Chapter 6: Heroes and Villains

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POV: Y/n

Mr. Aizawa had just thrown up the results from testing, with Midoriya's name at the very bottom and mine near the middle Shit. I guess I'm dropping out already. I thought as I glanced at Midoriya who was keeping his eyes closed tight, hiding from the truth. "Also," Aizawa continued, "I was lying about expelling someone." "So I ain't gotta drop out?" I said rather abruptly as everyone looked in shock. "That was a rational deception. Meant to bring out the best in all of you." "WHAAAAAAA?!" Midoriya, Ochako, and Iida said as a well rounded, black haired female spoke up "Well of course it was a lie," she said, "didn't take much to figure that out." "Even so, it ain't an easy feat." I said as Aizawa pulled a paper out of his desk. "Anyway, we're done here." Aizawa said as he filled out a paper, "Your documents about the curriculum and such are about to be passed out. Give them a look." Aizawa then handed Midoriya a paper, causing him to jump, "Midoriya. Have Recovery Girl fix you up. Tomorrow's trials aren't gonna be any easier."

After a few minutes I was waiting outside for Midoriya to head back outside after school had ended. "I'm pooped." Midoriya said as he walked past me with a slouch, barely noticing that I was there. "Well, the day just ended," I said walking behind him, making him jump, "so ya have a chance to take a nap." "Midoriya, how's your finger?" Iida asked as he placed his hand on Midoriya's shoulder. "Gah!" Midoriya shouted as he regained his composure, "Iida! It's fine, thanks to Recovery Girl." "But Aizawa sensei sure fooled us." Iida said as we walked back home, "He made me think 'This is how it is at the top!' but, our own instructor deceived us like that," "I thought somethin' was off," I said as I rubbed my chin, "but the adrenaline rushin' through my mind didn't let me think straight." "Hey!" came a feminine voice from behind us as we all looked towards it, seeing Ochako running up to us. "You three! Headed to the station? Wait up!" "Ah, Infinity Girl." Iida said as we stopped walking so she could catch up. "I'm Ochako Uraraka!" She said with a smile, "Um, you're Tenya Iida, Y/n L/n, and Midoriya, um Deku! Right!!" "DEKU?!" the three of us said in unison. "Hmm? During the test, that Bakugo guy said 'Damn you Deku!!' right?" Ochako said as she held up her finger in a sign of rememberance. "Um..." Midoriya started, "my real name is Izuku, 'Deku' is just Kacchan being a bully..." "He's been doin' it since before I met 'em." I said as Iida grew an agitated expression, "A derogatory pet name then?" he silently asked, as Ochako started to rub the back of her head. "Oh, gotcha!!" she said, "Sorry!! But 'Deku,' well... it just screams, "Do your best!!" I kinda like it." "DEKU'S FINE!!" Midoriya said quickly as his face was a few shades redder than his shoes. "Midoriya!!" Iida shouted in disbelief as we continued on our way "Show a bit of backbone! It's an insult isn't it? It's like the Copernican Revolution..." "I still don't entirely know what it means." I said as Ochako was confused. "It means 'nothing'." Iida answered. "I am going to beat the scat outta Bakugo if I get the chance." I said calmly, learning on how frequently Bakugo had been bullying and imprinting on the others. "Did you not know what it meant?" Ochako asked. "I just 'sumed it was his middle name er somethin'." I responded, "I'm an immigrant. Japanese is my second language."

