xxix. music to my heart

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Her eyes were wide open since she got in bed, she couldn't bare the pain. It was too much for her. So many things happened in two weeks that even she didn't believe it, it all seemed unreal.

Losing a child was something common in the medical world but it wasn't in hers. She was so ready to welcome her, raise her, see her first steps, hear her first words...She was prepared for this, but the universe decided to take her away from her...from him. That pain was here now and would stay forever, she knew it. This type of pain is not the type to go away after moths, it stayed until the end.

Then losing her boyfriend, something common too. It happened a lot, people were breaking up every second of the day, not everything was pink. But...when she said 'no' to him that night, it felt painful to see his teary eyes and to break up with the love of your life. A month ago she was dreaming of their future with him and Joy, a new house, maybe kids, new jobs...and now every time she would close her eyes, she would do that same dream she did before, waking up in bloody sheets.

She could see his face when she announced to him that they lost the baby but he never saw hers.

Her fingertips caressed the piano keys, taking a deep breath, she allowed herself to play that song. Their song. As she heard the first notes, a smile crept on her face as she let the happy memories coming back to her.

Shawn's nose tickled her neck as she giggled loudly, his arms tightened around her. Her hands gripped the sheets to bring them over her chest."I love you" Shawn whispered in her ear, making her heart warms.

"I love you more," She told him pecking his lips.

Shawn admired her a minute then opened his mouth to speak. "Leaving Heather for you was the best thing I've ever done." He murmured. "I'm not really proud but at least I got the girl, right?" Phoebe laughed and hit his chest.

"The girl can leave whenever she wants." Shawn arched an eyebrow.

He moved closer to her and shook his head. "She wouldn't dare." He replied. "You know why? Cause I won't let it happen, I'm so in love with you."

Tears were streaming down her cheeks, her hands still moved on the keys. They were so in love, how was she supposed to let him go after what they have been through? He was the one, she knew it since the first time she caught his stare on her.

Phoebe straddled his lap and leaned down showering his face with kisses, making him groan. "Wake up, love" She murmured in his ear, sending shivers through his whole body

"What?" He queried, eyes still closed and hands on her bare thighs. "Your legs are soft, god" He hummed letting his fingers tickling her thighs.

"Open your eyes, for me please?"  Shawn opened his eyes, meeting his girlfriend with no makeup and with only underwear on. A grin appeared on his face as he licked his lips. "Happy birthday, babe."

A wide smile took place on Phoebe's face as she thought of what they did after. She missed him...but she wouldn't admit it. She missed being close to him, to feel his kiss, to feel his arms wrapped around her, to sing with him, to cook with him.

"Shawn! Be careful!" She yelled as she saw Shawn struggling with the knife.

Shawn groaned trying to cut the tomatoes. "But, you make me cut something that I don't like!" He yelled back, making Phoebe laughs.

She already saw herself growing old with him. She would love him until the end, she knew it. But everyone could have a second shot at love, right? Everyone was lucky enough to have a second chance.

"Phoebs...I don't want you to be mad at me. I'm sorry for being a jerk." He whispered laying down, his hands rubbing her bump.

She sighed. "It's okay, we're both wrong." She answered. "I shouldn't have yell and let you explain but you shouldn't have come home that early."

He hummed and kissed below her ear. "You're right, you're always right."  He chuckled. "I can't wait to see her." He said.

"Me too." She said with a soft smile. "I love you."

"Forever." Shawn answered, making Phoebe's heart melt.

She kissed the back of his hand. "Forever."

The bench collapsed on the other side. She could smell his perfume and his minty breath. She could feel his stare on her as she let out her emotions through the song.

He grabbed her hands, she lightly flinched at the touch but quickly relaxed as he rubbed the pad of his thumb on the top of her hand.

"Stop crying, Phoebs." He whispered kissing her knuckles.

She wouldn't let herself open her eyes, she didn't want to see him and fell more in love with him.

"I-I just need time to get my shit together." She uttered. "I need to move on."

"Move on?" Queried Shawn. "I don't want to move on from you."

"I don't want to either." She whimpered.

Shawn sighed. "Then why?"

She took a deep breath. "Because I need to. You hurt me, what if you do it again?"

"I won't." He answered. "I love you."

"I know and I love you too." She told him. "But, we can't, not right now."

Her eyes opened seeing his teary eyes, a long sigh escaped his lips as he dried his tears. She kissed his salty cheeks and pulled away.

"Goodnight Phoebe." He mumbled walking away.

She stayed sit at the piano and waited to hear the couch collapsed, everything went silent until she heard shawn's cries trough the apartment.

She hid her mouth and ran to the bedroom, she let herself fall on the bed. Her eyes felt soon heavy due to all the cries. Within a minute, she was already asleep.

The only thing in her mind was that line from her favorite song.

'It's easy to fall in love but it's so hard to break someone's heart'

I don't know what to say. Enjoy😔

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