The Final Battle at USJ

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Hikari was spinning around shooting bullets with her ShotRiser at every villain and magias.

She finished beating up all of the villains and magias and she looks to see Bakugo and Kirishima beating all of them with their finishing moves.

Bakugo: Is this all of them? They're so weak.

Hikari: Says the one panting right now.

Kirishima turns to Hikari and Bakugo.

Kirishima: All right. Let's hurry up and go save the others. If we're here, then everyone else should be inside the USJ, too.

Kirishima looks at his hand and clenches his fist.

Kirishima: I'm worried about the guys with less offensive ability. Because we ran off ahead, we slowed Thirteen down. If Thirteen had been able to suck up that fog, then this wouldn't have happened! As men...

Hikari: Ahem.

Kirishima turns to Hikari.

Kirishima: Oh, sorry. I forgot that you're here too. Anyway, as men and a strong woman, we have to take responsibility for what we did!

Hikari: There's no need to worry about that, Kirishima, but what's done is done. We need to find a way out of here first.

Bakugo: If you want to go, then go by yourselves. I'm gonna kill that warp gate.

Hikari: Looks like the president was right. You really are an idiot. And you say "kill" a lot too.


Kirishima: What? You're gonna act childish at a time like this? Besides, that guy's attacks are--

Bakugo: Shut up! That gate bastard is the enemy's way in and out. I'm gonna cut off their gateway route for when the time comes. It's not like we don't have a way to fight the fog.

An invisible humanoid lizard jumps at Bakugo, but Bakugo immediately grabs the lizard, smashes him into the ground and adds an explosion to it.

Bakugo: Anyway, if these small fries are the ones assigned to us, pretty much everyone will be fine, right?

Hikari: *sweatdrops* I didn't see that coming...

Kirishima: That reaction time was amazing... Anyway, were you always so calm and rational?

Hikari: Well, you're more like...

(Hikari and Kirishima's imagination)

Bakugo: DIE! DIE! DIE!!!

Bakugo puts his mad face on.

Bakugo: I'm always calm and rational, you spikey-haired punk!

Kirishima: Oh yeah, that's more like it!

Hikari: *sigh* Why am I with these idiots...?

Bakugo: Then go if you want to!

Bakugo walks away after throwing the Villain down.

Hikari: And there he goes again...

Kirishima: Wait, wait!

Bakugo looks back.

Kirishima: Believing in our friends!

Kirishima hardens his body.

Kirishima: That's real manly, Bakugo!

Kirishima smashes his fists together.

Kirishima: I'll follow you!

Hikari: *sigh* Well, if you can't beat them, join them.

Hikari pulls out her M4 rifle and reloads her weapon.

Kirishima: Whoa! Now that is more manly for a girl like you, Hikari!

Hikari: ...

Kirishima: Hm? What is it?

Hikari looks away with her face all red.

Hikari: ...*blush* Don't call me by my first name, you idiot...

Kirishima: ?

Bakugo: Don't hold me back, cheetah girl.

Hikari: That goes for you too, you hothead idiot.


Zero-One in his flying falcon form was flying in the air attacking Jin while Vulcan shoots at Jin from the ground with his Attache Shotgun.

Zero-One: Who are you?! Why did you hacked all of the Humagears and brought them to attack us?!

Vulcan: You bastard! What's your objective?!

Jin: Hahahaha! Why would I tell you that?! This is all the League of Villains and's objective after all!

Vulcan kept firing at Jin as he and Zero-One looked at the direction where Aizawa's arms snap due to a Human Bird Head Hybrid.

Zero-One: Mr. Aizawa!!!

??????: If you have time focus on others, then look out for yourself.

Zero-One and Vulcan turn to see Horobi pulling out his Attache Arrow and shoots at Zero-One.

Zero-One falls down and Jin looks at Horobi.

Jin: Hahahahaha! Nice shot, Horobi.

Horobi turns to Vulcan.

Horobi: Show me what you got, Zero, One, A.I.M.S.

Horobi shoots a purple energy blast with the Attache Arrow at Zero-One and Vulcan that detonates upon impact on them.

Zero-One/Vulcan: GAH!!!

Zero-One and Vulcan land on the ground.

Jin lands near Horobi.

Jin: Hahahaha! That was so cool, Horobi! Let me join in the fun too!

Horobi: We need to focus on our objective first, Jin.

Midoriya: Smash...!

Horobi and Jin turn around and stand their ground from the force of the wind to see Midoriya's punch against the Hybrid.

Horobi: Fool. As if that's enough to hurt Nomu.

Jin: Well, he doesn't stand a chance at all.

The thing known as Nomu grabs Midoriya by the arm.

Horobi: Let's go, Jin.

Jin: Right, right!

Horobi and Jin slowly walk towards Zero-One and Vulcan to finish them off. Until...





LIGHTNING HORNET! (Piercing needle with an incredible force)



A continuous powerful yellow energy blast stops Horobi and Jin in their tracks,

Zero-One: We're saved...?!

Vulcan: That's...!

Zero-One and Vulcan looked at the direction where the attack came from and saw Valkyrie in her Lightning Hornet form.

Valkyrie: Sorry that I'm late.

Zero-One: I'll say.

Vulcan: It's about damn time you brought your ass on time.

Valkyrie: Shut up.

Zero-One: All right. Let's do this!

Vulcan/Valkyrie: Roger!