The next day we started our first classes. The Pro Hero Present Mic led the english class which is still difficult and boring, even if he yells or sings everything. Lunch came around noon, giving us high quality foods for next to free, a Pro Hero named Lunch Rush suggested taking the white rice. Our Hero courses were in the afternoon, basic training was up first, and apparently we had a special guest teach the class. "I HAVE...!!" came a familiar, loud voice came down the hall towards our door before it burst open with All Might's laugh "COME THROUGH THE DOOR, LIKE NORMAL!!" "Hate to see abnormal." I muttered as everyone stared in shock as All Might appeared in the door, wearing a red, white, and blue costume with golden accents. "It's All Might!!" one of the students shouted, "Incredible. He's really gonna teach us!!" "That's his Silver Age costume!" someone else shouted, "He's drawn so differently than the rest of us. Gives me goosebumps." "Hero Basic Training!" All Might said as he struck a pose, "The class that'll put you through all sorts of special training to mold you into heroes!! No time to dally. Today's activity is this!!" All Might then held out a sign that said 'BATTLE' written on it in red english letters, "BATTLE TRAINING!!" "Battle training." I said with a smirk, "Time to learn about some new quirks." "And for that," All Might said as the walls clicked and glass cubbies slid out of the wall, numbered 1 to 21 behind the glass, "you need these!! In accordance with the 'Quirk Registry' and the special request forms you filled out before being admitted costumes!!" This got everyone excited as most of us stood up immediately as we heard it. "After you change," All Might said, "come out in ranking order to Ground Beta!!"

After throwing on my hero costume, which was simply a pair of leather boots, a pair of jeans, a f/c flannel shirt, a small utility belt, a brown trench coat covering a small bit of titanium plating, and a fine leather cowboy hat with a damascus plate shaped like North Carolina on the front. With me scoring the highest of the students I was the first one out and waited for the others. I waited in a small cityscape, much like the one the entrance exam was held in. Bakugo was the second one out, wearing a mask that slid back to look like an explosion. On his wrists were guards that looked like grenades. "That doesn't seem like a hero suit." I said acknowledging his costume. "Shuddup Copycat!" I then watched the other students step out, with Midoriya being the last one out. He wore a green suit that slightly resembled All Might's and still had his bright red suits. "Well!!" All Might said as Midoriya walked out, "Shall we begin, my wards?!"

"It's time for Battle Training!!" All Might said as we student looked around at each other in our costumes. "Being in the hero course is the best!" said a small boy with purple balls on his head as he stared at Ochako, Ashido and the other females. Midoriya seemed nervous at that comment, I guess he still doesn't believe that he's here, learning under his hero. "We're all here then?" All Might asked as he looked at the class, "You're all looking good!!" All Might then caught a glimpse of Midoriya and had to keep himself from laughing. "Sensei!" Iida said in a suit of armor resembling is brothers, "This appears to be the same field used in the entrance exam. Will we be once again performing cityscape maneuvers?!" "Nope!" All Might answered, "You'll be moving on to step two! Indoor Antipersonnel Battle Training!! Villain battles are most commonly seen outdoors, but statistically, the most heinous villains are more likely appear indoors. Between confinement, house arrest, black market deals, in this hero-filled society of ours, the cleverest villains out there lurk indoors!! You'll be split into Villain teams and Hero teams and face off in two-on-two indoor battles!! However, since there are an odd number of you, we had a unique challenge. Young Y/n, since you scored the highest during the entrance exam, you will compete on your own for two events!" "That seems fair sir." I said as I stood at attention "So no basic training?" a girl in a green jumpsuit with goggles asked as All Might clenched his fist, "Practical experience teaches you the basics!" He responded, "The distinction here is that you won't be fighting disposable robots." All Might was then hit by a barrage of questions from other students. "One at a time!" All Might shouted in retaliation as he pulled out a small piece of paper, "My quirk isn't super-hearing!! Listen up!! Here's the deal. The villains will be hiding a nuclear weapon in the hideout. And the heroes have to go in and take care of it." This is like the comics back home. I thought as All Might continued to read off his cheat sheet, "The heroes have a limited amount of time to either capture the villains or secure the weapon. The villains must either capture the heroes or protect the weapon until time is up. You battle partners will be decided by drawing lots." All Might then picked up a box with a circle cut in the top. "Is that really the best way?!" Iida asked. "Makes sense," Midoriya said catching everyone's attention, "because pros often have to team up with heroes from other agencies on the spot during emergencies," "An' it's best if a hero knows how to get 'long with other heroes." I added looking dead at Bakugo. "I see!" Iida said looking at me and Midoriya, "I apologize for getting ahead of myself, my mistake!" "It's fine!!" All Might interrupted, "Let's just get to it!!"

