xi. back in la

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Phoebe was sitting on her balcony watching the sun, so crazy, she told herself. The last two weeks were crazy, she came home yesterday and had no clue of what was happening at the house back in Toronto. All she could remember was the last kiss that shawn gave her, her fingers automatically touched them as a smile creeped on her face.

"Why is this so complicated?" She mumbled to herself.

"What is complicated, baby?" Asked a voice, behind her.

She turned around meeting the eyes of her guy best friend, Dylan. She opened her mouth and hugged him firmly.

"Hey little one, how are you?" He asked softly breaking the hug

Phoebe shrugged. "I'm good, I left earlier." She told him

He sat next to her. "Oh yeah I saw that, I was here to water your damn flowers." He laughed. "What happened?"

Phoebe hesitated. "Nothing, I just wanted to come home earlier, I didn't feel well." She answered. "Plus, I went to see my old house." She whispered

"Did you go to the cimeterre?" Asked sweetly Dylan, Phoebe shook her head.

"I didn't have time, I was always so busy with their families. They are pretty cool tho." She spoke smiling

Dylan stood up and made his way to the kitchen, he came back with a bottle of wine and sat back down, he handed a glass to Phoebe and filled it.

"Why?" She asked to him taking a sip.

He smirked. "Because, there is something you're hiding to me and I could see that you needed wine so there we go!" He exclaimed

"That's why you're my best friend!" She told him smiling.

Later that night, Dylan and Phoebe were still on the balcony, both of them drunk. Felt like they were back in high school, drinking and laughing.

"You want to know what happened?" She asked a little dizzy, Dylan nodded.

"Of course, I want to bitch." He answered sassily making Phoebe laughs.

"I slept with the fiancé, like, we went out because he fought with his fiancée and then he kissed me and the next thing I knew was that I was kissing him back." She hiccuped

Dylan's mouth was forming a 'O' and his eyes were opened wide. "You're a bad bitch, eh?"

Phoebe rolled her eyes. "Stop trying to be Canadian, Dy." She laughed

Dylan was going to talk but stopped as soon as he heard the door bells, Phoebe frowned and made her way to the door. She checked herself in the mirror and opened the door revealing: Shawn Mendes

Phoebe gasped. "Shawn?" She asked

Shawn stepped closer and cupped her face, he stared at her and laid his lips on her. Someone behind them started to cough making them stop their kiss.

"Who is this?" Asked Shawn pointing at Dylan

Phoebe cleared he throat. "Shawn meet Dylan, my best friend and Dylan meet Shawn, the fiancé." She told

"Ex-fiancé." Shawn corrected her as Phoebe  looked up. "I will explain to you later, when Dylan will leave."

Dylan smiled. "Oh, but I can leave now? I live not far from here, I'll walk." He answered with a smile, he grabbed his stuff and headed outside.

"Bye babe!" He yelled kissing Phoebe's cheek. Phoebe closed the door then looked at Shawn

They were both smiling, Phoebe tip toed and kissed his lips softly. "I missed you." She told him. "Wanna go on the balcony?"

Shawn shook his head kissing her harder. "Want to do something better before." He mumbled as Phoebe walked to her bedroom.

He pushed her softly on the bed staring at her. "Damn, Im lucky." He told her kissing at her neck and collarbone.


Shawn rolled on the side and brought the cover on him, Phoebe smiled and kissed his cheek. "Wow, you're actually very great." She said making Shawn blush

"So, I came here because I cancelled the wedding." He spoke softly. "For you." He said kissing her head.

"For me? How did she react?" She asked letting her fingers dancing on Shawn's bare chest

Shawn sighed. "At first, really bad but then I came back and we talked." He said. "We agreed to stay on good terms." He told the young woman.

"Do you still love her?" Asked Phoebe.

Shawn smiled. "I do as a friend, she's my best friend." He answered. "Who's Dylan?"

Phoebe smirked. "My ex-boyfriend..back in high-school." She said softly feeling Shawn tensing up. "And, now he's my best friend with another dude but he isn't in la right now." She smiled

"How did you guys fall in love?" Shawn asked curious to know her past

"We spent all our times together and we grew closer, and one day he came at my house saying that he loved me and I thought I loved him...so, we started a relationship."
She explained.

Shawn nodded. "And who is the other dude?" He asked as Phoebe chuckled

"His name is Leo, a really sweet guy." She smiled.

"Sweet guy, eh? And what am I?" Shawn questioned

Phoebe laughed. "You, my dear you're hot, soft, cute and fucking handsome." She smiled kissing his nose

Shawn laughed and pecked her lips quickly, Phoebe pulled away and grabbed her phone.

Tell me, I left for a good reason.

What do you mean?

For gods sake! Did you get laid? ;)

Phoebe heard Shawn chuckle behind her, she rolled her eyes and answered.

I did and it was particularly amazing ;)

Ew, you're disgusting!

You're the one who asked ;)
Have a lovely night, love x

She locked her phone and smiled at Shawn, she turned around and straddled his lap, she automatically hid her chest making Shawn frown.

"Don't hide baby, you look perfect." He told her kissing her breast.

"Promise me, we're going to try." Said Phoebe breathing deeply. "Us." She added

Shawn looked up and pecked her lips. "I'm here for you, Phoebe. Of course we are going to try us, I won't let you down." He told her softly kissing her lips harder

Sorry I lost the gifs lol but I'll find them back!!!

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