who am i kidding, i'm broke af someone send help

46. what is your personality type?

i like to think that i'm easy to get along with and talk to? idk lmao, let me quote something kety once said;

'usually, you're energetic and then your energy dies. and then you hate everybody. the end'

wyd bunny

47. what is your most expensive piece of clothing?

how am i supposed to know this what even

48. can you curl your tongue?

ya why

49. are you an innie or an outie?


50. left or right handed?


51. are you scared of spiders?

i'm scared of anything that possesses more than four legs

52. favourite food?

bread (crusts)

53. favorite foreign food?

i once had this thai stir fried chicken and holy fruitballs it's so good ;A;

54. are you a clean or messy person?

v.v.v.v.vv.v. messy, you wouldn't want to be my roomate i stg

55. most used phrase?

i stg

56. most used word?

it's a dhivehi word, 'aslutha?' which means 'really?' and i say this a lot when i'm thinking dirty about something innocent someone says and they'll take a few seconds to see me smiling and be like 'een what the fuck'

57. how long does it take for you to get ready?

idk like 15 minutes?

most of time goes to my shawl lmao since the only makeup i ever use is chapsticks and shit bc i want to pretend i actually try even tho i dont lmao

58. do you have much of an ego?

not rly lmao i'm probably the person who apologises first if there's a fight or sth

59. do you suck or bite lollipops?

suck ;))

60. do you talk to yourself?

how does one not talk to themselves, i'm so confused

61. do you sing to yourself?

i sing all the time bc d a m m it these songs are sO GOOD MAN

62. are you a good singer?

ew lmao no bye

63. biggest fear?


64. are you a gossip?

what the fuck is with this grammar

65. best dramatic movie you've ever seen?

i have a lot of them bc i really love drama and shit pfft i'm literally hoseok af--

66. do you like long or short hair?

i lowkey love short hair (and mine is short even now) but i'm trying to grow it out ever since--

yeah, that happened

actually, i've been trying to grow it out for a while now lmao and it reaches like a couple inches below my shoulders now and let me tell you that's the longest my hair has ever been, i hope yoongi appreciates this--

67. can you name all the states of america?

lmao no this isn't that 6 minute game in friends lmfao

i'm pretty sure i can name only like 15 of them??

68. favourite school subject?


i think it goes more to english literature, now that i'm majoring in it, because i totally h a t e grammar and all the stupid sentence building shit that i'm studying now, i don't need that tyvm

69. extrovert or introvert?

introvert irl and extrovert online lmao

70. have you ever been scuba diving?

no bc my family went diving like three years ago but like i only learned how to swim when i was 17 so i totally missed it kms

71. what makes you nervous?


72. are you scared of the dark?

not really, but like, if i watch a scary movie, i'll be scared for like a few weeks till i get over it lmao

the last time was after i watched 13 reasons why, and idk it's not actually scary but i was really...??? idek man i was shook

73. do you correct people when they make mistakes?

i have the honor of criticising grammar and making fun of the students that i tutor, and they always have the best time while i psycho-analyse all the mistakes they'd make in every existing paper they write - and yes i read all of them and it's really fun bc i actually get paid to make fun of people ehehehehhe

74. are you ticklish?

there are some areas  ( ͡° ͜ʖ ͡°)

75. have you ever started a rumour?

... *nostalgia to high school days*

i'm totally innocent guys, i swear

76. have you ever been in a position of authority?

*looks at semi eita*  ( ͡° ͜ʖ ͡°)

77. have you ever drank underage?

no bc religiously forbidden here lmfao

and idk i think i wouldn't drink even if it was allowed to, even if i wasn't underaged, bc issues

78. have you ever done drugs?


79. who was your first real crush?

i'm wheezing bc when i was in first grade i had this crush on this guy and idk i was so smol and dumb and i fully grew out of that in a few months and like around thirteen years later, just last year was when this guy asked out and i'm whEEZING BC WHAT THE FUCK IS WRONG WITH YOU, HOW LONG DOES IT TAKE, AND DO YOU EXPECT ME TO LIKE YOU EVEN NOW?

i'm laughing sm bye

80. how many piercings do you have?

i had three, all in my ear, but two of them are now blocked bc i kinda misplaced my earrings, and the last one is on the verge of dying, maybe i should hurry and put one rn while i remember--

81. can you roll your Rs?



82. how fast can you type?

i'm faster on laptop lmao on phone i just make a lot of typos which Mari likes making fun of :c

83. how fast can you run?

*looks at Micha*


84. what colour is your hair?


but i'm a huge fanatic for colouring my hair, in the past year it's been in 9 different colours lmao

ps. please bleach your hair golden and then use deep navy blue hair dye over it. it's very aesthetically pleasing. it looks like that super fucking cool oil spill patterns you see and like holy shit it was the best decision i have ever made in my life

85. what colour are your eyes?

black *asian struggles*

86. how did you get your name?

bc my parents called me my name, why else--

87. do you keep a journal?


i kept a journal since first grade all the way till 9th grade, but then a lot of drama happened in the middle of that year and my best friend passed away, and i had written about him a lot in it so it became really painful so i kinda tore all the pages of all the journals i had ever kept, and got rid of them

so yeah, i don't, anymore. c:

88. what do your parents do?

my dad works in this place i don't remember much of, and my mom does nothing but makes money because she owns a lot of land lmao dad : mom score 0 : 9999999

89. do you like your age?

actually yes bc jungkook said the person he has to date should be his age (20 in korean, and i'm 20 too, korean age EHEHEHEHHEHEHE)-- //slapped

90. do you like your own name?

i like my nickname but i don't like my actual name so i try to get everyone to call me een and so far it's successful, i even have my lecturers call me een, it's so funny bc they'll be like 'een, fucking finish your assignments'

well, close

but people say they like my real name bc it's like very uncommon and means mixed colors but nah i like een more????

91. what makes you angry?

tbh i don't get angry, i'm the type that gets sad/upset but not angry or mad lmao

92. have you ever thought of a baby name, and if so, what is it?

do you think i'll tell you

93. do you want a girl or boy child?

i actually want a boy child first and then a girl a couple years later bc i always wanted an older brother and like i think it's super cute??

94. what are your strengths?

i like to think that i'm good at comforting people when they're upset? i'm not sure??? i don't think i'm good at stuff lol



i love spoiling my friends omg bc my friends are the best and they deserve all the love in the world and i love babying them and loving them and continuously telling them that mean everything to me c:

95. what are your weaknesses?

i'm like so weak to like a couple close friends of mine and i invest a lot of time in them and i go bipolar if i don't hear from them in a while and i get a lot of withdrawal symptoms, like recently even i had been a mess for a while i was so sad w;

even rn i'm like really worried bc katie's got this really good job she wanted and i'm so happy for her but that means she's gonna be so busy from now on and i wanna cry bc i love her smh why am i like this

96. how did you get your name?

... wasn't this asked before

97. were your ancestors royalty?

... what

if they were, i wouldn't have only 3 dollars in my bank account

98. do you have any scars?

who tf made these questions and why are these repeated

99. colour of your bedspread?


100. colour of your room?

green and blue ft red and orange

it's disgusting, trust me



fangirl-chaaan (ily AHAHHAHA)








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