The ten teams were made up of Midoriya and Ochako as Team A, the heterochromatic guy and a tall male with six arms as Team B, the busty black haired girl and the short purple haired guy as Team C, Iida and Bakugo as Team D, Mina and the guy she raced yesterday as Team E, a guy in a yellow jumpsuit and a rock-like boy as Team F, a goth girl and blonde in leather as Team G, a crow-headed man and the girl in the green jumpsuit as Team H, the tailed guy and an invisible girl, who I didn't see at first, as Team I, and Kirishima and a guy who could belong in Daft Punk as Team J with me 'forming' Team K. Deku was nervous about partnering with a girl. "Ya got this man." I said patting his shoulder. "I can't even say two words to her." he silently yelled as I tried to reassure him, "Don't stress 'bout it." I added as All Might drew the first teams. "The heroes are Team A!! The villains are Team D!!" 'This'll be interestin' to see." I said as we were organized into an observing room.

I was carefully watching over the monitors to see Midoriya in action. "Sooo Y/n," Ashido said as she rest an arm on my shoulder, "who do ya think will win?" "I'd hope it's Midoriya, but I ain't got a clue." "So do you not like that Bakugo fella?" she asked. "Nope," I responded, "he's too cocky for his own good. It'll get 'im in some trouble someday." "Hey, I think they're starting!" she said as Bakugo and Iida walked into the building. "The villain teams get a setup time." I responded, watching the other screens "By the way, I like the costume. It looks good on ya." "Thanks Y/n," Ashido responded with a huge smile, "you look awesome in yours too." We then watched All Might walk off towards the monitor room. "Watch closely and try to learn something everyone!" All Might said as Midoriya and Ochako used her quirk to float to a window. Iida was alone, monitoring the weapon as Bakugo was nowhere to be found. "Smart idea," I silently said, "using Zero Gravity to get in without taking the front door. But watch out for Bakugo, he'll just tear the building down after them."

After watching the hero team walk around for a minute, I saw Bakgo jump out of the corner in front of Deku and Ochako, firing off a large blast that knocked the two heroes back to the ground. "A sneak attack!" the short guy said as the shockwave of the blast. "At least he didn't blow down the entire building." I said clenching my fist. "That's low Bakugo!!" Kirishima said with a scowl, "Sneak attacks are so unmanly!!" "Yet they're a pretty good strategy." I said as Ashido kept looking at the screens and back at us, "Midoriya sure can dodge!" Bakugo then reared back his fist before throwing a right hook at Midoriya, who surprisingly managed to counter it by flipping Bakugo over his shoulder. Damn, never seen 'im do that. I thought as everyone was surprised. I watched as Bakugo stood back up, pissed that his attack had been countered. The two stood there and spoke for a while before things got heated. "What're they saying?" Kirishima asked, "These fixed cameras don't have any sound." "They're communicating with micro transceivers!" All Might answered, "We gave them to the battlers along with the building blueprints. Also," as he said this he held up a roll of tape, "this is Capture Tape! Tying this around your opponent is sufficient proof of capture!!" "So they've only got 15 minutes," I started, "but the heroes ain't sure of the location of the weapon, right?" "YES!" All Might energetically answered, "The hero teams are at a real disadvantage, huh." Ashido said. "It's like Aizawa told you. Say it with me!" All Might said as he turned towards us students. "PLUS ULTRA!" everyone minus me and a kid in silver plate armor who spoke up, "Ah, Monsieur Bakugo is!" He said as I drew my attention to the screen and seeing Bakugo launch himself feet first towards Midoriya with Ochako running off to find Iida and the weapon. As Midoriya then pulled out some of the capture tape and got it around Bakugo's leg as his kick missed. Bakugo then threw a right hook in retaliation which was dodged by Midoriya. "He's amazing!!" the guy in the yellow jumpsuit said in awe of the melee before us, "going toe-to-toe without using his quirk against the runner up in the entrance exam!" I watched as Midoriya got back to his feet before running off at full speed to hide from Bakugo. "He's really angry." the blonde guy in leather said as we watched Bakugo create small explosions in his gauntlets. "I've seen 'im get worse."

