xii. "don't do it."

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Shawn woke up slowly before turning around and, wrapped his two arms around Phoebe, his face in the crock of her neck. She silently groaned as his hot breath hit her neck.

"Shawn..." She groaned lightly. "Stop." She mumbled.

Shawn giggled. "I'm not doing anything." He answered kissing her neck. "Wake up, love."

"Five minutes." She shut him down as he hummed. "Please?" She whined.

Shawn chuckled. "No, mum made breakfast but we could go out and grab coffee." He muttered sweetly.

"What?" She opened her eyes wide and turned around. "A-are you sure? Cause, I am not."

"Come on, baby..." He pouted. "It will be fun!"

"B-but what if I saw him again?" She stuttered, with a shaky voice. "Shawn?"

He sighed before putting his hand on her cheek, caressing it softly. "Honey...It will be okay. I will be here, right by your side. You trust me?"

She closed her eyes. "Of course, I do. I'm just scared..." She stated with a little voice. "Of what he could do if he sees me..."

"Nothing." He replied. "I will be here." His nose bopped hers, delicately. "Forever." He added softly.

"Okay." She breathed out.

Shawn stood up before her, he walked around the room grabbing a few clothes, and, headed in the bathroom. He took a quick shower, shaved his face and walked outside, ready to wake up Phoebe. But, she was already up and dressed in one of his shirt and the same jean she wore when she came here.

"Oh. You ready?" He asked, sitting down next to her. "And in my shirt." He teased

She laid her head on his shoulder. "I know you like me in your clothes." She whispered. "Admit it." She chuckled.

Shawn hummed. "I do, I really do." He spoke softly. "Want to go out or not?"

"Yeah, yeah let's go." She muttered.

Before, they walked out of the room, Karen knocked and invited herself in.

"Hi, kids." She said grabbing their dirty laundry. "Sorry to come like this but, I heard you guys talking so yeah." She explained.

Shawn grinned. "It's okay, mum."

Phoebe agreed. "It is. We were about to leave." She replied. "Shawn proposed to go out for a coffee..."

"Oh sure, Shawn never liked my coffee." Laughed Karen, Shawn was about to protest but she cut him off. "Don't! You know I'm right. Don't lie."

Shawn put his hands in surrender and let out a giggle before, humming. "That's a fact. Your coffee is awful, so, this is why Phoebe and I are going to go out a little. Plus, she needs clothes."

Phoebe kissed Karen's cheek. "See you later, Karen." Karen answered with a 'bye honey' as they both walked out of the house.

Phoebe opted for a walk since, she needed air. Her hands in her pocket as Shawn walked by her side, really close to her like he was afraid of something.

"Pickering is really cute." She stated. "I fell in love as soon as I met your parents here."

Shawn hummed, looking at the horizon. "I always loved that place, maybe I will raise my kids here." He muttered. "If I do have kids."

"You will have kids, and, they will be lucky to have you." She replied, nudging his side. "And, you are right. It's the perfect place."

"I know..." He whispered. "You'll be the best mum ever." He beamed, making her heart melt.

As they talked, they could see the street getting a little crowded and the people rushing everywhere. The coffee wasn't really far from here, making them stroll to it. Shawn pushed the door while they let the hot air hit them, they both let out a pleased sigh walking to the counter.

Shawn wrapped his arms around her. "What do my lady wants?" He questioned. "Hello." He told to the guy in front of them.

"Just a large coffee." She grinned.

Shawn hummed. "Well, I'll take a hit chocolate and a muffin." He said.

The guy nodded. "It will be ten thirty dollars." He replied, as, Shawn paid. "By the way, you guys make a cute couple."

Shawn blushed. "Uh w-we..."

Phoebe put the biggest smile on her face. "Thank you, Tomas." She beamed, taking their orders.

Shawn followed Phoebe while they went and sat to a random table, she started her coffee eyeing Shawn.

"Want a bite?" He interrogated, giving her his muffin. She nodded quickly, earning a laugh from Shawn. "Always hungry, eh?"

"That's so-"

She heard someone gasps. "Phoebe?" His voice echoed in the coffee place as she stopped chewing. "I was looking for you everywhere!" He stepped closer to her, but, Shawn stood up and stopped him.

"And, you are?" He queried, looking him up and down.

The guy let out a dry laugh. "Vince, you?"

"Oh, so you're that asshole she was talking about." Shawn retorted. "I'm Shawn, by the way."

"Asshole?" Gritted Vince, walking closer to him.

"Yes, you heard me." Shawn replied. "Honey, lets go." He talked to Phoebe, she hummed standing up and grabbing Shawn's jacket.

"Eh, eh! Where are you guys going?" He yelled.

"Don't do it, Shawn. Please." She begged, clutching around his arm.

"We are going far away from you!" Shawn yelled back, stopping to walk. "Listen, Vince...After what you did. You have no right to come at her and fucking talk!" He said pointing his finger at Vince.

Vince laughed as everyone started to notice the fight. "What did I do, Shawn? Uh? You won't tell it in front of everyone, will you?"

Shawn hummed, crossing his arms. "Bet." He answered. "You fucking slapped her and chocked her! She came crying at my parents house because of you!"

Phoebe tried to make him walk away but, he wouldn't move. "We both know that she's a liar!"

"Stop fucking talk!" He muttered. "Phoebe is not a liar but you are!"

"Yeah, like when she lied about the fact that I never touched her?" A smirk grew on his face

Phoebe didn't have the time to hold him back, Shawn was already fuming. He took a few steps towards Vince, and, grabbed him by the collar.

"So?" Vince laughed out loud.

Phoebe was a mess, holding Shawn's jacket close to her while people came to talk to her, asking if she was okay.

"Shawn! Please don't!" She sobbed.

He couldn't hear anything, the only thing who was echoing through his mind was Vince's ugly laugh and his words. Before, he got time to process things, his fist hit Vince's jaw making him yelp in pain.

"That's what you deserve!" Shawn fumed. "I'm so fucking done."

Shawn relaxed as soon as Phoebe grabbed his hand, and, walked out of the coffee shop. "I-I'm so sorry." He stated. "Are you mad?"

"No." She queried. "But, let's get you home quickly so I can clean you up." She whispered kissing his cheek.


"Ouch." He spoke. "That hurts."

She chuckled, cleaning the cuts. "Well, you hit him." She answered.

He hummed softly before, looking up at her. "I do and I'm sorry."

She cupped his face, laid a soft kiss on his nose and pulled away. "It's okay."

But, his hands came in contact with her waist and brought her closer to him. "I love you."

"I love you." She muttered, sweetly.

"Kiss me?" He whispered delicately, playing with the hem of her shirt. "Please?"

"I-I don't know Shawn..." She gulped. "Just once?"

He nodded. "Just once, baby. I'll wait for you."

"Just once then." She cooed.

His lips curved into a wide smile, while she leaned down and laid her lips on his. Soft and magical. It felt like they shared their first kiss, both afraid to hurt each other.

He pulled away, resting his forehead against hers. "Did h-he touch you?" He stuttered.

She breathed out. "Of course, not. I would never let him, you got to trust me."

He nodded. "I do, I do trust you. I swear to god."

She let out a chuckle before kissing his cheek, kindly. "Good. Now let's go to bed and cuddle."

Shawn is playing his first stadium tonight...Am not crying, you are.

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Sorry if I did mistakes!!!!

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