15| Opportunity

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It was a snowy night for Christmas Eve. Granger couldn't comprehend what was happening, but he took a mental note that he shouldn't take too long. Thankfully, it wasn't crowded. Everyone must've gone to their homes. The only challenge here was getting through a pile of snow. As a child, Granger should be careful due to his small physique.

Granger's first thing to do for the night was to find Guinevere. He wanted to cling onto her one last time. He didn't want to leave her hanging on a special day. If he continues to cling onto her, he'll only get in trouble. Guinevere would be in trouble as well; he wouldn't want that to happen on his account. He would endure all her tantrums, as long as he gets to grant the king's desires.

He loathed the king for this event, but there's nothing he could do. He resented him for the wish, but he couldn't reverse it.


"Choose, my child..."

Those words Granger didn't want to hear rang his ears. It was finally time to decide whether he should give up his life, or give up on the only family he had. Either way, he would still lose Guinevere in the process. Guinevere was special to him. If he loses her, it's only taking away his only reason to live.

So what will his choice be?

"So what's your choice, child?"

The raven-haired boy looked up at the king. He could feel the whole room's intense stare. In the scene, it's like framing a kid for stealing goods.

"I..." Granger shook his head and trembled on his feet. He couldn't bring himself to speak. If he lashes out words carelessly, he would die. The king wouldn't spare children anyway. He's merciless, and that's the thing he couldn't fight or change.

Thinking again about his decision, he decided to evaluate the situation. He doesn't want to make irrational decisions, nor cause any more trouble. He has to consider what would the consequences of his actions would be. He was only a child, but he was fully aware of what the system wants. As much as he wants to break the system, deciding two options was the best he got.

If he kills himself, his death could be a great impact on Guinevere's mental state. He wouldn't want her to be depressed. As much as he wanted to die, he didn't want her to feel sad. He then thought about his family and Minako.

What would his family think if their own son commited suicide?

It's a quite melancholy thought. He believed there was so much to live for, but he couldn't handle himself taking another step. He was tired of the shit and loneliness. He couldn't bare to be alone again. But for their sake...

He. Had. No. Choice.

Granger frowned and nodded. "I'll do your wish."

The king grinned widely with a hint of mockery. "That's a good choice. Now, begone!"



Granger sighed in relief once he had found his princess. They were aware that they were too young to be together, but he was happy with even the simplest things they do. He was glad she was there, but for some reason, he could feel his heart ache. Knowing it was the last time he could meet up with her, he couldn't help but feel the pain. However, to not reveal his melancholy expression, he decided to fake himself to make her happy.

Just seeing Guinevere gave him mixed emotions: joy, sadness, anger, and fear. He wished it was only a dream-a nightmare at that, but it was all real. But he didn't want to let those strong emotions reside him. All he wanted in the end was Guinevere seeing him happy as her final mental image of him, at least.

"Gwen," he uttered.

"What took you so long?" Guinevere demanded in a high-pitched tone.

Granger smiled, looking at the girl he admired before him. He walked towards her and crossed his arms.

"I'm sorry for keeping you waiting," he simply answered.

"Gosh, I can't tell if you're kidding or not..." Guinevere crossed her arms as well. "But I take that you missed me?"

Granger shook his head and stuck his tongue out. "I want to catch some snow."

Guinevere huffed. "I hate your jokes! You're not funny! I'm worried about you here, and you're just gonna crack a joke?"

Granger chuckled. "You're cute."

"You're so bold," Guinevere remarked.

Granger and Guinevere spent the night talking and gazing at the stars. They then ended up doing a snowball fight with each other. Guinevere was giggling and running around while Granger was admiring her beauty. In the end, Guinevere won the snowball fight.

"This was so fun!" Guinevere giggled in excitement. "Best Christmas ever!"

Granger laughed. He had no words to express the fun he had. If Guinevere was happy, he was happy, too. He wanted it that way; to see her this cheerful. He would like to mark this night as one of his best moments.

"I'm happy for you." The raven-haired boy smiled.

"Aren't we supposed to have some fun?" Guinevere chuckled. She then grinned wide. "I'm glad I'm here with you."

"Me too," Granger simply replied.

The two of them got tired from their activity and decided to sit on a log. They stayed there, gazing at the stars as they regained their breaths. Before they knew it, they felt cold. It was getting late. Guinevere would get in trouble if she stayed out for too long.