Vulcan: I'll be taking this!

Vulcan grabs the Attache Calibur from Zero-One and runs at Horobi while Valkyrie runs at Jin.

Zero-One: H-Hey, give me back my weapon! You can't just take it without my permission!

Valkyrie: We'll hold them off, Mr. President! Go help the others!

Vulcan: Just go! Hurry!

Zero-One: G-Got it! Thanks, you two!

Zero-One then ran off to save the others leaving Vulcan and Valkyrie with Horobi and Jin.

(All Might)



Zero-One ran back to the middle of the USJ only to see dust clouds, villains, and magias all around.

Zero-One: Damn it. They just keep coming. I have to hold them off a little longer.

Zero-One was tired as he was in his fighting position to fight them all, until...

Iida: Iida Tenya!!! Class Representative reporting for duty!!!

Zero-One looks to see Iida with all the Heroes of U.A right behind him.

Zero-One gets down on his knees and looks around.

Zero-One: Phew! Finally, the Pro Heroes are here.

Before the pro hero Cementos covered Zero-One's area of sight, he saw All Might's body smoking.

Inner Zero-One: Looks like All Might is already out of time, but thankfully the heroes of U.A arrived here just in time.

Vulcan: Hey, Prez!

Zero-One turns his head and sees Vulcan and Valkyrie running towards him.

Zero-One: Oh, Okami, Hikari, I'm glad you're both okay...Hm?

Zero-One looks around and sees that Horobi and Jin are nowhere to be found.

Zero-One: Where did those two Kamen Riders go?

Valkyrie: They got away with that purple fog villain.

Vulcan: Damn it! We were this close to capturing them! That was our only chance why the Humagears were hacked and went rogue.

Zero-One: ... But they did give us one clue about it.

Vulcan and Valkyrie turn to Zero-One.

Vulcan/Valkyrie: What?


(Outside of USJR)

The detectives' names Naomasa Tsukauchi and his partner, the legendary detective Humagear, Wazu Nazotoku were counting the students.

Tsukauchi: 16,17,18,19...

Wazu: Well, other the boy with both legs seriously injured, President Y/N, and two students from A.I.M.S, everyone else seems unharmed.

Hagakure then tapis Ojiro's shoulder.

Hagakure: Ojiro, I heard you were fired up this time. You were strong by yourself, huh?

Ojiro: I thought everyone was by themselves. I survived by using hit-and-run tactics. Where were you, Hagakure?

Hagakure: In the landslide area. *points at Todoroki*Todoroki was super strong, I was surprised.

Ojiro: Anyway, I'm glad you weren't hurt.

Todoroki: ...

Inner Todoroki: I almost froze her...That was close.

Tsukauchi: *looks at Wazu*Let's have the students return to their classroom for now. We won't be questioning them right away, anyway, right, Wazu?

Wazu: That's right.

Asui: *looks at Wazu* Detective, what about Mr. Aizawa?

Wazu scans the status and info about Aizawa's state.

Wazu: According to the report from the hospital, his arms were broken and crumbling. He has a comminuted fracture in both arms and a facial fracture. But he doesn't have any serious brain damage. But his eyes might be affected.

Asui: Ribbit...

Mineta: No...

Ashido: What about Thirteen?

Tsukauchi: Well, the laceration from the back to the upper arm was bad but Thirteen will survive. All Might will also survive. Recovery Girl's healing is enough to treat him, so he's in the nurse's office.

Uraraka: Deku...!

Iida: What about Midoriya?!

Wazu: That boy? He's in treatment in the nurse's office is enough for him, too. He will be fine. Don't worry, young children.

Uraraka: Thank goodness...

Yaoyorozu: Wait!

Everyone turns to Yaoyorozu.

Yaoyorozu: Where are Y/N, Fuwa, and Yaiba?

Kirishima: Oh, you're right. Now that you say that, I don't see Hikari-chan anywhere too.

Jiro: I don't see Fuwa too.

Wazu: Oh, you mean President Y/N, and A.I.M.S? Don't worry about them. They just left a while ago and they are trying to figure out why the rogue Humagears went rogue and joined forces with the villains.

Iida: Oh, so that's why...

Uraraka: You know, I've seen Y/N feeling down sometimes. It must be because of the Humagears getting hacked and hurt a lot of people... Y/N wanted to create a world where Humans and Humagears will smile and laugh together...

Yaoyorozu: Y/N...

Kirishima: Hikari-chan...

Class 1-A: ...

Wazu: ... But that doesn't mean he should just give up.

The whole Class 1-A turns to Wazu.

Wazu: President Y/N's grandfather, Korenosuke Hiden, built me to protect and save those who cannot protect themselves. He wanted me to bring Humans and us, Humagears to work together and create a better place. And then, we did. Just like me and Tsukauchi.

Tsukauchi: Wazu, you...

Wazu: That's why I know the President Y/N will make that dream come true.

Uraraka: Detective...

Tsukauchi: Now, go back to your classroom.

Class 1-A: Okay.

Kirishima turns his head and looks at Bakugo who was staring at the USJR building.

Bakugo: ...Tch...!

Kirishima: Hey, Bakugo! He said to go back to the classroom!

Bakugo turns to Kirishima.

Bakugo: I know that, you bastard!



(a/n: Sorry to make this short for guys, but I was in a hurry for something, so please look forward to the next chapters :))

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