Drowning - Bakugou X Reader

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Type: Angst and Romance

Warnings: Cursing and Violence

A/N: This is sorta my first time writing Angst, so I hope it comes out good XD

Y/N ran from side to side, fighting villians. They were almost about to overpower her, and there was nothing she could do about it. Her comrades had warned her not to go and battle, as she had been a bit weak the past few days. Maybe she was sick or maybe she was tired. But she didn't care. Lives were at stake, and that was all that mattered at the moment.

"Awwww! You're no fun, Y/N! Just give up easily and maybe we'll go soft on you," Himiko's voice rang out. "Hell no! Why would I surrender?!" Y/N yelled back.

"Fine then."

Shigaraki grabbed Y/N's hand and pinned her flat on the ground. "We warned you, H/N (hero name)." 

Y/N coughed and gasped for air. Dabi pulled her head up and blindfolded her. He then tied her arms and legs. "YOU GUYS WON'T BE ABLE TO STOP US! JUST BECAUSE I'M THE ONLY ONE HERE DOESN'T MEAN THAT MY FRIENDS WON'T COME AND STOー" Dabi paused Y/N mid sentence by taping her mouth.

Y/N didn't know what happened next, because Himiko knocked her out.


"-N. Y/N. Wake up. NOW."

Y/N groaned at the sudden sound. She began being shaken hard. "Tell me what your next plan is."

"No," Y/N said.


Y/N screamed so hard that her throat began to hurt. What was this pain? Was she being stabbed? Was she being zapped or tazed? Was it both? What were they doing to her? The stinging suddenly stopped.

"This is your second warning. Tell me what the heroes are doing." 

"I'll never tell yo-"


Y/N didn't have the strength to scream. She just slumped back in her chair. This time, the pain lasted much longerーmaybe 5 minutes? She could feel her whole body slightly become numb. It stopped again.

"This is your last warning: TELL US WHAT YOU GUYS ARE PLANNING!"

"I suggest you listen to him." Y/N felt her chin lift from a finger.

"Do whatever you want to me. I'm never telling you assholes what we are doing."


"We warned you~"


Y/N never got the chance to finish her sentence. The pain came again so suddenly that she shook extremely hard. She tried moving but she heard another click and more pain came. 

Her body was now fully numb. She couldn't feel the stabs, but she knew that she was being poked by knives. The vibrating came again and her body hurt. So. Freaking. Much. She yelled and her throat became more hoarse. She tried to summon her quirk but she couldn't. Every inch of her body was throbbing. Was it possible to have your whole existence feel like nothing after this? Well, that was what Y/N was feeling and nothing would stop her.

"Had enough yet?"

When Y/N didn't answer, he grabbed her shoulders and said: "No? Alright! We have a surprise in store for you!!! I think you might hate it!"

Y/N didn't care at this point. She felt like a nuisance. She failed her mission and she was doubting if she should even be a hero. Just like her parents had.

"Y/N~!" a voice sang out. "Wake up!"


"Are you sure your friends even care about you?"

"I don't know anything anymore."

"Haha! You're so funny!"

Y/N could feel the fabric of the blindfold still on her face. She could feel the thick rope that was still tying her together. It seemed as if her friends hadn't helped her yet.

"How long has it been?"

"More than 5 hours. Why?"

"No reason."

"Wow. You sure lost your will and power, haven't you, Y/N?"


"Ah, we're doing the silent treatment now, are we? Oh well. I guess you'll die a quiet death."


"Oh good! You're still alive! So here's what we're doing: Your body is still tied and blinded. And I'm going to throw you 500 feet down into a huge, deep lake. Sound good?"


"HAH. Your attitude definitely makes sense after facing betrayal. Your friends never cared about you. They only used you. They never loved you. They never remembered the memories you made with them. THEY HATE YOU. Hmph. You really are no fun. Well, goodbye! One less brat to deal with!"

And with those last words, Y/N was thrown 500 feet down into a huge, deep lake.

