Morphed Nightmares

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With Curly settled comfortably on Rebecca's shoulders, she continued onward, dutifully following the path dictated by the enigmatic halls. Thus far, their surroundings had consisted of mere blank walls splattered with ink. However, as she rounded a corner, a sudden appearance of a cutout Bendy startled her, prompting her to jump involuntarily. Curly, caught off guard by Rebecca's sudden leap, shared in her surprise.

Peeking around the corner, there it stood—a cutout of Bendy, leaning against the wall. Rebecca examined it for a moment, but Curly's gentle tug on her hair drew her attention to the writing on the wall. In bold, imposing letters, the message loomed before them: "BEWARE THE INK DEMON."

They studied the freshly written ink, its wetness still discernible to the touch, confusion clouded Curly's expression. "But the ink demon is Bendy, why would we need to beware him? Perhaps he's throwing a fun party!" he speculated, his voice tinged with excitement.

Rebecca was at a loss for words. Initially, I had dismissed this as a dream, a fanciful encounter with the characters of my imagination. Yet the pain she experienced, the near-drowning in ink—She couldn't couldn't deny the palpable reality of this place. It surpassed her understanding, leaving her torn between embracing the cute vision of Bendy she had imagined and the disquieting text on the wall.
"Yeah maybe he is..." Rebecca whispered, unsure of what to think.

Casting one more lingering glance at the foreboding message, she resolved to press forward. The ink-infested halls echoed with the incessant drips, their sounds seeping into their ears as they continued on their journey. Finally, they stumbled upon a staircase leading upward.

"Finamente!" Rebecca exclaimed, a flicker of relief permeating her voice. Setting her sights on the ink-free stairs, Rebecca began ascending, step by step. Each floor they passed was marked by small signs.

"B2," Rebecca noted, recognizing our current location.

Continuing our ascent, they gradually climbed higher.

"B1," Rebecca murmured, a surge of anticipation tingling through my veins.

"G," Rebecca thought, realization dawning upon her. They had reached the ground floor—a momentary respite from the bewildering labyrinth.

With a deep breath of relief, Rebecca pushed open the door at the top of the stairs, greeted by a familiar layout—a hallway she knew. Navigating its deserted corridors, Rebecca swiftly made her way toward the main entrance. The abandoned halls held an almost haunting aura, while Curly observed his surroundings with the inquisitiveness of a curious dog on a leash.

Approaching the main doors, she was met with disappointment. They were boarded up from the other side, their locks secure. A sigh escaped her lips, as she realized she would need tools to break through if she desired an escape. Retracing her steps, Rebecca returned to her modest closet, retrieving a collection of tools and reuniting her wrench with the rest of the heavy tools.

Returning to the entrance, Rebecca found Curly appearing concerned. "Where are we going?" he asked, his voice laced with worry.

"Out," She replied resolutely, determined to find a way beyond these confounding confines.

"I have a bad feeling...I am not sure I like this floor..." Curly's voice trembled, his gaze darting anxiously around the dimly lit surroundings.

Rebecca couldn't help but roll her eyes, refusing to succumb to fear. This was the floor she has worked in for years, nothing ever gave her much of a fright other than the looks of others. She was almost positive that other than a busted pipe, there would be nothing to be afraid of.

Resolutely, she continued down the hall, making her way back to the main room. However, the corridor quickly plunged into darkness, the ink-covered walls began to flood ink. As the inky substance engulfed their surroundings, Curly himself began to leak ink, his form shifting from a mere sketch to a thick, amorphous blob.

She looked around confused, not sure how pipes would've caused this at the same time.

A deep, ominous grumble reverberated through the air, causing Rebecca's hair to stand on end. Panic surged within her as she scanned the encroaching ink-covered doors and the rising flood on the floor. Running seemed futile, and even if she could, she had no idea which direction was which in this nightmarish ink flooded maze.

She desperately searched for a way to the entrance, but before she could formulate a plan, the floor beneath them gave way, swallowing them whole. Darkness enveloped them once more as they sank into the abyss, their fate uncertain.

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