5| Dredged Memory

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"I've been looking for you." His grip was firm as if he was Guinevere's personal body guard.

Guinevere huffed and gnashed her teeth. The first thing in mind she wanted to do was kick him in the stomach so he could let go. How dare he touch her without her permission? But violence is not an option here. No, it shouldn't be, especially Dawn around staring at the two with a puzzled expression. As much as she hated to break it, she had to stay cool to avoid using her magic or her fighting skills, to avoid exposing her true potential and skills.

Guinevere sighed and yanked her wrist out from his grip. She wanted to be mad, but she couldn't bring herself to be, not when he saved her life last night. She didn't even feel mad at him at all. Probably yesterday she was just annoyed with him. With such short temper, Guinevere would sometimes burst her magic to others. But it wasn't the time and situation to do so.

She frowned. "I'm fine."

Granger stared up at her. Guinevere could see his exposed face, but agape when the scar on his eye vanished. Dawn appeared by her side, giving her a worried look.

"Where were you?" Guinevere spoke up, looking up at the tall man before her.

Granger sighed. "It doesn't matter."

"What happened to your scar? It's gone..." Guinevere asked.

Granger stuffed his hands on the pockets of his pants, his eyes relaxed on her. "Make-up."

Guinevere furrowed her brows in response. "Let me guess..." She crossed her arms. "Concealers?"

He nodded, clearing his throat.

Dawn stood there, looking over at the two curiously with her Piplup resting in her arms. It seemed she had seen him somewhere before, but the memory is vague. She looked over to Granger when the two became silent for a moment.

"Excuse me, Mister. I'm sorry to interrupt, but I think we've met somewhere," Dawn shyly said, securely holding onto the blue Pokémon.

Granger slightly lit up his eyes in amuse, looking over at the young bluenette before him. He scanned her like some machine from head to toe, but what made him surprise was her face. It seemed as if he had seen it before, but he wasn't sure. But her face was as young as a young flower. He had seen that face. His eyes widened, shocked to find any words.


"What do you think?" A brunette in her late teens asked. Froslass, her elegant white Pokémon covered with ice shards, stood beside her trainer.

A young man with black hair with a touch of white on some part of it. His crimson eyes looked up at Banette, the doll-like Pokémon, sat down beside him, its zipper mouth smiling wide.

"What do you mean?"

The brunette shifted her position and grabbed a piece of cracker from the picnic basket. "I mean, on my 18th birthday, I want to go to Hearthome City. I've always wanted to see the church, the park... Oh how I want to see the Pokémon Coordinators perform with their Pokémon with stylish outfits. And, and, and..."

He chuckled and ruffled the brunette's hair. "I think you watched too much Pokémon Contests, Moon."

"And I never tell you how I adore Pokémon Contests, Granger! You've always loved going to Orchestras to hear musicians play violins," the brunette, Moon, protested.

Granger sighed, looking down on the blanket covering for their picnic.

Moon gently placed her hand on his, brushing his hand with her thumb. "My bad..." She then gave him a warm smile.

Granger kept his mouth shut, his head down as he hears the water breeze outside. But then he looked at her, admiring her chocolate eyes akin to her long and straight hair, her snow-white skin. Her soft touch on his skin sparked fireworks inside him, and he couldn't help it.

"It's hard," he said. "The violins reminded me of the orphanage where I was raised. I would hear the sound of violins, and listen to them over again. And it's...soothing."

"Soothing, ey." Moon chuckled. "I get it, Granger." She then sighed and frowned, glancing up at a bird Pokémon flying to south in the sky.

"What's wrong?" he asked.

Moon suddenly snorted to laughter. "Oh! I'm ok!"

Granger nodded then sighed.

"You sure are more open than before." She laughed. "It's just that sometimes I wanted to enter your world. We're two worlds apart."

Granger held her hand by her side, his crimson eyes frowning. "What are you getting at?"

Moon wanted to say something, but felt her heart pounding, nervous of what she would say. Granger noticed her being nervous and turned to her direction. "Tell me."

She took a deep breath, finding the courage to say what she wanted to say. She smiled, holding both of his hands. "Sometimes, I-"

"Piplup! Piplup! Where are you? " A voice cried from afar. The two stood up quickly as they saw a young bluenette crying for help in the open area. Her Sapphire eyes filled with tears as she was looking for her Pokémon missing.

The two ran together as they reached the girl.

"Are you alright?" The first thing that Moon would do to help others was to ask and make sure to comfort them. Her soft tone somehow calmed the bluenette down, but still felt an uneasy feeling inside her.

"My Piplup is missing," she said, sniffling her tears.

Moon smiled and held both of her hands. "We'll find your Piplup. In the meantime, would you mind tell us of what had happened?"

"Is it safe to trust you two?" the girl eyed both of them, clearly looking at them.

She smiled at the kid and said, "My name is Moon." She then pointed at Granger. "His name is Granger."