Y/N's mouth was open from surprise. Was she really about to die? Was she going throw away all her hard work, just like that? Yes. Yes she was. She had been wanting to die for a few years now, and this was the perfect chance. It was nice being a hero while she could.


Her body slowly drowned. She felt her phone float down next to her. Her frail structure hit the bottom of the water. She slowly wiggled to her phone. She wanted to say goodbye to her friends. Wait, she realized. They aren't my friends. They don't care about me. They HATE me.

Y/N also realized that she was sick. And being a "normal" human, she coughed and her breath was released. 

"Goodbye, cr...uel wo...rld...."

Y/N let the darkness take her over.

"WHERE THE FUCK IS Y/N?!" screamed Bakugou.

"I don't know, Kacchan," Midoriya whispered back.

"Should we go look for her?" suggested Todoroki.

"Nah...maybe she almost has it wrapped up. Let's wait," Bakugou tried believing.

They didn't know that she want going to come back without their help.

2 hours later...

"She isn't coming back...Do...do you think she got captured?" Midoriya asked.

"Well, it could be possible," Iida said while pushing his glasses up.

"Let's g- Katsuki, are you okay?" Kirishima asked a trembling Bakugou.

"What the hell do you think?! One of our comrades is gone!" Bakugou yelled back.

Uraraka went over and hugged Bakugou. "I don't need your hugs! Let's go find her!" he yelled again while pushing her off.

And off they went to find Y/N.

"Where is she? I can't locate her," stated Momo.

"I don't know..." said Kaminari.

"I'm scared," said a shaking Uraraka. Deku went over and squeezed her shoulder. "It'll be okay."

"Hey, wanna go check out that abandoned factory?" Todoroki said while pointing at the building.

Everyone nodded and followed him.




Everyone groaned. They'd been searching for her for over an hour. Y/N or the villains weren't anywhere near that area apparently. 

"She isn't picking up her phone either," admitted a tired Mina.

"That damn girl...where would she be?" Bakugou asked.

Everyone shook their heads. All their memories with Y/N were playing in their heads when a loud, evil laughter was heard. They all got up and ran outside.

"Can anyone hear where it came from?" asked Momo.

Everyone shook their head. 

"UGH!!! THIS IS SO HARD!!!" exclaimed a paranoid Kaminari.


"Did anyone hear that?"


And they all ran toward where the sound came from.

"But"-breath-"no one's here!" stated Kirishima.

"SHIT! I thought we were close!" cursed Bakugou.

"Wait...are those bubbles? Under the water?" asked Midoriya.

Bakugou rushed to the lake. (A/N: I'm getting lazy lol) He looked around a few times and saw nothing. Maybe she's IN the lake? thought Bakugou. He dived into the cold water.

He saw nothing around the top. He swam deeper into the darkness. Still nothing. A bit deeper...NOTHING. He swam all the way to the bottom and there she was, laying as still as a rock. 

He swam back to the surface and took a breath. "SHE'S IN THERE!" he yelled with joy. He dived in again.

He swam quickly to the bottom, grabbed her lifeless body, and rushed back to the top. "Help!" he cried out to his partners. They took the body from him and he walked next to her. "Is she alive?"

"Barely," Todoroki replied. "Someone's gotta push the water out of her systems. And she seems out of oxygen, so someone also needs to give her air."

"I...I'll do it," Bakugou said when he saw that everyone else was hesitating.

"Dude, that's so manly!" complimented Kirishima.

"Hmph, I know."

Bakugou bent down and sat on his knees. He looked at Y/N's face and slowly went to it. He pushed his lips onto hers, feeling happy. He finally got to kiss (not really- more like save) the person he had always admired. He loved her bravery, her adorable looks, her powerful talents--Basically everything about her. 

He breathed in a few breaths. They waited. Nothing. They waited some more...and she began breathing. 

They all sighed in relief. Todoroki looked at Bakugou and said, "When you push the water out of her, try to do it gently. She has broken bones all over her body."