I watched the screen as Ochako made her way to the top floor where the nuclear weapon and Iida were. Iida appeared differently than he had before, asif he turned into a villain, he had cleaned the floor, likely clearing the floor of any debris Ochako could use to her advantage. Iida really is gettin' into the roll. I thought as I looked at Midoriya crouching in a corner trying to come up with a strategy. After a minute of nothing happening, Bauko managed to find Deku and reached out his arm and started fiddling around with his gauntlet. "Bakugo. Stop it now." All Might said into a mic that he had, "Are you trying to kill him?" "Probably," I said looking at the camera with a clenched fist, "and I can't fuckin' do shit!" As I said that we watched as Bakugo released a large explosion that destroyed the walls along the hallway. "I thought this was just practice!" Kirishima said in shock. "Midoriya," I said, scared for my friends life, "Please tell me you survived."

I didn't take my eyes off the screen waiting to see if Midoriya was alive. Apparently, Ochako had made her way towards the weapon but Iida managed to grab it and carry it away from her. I looked as the smoke cleared on the cameras where Bakugo had tried to kill Midoriya. I saw Midoriya sitting on the ground with his costume torn to shreds. "Sensei," Kirishima said as I managed to break away from staring at the screen, "shouldn't you stop him? Bakugo's crazy, he's looking to kill!!" "No." I heard All Might say as he pulled his mic up, "Bakugo, use that move again, and I will forcibly end the match. You will lose. Using massive attacks like that indoors is just asking to have your own stronghold destroyed! Whether hero or villain, it's a bad move! And a good way to lose points!" "Kirishima, mind if I talk to mr. All Might 'ere for a second, in private." I said as I put my hand on his shoulder. "Sure man, I'll watch this fight go down." Kirishima said as he walked away. "All Might." I said in a harsh tone, "I know Midoriya is your heir, but you have to end this." "I know young Y/n." All Might said as the other students started talking about what was happening on the screen. "I am torn. As a teacher, I should stop this now! However, as a mentor, I want to watch young Midoriya perform well." "If you don't step in," I said clenching my fist, "Midoriya, Midoriya will die!" "We will have to see young Y/n." All Might reassured. "If I think Midoriya is about to die," I said with a glare, "I will go down there and stop him myself. With or without your help."

I then walked over and watched Midoriya up against a wall, looking like he was yelling back at Bakugo in retaliation. "Bakugo sure is confident, huh." one of the students said as Midoriya and Bakugo threw a punch at each other. "Sensei!!" Kirishima shouted "This looks bad! Sensei!" "DAMN YOU BAKUGO!" I shouted as I started to turn around as All Might stopped me. "Watch." As All Might said that I turned around and saw Midoriya throw an uppercut as Bakugo's fist guided an explosion into Midoriya's face. However, when Midoriya threw his punch he destroyed a hole in the floor, sending debris into the rooms above him, giving Ochako the ammo to distract Iida. As Iida blocked the debris from hitting him, Ochako leapt over him, landing on the bomb, capturing it. "The hero..." All Might said in awe, "The Hero Team WINNNNNNS!!"

Everyone was in shock as All Might said this. Midoriya and Ochako were exhausted. Iida was helping the sick Ochako. "The lost the battle," the bird-man started, "but they won the war, so to speak." "It's just training, though." the frog girl quietly added. "And Bakugo didn't give a shit." I looked back to the screen and saw All Might cheering up Bakugo as Midoriya was wheeled away to the nurse's office. When All Might got back with the three students he isolated them from the rest of us and spoke. "Well, I'd say, the V.I.P. in this battle was Iida!!" This surprised Iida while saddening Ochako and offending Bakugo. "Not Ochako or Midoriya? Even though they won?" the frog girl asked. "I wonder why? Anyone know?!" All Might asked as the busty black haired girl raised her hand. "I do All Might sensei." She said before answered, "It's because Iida was most able to adapt to the scenario. From what I saw, Bakugo's every action was motivated by an obvious personal grudge. And as you mentioned before, sensei, using destructive attacks indoors is foolish. Midoriya's performance suffered from the same faults. Uraraka lost focus halfway through. And her final attack was far too haphazard. Such an attack would be unthinkable if the nuclear weapon were real. But Iida performed an actual counter-strategy and he envisioned what the actual struggle would be like. He was only too late in reacting at the very end. The hero team only won because this was a training exercise with Exploitable constraints." All Might looked at her with surprise. "Yes, you're correct!" he said with a thumbs up. "We've got to star at the bottom and work up!" she said as she put her hands on her hips, "And if we don't earnestly cheer each other on, we'll never be top heroes!"