The girl looked down, thinking if it would be safe to trust them, but slowly nodded her head and gave a small smile to them.

"My name is Dawn."


"Dawn..." Granger mumbled under his breath. The name that came out of his mouth as one memory replayed in his mind. His crimson eyes widened, and Dawn could see how shocked he was.

Dawn couldn't believe herself as well. She felt her arms loose, ready to drop Piplup on the rocky ground. "I think I remember you..." She narrowed her gaze.

Granger looked over at Guinevere, curious of what's happening. She had no clue on what had happened. But Guinevere spoke up, not caring the tension and tide between them. "He's my friend," she confirmed.

"Your friend?" Dawn repeated.

Guinevere shook and realized her mistake. "I mean, traveling companion! Granger and I travel together and get along together." She grabbed his arm and seethed her teeth. "Right?"

Granger didn't respond. He looked at Guinevere, who had a complete annoyed expression and gave him a "What is going on?" look.

Dawn was dumbstruck, utterly confused. She didn't know what to say. She stood still, looking at the two. But then she frowned, looking at Granger. "Where's Moon? Isn't she with you?

Guinevere didn't know what's going on exactly. Part of her wanted to pull Granger out of their situation, but wanted to stay for Dawn. She wondered what's going on. Minette was beside behind Guinevere, eyes widened from the unexpected meeting. Instead of thinking of the situation they had, she eyed on the Doll Pokémon floating behind her while the two were busy talking.

"Granger and Dawn met in the past, but I wouldn't say that they were friends. They only met for one day," the Pokémon explained.

"One day? I mean, how he met you and Dawn. How exactly? I don't get it. Granger is known as one of the most loyal chevalier in the empire, but I never knew he would get involved here." Guinevere was completely lost.

Minette frowned. "It's complicated, Guin, I promise you."

"At least tell m-"

"And I know you had a talking Pokémon!" Dawn yelled. Guinevere jumped in surprise. Minette widened her eyes and covered her mouth with her hands.

"I clearly remembered the day when you and Moon helped me find Piplup. I remembered those eyes of yours!" Dawn continued.

"What do you want from me?" Granger asked.

Dawn flinched back and gave him an apologetic look. "Sorry, might've sounded too nosy." She looked down at Piplup, not meeting eye contact with the Death Chanter.

"It's fine," he quickly said, his eyes burning, telling him to close his eyes to rest. He shrugged it off and gave a polite nod. "Take care of Piplup, k?" 

Dawn nodded. "I'm keeping an eye on Piplup."

"Good for you," he finally said and turned to meet Guinevere's shocked face and Minette's apologetic look to her trainer.

He eyed on the Marionette Pokémon and sighed. We got a lot to explain, Minette.

Tell me about it. We'll tell her when we get to Boyleland. Their conversation was private so no one could hear them.

"Can I ask?" Dawn interrupted, looking down at Granger.

Granger just nod his head one time as a sign that she's allowed to.

"Is Moon still with you?" Dawn quickly asked.

Granger felt his throat dried up as the name was mentioned. He wasn't sure how to respond to her, or simply put things to make her understand. Instead, he decided to lie.

"I mean, are you still together with her? I didn't mean to ask something personal, but was curious because she's such a nice person. I hoped to meet her with you," Dawn added.

Granger gulped, unable to answer her question. Guinevere, on the other hand, didn't have the slightest clue about the said name.

"Who's Moon?" Guinevere mumbled. She then eyed Minette, who grinned sheepishly at her, but wasn't exactly the reaction or answer Guinevere wanted.

It took a moment of dead silence with the four (including Minette), the three staring at him. Granger's crimson eyes looked down as some hint of sadness was shown, but then brushed it off when he looked at Guinevere. Minette frowned for her trainer, completely stood like a statue.

He gulped. "...We broke up." 

Dawn gasped, but then nodded. "I'm...so sorry. I didn't mean to ask you."

"It's alright." He placed his hand on the bluenette's hat, patting her head. "She's a really nice person."

Dawn frowned. "Well, she did promise that someday we'd meet again." She felt her shoulders slumped down.

He gave her an apologetic look. Despite his cold nature, he felt sorry for the bluenette.

"Do you still have contact with her?" Dawn hoped as she held Piplup in her arms.

"Nope," he casually replied. He received a glare from Guinevere.

Seriously, Granger, you better tell me what's going on! I am not some background to you! Guinevere angrily thought, her Emerald eyes staring daggers at the Death Chanter.

"Glad to meet you again, especially Guinevere." Dawn turned to look at Guinevere. "Thanks."

Guinevere chuckled. "You're welcome!"

Dawn smiled. Piplup giggled and cuddled close to his trainer.

Granger stared at Guinevere for a moment, seeing her making a friend with someone from the Pokémon World. It was a sight, but there are some things that needed to be done right now. They had to go, but it seemed Guinevere enjoyed her time being with Dawn. Granger turned to Dawn, his eyes emotionless locked to her Sapphire eyes.

