viii. hit

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Phoebe fixed her skirt as she walked into the lift. She was exhausted but didn't want to go home, she just wanted to stay away from Vince.

"Wait!" Someone yelled as she quickly pushed the button and watched the door opening again. "Thanks, Phoebe. Right?"

"Yeah." She smiled softly, at the young man. "You're Jaime, eh?"

He chuckled and affirmed. "You pronounce my name really well." He laughed softly. "But, yeah that's me!"

She extended her hand so, he could shake it. "Nice to meet you. Sorry to only meet you now."

"That's okay." He laughed. "You were busy but, everyone talks about you at the office. You're famous!" He exclaimed before, the door opened.

They both go out and started to walk. "I guess, this is where I say goodbye." Joked Jaime. "But, do you want to have lunch with me?"

She hummed softly. "Sure." She answered, making him smile. "See you later!"

He walked away as Phoebe watched him. He looked really nice, she definitely didn't except him to be so kind towards her. She slowly made her way to her office and sat in her chair, thinking for a minute, then, her eyes derived on the files as she let out a tired sigh.

She really thought Vince could change, she believed him, when he apologized a week ago, but, things started to go down two days after. He came back home drunk and, started to get mad at her for anything. He loved her, he really did.

"Phoebs?" Someone snapped their fingers at her face, making her look up. "Sorry to bother but, I need your help."

Phoebe nodded. "For?" She queried delicately.

"The new guy, Jame." Sighed Steve.

Phoebe laughed and stood up. "Steve, it's Jaime not Jame. Let me teach him for the day, okay?"

Steve let out a happy squeal. "Please! I can't concentrate with him next to him."

"Well, you are supposed to do it anyway but, bring him to me." She replied as he thanked her and left the office.

A few minutes later, Steve came back with Jaime next to him and dropped him in front of Phoebe's door.

"Steve! Why are you leaving me here?" Yelled Jaime, clearly lost.

Phoebe opened the door, making him turn around and gulp. "Hey, Jaime. I heard that you were disturbing Steve?"

Jaime sighed. "That's not true! He just don't want to fucking explain."

"Yeah, this is Steve. Don't worry, you'll stay the day with me." She answered as Jaime smiled widely.

He sat up on the chair and kept smiling. "For real?"

Phoebe chuckled and gave him some paper to read. "For real. Now read these and consult me when you're done."


Jaime and Phoebe were now sit at the cafeteria, eating their meals. Both of them laughing and getting to know each other, it felt good to talk to someone else than Brian, Nina, Jake or Scott, it was someone new.

"So, tell me about you Clark." Talked Jaime, earning a little laugh from me.

She pulled her hair back and cleared her throat. "Uh, I'm Canadian, 26 years old and I love living here, I have no family. What about you?"

He sipped on his coke before starting. "Well, I'm Spanish but I moved here a year ago, I love here, I have two sisters and I'm 24."

"That's cool." She replied. "How's Spain?"

"Man! Spain is great! Chicas, el sol, paella and wow, y playas!"

"You seem to love Spain." Phoebe chuckled. "I want to go there!"

Jaime hummed. "You'll love it. I can already see you running on the beach in your bikini..."

"Ey!" She slapped his arm. "Don't imagine me in a bikini." They both bursted into laughter.

"Sorry, sorry." He calmed himself down. "Anyone in your life?"

Phoebe froze about this question. Should she talk about Vince or not? Many questions flew in her mind before, she snapped out of her thoughts before humming at his question.

"Yeah, but, it's difficult." She looked up, biting her lower lip.

Jaime's face changed as he cupped Phoebe's face. "You're okay? Hey, Phoebe?" He talked softly. "I'm going to take you away so, we can talk alright?"

Phoebe nodded her head, standing up, Jaime grabbed her hand and walked away. Phoebe couldn't focus on where he was going, her eyes were full of tears. Jaime was opening a few doors, not really knowing where he was going. He finally stopped, when Phoebe opened her eyes, she finally noticed where they were.

"The roof?" She queried, feeling the cold breeze. "I don't even have a jacket and it's fucking freezing!"

Jaime sat down. "Stop being a fucking baby and sit down with me." She did what he asked, and, lightened up a cigarette. "We won't go back there until you don't talk."

"Jaime...Talk about what?"

He blew up the smoke at her face as she made a disgust face. "Talk about that shitty boyfriend of yours. I want to know everything."

She let out a frustrated sigh. "I don't know if it's a good idea. I don't even know you..."

"Come on!" He exclaimed. "I know that you know who I am. So, tell me. You can trust me."

She hummed, closing her eyes. "His name is Vince, I met him a few months ago and we started a relation, he was sweet at first..."

"Jesus, don't tell me that..."

"Let me finish." She hushed him. "Then, he started doing fucking drugs and— he started being violent towards me. Like in his way to talk or act, he just became someone else. And, a few days ago, he took me out and he apologized, he said he was sorry...he wasn't himself and he will change."

Jaime turned around and looked at her. "Let me guess, he became an asshole again."

"Good call." She replied, drying her tears. "Anyways, we need to go back downstairs. We have work to do."

"Promise me to be careful, Phoebe." He spoke. "I will give you my number and you can call me whenever you need to, and, I can beat the shit out of him."

"I will call you, Jaime. I promise." She talked, walking back to her office.


Phoebe watched the drunk man, in front of her. She kept stepping back as he got closer, making her back hit the cold wall. She could feel his hot breath on her neck, and, his hands roaming on her body. She hated feeling that way, small, weak and vulnerable.

"So, you were out a few days ago eh?" He questioned.

Phoebe hummed. "Yes, with Nina." She quickly answered.

As he walked closer again, all she could smell was whiskey mixed with weed, Vince used to smell strawberries shampoo and mint breath. Most of the people wouldn't believe her if she admitted things, everyone knew the sweet, cute guy who was wearing glasses and suits, and, who was one of the kind but nobody knew that part of him.

"You weren't allowing to, you know that?" He licked his lips.

The terrified woman gulped. "But, Nina and I went to work after. We-we just stopped for a coffee." She stuttered.

"Stop fucking lying to me, Phoebe!" He yelled, his fist hitting the wall right next to her face.

She sobbed quietly as he groaned. "I am not..." She answered.

"You..." He started. "A bitch." He muttered.

Before she could protest or talk, Vince hands wrapped around her neck making her feel out of breath. Tears couldn't stop falling as his hands felt tighter against her throat. Vince's voice was going away, all she could see was his mouth moving but nothing was coming out of it. He moved his hands away from her neck, he pulled away watching Phoebe fall on the floor.

After a few minutes, Phoebe was finally gaining strength again. She cleared her throat and stood up, Vince turned around and stared at her standing up.

"You should sit down..." He warned her.

She scoffed. "Because you just fucking choke me, uh? Vince! What the hell is wrong with you? You landed your hands on me!"

"I didn't meant to." He talked.

She sighed. "You fucking piece of shit!" She yelled.

"Don't talk to me like that!" Screamed Vince, standing up again.

"Or what, Vince? Uh?" She walked closer.

Vince groaned. "Or—"

His right hand came in contact with her cheek as she let out a gasp, her shaky hand touched her burning cheek as she shook her head. She could see his feet move, making her look up.

"Don't hit me again!" She yelled, stepping back until she hit the wall. "Please, Vince..."

I don't really know how to feel about it.
Just enjoy. Things will get better. I promise.

Feel free to vote & comment!
Sorry if I did mistakes. I love you all x

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