All Might then suggested that I take my first trial as the villain team. I was first put against Team C. I walked in about 5 minutes before the hero team. "Mimic; Cloning." I said as I vomited up two clones of myself to help me defend the weapon. I'm really glad my best friend is a hero nerd. I thought as I came up with a strategy. "Mimic; Hellblaze. Mimic; Acid. Mimic; Cement." I then used Hellblaze to cut a hole in the floor in front of the door as I used Acid to hold the block in place before solidifying it with the flames. My clones and I then used Cement to hide the weapon on all sides, making it look like one of the pillars and seal up all of the windows. "I'm ready when you are." I said as I created a ball of acid in my hand.

I waited about 5 minutes before I heard footsteps coming from the stairs in front of me. Mimic; Dead Eye. Mimic; Explosion. I thought as I saw the busty girl poke her head up before a barrage of purple balls came flying towards me. Reflexively, I vomited up another clone and jumped behind the weapon while using explosion to provide a distraction. "He's gone." came a feminine voice as I hid behind the weapon, "Watch my back." I then heard the ground crack as she screamed, falling to the floor below. "You thought this'd be easy?" I asked, stepping out from hiding as one of my clones looked into the hole, only to be grabbed and thrown down. "And you shouldn't be so curious." the small purple haired boy said as I activated my quirk. Mimic; Steel. I then ran in and punched the little man in the gut, sending him down the stairs as my clone used Cement to close off the stairwell by a few feet and plug up the hole.

Nine minutes later I heard something whirling up, coming from the stairs as if something was cutting through it. I then charged up a ball of acid as I waited for them to bust through the cement. When they burst through, I threw the ball at their feet as they jumped back before throwing a metal staff at me. I then watched at the busty girl jumped up as a pink collection of sparkles came out the opening of her costume and the small guy tackled me clone using his capture tape. "I got him!" he shouted as my clone started to melt. "Think again tiny!" I shouted as I saw the girl create a cannon and fire it at me. I barely managed to activate Steel as I felt the putty cannonball land on my chest. "What in tarnation is your quirk?" I asked as I melted the putty off me and threw an acid ball into the muzzle. "Creation." The girl said with a smirk as I ran up to her and used Cement to immobilize her. I then turned to the tiny guy, who was busy trying to not get caught in the capture tape. "I'll give ya one shot." I said as I picked him up by the balls on his head. "Okay." the tiny guy said as he used his feet to push off of my chest and get on the ground, the balls on his head no stuck to my hand. "I's speakin' metaphorically," I said as I used Acid to melt the sticky ball off, "but that's a damn good move. Sticky Balls?" "Not telling you now." the little guy said as he ran off towards where the weapon was. "Oh no ya don't!" I shouted as I ran after him.

"TIMES UP!" came a voice box from inside the weapon seconds before the tiny guy made it to the weapon. "Holy shit." I muttered in english before falling down. "We were so close." the girl said as I remembered that she was in the still in the cement, "We just needed to find the weapon." "Upside'a knowin' a helluva lot of quirks." I said as I deactivated my powers, causing the weapon to be revealed as the cement sank back into the ground. "How was I supposed to get to it!?" the tiny kid said, annoyed that the weapon was hidden. "I left the top open," I said as I helped him up, "so if ya came from above you'd get to it." "Still not fair." he quietly said leaving the room. "Good job Y/n." the girl said as we started to walk out, "Thanks," I responded as I saw All Might consoling the little guy, "that's an awesome quirk you have. Didn't ya call it Creation?" "Yes." She responded, "I can create anything as long as I know it's structural formula using the fat stored in my body." "Your metabolism must be workin' overtime." I joked as she sped her pace. "Bad joke, got it. Can I at least get a name miss?" "Momo Yaoyorozu." she said as we entered the monitor room before the small guy and All Might.