"Oh, by the way!" Guinevere quickly turned to the boy.

"Hm?" Granger hummed in response, listening intently at the green-eyed girl before him.

"How's the gift I gave you?" Guinevere asked. "I know you wouldn't want them, but I wanted to give them to you."

Granger scratched his head. "It seems too much."

"I know, I know, but I don't pity you, ok? I was afraid you'd think I'm pitying you." Guinevere bit her lip. "I didn't know what you exactly wanted, so I decided to give you some of what you need, and some things I want to give you. But still, how's it?"

"I'm grateful." Granger gave her a small smile. "I love it, as long as it's from you."

Guinevere sighed and gave him a smile. "I'm so glad! Please do take good care of them!"

"I will." Granger nodded.

The two of them settled together in the chilly atmosphere. Despite the absent of heat, they were enjoying themselves. Together. They're together on Christmas Eve.

Granger suddenly widened his eyes. "Oh!" He then reached for his bag, searching for something. Guinevere wondered what it was until he revealed a small blue cloth He then gave the cloth to the green-eyed girl.

"I-I'm sorry for this... I don't have anything I can afford."

"Is this... for me?" Guinevere gaped in awe.

"I know it's cheap, but it's special."

Guinevere smiled. "If it's something special from you, then I'll keep it." She nodded. "Thank you, Asher."

"It's from a piece of clothing of my mom," Granger whispered.

"Your... mom?" Guinevere frowned upon repeating the obvious. 

"Five years ago, my parents died. I was one of the survivors from the war. They took me in and raised me." Granger then looked into her eyes. "Before I came in here, I was looking for something I can give. I couldn't give anything special, but I found that. I cleaned it up and dried it."

"I wonder what's this, though. Care to tell me?" Guinevere questioned curiously.

"It's from my mom's favorite dress. Coincidentally, I found her dress, but it was ripped. I lacked the materials to fix it, so I decided to make something out of it."

"That's so sweet! I'll surely keep this!" Guinevere exclaimed.

They only sat their in silence, gazing at the stars. Thankfully, it stopped snowing. They were able to get a better view of the village. They could see people setting up, children running around, and people singing Christmas Songs even out of tune. It was amazing.

Because of that, it was the time to say goodbye. They shouldn't be out for too late, but Guinevere didn't seem to want to go. She was enjoying the moment with him. She snuggled into him, feeling him all for herself. Granger didn't mind, but it pained him. He wants her to let her go; he can't stay with her for any longer.

"It's getting late now," Granger said. "We should head back."

"But I don't wanna leave!" Guinevere shook her head. "I've been waiting for this!"

"I understand how you feel, but we should go home."

"But Asher, I don't wanna go back!" She gripped hard onto his arm, pulling him back to her.

"I'm sorry, but we have to go. We shouldn't be out here for too long. I might get in trouble." Granger frowned.

"Let's stay here, just for a little while! I'll make up for it! Please, don't go!" Guinevere pleaded.

"Gwen..." Granger shut his eyes in pain.


Granger forcefully let go of her arm. Because of the sudden force, Guinevere ended up laying flat on the snow. She was fine, but she felt hurt with what he did.

"...Goodbye, Gwen..." He then left.

And that night, it was their last meet.


Guinevere jolted up from her nap. All of the sudden, she started crying. She didn't know why, but she couldn't help it. She felt something throbbing hard on her heart. She didn't know what it was, but she felt emotionally in pain.

She dreamed of the same dream over and over; the night where she separated from the raven-haired boy. This time, the dream was cleared. She could actually see his face clearly instead of the usual vague film. For some reason, she felt the need to see him again; she felt the need to search for him.

But no, she has Gusion. Why would she chase for another man?

"I'm gonna get some water," she muttered to herself.

She went to the kitchen to help herself with a glass of water. Despite the drink, she couldn't help but get flashbacks of the dream she had. Not even a glass of cold water could help. She didn't know whether she's out of her mind, or probably still in a dream.

Without second thought, Guinevere decided to pierce her arm using a nearby knife. When she created a slice on her lower arm, that's when she realized that she was actually awake. She felt the wound bleeding and the pain throbbing. She was about to use her magic powers when someone came in.

"Guinevere, what happened to you‽" Dawn gasped.

"Oh my-" Guinevere decided to act in pain in order to avoid suspicion. "My arm hurts so much!"

"I'll get Sebastian! Hang in there!" Dawn then ran to get help.

