xxv. two more mendes?

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"Babe? You ready?" Yelled Shawn, waiting for Phoebs. "We're going to be late!"

Shawn felt like he was back four years ago when she was pregnant, even though he preferred to not remember. But, he was determined to make it right this time...he promised to her and himself that he won't fuck up a second time.

Phoebs arrived in the lobby. "Sorry, didn't know what to put on!" She exclaimed as she noticed Shawn's face.

"You would look pretty in everything, honey. You know it." He replied

She rolled her eyes. "I can't wear sweatpants to an appointment!"

He laughed, shaking his head. "I find you pretty, isn't it enough? We don't care about others. Plus you are pregnant, you can wear anything you want."

"I like looking good, is it a problem?" She snapped back

Shawn put his hands in surrender, closing his mouth. "Fuck, the hormones are hitting hard today." He joked as she groaned. "I'm kidding babe, I love you."

She hummed. "I love you too..." She spoke, hopping in the car. "You really need to get a lower car, Jeep isn't for pregnant women!"

"Oh my..." Shawn started, ready to complain because he literally had his Jeep since high school. "We will get another one, babe." He finished as she sent him a smile.

They, soon, got to the doctor's office. Shawn could clearly remember walking in it the first time, his whole body was full of excitement as Phoebe couldn't help but be nervous. Then he never had the time, well, he never took the time to go to another appointment and he really hated himself for it.

"Mendes?" Asked the doctor, who looked kind of old. "Hey, guys." He stated as the couple approached him. "I'm Doctor Tremblay, nice to meet you."

"Tremblay? I think you were my mom's doctor when she was pregnant." Exclaimed Shawn, looking at him.

The doctor seemed surprised "Maybe, I've been doing this job for a long time now." He told them. "What was her name?"

"Karen Rayment." Replied Phoebe.

The doctor made an 'o' face and nodded. "I knew your mother! One of a kind." He said smiling. "So if I suppose, you are Shawn right?"

The curly boy laughed. "Exactly! That's me."

"How funny is that?" Said Phoebe. "Twenty-five years ago, your mom was walking here, pregnant, with your dad...And, now I am the pregnant woman." They all laughed together.

Doctor Tremblay cleared his throat. "So, you guys are here to know the sex right?"

"Yup!" Replied Shawn. "We're really excited."

Phoebe laid down on the chair as the doctor put the cold gel on her stomach, he moved and soon we could see the baby. She grabbed Shawn's hand in excitement, both of them totally in awe in front of their baby.

"So which sex is she or he, doc?" Asked Shawn.

The doctor let out a little laugh before, moving his head towards them. "Um, I think you meant which sex are they..."

Phoebe's eyes widened. "They? What do you mean?"

He nervously scratched the back of his neck. "You are going to have twin, Phoebe. Not one but two boys."

Shawn gasped. "Boys? Oh my god, we're going to have boys Phoebs!" He almost yelled.

"I'm gonna leave you two, it was nice to meet you and we will see each other in a few weeks. Be careful." Said the man and left the room. "Have a good day."

"Thank you, so much." Talked Shawn. "How are you feeling, honey?"

She stared at him. "Happy? Overwhelmed, I think. I mean I'm feeling a lot of things right now." She murmured. "How are we going to handle two babies? We will have to move to a bigger place and..."

"Hey, hey, hey..." Shawn calmed her down. "It's okay, we will get through this babe. We will start looking at the houses tonight if you want."

She nodded and started walking out of the office. "Houses? But, where?"

The tall man shrugged as he grabbed his girlfriend's hand. "I don't know, we could ask my mom about it. She's an estate agent."

"Right." Talked Phoebe. "What about Pickering? I want them to grow where you grew up, your parents keep saying that Pickering is a great place for new parents and we are not that far from the city."

Shawn's lips curved into a smile. "Pickering, really? I mean it's up to you babe, I will follow you wherever you go."

"I love you." She replied, smiling. "I think it's time to tell your parents don't you think? We waited to pass the three months so we could be sure..."

"Totally, we can go to their house right now and maybe stay there the night?" Proposed Shawn. "If you are okay with this, of course."

Phoebe agreed so they drove back to the condo so she could take what she needed and, they headed to Pickering where his family was waiting for them. Luckily it was Friday so, the whole family would be here because we had this tradition where everyone had to be home so we could have dinner.

"So, who's telling them?" Queried Phoebe, looking at the front door. "Me or you?"

He shrugged. "I can do it, luckily you put something big so they won't see your little bump."

She chuckled, going out of the car and walked to the front door. He knocked and wrapped his arm around Phoebe's neck, laying a soft kiss on her cheek.

"Guys!" Said Manny, opening the door. "How are you?" He queried.

Phoebe hugged him back. "Perfect, we're perfect."

"You are lucky cause everyone is home tonight." Talked Karen walking to them "Hi, love" She spoke, circling her arms around Phoebe. "Hi, honey. You look older." She laughed at her son as he hugged her.

He rolled his eyes. "Thanks, I guess."

They both walked into the living room, seeing Jake and Scott yelling at each other, while Aaliyah was just watching with a smirk.

"Oh hey Phoebs, you walked at the right moment as I can see." Laughed Aaliyah.

Phoebe chuckled. "Why are they yelling?" She queried to Aaliyah. "Boys!" Yelled Phoebe as they both stopped and turned around.

"Phoebe!" Exclaimed Scott. "...And Shawn. But, Phoebs!" He added, hugging her tightly.

"Move, Scott! I want to hug her too, damn." Grumbled Jake, Scott rolled his eyes leaving his place. "Missed you, Pheebs."

Phoebe smiled widely. "Missed you more, Jakie." She ruffled his hair as he pulled away, hugging his brother.

"Finally." Said Shawn. "I really don't know how to act since Phoebe seems to be more loved than me." He joked, making his mom gasp.

She hit his arm lightly. "Don't say that, Shawn. It's just that Phoebe is part of our family now." She told him. "Also, love do you want wine?" She asked Shawn's girlfriend.

She shook her head. "No, thanks. I will just take soda if you have."

Shawn waited for them to be in the living room so he could tell the news. He put his glass down and cleared his throat making everyone look at him, he took a deep breath and laid his hand her knee.

"So, um, we didn't come for nothing. We came here because three months ago, Phoebe learnt that she was expecting...."

Scott frowned. "Excepting what?"

Aaliyah sighed. "You are so dumb... I'm so sorry for him." She stated, making laugh everyone.

"Scott, I'm excepting babies..."

Shawn's mom gasped. "So you are telling us there is not one baby but two?" She queried.

"Yeah, two boys actually." Said Shawn.

Manny stood up and almost ran to grab a bottle of champagne. "Honey, did you heat that? We're going to have two boys! We need to celebrate that."

"Does that mean we all can have champagne?" Asked Jake.

Karen nodded. "Of course! But, after that you can't alright?"

"They look so happy." Whispered Shawn in Phoebe's ear. "Are you?"

Phoebe nodded. "Totally, feels good." She answered. "Thank you so much."

"I love you." He murmured kissing her cheek.


To be honest, I thought I'd stop this story because at one point I didn't know what to do with it.

But, here I am so enjoy!

ALSO stay home, wash your hands & be careful.
I love you x

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