"Well, without a doubt," All Might said as me, Momo, and the little guy stood in front of the remainder of the class, "Young Y/n was by far the V.I.P. in this match. Using his quirk to hide the weapon and setting up traps to slow the hero team down. And managing to stop two of them all on his own. Very respectable." Bakugo was irritated seeing that I was receiving more praise than him. After we were dismissed, Mina ran up to me in an excited manner. "Good job Y/n!" She exclaimed with a smile, "Thanks Mina." I said with a smile. "I didn't expect to get the VIP." "But you're super cool," Mina added with a glint like Midoiya's in his eye whenever a new hero comes on the field, "you deserve the praise!" "I wish Midoriya was here to see though." I said looking down as the next groups started. I wasn't paying too much attention, but it seemed like teams I and B were the Villain and Hero teams respectively.

A few moments later, I heard All Might and Kirishima gasp at what was happening in the testing area. When I looked at the screen, the entire building was covered in ice. "The hell?" I asked as we looked at the screen. "Without harming his ally or the nuclear weapon," All Micht said with a shiver, "he immobilized the enemy!" "He's too strong!!" Kirishima said as he tried to warm himself. "Mimic; Hellblaze." I said as I used flames to warm up the room as the ice around us started to melt. "THE HERO TEAM WINS!!" All Might shouted over the speaker system. "Up next is Team K as the hero and Team J as the villain team." All Might said as Kirishima looked at me with a grin. "Looks like we're up next Y/n!" he said as he clenched his fist, "Let's give it our all!" "I'll give y'all a challenge!" I said as we left for the new training area.

"Come on Sero!" Kirishima said as he and the Daft Punk looking guy swung up to the top floor and busted through a window. "Welp," I said watching them, "that's one way'a gettin' inside." After waiting for five minutes All Might gave me the clear to enter the building. "Mimic; Zero Gravity." I said as I jumped up to the roof and paced me way to where I thought the bomb was. "Mimic; Cloning. Mimic; Acid. Mimic; Arbor." I said vomiting up a clone and melting a hole in the roof as I saw the clone hold onto the roof and use Arbor to anchor into the roof only to burst through the window as Kirishima rushed forward as Seto, at least I think that's his name, if it is a he under that helmet, wrapped a tape like substance around my clone as he disintegrated. "What am I gonna do." I said to myself, sitting down above wear the weapon was, "It don't look like they've protected the top, but I'd need a distraction..."

I sat on the roof for a few moments thinking of a plan I came up with something. "Screw it." I said as I concentrated on my quirk, "Mimic; Acid." I then melted a hole in the roof that was large enough for me to squeeze through. As I looked into the room that housed my goal, I realized that Kirishima was waiting for me. "I figured you would try that!" he shouted as I held on the a piece of the roof, "That clone was a good distraction, but it went down too easily!" Mimic; Arbor I thought as I began to swing towards the weapon, and letting go when I reached enough momentum. As I reached out to the weapon, I felt a tape-like substance wrap around my torso, "I gotcha!" Sero said as I panicked. "Improvised Special Move; Lacquered Chain Grasp!" I said as my now wooden limb stretched out and grabbed a hold of the weapon. "THE HERO TEAM WINS!" All Might shouted over the speakers as I deactivated my quirk.

"Good job man." Sero said as he set me down and opened his mask, revealing a simple face with jet black hair. "I'm surprised you could do that. I should have used more tape up above." "It's good man." I said as I reached out my hand, "What's that quirk'a yours?" "It's called Tape." Sero said with a smile, "I eject a cellophane tape-like substance from my elbows. It's kinda simple." "But useful." I responded as we all left and the class continued.