Guinevere wanted to heal herself now, but she didn't want to create confusion. She decided to try to act at this rate. The bleeding was too much; she needed help right away.

She needed to heal.

She wanted to teleport, but that would create a misunderstanding. She decided to secretly withdraw from the kitchen and into the bathroom. She can deceive the others by healing the arm and putting bandages. But, her plan backfired when Granger entered the room.

Guinevere widened her eyes, looking at the tall demon hunter before her. Granger then took a glance at her bleeding arm. He sighed and came in closer to the girl. Guinevere flushed at the sudden closeness he drew, but the thought went away when they saw a lot of blood on the floor from her arm.

To not worsen the situation, he tied a clothing around her arm. It was an awkward moment, but Guinevere mentally thanked him for the job.

"Let's go," Granger whispered.

"Oh, right!" Guinevere exclaimed.

They decided to have her arm treated in her assigned room. She became nervous when Granger locked the door. She wondered why they had to lock the door and have the two of them alone together.

"Where's Minette?" Guinevere asked.

Granger didn't say anything as he prepared everything to treat the wound.

Guinevere grunted at his silence. "Did Dawn called you here? I thought Sebastian was the one who'd come for me."

"...She did," Granger bluntly replied. "She was on a hurry to find help, and I happened to be nearby. So, I came..."

"I would've had Sebastian here..." Guinevere sighed in disbelief. "I don't need some jerk to come in here."


Guinevere wondered the silence. She forgot the fact that Granger doesn't talk much. It became awkward for her all the sudden.

"Hey...say something, will you?"


"Hey, Granger-"

"Do you want to talk about it?" Granger then looked up at the girl before him.

Guinevere didn't know what to react at his sudden words. However, she decided to go with the flow.

"About what?"

"...We didn't get to talk much about this, so what about now?"

"Oh...that..." Guinevere sighed. "I'd...love that..."

"Where do I start?" Granger asked. He finally finished treating the wound and sat beside her.

"I...don't know." Guinevere shrugged. "There are so many questions I wanted to ask, but since you hid so much, I don't know..."

"...Do you want me to start how I came here?" Granger suggested, scooting closer to her.

Guinevere flushed at the sudden movement he made. "Y-Yes please..."

"Alright..." Granger fixed his position and decided to start. "When I was 16-"

Suddenly, the house slightly shook. Everyone inside the house felt the vibration. Something wasn't right. Granger and Guinevere both decided to talk about it later and have the matter checked.

They all went out of the house and was greeted with a small crater. On the crater laid a man in a princely pure-white regalia, with red accents and a red, long-nosed mask. From what they saw, the man was injured. He needed help. And that, the two older men decided to carry the man inside.

"Everyone, prepare the comforter! This man needs help!"

"Ok!" Dawn and Barry quickly went to grab a comforter to be able to provide assistance.

Guinevere contributed by giving the first-aid kit and other things needed to be provided. By the time Guinevere finished preparing, Dawn and Barry quickly placed the comforter on the floor. Sebastian and Granger lay the man there in order to treat his injuries.

They decided to take off the mask he wore. By the time they took off the mask, blue flames engulfed the man, and revealed a young man in a tan peacoat. He was a beautiful man. His brown locks happened to be in neck-length, his face seemingly young. He appeared to be seventeen, at least. Guinevere insisted that she'd take over and treat his injuries. The gang decided to leave her with the job. Granger then insisted to stay with her. Minette was there, hiding behind Granger's back.

"Why are you still here?" Guinevere asked, annoyed.

"I want to finish what I started. You must be impatient with me," Granger said.

"Well, you can tell me once I finish healing him."

"But weren't you-"

"Be quiet-"

Suddenly, the two of them startled when the young man stood up. The brown-haired man had a shocked expression. He was somewhat struggling to find something. What he didn't realize that his shirt was unbuttoned, revealing bandages on his lower torso. His realization came in too late when the injuries shot him. He was in pain.

"Take it easy!" Guinevere scolded.

"H-Huh?" The young man responded.

"Just be careful." Guinevere then added some more bandages on his left arm. "What's your name?"

"M-My name?" he croaked out.

"If you don't mind? We promise not to hurt you."

Before the young man could reply, he could feel someone staring intently at him.

He bowed as a sign of thanks then cleared his throat. He put a hand on his chest and introduced himself.

"...Goro Akechi."

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