Bakugou nodded. He sat on his knees again. He pressed softly on her stomach. Bakugou did the same thing about 6 times, until Y/N choked out water. She gasped for air. Her eyes opened wide, and she stared at Bakugou, who was leaning on top of her. Y/N coughed a few times and looked down.

"Why...why did you guys save me?"

"Hahahaha! This girl is so funny! She's asking why we sa-" Kaminari was cut mid sentence by Kirishima elbowing him.

"Because we are your FRIENDS, Y/N!" replied Uraraka.

"Yeah! Even if our lives are in danger, we'll help you!" added Midoriya.

"Thank you, all of you..." Y/N said.

"No problem. You'd do the same for us," Todoroki said while hugging Y/N.

"Uhm...guys, I don't think I can get u-" Y/N started, but Bakugou picked her up and put her on his back, piggyback style. "WHAT THE HECK?!"

"Shut up. I'm doing this for you, you big loser," Bakugou answered while flushing a light shade of red.

"Hmph. Whatever."

"I think we should take her to Recovery Girl," Mina suggested.

"Yeah. Doesn't she have broken bones all over in her body? No one wouldn't break at least one bone from that high up unless their quirk doesn't allow them to break bones!" Momo agreed.

"Alright. So that's where I'm taking her."

"Oh my! This is one huge injury she has! What happened, kids?" asked a surprised Recovery Girl.

"Y/N got captured by villains," answered Bakugou.

Recovery Girl just nodded and said, "You should've been more careful, Y/N. Your injuries are extremely big and this will take some time. I don't think you'll be able to do any Hero work for at least a month."

"A MONTH?!" Y/N yelled and then coughed.

"I suggest that you all leave. This is going to be disgusting."

Everyone walked out the door, leaving the old lady with Y/N. "I'm going to have to put you to sleep. So brace yourself."

"Wait, what?"

Recovery Girl grabbed a needle and filled it with Amnesia medicine. She stabbed Y/N with it. Y/N clenched her teeth and let out a small yelp. She was soon asleep, just like the old lady needed her to be.

The woman kissed all of Y/N's injured areas. She tried setting the bones back in place. Y/N was now wrapped with bandages in many different areas. (I'm so lazy at this point. Oof sorry -.-)


Y/N groaned as the light shined in her eyes. 

"You up?"

She turned her head to where the voice came from. "Baku..Bakugou?" she said weakly.

"Oi, you don't look too good. Wanna eat something?" he asked softly.

She nodded her head, since her throat felt really dry. Y/N tried getting up, but it seemed like she couldn't. 

"It's fine. Stay down. I'll feed you. I don't think you can get up anyways."

She let out a frustrated sigh. She looked at her bodyーBoiiiii, was she wrapped up! There was bandages on almost every part of her body. "What parts did I break?"

"Uhm...you fractured part of your skull, fractured 7 ribs, broke your left arm and right hand, and you broke both of your legs...so you'll be in a wheelchair for some time," Bakugou answered while settling next to Y/N. "Todoroki made some cold soba. I think you'll like it."

He helped her sit up. Y/N flinched. He fed her slowly. It took some time, but she finished eating. 

"I'm still sick though..." she mumbled.

"Oh yeah...Recovery Girl said that would delay your recovery too."

"Damn...thanks, Bakugou."

"O-Oi! Don't go saying thanks like that! All, I did was feed you!"

"Whatever," she muttered as she pecked his cheek quickly.

Y/N Took baby steps to the wheel chair. "Slowly, Y/N. You can do it..."  encouraged Midoriya.




SHE SITS ON THE WHEEL CHAIR!!! Claps were heard from all over the room. She laughed with delight.

Y/N had Bakugou push her around the school. It did piss him off at times, but he would do anything for her. 

He loved her, and she loved him...

Welp, that was a bit boring at the end...I hope you guys liked it! Comment down below or tell me a request that you guys want. I'll take everything except smut, and lemons, and lime, and anything else that includes sexual stuff.....sorry for putting it that way heh...JUST REQUEST WHATEVER LOL! Love ya! Love yourselves!

- Alpha/Raifah

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