"Where would you go next?" Granger asked. "It's not safe to be out here for too long."

Dawn shrugged, frowning. "I...don't know. I don't know where else to go. I came here in Almia before the virus came in."

Granger nodded and gestured. "No contact with any of your relatives or friends? What about Professor Rowan?"

Dawn shook her head, frowning. "Professor Rowan died a year ago. My mom hasn't contacted me ever since I left home to Almia."

Guinevere's eyes widened in shock. "Your mom?"

She nodded, frowning. "I'm worried. I shouldn't have visited this place if I knew the virus would be here. I don't know how to get home––to see my mother." Her voice broke, unable to hide the fear in her. She was scared, that's for sure.

"Granger, I'm scared to lose you."

Granger winced, running a hand through his hair. For some reason, he could hear some voices echoing his mind. He didn't know why.

"Moon, please don't do this."

He took deep breaths as he tried to shake off the voices he was hearing. It wasn't Minette or anything he was hearing right now.

"If anything happens to me, I hope you would still remember me. Remember the bracelet I gave you."

He felt his head aching, the voices growing louder in his head. His heart pounded hard on his chest as the voices continued, voices that would repeat and repeat like a broken record.

"No, Moon. I can't lose you too."

Granger started pulling out his hair in distress.

"Just stay alive for me. Please do this, on my behalf... Thank you for everything."

"Moon, no!"

The voices left echoes in his head as the pain in his head grew, his heart pounding harder than ever. His knees gave up and ended up kneeling on the rocky floor. Tears began to fall from his eyes as he look down at the rocky floor. He suddenly felt himself lost. The more he thought of it, the tears couldn't stop.

Could it be...survival's guilt? No. Probably it was something that made him lost his cool.

"It's just a nightmare..." But it was killing him inside the more he thought about the voices.

"Granger!" Dawn crouched down to his level and saw him, tears falling on the ground. "Are you alright." It was then his legs have up and stumbled on the ground.

Guinevere didn't seem to care, but when she saw him in tears, she couldn't help but feel sorry. She didn't know what's going on, but she felt as if her grudge for him seemed to be down. His face looked weary, completely in distress. It was rare for him to cry. It's odd, but he's a human with emotions, after all.

When he finally had his senses back, he looked at the two girls staring at him with worry, his partner frowning. He felt his eyes stung from the salty tears that was about to fall out. He quickly stood up, not wanting to draw more attention.

Dawn stood up as well and asked, "Are you ok?" She suddenly saw a line on his left eye. She wanted to give it a touch, but that would be rude. "What's that?" She pointed at the nearly-exposed scar.

Granger blinked, suddenly realized his mistake; the make-up on his scar washed away from his tears. He flushed pink on his cheeks. Guinevere's couldn't help but find him attractive in his state, but then realized that he needed help to put on concealers again. Guinevere grabbed him by the arm, looking up at him. Granger gulped and looked back. Her emerald eyes fixated to his crimson ones.

She tiptoed to reach his level. "I'll help you fix it. Just don't touch it," she whispered to his ear. "Once we get to Boyleland, let's find a place to put it on again."

Granger croaked out. "T-Thanks."

He then turned to Dawn. "You can join us, if you want. We're heading to Boyleland. The virus wouldn't go there because the place is dry." He grabbed his tablet as he tried to track the location. "Ok so we started at the Union Road with the center nearby, right?"

"Yes." Guinevere nodded while Dawn smiled.

"We're by the Peril Cliffs...so we gotta go back to the Union Road by the center. To Boyleland, we're gonna go east to Altru Park."

"Altru Park?" Guinevere interrupted.

"It's a large park located north of Pueltown, the heart of Almia. We have to travel there as well to ride on a cruise ship to Boyleland," he finished.

"I thought traveling overseas aren't allowed," Guinevere said, eyes widened at the sudden news.

Granger sighed. "From what I've heard from other people, traveling to seas are now allowed, but there are strict rules to follow."

"I guess that's our cue," Guinevere muttered. "Why do we have to go there in the first place?"

Granger looked at her, his eyes emotionless. "Training."

Guinevere gaped. "Training?"

Granger tapped her shoulder gently. "Let's go." He then started walking off, Minette followed her trainer from behind.

"Hey, don't just brush me off!" She yelled.

Dawn walked up beside her. "Thanks guys for allowing me and Piplup to travel with you guys."

"Piplup!" Her Pokémon chirped.

Guinevere sighed and smiled at the bluenette. "Let's get going, then."


Hello guys! This is kinda the shortest chapter I've done so far, I kinda don't want to spoil the other events that would happen.

Pokémon and Mobile Legends will be combined here in this story. It might seemingly be weird, but it was my idea. I hope no one judges me, hehehe...

Thank you all and if you're reading this chapter and author's note, I hope you would keep supporting this book because I'll be focusing on updating this book from now on.

- Theresa

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