After the class had ended, All Might called us out for a review. "Well done, everyone!!" He said triumphantly before us, "No serious injuries, apart from Midoriya's! Great teamwork though!! You all did splendidly, considering this was your first training exercise! Coming after Aizawa sensei, such a straightforward class is almost a letdown. We teachers are free to hold no-nonsense classes if we choose! Now, I'm off to give Midoriya his evaluation! Change out of those costumes and head back to the classroom!" "Mr. Aizawa," I said as All Might ran off, "I'm going to see Midoriya, I'll be back in class soon." I then ran after All Might, catching up to him when he reached a building in his small form. "Why did you follow me young L/n?" he asked as we walked towards Recovery Girl's office, "Like hell I ain't gonna see my best friend in the emergency room."

All Might got quite the scolding when we arrived in Recovery Girls office. "THE YEAR'S ONLY JUST STARTED," She yelled while spinning her giant chair to face us, "AND THIS IS HIS THIRD TIME HERE!! WHY DIDN'T YOU PREVENT THIS, ALL MIGHT?!" "My apologies Recovery Girl," All Might said as I walked to Midoriya who lied in the bed, "IT'S NOT ME YOU NEED TO APOLOGIZE TO!!" She yelled before calming down, "Yesterday and today, He's come to me completely fatigued! This isn't so easily healed! I've given him emergency first aid and an I.V. drip, but now all we can do for him is to recover on his own!" "So I ain't usin' your quirk to help him." I said as she glared at me. "Young man, could go back to class please." she asked as I nodded and silently left to change out of my costume.

When I returned to the classroom, Kirishima was the first to notice my return. "Hey, Y/n's here!" he shouted, "Welcome back man!" After he said that, Mina ran up to me. "Y/n, I didn't know you had a special move!" She said as she pulled me into a hug. "Welp," I said nervously, "it ain't a special move of my own. I used Kamui Woods' quirk and just a modified version of Lacquered Chain Prison." "That's still really cool!" she said releasing the hug. "You got any other special moves?" Kirishima asked. "I can mess with Bakugo if that counts." I said as Bakugo glared at me. I then noticed the frog-girl walk up to me. "I'm Tsuyu Asui." She said with a deadpan stare, "Just call me Tsuyu." "I'm Y/n L/n," I said with an awkward smile, "Nice to meet ya Tsuyu." "Attention class." Aizawa said as he enter the room, "I'm not going to go easy because one of you isn't here. The class will continue."

The class continued until the end of the day when Midoriya returned to the class with his right arm in a sling. "Yalright man?" I asked as he entered the door to be swarmed with the other students seeing as class had ended. I then looked over and saw Iida yelling at a student who was sitting on a desk. "Iida," I said calmly, "Don't get too tensed up. And fella, ya wanna be the one cleanin' it?" "Whatever." the guy said as he jumped off the desk and walked out of the room. "Wrong foot, got it." I said quietly as I gathered my belongings. "Midoriya, you ready?" "Give me a minute Y/n," Midoriya said as he was talking to Ochako, "I'll see you on the way." "Got it man, g'luck." I said as I left the school.

After a few minutes of walking, I heard Midoriya running up behind me. "How'd it go?" I asked as he caught up to me. "How'd what go?" he responded. "With Ochako, you flirt with her?" "Wwwwwwwha?" Midoriya said in a panic before speaking a thousand words a second. "I's jokin' man." I said as I pat his shoulder, "But on a serious note, what were you an' Bakugo arguin' about durin class? Ya seemed to strike a different nerve than normal." "I told him that I always looked up to him and that I will be the Deku that does his best." Midoriya said as he looked down. "So ya want me to call ya Deku more often now?" I asked "If you're gonna be the Duke who does his best, than add me in." "Seriously?" Midoriya responded. "Hey, I've got to support my best friend." I said as we made our way home.

Alright, that took longer than I thought. Figured I'd leave off with a longer chapter instead of a few suspenseful chapters. Either way, God bless y'all, good luck with school and life. Stay safe, go out and do some good. And I'll see y'all next time.

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